Before Ant Man- There Was “The Incredible Shrinking Man”- Tonight on MeTV!

Posted on May 14, 2016

Yes, before Ant Man, the Ray Palmer Atom, and the "Fantastic Voyage" crew- there was an involuntary subject of mastering becoming miniature- meet him tonight on MeTV, when we bring back a true 1950s sci-fi classic- "The Incredible Shrinking Man"!

In this 1957 black and white offering, Scott Carey and his wife are lounging  aboard a boat off the coast of California- and, while wife Louise heads below to grab some refreshments, a strange cloud passes by, enveloping Scott in its glittery fog. It fades away, leaving the couple confused about what just happened.

We begin to realize what happened a few weeks later- when Scott's clothing doesn't seem to fit- no, it's not a wonder diet- and he heads to his doctor- played by William Schallert, who sadly just passed away this week- who finds him in perfect health- and maintains that people don't just start to get shorter! However, certain events seem to indicate that the doctor may be wrong- including Scott noticing that he and his wife are now the same height- which wasn't the case in the past.

Eventually, all concerned believe something isn't right- and Scott is sent to a medical research  lab-where it is finally confirmed that Scott is getting smaller-and a theory as to why finally falls into place.Unfortunately, the media get hold of the story and it's a plague of paparazzi -leaving Scott hiding in isolation, unable to work , or hide his frustration from his tearful wife.

Possible hope for a cure comes and goes as Scott continues to shrink- with the normal aspects of his home suddenly becoming a threat to his existence- as the world around him becomes larger and more threatening- and Scott must stand alone against the dangers that constantly loom over him!

This is a favorite film of so many of our viewers- with Grant Williams outstanding performance as Scott, conveying his frustration, isolation and fear so well. We'll run down other cast members, including a future "Beverly Hillbillies" player and a small star with a large resume.

"The Incredible Shrinking Man" starts tonight on MeTV at 10 pm eastern/pacific, 9 central, or check your local listings or for information for your area. Chicago viewers get a curtain call of "Calling Dr Death" (featuring the visit from the hilarious Gilbert Gottfried) at 11 am on WCIU, the U.

Along with William Schallert's appearance in our movie tonight, make sure you tune in to "Star Trek"  before our show tonight- as MeTV pays tribute to him with the presentation of a famous episode featuring the late actor- "The Trouble with Tribbles".

Join us tonight for big thrills from a small survivor on MeTV!

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