A Birthday Salute to the Original Sven- Jerry G Bishop

Posted on August 3, 2016

Just a quick mention- today is the anniversary of the birth of my dear friend and mentor, the original Svengoolie- the late Jerry G Bishop.

I was a fan of his radio and TV work long before I worked with him- a great talent with a very quick wit and a big heart.

He was the one who brought me into the world of professional broadcasting, both in TV and radio. He was the one who  decided that I could take on the Svengoolie role as "Son of Svengoolie"-he was the one who decided I could drop the "Son of" in 1994 and take on the name of "Svengoolie".

He was a good man- intelligent, kind, and generous- and I've always tried to emulate the example he set, both as a broadcaster, as an entertainer, and as a person. He is missed by so many- and always thought of fondly. He left us too soon- but had a wonderful life-and a wonderful family.

Thanks for everything, "Dad". Wish you were here.

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