This Andy Griffith Show guest star wrote the unheard theme song lyrics, too

Imagine that hat was yellow — he was Dick Tracy, too.

Is there a more recognizable theme song than that of The Andy Griffith Show? To this day, you can hear Matthew McConaughey whistling the ditty in Lincoln commercials. Anyone who can whistle can — and likely will — whistle this melody.

But that's the thing — it's more than a jaunty whistle. For starters, some folks might not know the title of the song, "The Fishin' Hole." Earle Hagen and Herbert Spencer composed the tune specifically for the show, just as they had for Make Room for Daddy (The Danny Thomas Show), the series that spawned Mayberry. (Remember, The Andy Griffith Show was technically a spin-off.) Everett Sloane wrote the lyrics.

Wait… the lyrics?

Yes! There were lyrics to "The Fishin' Hole," though you never heard them on the sitcom itself.

Well, now, take down your fishin' pole
And meet me at the fishin' hole
We may not get a bite all day
But don't you rush away

Andy Griffith would record the vocal version for the 1961 album Songs, Themes And Laughs From The Andy Griffith Show. Take a listen.

Sloane may not have heard his lyrics on The Andy Griffith Show, but the actor did get a role to play in Mayberry. In the second-season episode "The Keeper of the Flame," Sloane portrayed farmer and moonshiner Jubal Foster. Opie and his pals hold a meeting of their secret society called The Wildcats. Foster's barn subsequently burns to the ground. The old man blames the boys — but in the end, it is his fault.

New York City native began his career on Wall Street. The crash of 1929 put an end to that, and he transitioned to the radio. His most notable role came in the heralded Citizen Kane, in which he played Mr. Bernstein.

But if you grew up in the Sixties, you might be more familiar with his voice than his face. Sloane was the voice behind the super detective with the yellow fedora in the cartoon The Dick Tracy Show. Yep, he was Dick Tracy!

Now you know the trail of clues that tie Dick Tracy to Mayberry!

Watch The Andy Griffith Show on MeTV!

Weeknights at 8 & 8:30, Sundays at 12 & 6 PM

*available in most MeTV markets
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JohnnyWalker 18 months ago
At the end of that episode Jubal is arrested for having a still. They would never be able to make that charge stick. 1st physical evidence. The only thing Andy based the charge on was Barney had liquor on his breath...and Jubal admitted to having lots of corn. The case woulda been thrown out immediately. Where's the still that Jubal operated? No chance Jubal gets convicted.
Runeshaper 21 months ago
That’s AWESOME 🤩 I can’t wait to get my Dick Tracy and Flattop figures from Mezco!
MrsPhilHarris 21 months ago
Somehow I missed this from last week.
LoveMETV22 MrsPhilHarris 21 months ago
It wasn't there on Friday, they popped it in yesterday with the Jan20th timestamp on it. Why? Maybe they had planned on posting it Friday but didn't for w/e reason. LOL
MrsPhilHarris LoveMETV22 21 months ago
I thought maybe I missed it because It was quiz time.
JHP 36 months ago
"Jubal! Jubal Jubal Jubal" (HIC)
BenSobeleone JHP 22 months ago
"Congratulations Deputy Fife on an outstanding job of detective work!"
JHP BenSobeleone 22 months ago
yeah if that was real moon and barn took a full ladle he would Erp:)

it is amazing how many times characters on that show do not in an instant recognize that they just drank hooch...
BenSobeleone JHP 21 months ago
Yes, "Barney and the Governor" was another good episode. One scene Barney says to Andy "Sure Mike sure!"
MrsV 41 months ago
I am so HAPPY that ALL of the characters on The Andy Griffith Show are still being shared in 2021!! It is so Real and has many wonderful ideas that NEED to be shared with our world today...I will be delighted that it makes me SMILE and Hope others will see the great teachings of this TRUE CLASSIC!
jacko3 55 months ago
We are missing HOGAN'S HEROES - as NBC 10 runs an extended news broadcast - is there anyway way that can be overridden so our fans can enjoy such classic comedy shows? - Thanks!
Pacificsun jacko3 38 months ago
It depends on the time of day they're showing the News and who they're competing with and whether News is their anchor show or a community service. For example, in this market NBC dominates, but the affiliate has 2 digital channels, and runs the News at 10pm, and 11pm which can be the bigger draw.

So the point of this comment is to say if they're just a small station they're going to run what has the most demand.

Send a letter (email) it can't hurt and see if there are like minded people so you can make a point as a larger group. But with Hogan's Heroes I doubt that's going to happen.
randalllong100 55 months ago
Who is Sylvia?
JHP randalllong100 36 months ago
she's Juanita's sister
Nala92129 randalllong100 21 months ago
Leonard Blush sang praises to her on his radio show.
northwoodsartist 55 months ago
something few people probably noticed in an andy g. episode: andy went to a city to try to help gomer...he entered a bar, and playing on the jukebox was a well-known (to jazz fans and saxophone players) tune: "harlem nocturne." it too was written by earle hagen. not a coincidence, i'm sure! (ps, i'm a saxophone player!)
Mike 55 months ago
You really missed out on so many of Everett Sloane's on-camera appearances on MeTV.
Such as when he lost a decision to a slot machine on Twilight Zone.
Or when he was a guest DA on Perry Mason (he didn't win …).
Or when he saved Rob's bacon at a literary soiree on The Dick Van Dyke Show.
Or when he might have been a Soviet spy on Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea.
And I'm fairly sure that you can't avoid seeing Everett Sloane at least once in a while on MeTV's daily westerns (he did scads of those).
Everett Sloane passed on in 1965, only 55 years old.
Had he lived a decade longer, who knows how many more shows he would have done?
Pacificsun Mike 38 months ago
You can also post his wikipedia link to show others all that he accomplished!
BrittReid 55 months ago
Matthew McConaughey sells Lincolns.
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DrVonNostrand Chucklehead 55 months ago
I remember that episode vividly and I saw it when it was first aired. McConaughey was such a cute kid and a very talented child actor. At the time it was rumored that Ronny Howard's parents wanted their son off the show and McConaughey was seriously being considered as a replacement for Howard. thankfully that didn't happen and Matthew McConaughey still became a big star in his own right.
Threnody Chucklehead 50 months ago
I believe at one point they wanted Matthew Mcconaughey to play Opie's younger sister from another mother. However, things got a little out of hand when it came time to sign the contract because Matthew's father left his briefcase containing his lucky contract signing pen in their Cadillac Seville and refused to sign anything without that pen - so, Opie never got a sister. I think it would have been terrific if he had. Doesn't Ron Howard do occasional ads for Yugo?
Pacificsun Moody 38 months ago
And the problem is ....
JHP BrittReid 36 months ago
yeah he's got a shotgun in the back seat
Runeshaper 55 months ago
Right on, Dick Tracy! Pretty cool facts right there :)
cperrynaples 55 months ago
You said Matthew McConaughey sells Buicks! WRONG! He drives Lincolns and even played the Lincoln lawyer!
Moody cperrynaples 55 months ago
It really makes you wonder how they get simple things like this wrong so consistently. It doesn't take much effort to check the facts before they post a story.
Pacificsun Moody 38 months ago
I don't think they even realize what facts "need" checking. We only see this stuff because we're paying attention and are actively watching TV!!
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