Welcome to the Yikesgeist!
The Yikesgeist is your new home for year-round classic horror, and we've got a special treat to celebrate on Halloween!
Who says that the crypt has to close after October?
Introducing Yikesgeist, a new home for all things in the nostalgic horror zeitgeist! Expect a year-round spooky spirit celebrating the classic horror, the actors, and the creatures behind the camera that made us all the ghouls we are.
While our promotional offer has ended, you can enter your email into the Yikesgeist box below to sign up to receive Yikesgeist updates. Plus, look for futures treats!
Happy Haunting, and welcome to the Yikesgeist!
TERMS: The $1 t-shirt promotion discount link will be emailed to the first 1,031 people who sign up for the Yikesgeist before 12:00PM CDT 11/1/2024 using their email address. The $1 promotion will discount the specific t-shirt to $1.00, plus applicable taxes, and is valid once per qualifying email address. Any person who signs up for the Yikesgeist before 12:00PM CDT 11/1/2024 but is not eligible for the $1 promotion will receive an email with a discount code to buy the same t-shirt for 45% off retail price, plus applicable taxes, that is valid once per qualifying email address. Both promotion codes are valid through 11/3/2024 at 11:59PM CDT.
It is time for Rich Koz (Svengoolie) to retire, and bring in some new blood as he did for his predecessor, the creator of Svengoolie, Jerry Bishop.
Rich shows the same movies over and over, so he can reuse the old commentary scense, with about 10 minutes of new material of himself and now let's new characters pick up a little more time. Watch closely, you can definitely tell when old scenes of Rich are used. I think he might not have the energy to do new sections for different old classic movies. Fans requests for so many other movies continue to go unanswered. His new movies are when he gets a new enhanced print!!!
He could continue his star appearances at conventions, but it is time to step aside and let a new Svengoolie step up and start fresh.
With all that said, I have been a big fan for years past, and his 45 years is admirable, I am just getting bored of the same short list of movies.
I’m sure MeTV would gladly welcome your generous monetary contribution to increase the number of films they can purchase the rights to air, and to produce more original Sven content to accompany those, and repeated movies.
"When we get movies, we sign a contract with the distributor - which states when we can show the film, how many times we must show it, etc. We have to follow the rules of that contract in order to offer the films. We've tried to make sure, whenever possible, that movies don't get repeated during a calendar year - meaning 52 different films each year from January through December. Since we are trying to expand our selection of movies, however, some of the new contracts will mean we have to show certain films twice in a year.
As far as why we don't show (movie name here) - our management tries to get many of the movies you ask about - but many are not available to us - they are under exclusive contract to some other network or cable channel, or, in some cases, no longer even offered to television. Competition - and prices - for movies has gone way up since I first started, with so many new outlets for films. Our fearless leaders do their best to attain new titles for the show."