A Carnival Of Creepy Creatures In "Ghoulies II" - Tonight!

Posted on July 15, 2023

This week on MeTV- hurry, hurry, hurry! Step right up for the big show- with the little monsters! It’s mayhem on the midway- when the diminutive occult creatures who plagued a young couple and their friends last week on our show-become a part of a carnival and cause chaos! Take in the sinister sideshow of a sequel- “Ghoulies II!”

In this 1988 film follow-up to “Ghoulies”- the proceedings open with a lone figure seemingly ready to rid the world of the little demons from the last film-but when he attempts their demise in an abandoned gas station- things go tragically wrong!

Shortly afterwards, a carnival truck with radiator problems pulls up to the station. Young Larry and his semi-inebriated Uncle Ned, hauling their haunted house-type attraction “Satan’s Den” to their next destination, had hopes of finding a remedy for their problem, but- no such luck; so they just need to let the radiator cool down a bit. Unfortunately, the Ghoulies spot the artwork on the truck- resembling creatures much like themselves- and decide to sneak over and hitch a ride in the back of the truck!

They reach the area where to carnival is being set up- and, as their co-worker, a little person named Sir Nigel, is setting up the entryway, who should arrive but- uh-oh! – a young relative of the carnival’s owner- who has arrived to whip the show into something profitable- and cut loose anyone who isn’t contributing enough- and specifically has a jaundice eye set on Satan’s Den. Needless to say, he is not welcomed by the hard-working carnival crew and performers.

There are other problems- especially among the sultry dancers at the belly dancing show, where Larry’s girlfriend Nicole is among the talent. It seems that they are probably going to lose one of the dancers, Patty, who is not very reliable, being attracted to a new guy in each town. As she’s heading out for her latest date, her cat, Muffy, runs away. She thinks the animal may have hidden out in Satan’s Den- but, once inside- she meets some animals of a very different kind!

Meanwhile, boozy Uncle Ned, a magician by trade, feels the need to add some spark to the Den- and fishes out an old book of magic incantations he thinks may help. Coincidentally, the ghoulies make themselves visible right then- and Ned thinks HE has summoned them to do his bidding! However, when he rushes to get Nigel and Larry to show them his “handiwork”- the creatures are nowhere in sight. Much like Patty, who seems to have…disappeared.

Fortunes begin to change when patrons of Satan’s Den catch sight of the Ghoulies, and thinking they are a part of the show, create a buzz that brings the crowds into the show!

Meanwhile, Hardin takes a sudden interest in the now-successful show ( as well as in Nicole, to Larry’s dismay)—and trouble begins brewing when some jerk teenagers complain about getting hurt by the “rats” ( as they call the Ghoulies), while, inside, Uncle Ned realizes the real horrors being done by the murderous little monsters. With missing persons and possible lawsuits, Hardin is ready to close down the den- but soon the ghoulies venture out to the midway to create panic and deadly havoc! Will it take REAL magic to stop the sinister shrimps?

This is, of course, the second film in the “Ghoulies” series, with many of the same tiny troublemakers we saw in the original. We’ll tell you about the production, introduce the cast- which does include some familiar faces- bring you a new song- some “Svensurround” scenes- and a very special visit from the incomparable Frank Ferrante (whose “Evening with Groucho” show plays to sold out crowds around the country, and has been shown on PBS) in his spot-on impression of one of the greatest comedians of all time! Plus, we bring back someone else’s impressions of brothers who made their Marx on humor.

“Ghoulies II” will be seen on MeTV tonight at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central time. You can join in with the legions of fans who are live-Tweeting during the show on Twitter- just make sure to put the hashtag #svengoolie in your Tweet! In the Chicago viewing area, you can catch the original film in this series “Ghoulies” at 11 am on CW 26.

We are so proud of the reaction to the new Svengoolie comic book! The book, which was released last Wednesday, has been in great demand, and has actually sold out in various places. So, check to see if it is still available at your favorite comic book shop. We had a whirlwind tour of a couple Chicago area comics stores yesterday, and were very happy to see so many Sven/comics fans! Also, speaking of comics, check out the latest 2023 artists collection t- shirt in our store by yet another of our artist friends Mark Spears!

Join us tonight for a carnival of creepy creatures with “Ghoulies II”!

