2024 Gets Off to a Glowing Start-with Boris and Bela in "The Invisible Ray"- Tonight!

Posted on January 6, 2024

Tonight on MeTV – we begin our Sven movie schedule for 2024 with two of the Universal horror greats, Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi, who become rivals over a discovery that could save lives- or end them- all brought about by “The Invisible Ray”!

We open the story on a horror movie staple- a suitably dark and stormy night- at another horror film staple, a remote laboratory/sanctuary. Invited visitors to this location are some elite members of the scientific community (along with some tag-along relatives) at the request of the noted scientist Dr. Janos Rukh. Rukh is about to reveal an amazing discovery that will change the future- which he has uncovered-from the past?! One skeptical attendee, Dr. Benet, who professionally has disputed Rukh's theories, has decided to placate him by joining his comrades, their nephew, and Rukh’s beautiful young wife- as Rukh provides a startling display. Thanks to his unique telescope invention, he shows them Africa from a great many years ago in the past- the site of a unique meteor crash-landing. Rukh feels that the meteor very well may contain an unknown element that can provide amazing power! The display is so convincing, that even Benet, his usual adversary, agrees with Rukh that they must plan immediately plan an expedition to find the element’s location, and retrieve it for study. However, Janos’ aged sightless mother speaks up with a warning- she feels that he should not be associating with the visitors-on the basis of his own innate "nature".

Regardless of that, the expedition is set- and before long, the party is in the jungle, suffering from the African heat. In a different type of heat, Janos’ young wife Diana and the others’ nephew, Ronald, feel things warming up in their relationship, with Diana fighting the attraction. Janos' neglect of her doesn't make things any easier, as he heads off by himself- and eventually finds the mysterious element- named "Radium X". Alas, unaware of how powerful its radiation is- he is shocked to find that, soon, HE is glowing in the dark (without a Sven t-shirt) - and that the dosage of radiation he has absorbed can cause his slightest touch to any living thing to bring about- death!

Dr. Benet gets a secret visit from Rukh, who reveals the deadly truth. Taking pity on his rival, he invents a serum that will counteract the radiation effects. He agrees to tell the world that Janos Rukh has passed away, and gallantly left his discovery of the element to the world of science.

While Benet returns to civilization, and uses the Radium X carefully for healing- news of his great acclaim causes Janos, whose mind has also fallen victim to the overdose of radiation, to fantasize that Benet has stolen his discovery and taken all the credit for it! He sets out to return and get revenge against everyone who was a part of the expedition- and is especially enraged that Diana has now married Ronald, since she thought Janos was dead. The crazed scientist utilizes the deadly effects of his discovery in devastating acts of vengeance- with a power that seems unstoppable!

This 1936 chiller benefits from some unusual special effects, courtesy of John Fulton, whose work ranged from "The Ten Commandments" to "Frankenstein Meets the Wolf man"; familiar film music by Franz Waxman; and, of course, its two stars, Boris Karloff as Janos, and Bela Lugosi, not as a force of evil this time, as the kindly Benet. We’ll fill you in on the rest of the cast, which includes a familiar face or two- and provide some insight into the production as well as a few details that were okay during the original time period of the film’s release, but are politically incorrect today. Gwengoolie shows up with a problem related to our film’s story; we’ll give you a “twin spin” with two songs this week- including that old celebrity-filled favorite that viewers keep requesting; provide a special speech lesson and a new product for your consideration- and we’ll relive some convention fun from the past!

"Invisible Ray" beams your way tonight on MeTV at 8pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, or, check for channel and time in your area at www.metv.com. Twitter/X continues to be abuzz with live-Tweeting during the show- please make sure, when you join in, that you add the hashtag #svengoolie to your Tweets. Chicago area viewers this morning get to relive our final film from 2023, Roger Corman’s “The Undead” at 11 am on CW26.

