Ron Howard recently revealed that he and Don Knotts were related in this heartwarming throwback photo

It's time for a Mayberry family reunion!

Everett Collection

If you've watched enough episodes of The Andy Griffith Show, it can be almost too easy to feel as though you know the characters on your screen as well as you do your own family. Luckily, the cast members of the series seemed to feel the exact same way.

Andy Griffith and Don Knotts had a special comedic relationship. It wasn't one that began on The Andy Griffith Show, but their dynamic on the series only strengthened the actor's bond.

Likewise, Ron Howard was gifted the rare opportunity of being one of the only kids who could claim that he grew up in Mayberry. Although he was better known as Ronny Howard during his time on the set of The Andy Griffith Show, Howard grew up on the series. It was there that his acting career flourished, and where he also discovered a deep appreciation for the work done behind the camera, a passion that could serve him wisely in his directing career.

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It's heartwarming to know that the cast of The Andy Griffith Show loved each other as much as their characters did, and that warmth is only emphasized with the knowledge that today, even years later, that love hasn't diminished.

Recently, Ron Howard shared a throwback photo of himself, Don Knotts, and Andy Griffith on Instagram. The three had reunited on the set of Howard's film, Ransom. Howard called the photo "fun," and said that Griffith and Knotts surprised him on set.

Additionally, Howard shared that he and Knotts were actually a bit closer than anyone previously realized. "It was recently confirmed that Don and I were actually distant cousins!"

Thanks for the trip down memory lane, Ronny, and thanks for letting us be a part of the Mayberry family!

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professorecho 1 month ago
The article is confusing. It seems to indicate that there was a photo of the three performers together on the set of Howard’s film RANSOM, but the photo shown is obviously from the production of TAGS. Howard posted the vintage photo, but did the reunion on the set of Howard’s film RANSOM have to do with it?
Sooner 1 month ago
What might have been an interesting article with info fleshed out, was barely tweaked interest.
OVkid 1 month ago
Andy was so close with Don Knotts that he was there to hold Don's hand when he died.
Sooner OVkid 1 month ago
Don's real name, Lester.
clovergirl 1 month ago
That's not unusual. Forty years ago, I worked with a woman who lived in the city 15 miles away (I lived in a small town). We worked together for a whole year before we discovered that we were related to each other in two ways (one was by way of the husband of a first cousin of my dad, the other was by way of a great-grandmother's sister's husband)!
williammay 1 month ago
Maybe needed a little more detail besides "distant" cousins. Common ancestor?

I did find Jesse Donald "Don" Knotts (1924-2006) back to his 8th-great-grandfather coming over from England. His 3rd-great-grandfather was a Revolutionary soldier buried in Knottsville Cemetery.

Ron Howard's father, Rance, had changed his surname from Beckenholdt. I didn't kind a connection. Families might have connected somewhere off the boat from Prussia and between Indiana and Pennsyvania.
Moverfan williammay 1 month ago
Could be related through Ron's mom, though....
LalaLucy 1 month ago
What a cool discovery. I love the fact these guys had such a tight bond.
FrankensteinLover 1 month ago
Love this so much and still my favorite Show ever. Go to Mount Airy NC as much as possible for that special Mayberry feeling.
MrsPhilHarris 1 month ago
It’s lovely they all stayed in touch with one another.
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