Vote for your favorite Bugs Bugs cartoon… and we'll show the winner!
Watch 'Toon In With Me' on Friday, May 7, at 7AM | 6C to see the winner of our fan poll!

Bugs Bunny had many adversaries, from Elmer Fudd to Yosemite Sam. The rabbit faced bulls, monsters, aliens, and tortoises. He snapped carrots and sang opera. There are countless memorable moments and lines. And, of course, that immortal catchphrase, "What's up, Doc?"
But which Bugs short is your favorite? We curated a list of Looney Tunes classics. Now, it is up to you to vote for your favorite. We're calling it The Best of Bugs.

And the "best" part is — we're revealing the winner on-air in an episode of Toon In With Me. "Toon In" to see the winning cartoon on May 7 at 7AM | 6C! It's the grand finale of The Best of Bugs week on Toon In With Me. Learn more about the history of Bugs, and stay tuned for special guests.
But first: What is the most beloved Bugs Bunny cartoon?


I’m so happy that MeTV has resurrected these old cartoons from back when we were all kids! I still love them a half century later, so much adult humor that as a kid I didn't pick up on. I’ve seen a few reruns, but hopefully MeTV has access to the full Looney Toons/Merrie Melodies collections.
2) this is NOT an advertisement site. I do not care how much you earned on-line.
3) if one finds they cannot vote, if you just registered, try confirming your email by going to your email and clicking the link.
4) Keep up the good work. I waited for years, literally, to see Looney Tunes again.
*That* has to be my all-time favorite Looney Tunes short starring Bugs. Especially funny - at least, what I remember about it - is in the summer of 1976, when WKBD-TV, Channel 50 in Detroit ran that short, I recorded the soundtrack on my cassette tape recorder and then I began learning all the dialogue by heart. Some of the rhythmic music score was good, too, to the point I began slapping my knees in time to the music and talking along with the script whenever I saw the short again and my mother and younger sister were so P.O.'d that they screamed at me to stop.
What memories. No wonder I think "Napoleon Bunny-Part" was so funny! (And also "Bewitched Bunny" - why wasn't *that* one included?)
Thanks MeTV for bringing back great childhood memories!