We welcome you all to another year of Sven fun-and hope you will be with us throughout 2024- which is indeed the 45th anniversary year of yours truly as the Sven character!

Join us tonight for our first Saturday broadcast in the new year-with Bela, Boris, and glow-in-the-dark danger!

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 during show

Devilblue 14 months ago
Charles Laughton is always good.
Drang 14 months ago
Well, the contractor AAA sent out couldn't start the car, but AAA sent out a battery truck to test it and it cranked right up.
Tested at 7 amps, pretty low, so letting it run, maybe go for a drive for a bit.
Back for Sven, of course!
1MikeM 14 months ago
...and dat was Da Bowery Boys Meets Frankenstein...and dat's da name a dat tune.
Mikeyyy 14 months ago
KodakKid, how did you make out with the winds and rain?

In telico plains they still are some without power.
TheKodakKid Mikeyyy 14 months ago
Not bad here. No problem with power so far. Not looking forward to cold temps and wind forecast for first of week.
Katink 14 months ago
From what I can gather from various sources plus observation, we received about 10 inches of snow today🤤😨
Katink Katink 14 months ago
It was a good opportunity to make my dessert for tomorrow's themed dinner, potato chip cookies!
Mikeyyy Katink 14 months ago
Sweet and salty!
Katink Mikeyyy 14 months ago
Yup! And potato-y😆
FKrueger 14 months ago
Has anybody seen the remake of the movie The Day The Earth Stood Still from 2008
Klaatu FKrueger 14 months ago
Klaatu 14 months ago
I’m just catching up on last Saturdays SciFi programs, and wow!, our beloved Vincent Price Guest-Starred on Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea👍👍
Klaatu 14 months ago
So…Warner Brothers is in the works to remake The Blob🙄🙄. Another lousy remake?? Who will star as the Blob?🤣
1MikeM Klaatu 14 months ago
Maybe Sventoonie's very own Blob E. Blob!
Cartoondave Klaatu 14 months ago
Gigglesnort Hotel's very own Blob
TheKodakKid Klaatu 14 months ago
Saw that a day or two ago. Eh, not the only horror movie remake in the works either. What I want to know is, why can’t they try taking some of the bad movies, and remaking those into good movies, instead of what they seem to do (which is the other way around)?

To answer your question, not sure, but for once, we can probably safely rule out James Arness.
Klaatu TheKodakKid 14 months ago
Yeah, but if the Blob happens to creep out from a graveyard, you never know🤔🤔
abc123 Klaatu 14 months ago
50's Blob - Space Aliens = Bad
80's Blob - Government = Bad
Now's Blob - "Illuminati" supplied Vaccine?
Klaatu 14 months ago
I’m getting ready for 12am…
Svenboy 14 months ago
Hey blog buddies. I probably won’t get to see the movie this weekend with you all. I will be spending the day at Disney california adventure on sat with an old high school friend and her family. Never met her family and have not seen her since high school. I have sven dvrd as always thanks to frndly app. Saw Scrooge for the first time yesterday with alastair sim.Will hopefully get photos for you all on sat and my next Knotts trip. Will be going weekly to Disney till my pass expires on Feb 5.can’t believe new passes went on sale and sold out already. Renewals which I am haven’t sold out. Wish I could renew but glad I renewed Knotts. It would cost me approx 1200 dollars to renew Disney. Knotts only cost 90 dollars to renew.
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Svenboy HoneyBee456 14 months ago
Thanks honeybee.Knotts is a great deal in my opinion. No black out dates or reservations snd pays for itself in less than two visits. It’s also less crowded. I can’t believe that Disney continues to raise prices and people still buy passes. I can’t believe passes sold out again.
abc123 Svenboy 14 months ago
During the 10 years I was in the military, I went to the Disneyland in CA once, and the one in FLA once, but made it to Tokyo Disneyland twice. Good times.
Svenboy abc123 14 months ago
I have never been to Disneyland florida or Tokyo. My folks have been to the one in florida. I guess Tokyo Disneyland is not retheming their splash mountain.
Svenboy abc123 14 months ago
Going to Disneyworld in florida is definitely on my bucket list.😀
abc123 14 months ago
Four hours to the new blog. Will the planets line up for me? Or will someone with a better computer or or phone or even just better internet leave me in the dust? I will still try!
Drang abc123 14 months ago
The cold should help the electrons move faster!
Katink Drang 14 months ago
Will the blizzard make them faster for me, Drang?
Drang Katink 14 months ago
The wind may slow them down...

