A Bigger Show- with Big Names- and a Big Bird-It’s “The Raven”-Tonight!

Posted on January 7, 2023

It’s a new year- it’s a new expanded time slot- and it’s a new movie! What a great way to begin 2023- with a Roger Corman feature that stars a gaggle of great stars- Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Boris Karloff, and even Jack Nicholson! It’s a combination of Gothic horror and hilarity, inspired by the poem by Edgar Allan Poe- the 1963 film titled “The Raven”!

NOTE: As we had expected, there are people who saw the title and began to protest “You just showed this last month!”- not realizing that this is NOT the 1935 film with Bela Lugosi and Karloff that we ran in early December. Especially puzzling was that comments like that came for a few people who actually SAW our “next week” promo- couldn’t they tell it wasn’t the same movie just from that ( even if only from the fact that this movie’s footage was in color, not in black and white)?


Let’s dismiss that- as we head to the mid-1500s, to the abode of a master sorcerer, one Dr. Craven ( hmmm- what does that rhyme with?)-played by Price- who broods over the loss of his wife Lenore. His retrospection is interrupted by the arrival of a raven! Yet, this is not a basic black bird- it is actually the wizard Dr. Bedlo ( Lorre), who has been transformed into this feathery state by the powerful magician Dr. Scarabus (Karloff). Craven (eventually) mixes up a potion to restore Bedlo to human form- but is surprised to hear that Bedlo actually saw his supposedly dead wife Lenore in Scarabus’ castle! They prepare to head to the castle, joined by Craven’s daughter ( Olive Sturgiss) and Bedlo’s goofy son (Nicholson)- but Sacrabus’ influence is already present, as he controls Craven’s coachman into attacking his master!

The group survives this fiendish assault and makes it to the castle-where they are greeted by Scarabus, acting suspiciously congenial. Bedlo’s attempt at getting revenge on Scarabus does not go well- and we learn that Craven’s beautiful wife Lenore ( Hazel Court) IS in the castle, aligned with its owner! No longer friendly, Scarabus works to imprison and defeat the visitors- leading to a deadly duel between the two powerful magicians that neither might survive!


This is a tremendously entertaining film, featuring some fun effects -with the master of mixing horror with comedy Vincent Price paired with the irascible character of Peter Lorre, whose ad-libbing tended to irritate the old school pro Karloff! We’ll talk about that and more, and present a variety of new and old Sven bits, plus a new song- as well as an interview with our amazing friend Rob Paulsen, the great voice actor from “Pinky and the Brain”, “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” and so much more! That more includes more of the movie than we could previously show, thanks to our new extended time of 2 and a half hours. This will also allow us to present some bonus features from the past.

“The Raven” flutters onto your TV screen tonight on MeTV at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central time. We know many viewers will be returning to live-Tweeting during the show on Twitter now that the holidays have ended-please feel free to join in, using the hashtag #svengoolie on all your Tweets. This morning on the local Chicago channel CW 26, viewers get an encore of “Earth VS the Spider” at 11 am.

We want to thank all the viewers who kindly sent us holiday greetings, and spent some of their holiday time with us. We’re ready to give you more of our show every week in this new year!

Help us kick off a new era of Sven tonight with feathered fright and murderous magic!

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 during show

1MikeM 26 months ago
...and now we return to The Late, Late, Late Show with tonight's movie "Charlie Chan and the Galloping Ghost of Mystery Gulch"
1MikeM 26 months ago
and dat was da Raven...and dat's da name a dat tune!
Catbat 26 months ago
Good Svengoolie 🎩 Saturday Eve the 13th All!
Carl_N_Brown 26 months ago
21 minutes and counting down.
abc123 Carl_N_Brown 26 months ago
this post is 12 minutes old.
Carl_N_Brown 26 months ago
Carl_N_Brown Carl_N_Brown 26 months ago
That was stuck in my head and I had to shake it out.
Cartoondave 26 months ago
Raymond Bailey is on tonight's Perry Mason
daDoctah Cartoondave 26 months ago
Is he wearing his hairpiece?
Carl_N_Brown 26 months ago
I just realized the date.
I am so ashamed.
I'll have to turn in my hockey mask and machete.
How could I be so obtuse?
Jack Carl_N_Brown 26 months ago
It’s easy get confused. Some channel was play _Halloween_ back-to-back.
Carl_N_Brown Jack 26 months ago
But it's not October the Thirty-first.
What were they thinking?
CrazyK Carl_N_Brown 26 months ago
Cartoondave Carl_N_Brown 26 months ago
Today is Friday the 13rh so they playing what else??? Friday the 13th
Carl_N_Brown Carl_N_Brown 26 months ago
I txted my son and reminded him that when the Marbro Drive-in was closing we went to see their swan song: a triple feature of the first three Friday the 13th movies.
He answered it was one of his best memories.
Jack 26 months ago
As a final farewell to _The Raven_, I note that at one point Drs. Craven and Bedlo are seeking dead man’s hair to complete transforming Bedlo back from a raven. It appears there is a similar scene in the recent movie _The Offering_ (or is it called _Abyzou_?).Actually, our hero is removing an amulet from the body, but with a beard like that, he’s gonna get some hair.

