43 YEARS for Svengoolie!

Posted on June 16, 2022

Today marks exactly 43 years since the premiere of “Son of Svengoolie” on WFLD in Chicago -beginning my run as the Svengoolie character.

Sincere thanks to all our fans and friends for the kindness, support, and loyalty that has brought us to this point and position in time!

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 during show

Gil 32 months ago

I waited years for ME-TV to come to our area and we finally got it about a year and a half ago. Since then, I've enjoyed the whole family of ME-TV Channels, but Saturday nights on ME-TV are the highlight of my TV week, with the "Three Stooges" followed by "Svengoolie".

I like how you give each film "equal time" and provide your viewers with background on the making of the film, the careers of the actors, etc. Much appreciated!

I also enjoy your supporting cast of characters, human and otherwise - including some disembodied voices - as well your songs, with Doug's accompaniment.

Happy 43rd Anniversary - and here's to many more years of Svengoolie and friends, on ME-TV!

BomTailey 32 months ago
Rich, I haven been watching Svengoolie since it all started. I and my family have lived all over the country and one of the very first questions I have always asked when moving into a new area is, “what channel is Svengoolie on?” You have maintained a standard that allows ALL age groups to watch and enjoy without ever having to compromise. Thank you my friend…
RafiJose 33 months ago
Started watching a few years ago now. As an old (literally) movie buff, I totally enjoy the pedantic trivia...er, I mean all those fascinating details! Finally got around to signing up for the newsletter as a birthday present for myself; I was 74 on 6/22. OMG, what have I agreed to? Well, I'm sure your fine print really is fine, albeit a bit obscured by greasepaint and rubber chicken residue. Congrats on 43!!! As for "How to Make a Monster," I'd bet we both know the answer to that: simply look in the mirror!
ChristinGarske 33 months ago
Comments during dance routine on How To Make Monster...so funny!!!!!
pldhl82 33 months ago
Thank you Mr Koz & crew,,,,, Love Svengoolie & METV...
wamomoj434 33 months ago
I­ a­m­ m­a­k­i­n­g­ a­ g­o­o­d­ s­a­l­a­r­y­ o­n­l­i­n­e­ f­r­o­m­ h­o­m­e­. l­a­s­t­ m­o­n­t­h­ i­ h­a­v­e­ m­a­d­e­ $21987 i­n­ o­n­e­ m­o­n­t­h­ b­y­ w­o­r­k­i­n­g­ f­r­o­m­ h­o­m­e­. i­ w­a­s­ j­o­b­l­e­s­s­ 6 m­o­n­t­h­s­ a­g­o­ , b­u­t­ n­o­w­ i­ a­m­ g­e­t­t­i­n­g­ a­ r­e­a­l­l­y­ g­o­o­d­ s­a­l­a­r­y­ b­y­ d­o­i­n­g­ t­h­i­s­ o­n­l­i­n­e­ j­o­b­.e­v­e­r­y­b­o­d­y­ m­u­s­t­ e­n­d­e­a­v­o­r­ t­h­i­s­ m­o­v­e­m­e­n­t­ n­o­w­ b­y­ i­n­ a­ g­e­n­e­r­a­l­ s­e­n­s­e­ u­s­e­ t­h­i­s­ l­i­n­k­....g­o­ t­o­ t­h­i­s­ s­i­t­e­ h­o­m­e­ m­e­d­i­a­ t­e­c­h­ t­a­b­ f­o­r­ m­o­r­e­ d­e­t­a­i­l­ t­h­a­n­k­ y­o­u­ . g­o­o­d­ l­u­c­k­. < W­w­w.D­E­s­a­l­a­r­y.C­o­m
Seyek 33 months ago
43 years! Wow! We've been watching for about 5 years now, since the change to 7:00, because we can stay up until 9:00!! 😋 Thank you for so many great movies.
TeresaC 33 months ago
Congratulations! Wouldn't miss an episode!
scottieO 33 months ago
Congratulations Svengoolie on 43 wonderful years.
You Da Man In The Hat!
Bugs_Bunny4_Life 33 months ago
Congratulations! You have been a joy to all of us! Thank you for all you have done!
LmerFudd 33 months ago
I had concerns when the show switched from 10 pm to 8 pm a few years ago but it has worked out well. It's great to see the posts about families watching Sven together. I also like the respect Rich gives these movies; some highbrow critics are very condescending about horror and sci-fi movies.
LmerFudd 33 months ago
Thank you Rich for continuing the tradition of the local tv horror movie host. We went through a drought in the NYC region before METV signed on and then you came along. It's been a great ride and the road goes on.
Kyle 33 months ago
Yay Svengoolie!

Only been a serious viewer for about 4 years, but rarely miss and have spread the infection to several other people.
gregorymon Kyle 33 months ago
Same here Kyle! In Capital City Ohio we had Chiller Theatre Back in the 70's & early 80's. Hosted by Fritz the Night Owl. Several years back he was doing some appearances again. Not sure but maybe drive-in movies? I'm sure it's all on the interweb if you're curious enuff. Happy Anniversary Sven! ...until tomorrow then...
Geo gregorymon 33 months ago
I had Dr. Shock from Philadelphia who hosted Monster Theater and Horror Theater. I was way too young to appreciate a horror host like I do today. I swell with pride showing people my Sven items. It's great to have a horror host I can follow and enjoy in my (ahem) older age. I missed a chance to meet Svengoolie, but it's okay I feel like I have met him through my Sven stuff.
Geo Kyle 33 months ago
It does not matter if your a new viewer or a longtimer. The fact he reaches such a varied audience speaks volumes for his endearing quality and lasting presence. How's that?
Kyle Geo 33 months ago
How's that?

It is great!

Good fun for the family, and a bit (not enough for me) of the subtly adult humor.

I do like that I can point almost anyone to Svengoolie without worrying about them getting honestly offended or their kids having nightmares.

I am usually quite entertained by Svengoolie striking a balance.
abc123 33 months ago
Oh no, i missed the new bl... oh, this is something else.
I remember the quiet Saturday Nights, turning off the TV after Star Trek. Then one day, I actually saw a commercial for what movie was going to be on (Deadly Mantis) and have been hooked since.

See you all in a couple hours for the race!
Kergooliewyn 33 months ago
OMG, Janice Joplin, Bobby Darin, and The Carpenters on Ed Sunday. What a combo!
Kergooliewyn 33 months ago
I know I said this yesterday, but hey, could I really ever say it too much. We love you Sven!❤💓💕💗💙💚💛🧡💜💝💞💟❣💌🤗
Klaatu 33 months ago
It makes me soooo happy that we still have in existence, a good talented funny horror show host. Keep up the good great work Sven!!
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