It occurs to me that the electrons may move faster in the cold, but my fingers don't, so it's a wash.
Mikeyyy abc123 14 months ago
Drang Mikeyyy 14 months ago
Just as I suspected!
TheKodakKid Drang 14 months ago
And that’s just one of the rooms in his house. 😂🤣😂
Klaatu 14 months ago
I just saw this in a video and realized how gorgeous Liz was. Prove me wrong.
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Katink LmerFudd 14 months ago
I watched Bell, Book, and Candle last week, LF, and I had forgotten how lovely Kim Novak was.
LmerFudd Katink 14 months ago
Love that movie -- Jack Lemmon and Ernie Kovacs did a few movies together and we're good friends. Kim happily is still with us.
Katink LmerFudd 14 months ago
I had never seen it, LF! But I discovered Ernie Kovacs when his show aired on PBS many years ago, so I was happy to see him in another comedy vehicle.
Jack Klaatu 14 months ago
Not at all! Just that the photo doesn’t do her justice.
Klaatu 14 months ago
I want a classic monster movie… but maybe I better consider this:
Klaatu 14 months ago
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Klaatu daDoctah 14 months ago
Ha!! Exactly 🤣
DrFish28136 14 months ago
CountCurt 14 months ago

For my Sven friends, my disgnosis is that having your Christmas Tree up is good for your mental health as the world can look a little bleak when all the decorations come down and we face the coldness of winter.
HoneyBee456 CountCurt 14 months ago
That’s cute. Love the Peanuts Gang
CountCurt HoneyBee456 14 months ago
Love them.
abc123 CountCurt 14 months ago
Just took it down yesterday. There is something about that I like - seeing all the decorations you didn't use this year, and moving them to the front to the stack so they get up next time.
ihaveamigraine CountCurt 14 months ago
As my wife said when we packed away Christmas for another year: "It's so much fun putting the tree up and decorating, and so depressing taking it down."
Mikeyyy ihaveamigraine 14 months ago
Yeah! My lil corner is bare now.
CountCurt ihaveamigraine 14 months ago
it is like saying good bye to a dear friend.
CountCurt abc123 14 months ago
That is a good Christmas decorating strategy. I bought a few decorations after Christmas. When I open the open the decorating kit next Christmas, I will say “I didn’t know I had these”.
VanGooliac 14 months ago
Something to ponder on this cold January day:
Why are songs like Jingle Bells, Sleigh Ride, Winter Wonderland, and Let it Snow
only played at Christmas?
These are just songs about winter; the lyrics make no mention of Christmas.
CountCurt VanGooliac 14 months ago
You should continue to join such tuned that celebrate the beauty of winter. Again, they support good mental health.
Katink VanGooliac 14 months ago
I think snow-themed clothing and jewelry is fair game as long as there is still snow on the ground. Some years, that means I'm still wearing snowflake earrings in April!
Jack VanGooliac 14 months ago
As long as we’re pondering, the “Carol of the Bells” is based on the traditional Ukrainian song “Shchredyk” (Щедрик). It is a _shchedrivka_(щедрівка), a New Year’s song promising bounty in the coming year. The song became associated with the Eve of Epiphany, observed on 5 January on the Julian calendar used by Orthodox Christians (18 January on the Gregorian calendar). Originally, it was sung on New Year’s Eve (on the Julian calendar, which works out to 13 January on the Gregorian calendar). But wait, there’s more…

