A Sequel You'll Enjoy Sight Unseen- "The Invisible Man Returns" Tonight!

Posted on February 20, 2021

Tonight on Me-TV- after Claude Rains outstanding performance last week as Griffin, the Invisible Man, we follow up with another fine actor- Vincent Price-also going the unseen route- portraying a man who uses the same invisibility formula to save himself from an unjust fate, and clear (yeah, I said it) his name while risking his sanity-as the “The Invisible Man Returns”!

Much like "House of Frankenstein"- our story opens inside a prison- where Sir Geoffrey Radcliffe, an innocent victim of blind justice, sits on Death Row, facing execution. He's been framed for the murder of his own brother! Just when all seems lost- Dr. Frank Griffin- the brother of the original “Invisible Man” ( funny how he wasn’t around in last week’s movie)- and a friend of Sir Geoffrey- drops by for a "final" visit. Shortly afterwards-sound the alarm! Sir Geoffrey's cell appears to be- empty!

Of course, the truth is that Dr. Griffin has provided Geoffrey with that same famed formula which rendered his brother invisible- though he still, as yet, hasn’t discovered a way to keep the drug from causing anyone who uses it to slowly go insane. Nonetheless, with its use being the only way to get Geoffrey out of jail, and free him to find out who really DID kill his brother- the risk may indeed be worth it. Geoffrey's lovely fiancée, Helen, meets up with him at his hideout - a rural cottage, where the now-transparent man plans his search for the real murderer. The clues hint towards someone employed at the Radcliffe family’s mining company being the true killer. The Invisible Sir returns to the company, where Dr. Griffin is also employed- but things get dicey when Police Inspector Sampson of Scotland Yard, who suspects Griffin had a hand in Geoffrey's escape, comes calling, and starts to figure out the truth. Meanwhile, Geoffrey uses his transparency to try to discover the evil within his own family company – while Griffin races the clock to find the antidote to the invisibility drug before the madness totally consumes his friend. As Geoffrey nears solving the mystery of the murder, some frightening changes occur in his mental state! Will the drug that he's risked using to help prove he is not a murderer- drive him to a point of madness at which he actually WILL become a murderer? And- will the wily police inspector finally trap him and return him to Death Row?

This 1940 entry in the “Invisible Man” series put Vincent Price in his very first horror film, and he makes a fine Invisible Man- his voice, much like Claude Rains’, has a lot of power to carry the character and all his emotions, even when he remains unseen. Among the villains is an alumni of the Adam West “Batman” series (in which he didn’t play a villain- we’ll explain on the show)- and Sir Cedric Hardwicke, whose other roles you may recognize. The beautiful Nan Grey is a thankfully visible leading lady- who was visible in another of our classic horror movies, which we’ll point out! Another familiar actor, Cecil Kellaway, plays the shrewd police inspector who “sees through” the invisible scheme quickly. The invisible effects, just like in the previous film, are pretty good, and there are some very effective moments of danger. We'll have some fun Sven stuff for you, as usual, including a return visit from Kerwyn’s nemesis- Toony the Tuna from  “Toon In With Me”!

“Invisible Man Returns” tonight at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central , and, to check what time and channel you can find us at in your area, please check local listings and /or at www.metv.com ! MeTV invites you to live-Tweet during the show on Twitter , using the hashtag #svengoolie – once again, we were among the top trending topics last week! Chicago viewers can get a second look at the original "Invisible Man" (which drew fantastic ratings on MeTV last Saturday) this morning at 11 am on our main local station, CW26!

Only a handful of days are left to take advantage of the 14% discount on select Sven merchandise- visit the store and use the promo code LOVESVEN to save some money on your order!

We hope those of our friends who have been buried in snow and locked into cold temperatures are doing all right- now you know what it’s like in my Fortress of Svenitude!

Please stay warm tonight, while you join us for someone you probably, for the most part, won’t see, even if you tune in to MeTV!

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 during show

Daniel 43 months ago
Not a small man or a boy....the devil!
Aceman2 43 months ago
After seeing a preview of DEVIL DOLL (1964), I sought to learn more about actress Yvonne Romain. She was born in London on February 17, 1938 and recently celebrated her 83rd birthday. She began acting at age twelve, and by her late teens, Romain started appearing in British films with supporting roles as Italian or Spanish maidens. She is most remembered for her numerous roles in British horror films. She was quoted as saying she very much enjoyed CORRIDORS OF BLOOD (1958), starring alongside Boris Karloff and Christopher Lee. In the gore fest that is CIRCUS OF HORRORS (1960), Yvonne appears with Anton Diffring and Donald Pleasence. In tonight’s Svengoolie offering, she stars in what many horror fan’s rate as a top 5 malevolent ventriloquist's dummy film – and there are many of them!

