Saturday the 14th producer Julie Corman explains what a producer actually does

She was able to find success without much preparation!

New World Pictures

The role of the producer is one of the least understood in moviemaking. We all have an idea of what a director does. The director makes all the big decisions, right? They're the ones who set the tone for the movie, carefully curating each scene so that the film is crafted cohesively. The cinematographer/director of photography, of course, figures out how to best capture each moment. Their vision gives us the picture. The sound person is our ears during production, catching each line so it's easy for us to hear in the theater. The actor's job is pretty obvious because we see it all onscreen! 

So, what is it that a producer does, exactly?

For clarification, we can turn to Jule Corman. Not only does she have a ton of producer credits in her right, but Julie was also the wife of filmmaking legend Roger Corman. So, both at home and on movie sets, Julie Corman — maybe more than anyone else — knows exactly what it means to be a producer.

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In 2021, Julie Corman spoke with The Frida Cinema about her experience as a producer on films like the horror-comedy classic Saturday the 14th. But before she could help craft the famous genre parody, Corman, like many of us, had to figure out what, specifically, a producer does.

"In the early '70s, my husband Roger asked me, 'I'm making three films now for our distribution company. I wonder if you would take one on and just watch the money on it?' [With me] not knowing what that meant, Roger explained 'Just make sure that the money is spent appropriately.' I replied, 'Well, I learned how to balance a checkbook in fifth grade. So, I think I could do that.' Roger contributed, 'Now, you're going to need a cameraman, a gaffer, and a grip.'

"None of this made any sense to me. I expressed my concern with Roger, 'Roger, I can't produce this, I have no idea what I would be doing.' He assured me, 'I'll be here if you have any questions.' Little did I know, this is Roger's sort of standard way of operation. Unfortunately, he really wasn't available. However, everything went well working with the production manager, the equipment houses, and the postproduction houses."

In addition to Saturday the 14th, Julie Corman produced movies like The Dirt Bike Kid, Brain Dead, Chopping Mall, and The Nest

Luckily, most of us will never have the pressure of producing a movie before we truly know what that means. However, Julie Corman is proof that on-the-job training might be the most invaluable lesson of all!

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Runeshaper 3 months ago
Kind of understood this concept because I watched Only Murders in the Building season 3, but the article doesn't really explain what a producer does, IMO.
robert34 3 months ago
The producer is really the money man behind the production, as Roger Corman said watch the money and how it is spent.
MarioNYC 3 months ago
Suggested title for the followup article: "What do producers, gaffers, grips, production managers, equipment houses, and postproduction houses do?"
Huggybear11 3 months ago
Well, this so-called article could have been provided zero information related to being a producer on a movie. Maybe Metv could provide an article on what an Editor does...
MarioNYC Huggybear11 3 months ago
The editor must be unavailable.
Buzzyleonard 3 months ago
I guess I'll have to produce my own movie to find out what a producer does.
MarioNYC Buzzyleonard 3 months ago
You will have to marry a producer first. That's about all we found out from the article.
justjeff 3 months ago
This article was so bland it's like saying "How do they make paper" and the answer would be "Trees" rather than the milling of wood pulp, its bleaching, etc., etc.
MarioNYC justjeff 3 months ago
The title of the article should be: "Nepotism in Hollywood".
Nepotism is when you get a job because of WHO you know, not WHAT you know.
justjeff MarioNYC 3 months ago
...or who you "do"..LOL!🤣🤣🤣🤣
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