Interestingly enough, Abyzou was the same demon named in 2012’s _The Possession_. Demons, what can you do with them?
Carl_N_Brown Jack 26 months ago
I saw a very large crow this morning. I almost thought it was a raven or small buzzard. It was flying holding its carry-on in its beak.
Cartoondave 26 months ago
If I'm not up by 7am eastern time gimme a buzz
Aceman2 26 months ago
Good luck to those in the race to first blogger. I won’t be around tonight. Even if I was, you wouldn’t see me. For this evening and tomorrow I am THE INVISIBLE ACEMAN.
CrazyK Aceman2 26 months ago
Cool avatar Invisible Aceman! 😎
Katink Aceman2 26 months ago
Nice avatar, Aceman!
CrazyK 26 months ago
Boy George is on the A Team right now, Faceman thought he was getting Cowboy George for the gig 😂 It was one of MeTV’s must see shows for this week!
deadringer42 CrazyK 26 months ago
Watched at eastern time. Interesting choice for a guest star. Never was a big fan, but it wasn’t as bad as I expected it to be. Definitely a better singer than actor.
CrazyK deadringer42 26 months ago
Yes agree, definitely an interesting choice but it was the 80’s after all 😂
Jack deadringer42 26 months ago
He could act in his videos, but I guess he never really delivered lines in the videos.
Cessna1960 26 months ago
I know most of you have probably heard of actor Jeremy Renners snow plow accident.....I just read that in addition to suffering massive chest injuries which they think he will pull through from , one of the snow plows tracks ran over one of his legs and crushed it very severely....Doctors are afraid they may have to amputate the leg and he may not walk again....Jeremy really catapulted to stardom with all those Marvel Universe movies.....immediately after the accident he was airlifted unconscious to a hospital where he underwent emergency surgery.....they say he is conscious now and talking and surprisingly joking with family and friends....let's all say a prayer for him that he improves and somehow is able to keep the leg so he can with God's help , get back to acting in the adventure films we are used to seeing him in....
gabste Cessna1960 26 months ago
Cessna1960 26 months ago
This comment has been removed.
Jack Cessna1960 26 months ago
Prepare to see Hawkeye with a prosthetic leg built by Forge. This one’s got a built-in quiver. Insert your own superhero landing joke.
Aceman2 Cessna1960 26 months ago
CrazyK Cessna1960 26 months ago
Best wishes for a speedy and full recovery for Jeremy.
Drang 26 months ago
I know some here will appreciate this:
Cessna1960 Drang 26 months ago
Drang I'll bet Dr Clayton and Dr Ed would like this !
gabste Cessna1960 26 months ago
Where are those guys ?
Jack Drang 26 months ago
In field archaeology, touching an object with your tongue was the quick and dirty (and pretty d**n accurate) way to determine whether it was bone or not. Because bone is porous it sticks to your tongue.
TheKodakKid gabste 26 months ago
Dr. Clayton has been spending a lot of time helping care for some elderly neighbors (being older than Dr. Clayton, they must be very elderly). They have now moved to a memory care facility, but he’s still doing some things for them. Additionally, he had a number of performances with different orchestras during the holidays.

Dr. Ed had some problems logging in for a while. He’s also dealing with some health issues, but is optimistic about the outcome.
gabste TheKodakKid 26 months ago
Oh thank you TKK
PatS TheKodakKid 26 months ago
Thanks for the update.
CrazyK 26 months ago
Another? 😂👇👇👇 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-Qg5lGNchYM
CrazyK 26 months ago
Dedicated to the Invisible Man! 👇👇LINK BELOW pic👇👇 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r6Brb3G9Sl8
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gabste MrsG 26 months ago
Hello MrsG !
Katink MrsG 26 months ago
There you are, MrsG! Missed you, Sven-sister 💕
daleuhlmann 26 months ago
If the new blog isn't on at Midnight, Easties' time, we'll know why: it will be invisible.
Cartoondave daleuhlmann 26 months ago
Good point dale and spot on pun if I might add?
daleuhlmann Cartoondave 26 months ago
Thank you, Dave!
Klaatu 26 months ago
As we get to enjoy invisibility tonight, look what’s not invisible along the coast of So. Calif! Huge swells, once every 20 years👍 Surfs up dude!
CrazyK Klaatu 26 months ago
Cartoondave 26 months ago
I just watched a video with Lisa Marie Presley on Late Night with David Letterman on YouTube and immediately thought that with Lisa now gone to be with her father will the tribute artists/bands and/or lookalikes will pop up in the near future?
gabste 26 months ago
Sorry I haven't been around. We have been so very busy and having some tough issues. I stop in to say hello in the morning 😇
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Bill_K gabste 26 months ago
I hope You're doing okay. I miss running into you on Friday Nights!

gabste deadringer42 26 months ago
Thank you deadringer
gabste Bill_K 26 months ago
Same here. Having issues with the building department and hubby health troubles. Thank you and I miss being here
Katink gabste 26 months ago
Sending you good vibes, gabste💕
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