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 during show

1MikeM 19 months ago
...and dat was GHOULIES II...and dat's da name a dat tune!
Aceman2 19 months ago
I’m sensing air movement like a fan blowing.
Aceman2 19 months ago
The hairs on my arm just stood up. Mikeyyy - is that you?
Mikeyyy Aceman2 19 months ago
Could be!
Katink Aceman2 19 months ago
Maybe it was because I sneezed again🤧🤧🤧
deadringer42 19 months ago
Just had to drag pocket inside. Seems to be an “uninvited” guest in the backyard. Now I’m getting a skunk smell. So glad I got her inside. She really wants out now.
Silly dog is in for the night.
Katink deadringer42 19 months ago
You really lucked out, dr42!
Aceman2 19 months ago
I just felt a chill run down my spine.
Katink Aceman2 19 months ago
I just sneezed eight times in a row🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧🤧
Aceman2 Katink 19 months ago
Another great avatar Katink!
Katink Aceman2 19 months ago
Thanks, Aceman! And I loved your press kit pieces for The Uninvited!
Aceman2 Katink 19 months ago
Cartoondave 19 months ago
I'm not going to racing for 1st blogger in an hour I'm really tired and I'll make sure I'm here at 7am for toon duty with the east goodnight 🥱
Cartoondave 19 months ago
Any snack ideas for tomorrow night I've got usual popcorn and soda
abc123 Cartoondave 19 months ago
ghost pepper cheese and crackers
ghost pepper wings
Mikeyyy abc123 19 months ago
Ohh Myyyyy!
Cartoondave 19 months ago
Thunderstorms and torrential downpours here hope everyone else has better weather? I know Cali is suffering a heat wave be safe Catbat ,dale, Carrie and any other westies out there
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Cartoondave Klaatu 19 months ago
Nope supposed beautiful
Mikeyyy Cartoondave 19 months ago
Dave, I’ve had rain for three days now. At least today it held off till the afternoon so I could do my laundry, run a few errands and get back home before it started.
JohnBlair 19 months ago
oK the "THE UNINVITED" I'll go out on a teeny tiny thin little limb and SaY HeY Hay he I've NOT seem iT B 4!?!?! Soooo... tiLL DIN!!!!
Drang JohnBlair 19 months ago
You found Squatch!
Jack JohnBlair 19 months ago
GunCo—Home of the Ticked Off Sasquatch.
ihaveamigraine 19 months ago
Finished week one of my radiation treatments today! One more week to go.

So far the side effects have not been too bad, a bit of nausea and very tired.

If I'm not sleeping I will plan on being here tomorrow night.
Aceman2 ihaveamigraine 19 months ago
All the best to you on your road back to health. You put it in remission once; prayers you send it away again.
Jack ihaveamigraine 19 months ago
Any super powers yet?
Jack ihaveamigraine 19 months ago
That’s useful—you don’t need a flashlight when the power goes out!
Katink ihaveamigraine 19 months ago
Sending you more Sven Blog good vibes, Ihave!
Oh my. My sister has a lumpectomy next week and then radiation.
You are in my thoughts and prayers for a successful treatment.
Sven blog love and good vibes. Stay strong.
Deleted 19 months ago
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Mikeyyy 19 months ago
Hiya Kyle!
Aceman2 19 months ago
Yo Kyle!
Katink 19 months ago
Happy Sventurday Eve, Kyle!
Cartoondave 19 months ago
I'm going to order the next Svengoolie artist collection Tshirt next week I love it and it's hilarious
Aceman2 Cartoondave 19 months ago
Go for it Dave!
Aceman2 19 months ago
From the press book for THE UNINVITED (1944)
Running contests was a common marketing ploy. Here is an example. The verbiage went on-an-on so I just included part of it. I got myself in trouble once on the blog for running a contest with a prize so no contest/no prize. Can anybody answer all 4 correctly? Sorry the photo quality is not good.
Jack Aceman2 19 months ago
2nd Day: Mel Brooks was in _The Univited_?! (Not the ghost in the kilt, but the guy in the overcoat.)
Aceman2 Jack 19 months ago
PatS Jack 19 months ago
Mel Brooks (né Kaminsky) was born in 1926. In 1944 he'd be only 18 years old! Crisp was 62.
Aceman2 19 months ago
From the press book for THE UNINVITED (1944)
Remember it's 1944 and no internet, no social media, no Svengoolie.
LmerFudd 19 months ago
As long as we remember, the classic stars of movies and tv endure. I watch Father Knows Best regularly. "Robert George Young (February 22, 1907 – July 21, 1998) died 25 years ago today at the age of 91. Best known for his leading roles as Jim Anderson, the father character in Father Knows Best (NBC and then CBS), and the physician Marcus Welby in Marcus Welby, M.D. (ABC).
Today, Young is most remembered as the affable insurance salesman in Father Knows Best (1949–54 on radio, 1954–60 on television), for which he and his co-star Jane Wyatt won several Emmy Awards. Elinor Donahue ("Betty"), Billy Gray ("Bud"), and Lauren Chapin ("Kathy") played the Anderson children in the television version.
Young then created, produced, and starred with Ford Rainey and Constance Moore in the nostalgic CBS comedy series Window on Main Street (1961–62), which lasted barely six months.
Young's final television series was Marcus Welby, M.D. (1969–76), co-starring a young James Brolin.
Aceman2 19 months ago
From the Pressbook for THE UNINVITED (1944)
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CountCurt Aceman2 19 months ago
I have gone to a Eastern European restaurant here that sells pickle soup. It sounded strange to me but it is wonderful.
MrsG 19 months ago
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Jack MrsG 19 months ago
Aceman2 Jack 19 months ago
DrFish28136 19 months ago
DrFish28136 19 months ago
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Katink Kyle 19 months ago
Afraid that any comment here could get me sent to the cornfield, Kyle😆
Aceman2 Katink 19 months ago
Katink 19 months ago
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