A Killer Kitty Brings Deadly Revenge to All Who Fall Under the “Shadow of the Cat” -Tonight!

Posted on August 5, 2023

Tonight on MeTV, the cat’s out of the bag-we indeed have a Hammer Studios tale ( a cat’s tale?) in which a wealthy auntie becomes the target of family members and staff of her estate, who have hopes of inheriting her money- but find they are the focal point of vengeance from the old woman’s only friend- her cat! See who is destined to forgo the litter box for a different kind of box- a coffin- when they find themselves in the "Shadow of the Cat"!

This creepy Hammer horror begins by introducing us to the afore mentioned well-heeled senior citizen Ella,who cares about only two living beings in her world- her favorite niece, and her beloved feline friend, Tabitha. Her dislike for all others is mutually returned by them- which leads to her being brutally attacked and killed- with the only witness being- her cat!


Those responsible for her demise hide their fiendish act, telling the local authorities that the old woman has inexplicably "disappeared"- while her less-than-grieving husband Walter and his co-conspirator servants finalize their plans to gain control of her wealth. Though there is a will she was forced to sign-an earlier draft, with different bequests, is still somewhere in the house-and Walter needs to find it to assure that HIS copy will be the one that’s followed.

News of her death/disappearance also brings some sleazy relatives out of the woodwork- as well as her favorite niece, the good-hearted Beth- along with Conrad, a local journalist who has an interest both in the unfolding story and the lovely Beth.

The evil relatives and homicidal house staff realize that there WAS one witness to the murder- yes, the cat - and suddenly become obsessed with capturing the kitty and doing away with it (POINT OF ORDER- are they worried that it's going to testify against them? Really?) Conrad and Beth find this ongoing phobia of the feline odd- plus, they aren't buying the idea that the missing woman just "disappeared". Knowing enough to distrust the scheming relatives and servants, the couple is disgusted by their hatred of Tabitha- and upon hearing odd sounds in the middle of the night- Beth and her journalist gent find themselves becoming more and more suspicious. Meanwhile, this cadre of creeps becomes more paranoid- as it seems that the cat not only saw what they did- but wants to pay them back in kind! Soon, accidents and coronary problems begin to take their toll on the duplicitous family- and Tabitha seems to lend a hand- or perhaps a paw- to their fates!

This black and white offering, though not shot in the lurid color the studio is known for, still provides plenty of the typical Hammer chills and creepy atmosphere. This film also features a unique process we have dubbed “Kitty-Vision”- giving you the cat's-eye view of the devious proceedings. We'll tell you a little about the cast, including favorite Hammer siren Barbara Shelley as the loving niece- plus, we turn a courtroom into a cat room in a parody of you-can-guess-which MeTV program- we bring you a new pussycat product- get another visit from our job-switching vampire pal, Nostalgiaferatoo - provide a song any alley cat would be proud to howl from the backyard fence- and we remember a fun visit from a “Nightmare on Chicago Street” event from the past! ( And, as far as we know right now- we WILL be there again this year!)


“Shadow of the Cat” appears on MeTV tonight at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, or, check your local listings or at www.metv.com to find our start time and channel where you are. MeTV encourages our fans to live-Tweet ( or, live-X) on Twitter ( or X) while watching our show on Saturday night! Make sure you use the hashtag #svengoolie on your Tweet. In Chicago this morning at 11 am on our main local station, CW26, those in our local viewing area can again enjoy Boris Karloff in “Haunted Strangler"!

We did want to acknowledge the passing of Paul Ruebens, aka Pee Wee Herman. He and his amazing character were indeed beloved. Sadly, we just missed meeting him at one of the New York Comic Con events a few years ago- just as we were leaving, the gentleman transporting us out of the building commented that he had been dropping off Paul earlier that day, and when my name was mentioned, Paul said he would really like to meet me. If only we would have had the chance!

If you’re reading this early enough, you might still be able to catch up with us at the Flashback Weekend horror convention in Rosemont, Il.- find info under the “appearances” tab here on our website.

And tonight, join us for feline fright on MeTV! (Bring your own catnip!)

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 during show

Rick 17 months ago
Just now catching up with my DVR collected episodes of Jeopardy, Leave it to Beaver, and Svengoolie, so I'm pretty late, but:

I am so grateful I live in the same universe at Nostalgiaferatu (sic, because I'm sure I spelled it wrong). He and Sven so exquisitely balance on the precipice of stupid and funny that I can't imagine anything more enjoyable.