Yvonne Romain appeared several times with Oliver Reed. She played his mother in THE CURSE OF THE WEREWOLF (1961). Her character doesn't live to see her son grow up into the werewolf; never the less, the marketing appeal of her “charms” ensures that she is shown cowering from his fangs on all the publicity stills. In THE BRIGAND OF KANDAHAR (1965) she played Reed’s sister. Perhaps her biggest role was in another Hammer production, NIGHT CREATURES (1962). Romaine stars alongside Peter Cushing and Oliver Reed, this time as his fiancée in a story of ghosts and smuggling. Finally, she co-starred with him in an episode of THE SAINT: THE KING OF THE BEGGARS (1963).

Other highlights of her career include 2 appearances with a pre-Bond Sean Connery in ACTION OF THE TIGER (1957), and the gangster film THE FRIGHTENED CITY (1961), where she shared equal billing with him. Yvonne starred alongside Ann-Margret in THE SWINGER (1966), and Elvis Presley in DOUBLE TROUBLE (1967). Her final role was as the title character in the Anthony Perkins/Stephen Sondheim-scripted mystery thriller THE LAST OF SHEILA (1973).

She married Leslie Bricusse; he was the composer of musicals including DOCTOR DOLITTLE (1967) and WILLY WONKA & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY (1971). Also was the lyricist for the classic James Bond themes GOLDFINGER (1964) and YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE (1967).

A photograph of Yvonne appears on the back cover of a magazine Paul's Grandfather is reading in the train station during the opening credits of A HARD DAY'S NIGHT (1964).

