Another Return of the Ape Woman (Same Ape- Different Woman)- in “Jungle Captive”- Tonight!

Posted on August 27, 2016

We wind up the dog days of summer with another type of furry friend- or is that fiend?- as we present the final chapter in the saga of Paula Dupree- the Ape Woman- who is revived one more time, to endanger those who would cross the  path of the “Jungle Captive”!

At the end of the last movie in this series, “Jungle Woman”, Paula Dupree had again met her end- this time from a sedative overdose administered to her while she tried to kill her last victim! Our last sighting of her was with her dead body in the half-human, half-ape state in the morgue- and that's where this movie picks up-  with her lying in a drawer of the city morgue.

Elsewhere, a biochemist named  Stendahl  is laboring in his laboratory- with the help of  his assistants Don and Ann- who just happen to be lovers as well! He has been experimenting with  a method to restore life to dead animals - and, amazingly, seems to have finally been successful!

This is, of course, connected to what is going on at the morgue we mentioned earlier- where a frightening-looking brute of a man has arrived, and claims he was sent by a local university to pick up the Dupree body to be delivered for study. The morgue attendant, being a conscientious sort, decides it'd be a good idea to check out his story.

It isn't.

Soon, the attendant has met his fate, and the body of Paula Dupree is missing!

Obviously, Paula's body has been delivered to Stendahl by the mis-shapen man known as Moloch- who secretly works as muscle for the unscrupulous scientist. Stendahl knows the whole story of Paula, and wants to use his formula to discover how to return the ape woman to life- and then- to human form! As in the past- in order for this to be successful, it will require the use of a female victim- uh, volunteer- whose life will be lost in the process. Stendahl’s unsuspecting assistant Ann seems like the perfect candidate- and is lured to a secret lab Stendahl maintains in the country, only to find her assistance in his project is far different from what she expected!

The revived Paula is still not a fully functional human- and her tendencies to wander out of the compound cause problems- as does Moloch's clumsiness in carrying out his duties. As Ann's boyfriend becomes the prime  suspect in both her disappearance and the missing Ape woman body, an arrogant detective who has found some  implicating clues may be more of a hindrance than a help in saving Ann's life!

This time out, Acquanetta does not play Paula - Vicky Lane  has the role of the mutated ape/woman - and , this time out, Paula is not as verbal (which, some who don't care for Acquanetta's emoting, wish had been the case in the previous film)!Also different in this film- we see much more of the actual Ape Woman- not to mention the appearance of the “Monster Without Makeup” Rondo Hatton. If you've never seen our special feature about Rondo's tragic life and career, we will present it again to give this actor his proper respect. We'll also  run down the rest of the cast, and , naturally, add some Sven shtick to the proceedings!

"Jungle Captive' will be released on MeTV tonight at 10 pm eastern/pacific, 9 central, or check local listings (or ) Our sister station, WCIU, the U, has more Sven for you this morning at 11 am- another visit to the "Black Castle"!

A few notes: yes, we finally, after years of campaigning for them, have the Sven t-shirts in women's and children's sizes- so, please order and prove to our superiors that it is a good idea!

Thanks to the blog commenters who sent me a chicken signed by the stalwart group who had their "Big Blogcast" in Metropolis, Il the other weekend- we hope to show it and a couple of your photos down the line.

If you get the "Decades" network, you might just spot Sven's alter ego, Rich Koz, on "Through the Decades" on Tuesday, August 30, talking about monsters in the media. the show will run , with the usual pattern of "Decades",  four times that day.

Be prepared for some special Sven stuff- in the next few weeks, we will be premiering the song written and performed for us by Freddy "Boom Boom" Cannon of "Palisades Park" fame, featuring some surprise celebrity cameos! And- in celebration of the 50th anniversary of "Star Trek" - we'll host a special one time showing of the program's original pilot.

We hope you'll join us then- and tonight, for the "Jungle Captive"!

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