Dunk into National Doughnut Day with 11 vintage doughnut ads
Doughnuts are for everyone — even the family dog.

Today is National Doughnut Day. But let's be honest — every day is doughnut day. This is America. Doughnuts have been a part of diner cuisine, coffee time, office breaks and fast food for decades.
Dunkin' Donuts, Krispy Kreme, Tim Horton's and Hostess may be the first names to pop into the minds of modern doughnut lovers, but rewind the clock to the mid-20th century and you'll find popular brands like Jane Parker and Spudnut. Let's take a look at some old advertising for the circular treat. Of course it was sold as a health food at one point — even for your pets.
Declare your love for donuts with the new Toony donut t-shirt and mug!
Meet Mr. Spudnut, perhaps the forgotten uncle of Mr. Peanut.
In the mid-'60s, the Spudnuts chain was cranking out nearly half a million doughnuts per day, making it the largest doughnut franchise in the country. What was the secret? Perhaps it was the potato flour that gave Spudnuts its name.
Mister Donut was known by its signature hole in 1966. Image: grayflannelsuit.net
When you think of doughnuts, think of your heart. Well, perhaps don't.
Doughnuts were part of a nutritious breakfast. Image: vintage-ads.livejournal.com
Who says doughnuts are not good for you?
Milk and doughnut time was all day. Image: Etsy / CapricornOneEphemera
Morning, evening — whenever you need a boost.
Jane Parker cranked out a ton of doughnuts. Image: sailorretro.com
Millions picked up boxes from their local A&P.
Dunkin' Donuts Image: atticpaper.com
In 1964, America was just beginning to "run on Dunkin'."
Mmm... "digestible." Image: dyingforchocolate
When it comes to food, you certainly want it to be digestible.
Crisco hammered home its digestibility. Image: Flickr / Classic Film
In case you missed it the first time, your body is truly able to process Crisco doughnuts.
Mister Donut offered 44 varities. Image: Pinterest / rogerwilkerson.tumblr.com
Can you think of 44 different doughnut varieties?
Frankenstein was a fan. Image: landlcollectables.com
Winchell's Donut House used a classic horror icon to sell its delectable doughnuts in 1977.
Even Fido was a fan. Image: oldadvertising.blogspot.com
French's Doggie Donuts promised "the irresistible smell of fresh donuts." Be honest: Would you have eaten one on a dare?


The "doggie donuts" reminds me of that old Saturday Night Live sketch: puppy uppers and doggie downers.