Keep on keepin' on~
1MikeM 19 months ago
...and dat was Charlie Chan Meets Dracula...and dat's da name a dat tune!
deadringer42 19 months ago
I’m trying to stay awake for the great race , but I’m failing fast.
Katink deadringer42 19 months ago
Hang in there, dr42! You are almost there!
Klaatu deadringer42 19 months ago
Scotch tape works wonders on keeping eyelids open😳
abc123 19 months ago
I am ready for two in a row.
MrsG abc123 19 months ago
Good luck abc123 ~

Katink MrsG 19 months ago
That's hilarious, MrsG!
MrsG Katink 19 months ago
Hi Katink ~ get ready to strike , like Your buddy there !
🦂 *_* 🦂
Katink MrsG 19 months ago
I'm hoping for a top five finish, MrsG😉
Klaatu 19 months ago
It’s funny how the blog is so quiet for hours, then it becomes Grand Central Station at 9pm/12am🤔
deadringer42 Klaatu 19 months ago
We have to rest up before the big race. 😁
Svenboy 19 months ago
How was the big blogcast? Did Everyone get to met sven? How many were first timers either to meeting sven and or the big blog cast? Hopefully one year I will get to join. Hope everyone who went had a great time. Any pictures? Hope everyone is doing well. I have some Elvira trivia: she did her first show at scary farm in 1982 and did shows on and off for 20 seasons. I saw her first movie in 2021 for first time and saw her do shows twice live at scary farm ie 2016 and 2017. I hope some day I will get to meet her and sven.
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Svenboy abc123 19 months ago
In honor of Elvira’s 20 seasons off and on at scary farm and scary farms 50th, I am in the middle of watching her first movie right now. I have about 30 mins left.
Svenboy abc123 19 months ago
Glad you got a group photo. Would like to see some time. Suprised there was only 6 of you at big blogcast.
Svenboy Klaatu 19 months ago
I have seen only the first three. Saw the second and third one for the first time fairly recently. I have seen the first one so many times it has lost some of its zip. I have seen the 2009 remake a few times too.
Svenboy abc123 19 months ago
That’s cool. What did you think of her movie? I saw her second one before her first one. I like her second movie more than her first one. I guess most Elvira fans prefer her first movie over the second. I still own both movies. That’s cool you got to see her live at a convention. I may have lost my chance to meet her in costume. Ever since she her bio came out, she has been doing less costumed appearances. She was still doing meet and greets in costume when she was doing shows at scary farm from 2013 to 2017. I would have probably done a meet and greet with her at scary farm in 2017 but she wasn’t that year.
Klaatu 19 months ago
I have no meal ideas for a Scorpion dinner, but this gives me ideas..
Klaatu 19 months ago
MrsG 19 months ago
The drought has ended ~ time to dust off the cowbell !
🐄 🏟️ 🔔
Cartoondave 19 months ago
With a rainstorm on Tuesday and a fire emergency yesterday I'm soooo ready for cartoons in the morning and Sven tomorrow night oh yeah I almost forgot our boys of blunder THE THREE STOOGES
LmerFudd 19 months ago
A rat double feature tonite! Willard, then Ben. Easy to find if this interest y'all.
VanGooliac LmerFudd 19 months ago
Willard just sent me out laughing
I thought "Ben" looked a little bit ratty
But they're not half as bad as the worst scare I've had
The cockroach that ate Cincinnati!
- Rose and the Arrangement
PatS VanGooliac 19 months ago
Oh my heart nearly stopped / he will never be topped...

(#1 on Dr. Demento's top ten for I-don't-know-how-many weeks. ¡Olé!)
Aceman2 19 months ago
"I have never been lost, but I will admit to being confused for several weeks."
-- Daniel Boone
HoneyBee456 19 months ago
It’s 108 degrees. I wish I was in Alaska. It’s 57 degrees there. I can’t believe it’s already Friday. Almost time for our movie. I’m looking so forward to Christmas this year. I didn’t get to celebrate last year. I’m still moving and I brought my Christmas tree home yesterday. That made me think about it. Looking for to the cartoons in the morning. Hope everyone is doing well
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HoneyBee456 rebeccafargo 19 months ago
Ok. Have a good night!!
LmerFudd HoneyBee456 19 months ago
Did you move within Texas or come there from another state. I know Texas is a popular state for relocation.
Jack LmerFudd 19 months ago
My retirement in Texas...
Klaatu 19 months ago
In 1959, the aliens came to visit to obtain design ideas for their latest UFO models. This is what they saw:
HoneyBee456 Klaatu 19 months ago
I like it
Jack Klaatu 19 months ago
Little did the aliens know, but one of their one, /XNR, who had been stranded in an earlier observation mission, changed his name to Virgil Exner and began working as an automobile designer.
Klaatu Jack 19 months ago
Ahhh, that explains a lot about those far out GM designs 🤣
CountCurt Klaatu 19 months ago
It is is definitely an intergalactic class vehicle
Jack CountCurt 19 months ago
Ask Miller the mechanic about the 1964 Malibus...
Klaatu 19 months ago
Vesper Martini: THE Martini James Bond ordered in Casino Royale (first story). 3 parts gin, 1 part Vodka, 1/2 part Lillet Blanc. Big, strong and cold🥴🥴
rebeccafargo Klaatu 19 months ago
Could use one of those about now...
Engineer_Poelzig Klaatu 19 months ago
Try it with Tumpus Fugit Kina L’Avion d’Or.
It’s closer to the old version of Kina Lillet Blanc from back in the day.
CountCurt Klaatu 19 months ago
That is all alcohol except the twist of lemon.
Klaatu CountCurt 19 months ago
Yes…a perfect cure for stress🥴
CountCurt Klaatu 19 months ago