She had an uncredited role in THE TWILIGHT ZONE episode THE AFTER HOURS (1960) as the bride mannequin.
MrsG 43 months ago
Jeeperz creeperz ~ just mentioned Studio Wrestling out of the blue then turned around and heard on the news that Jumpin’ Johnny DeFazio died . He and Bruno Samartino were amongst many local heroes ~
DrClayton 43 months ago
Deviled Dogs are up there with Deviled Eggs:
MrsG DrClayton 43 months ago
Now we’re talking ~
The1Butler DrClayton 43 months ago
Both sound great for movie time!
The1Butler DrClayton 43 months ago
Both sound great for movie time!
PatS 43 months ago
"Devil Dogs" as a cake-and-filling treat are new to me. I checked on line and found a "devil dog" hot dog recipe -- grilled franks with bacon, jalapeños, chopped onions, spicy relish and BBQ sauce/mayo combination. And gee, no one mentioned:
deviled eggs
deviled ham
devils on horseback (prunes or dates wrapped in bacon)
and did someone mention devil's food cake?
The interweb has various devil drinks (red devil, blue devil, devil's punch) and there's a Devil's Backbone brewery in Virginia
Just don't overdo it or you might turn into a dummy!
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Katink PatS 43 months ago
I saw some of those, and they do look tasty!
Katink CrazyK 43 months ago
Now that song is in my head! (PatS will have to rescue me from the current earworm 😨)
Katink The1Butler 43 months ago
I always thought Suzy As were superior to Hobos and Ding Songs, but a step below the cupcakes (loved the fudgy frosting). Didn't have many Zingers, though.
CrazyK Katink 43 months ago
HAHAHA at least it’s a good one to get stuck for awhile. Yeah I can’t wait to see what she comes up with for Devil Doll, I have one song in mind that I hope she uses.
MrsG 43 months ago
Out earlier to p/u fish samiches (sorry Toony) and darn near hit deer ~ several on the road 2 different places. Wonder if the full moon got ‘em wacky?
Katink MrsG 43 months ago
We haven't seen any deer lately, but there are deer tracks all over in the snow! (And some Turkey tracks, too!)
MrsG Katink 43 months ago
Yours are smarter laying low , not out in the middle of dark streets when crazed women with fish samiches are trying to get home !
The1Butler MrsG 43 months ago
They must sense winter is ending, tracks on my property where there was none for 2 months .
Aceman2 MrsG 43 months ago
My Pittsburgh son loves going to Fish Frys. He says it's a Pburgh tradition.
Katink Aceman2 43 months ago
Pretty popular in Wisconsin, too!
MrsG 43 months ago
Looking forward to toons , cowboys, Stooges and Svengoolie tomorrow and remembering Saturdays as a kid ~ it was always hot dogs and Studio Wrestling ~ the only day we were allowed to eat in front of the TV.
Teehee *_*
The1Butler MrsG 43 months ago
Don't sit so close to the tv it will make you cross eyed!
MrsG The1Butler 43 months ago
Teehee x 2 !
DrClayton The1Butler 43 months ago
Make you go blind, too!
PatS MrsG 43 months ago
Cross eyed? is that x _ x or † _ † ??
MrsG DrClayton 43 months ago
Uh-huh that explains it ~ sealed beams and contacts all life Doc until cataract surgery cpl. years ago.
MrsG PatS 43 months ago
LOVE IT ~ now you’re talking my lingo !
CrazyK MrsG 43 months ago
Watch out he may send you a bill in the morning! 😂
JournalJeff3 43 months ago
Happy Svengoolie Eve!
Another big week of comments.
gabste 43 months ago
Thank you everyone for all the well wishes for hubby ! I looked back. He's got covid. He is feeling better though. I wearing a mask around the house. I probably have it already anyway. So crazy !!!!! Guess we're locked in the house for sure now ! Both looking forward to Sven tomorrow.
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gabste MrsG 43 months ago
😁 yes !
gabste DrClayton 43 months ago
Thank you Dr Clayton ! 🌀
gabste deadringer42 43 months ago
Thank you deadringer my friend
gabste Aceman2 43 months ago
Thank you my friend Aceman. I gotta get tested in a couple of days they said. Oi vey ! 😮
CrazyK 43 months ago
Just got back from my beloved Los Gatos Downtown, still like an episode of the Twilight Zone there! My little town is extra cautious about everything! (And that’s not a bad thing)
But my favorite “dive” is still closed!!!
MrsG CrazyK 43 months ago
Let’s hope temporary setback = permanent improvement ~ new adventures, and dives, on the horizon !
CrazyK MrsG 43 months ago
daleuhlmann 43 months ago
Before we wrap up THE INVISIBLE MAN RETURNS blog, here's another Joe May story, again courteously of the authors of UNIVERSAL HORRORS. One day, a studio executive showed up on TIMR soundstage, and the temperamental May would have none of it. He told him, "I will not work as as long as you are on the set!" When the executive asked why, May arrogantly answered, "Either you go or I go!" The executive replied, "Well, you leave. It's okay with me." May then had to appeal to the studio heads to let him keep his job!
MrsG daleuhlmann 43 months ago
Nuh uh ? !
That is so cool how you get the intel for us ~ feeling privy ~ 10-Q Dale !
daleuhlmann MrsG 43 months ago
Well, much of my information on the Universal horror films comes from a book Pat S owns, too, UNIVERSAL HORRORS, by Michael Brunas, John Bruas, and Tom Weaver. Another excellent book, on the Universal Frankenstein films, is IT'S ALIVE, by Gregory Mank. Any books on the history of the horror-sci-fi genre written by Weaver, Mank, David Skal, or Bill Warren are all excellent reads.
MrsG daleuhlmann 43 months ago
Ahh you’re not fooling me ~ it’s all up there in the cranium !
daleuhlmann MrsG 43 months ago
Aceman2 43 months ago
The MN DOT is asking citizens to name a snowplow. Suggested are
Ain’t Snow Stopping Us Now
Blizzard of Oz
Darth Blader
Edward Blizzardhands
F. Salt Fitzgerald
Fast and the Flurry Less
For Your Ice Only
Frosty the Snowplow
Luke Snowalker
Mary Tyler More Snow
No Business Like Snow Business
Plow Bunyan
Road Carew
Sir Plows A Lot
Snowbi Wan Kenobi
Snow Place like Home
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MADave Aceman2 43 months ago
How about Reese Winterspoon?
The1Butler CrazyK 43 months ago
I heard today they wrote master of puppets in their early 20's !
CrazyK The1Butler 43 months ago
Sweet!!! That is my favorite song to play at the bar not just because it’s good but it’s also really long, we would always try to play it just before last call so we could get a few extra minutes of fun! 🤣
MrsG 43 months ago
Hey some loyal Sven fan hit the 3200 mark ~ we’re cruising on into the weekend now , and my end is weak , so it’s time ~ ~ ~
Klaatu 43 months ago
Here’s my favorite talking dummy. Knucklehead from Winchell Mahoney Time. As a young child I was part of the audience during live taping.
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Carl_N_Brown Jack 43 months ago
Did Zoltan work in a Geico kiosk selling insurance? Or was that Liberty?
Jack Carl_N_Brown 43 months ago
Another Zoltan, but that was a Liberty commercial.
CrazyK Jack 43 months ago
Around here we have Winchell’s Donuts! Mmmm donuts 🍩 🍩🍩
I think he is the more successful Winchell 🤣🤣🤣
The1Butler Jack 43 months ago
Both worthy inventions
MrsG 43 months ago
10-Q all for sharing such joyful tales and pics of very happy , grateful pups !
CrazyK 43 months ago
Time to go TCB! See y’all later, have a good one!!!
CrazyK 43 months ago
Johnny Cash was on an episode of Columbo that I’ve watched on MeTV.
It was season 3, episode 7 called
“Swan Song” it was a great episode!!!
Aceman2 CrazyK 43 months ago
One of my favorite episodes! Just one more thing - how’d you dispose of that thermos?
CrazyK Aceman2 43 months ago
Mine too! Yep, the thermos did him in. Not even the Man in Black could out do Columbo!
The1Butler CrazyK 43 months ago
He went back to the scene of the crime .
CrazyK The1Butler 43 months ago
And you know NOT to do this
because........ 😂😂😂
The1Butler CrazyK 43 months ago
Well it didn't work for Johnny Cash 🤠
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