Singing _shchedrivky_ for the New Year predated the introduction of Christianity to Ukraine. The old Slavic pagan New Year began in early spring, approximately April. Holy Rites of Spring, Batman! This makes sense because the Ukrainian lyrics refer to a swallow into a house to announce the spring lambs have been born. Like Mission San Juan Capistrano, the swallows return to Ukraine in spring. So there you have it: a popular Christmas carol began as a song celebrating the beginning of Spring.Слава Україні!
PatS Jack 14 months ago
'Good King Wenceslaus' is set to an Easter tune, 'The flowers are blooming.' A couple other snow-themed tunes would be "Marshmallow World" and "Lieutenant Kiji." (On the reverse side, "Those Were The Days" is an unfaithful translation of a Russian nostalgic tune, "Darogoy Dolnayu" about a troika sleigh ride.)
Jack PatS 14 months ago
I wonder if the musical season jump for Wenceslaus’ melody is also related to the switch in calendar? “Troika” from _Lieutenant Kijéi_ was incorporated by Emerson, Lake, and Palmer into “I Believe in Father Christmas,” another example of Chrismasizing winter songs.
HoneyBee456 14 months ago
Mikeyyy this morning you said that where your tree was is bare now. Maybe you should get a small table to fill that spot
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1MikeM CountCurt 14 months ago
Just a few.
RobBarnes 1MikeM 14 months ago
Not that I expect it to happen, but it sure would be cool to have an all Florida Super Bowl: Tampa Bay Bucs vs Miami Dolphins. You never know?
DrFish28136 14 months ago
Tree still up
Winter outside
HoneyBee456 DrFish28136 14 months ago
Wow that’s pretty
DrFish28136 HoneyBee456 14 months ago
Glad I don’t have to drive in it
1MikeM DrFish28136 14 months ago
Very cool!
Klaatu DrFish28136 14 months ago
Time to go out and BBQ something. Our friends, who live near us here in CA, once lived in Lincoln Nebraska, and when it snowed, they would make their neighbors question their sanity when they would BBQ in the snow. They jokingly said that’s when they knew they were destined to move to CA.
1MikeM Klaatu 14 months ago
If you make some BBQ baby back ribs, don't forget the coleslaw!
RobBarnes DrFish28136 14 months ago
I'll take a hot Florida summer over a freezing cold, icy roads Michigan anytime.
daleuhlmann 14 months ago
As Sven had mentioned when he had shown MAN MADE MONSTER during this past summer, the movie was based on a story (by Harry Essex, who was later a screenwriter for both IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE and CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON)) that had originally been intended for Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi. The story had been entitled "Ths Man in the Cab." However, the project had been shelved because of its similarities to THE INVISIBLE RAY. Essex's story, like last weekend's movie, featured a glowing man whose touch was deadly. The story was recast, with Lon Chaney, Jr. and Lionel Atwill in the roles that had originally been intended for Karloff and Lugosi, respectively. It was then given the new title of MAN MADE MONSTER.
CountCurt daleuhlmann 14 months ago
The man in the cab sounds like a film noir mystery.
daleuhlmann CountCurt 14 months ago
Yes, it does! As someone remarked when Sven had shown MAN MADE MONSTER, Lugosi would have been fine as the mad Dr. Rigas, but it would have been difficult to accept Karloff as a local yokel carny, unless the part of Dan McCormick had been rewritten with Lon Chaney, Jr. In mind.
CountCurt 14 months ago
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TheKodakKid daleuhlmann 14 months ago
WHAT? A movie project shelved because it was similar to another movie? Lol, try to get that concept to fly in Hollywood now.
daleuhlmann TheKodakKid 14 months ago
That would be great, wouldn't it?
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14 months ago
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DrFish28136 14 months ago
It is a hard life for a rock
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