Let’s talk about your stress. Due to inflation my fee has increased from 5 cents to $5. Maybe the cost is covered under your employee health plan or another health plan.
rebeccafargo 19 months ago
This chat room is open all the time? I thought it was just on Sventurdays.
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Lynn rebeccafargo 19 months ago
MrsG rebeccafargo 19 months ago
Tooners , Nooners and Midnight Crooners ~ makes for a lovely bunch of coconuts on the SvenBlog 🌴*_*🥥
deadringer42 rebeccafargo 19 months ago
We’re here all week for fun.
Toon in with me begins at 7 am eastern time zone. And some of us are here every morning. Anything MEtv and Sven is fair game at any time. You never know who will be here at any given time. Come and join us.
PatS rebeccafargo 19 months ago
Maybe it was originally intended to be just The Day... back in 2014 when I started, posts might be 200 or less. It was a long time until there were more than 800 in a week. We can thank Sven that he chose to let us ramble about personal stories, other MeTV programs, books, factoids... and here we are now.
daleuhlmann 19 months ago
I had earlier mentioned John Ford, director of HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY. That reminded me of an hilarious story that a film historian once shared on a documentary I had seen several years ago about the silent film era.

During that time, Ford was working for Universal. One day, he was about ready to screen for the studio's president, Carl Laemmle, his most recently completed movie. Accompanying Laemmle for the private screening was his son, Carl Laemmle, Jr., who was just a little boy at the time. When Carl, Jr. brought his pet spider monkey in with him, Ford immediately objected. "I don't mind if the kid sits in, but I'm not going to screen my movie for a monkey!" Ford insisted. Carl, Sr. then told his son to take the monkey outside, where he left his pet with an attendant.

When the boy returned, Ford started screening his movie for the two of them. When it was over, he asked them, "Well, what did you think of it?" Carl, Jr. piped up, "I thought it stunk!" Ford answered, "Take the kid out, bring the monkey back in!"
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MrsG NoPersonalChicks 19 months ago
10-Q NPC *_* I knew that You would notice ~ now we’ll have to give Him a listen ~ before that Black CAT sees his SHADOW , and that dingdong BLACK SCORPION creeps on in !
🎩 *_* 🎶
Jack NoPersonalChicks 19 months ago
So that’s who that is! Did Dr. John know that Zucchero was stealing his look? Apparently, when he wasn’t stealing Dylan’s......or Tom Petty’s......or George Harrison’s...Omigawsh! He’s trying to be the Traveling Wilburys!
MrsG Jack 19 months ago
*_* 🖤 *_* ♥️ *_*
Klaatu 19 months ago
We need a good dose of Una O’Connor
Aceman2 Klaatu 19 months ago
Agreed. Saw her when I was in hospital. She had the voice of an air raid siren and the body of a scarecrow.

Eric Johns described O'Connor as... a frail little woman, with enormous eyes that reminded one of a hunted animal. She could move one to tears with the greatest of ease, and just as easily reduce an audience to helpless laughter in comedies of situation. She was mistress of the art of making bricks without straw. She could take a very small part, but out of the paltry lines at her disposal, create a real flesh-and-blood creature, with a complete and credible life of its own.
Aceman2 19 months ago
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CountCurt daDoctah 19 months ago
Lillian Gish was an amazing force. She was great in The Wind as well.
CountCurt Aceman2 19 months ago
Maybe Klaatu can come up with a cocktail that captures the essence of Una.
Aceman2 CountCurt 19 months ago
I’d like to drink that Count!
CountCurt CountCurt 19 months ago
PatS CountCurt 19 months ago
(For whoever sees this) How about: whiskey (Irish, of course) with soda water (bubbly personality) in a cocktail glass (rooster voice) rimmed with salt (salty character)?
DrFish28136 19 months ago
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Jack DrFish28136 19 months ago
Reminds me of the Mad Cow from _Liberty Meadows_.
CountCurt DrFish28136 19 months ago
Anyone that knows cows knows that you can’t stand in the way of cows heading back into the barn.
Aceman2 MrsG 19 months ago
MrsG you are on a roll today- so many good posts!
MrsG Aceman2 19 months ago
Aww so sweet Aceman ~ just hope that You get to feeling a tad better each day now ~ that ordeal was like the old road work sign : temporary setback = permanent improvement *_*
DrFish28136 19 months ago
PatS DrFish28136 19 months ago
Sure, I believe in the hereafter. I often walk into a room, and then wonder, "What am I hereafter?"
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