Can the Dead Get Wed? Find out in the Classic “Bride of Frankenstein”- Tonight!

Posted on June 3, 2017

June has long been the traditional month for brides-so we're kicking off  this month with the most honored bride in monster matrimony-in the film that brought the great Boris Karloff back to his best-known role to pick up the story where the original "Frankenstein" film had left off! Tonight on MeTV,witness the ONLY appearance of the one Universal monster who didn't kill anybody- and, regardless of her limited screen time,has become a true icon of Universal horror- the “Bride of Frankenstein”!

This 1935 film- which is always  high on the list of our viewer requests- starts on a dismal, stormy night- with the original story’s authoress- Mary Shelley-revealing that the Frankenstein story did not end  at the story's conclusion! She picks up the tale right where the original “Frankenstein” film left off- with the burning windmill, the scene of the final battle between monster and maker took place, collapsing. Poor Henry,thrown from its heights by the Monster, is being carried home by the crowd  that witnessed it all, as they mourn his demise but celebrate the "end" of the Monster.The father of little Maria, the child the hapless Monster threw into the water, unaware that she would drown, remains at the smoking ruins, wanting to make sure the Monster is finally gone- but his luck- and his life- run out- because the Monster still lives!

Meanwhile, Henry is carried back to his fiancee Elizabeth-  but, shockingly, he (just like the Monster he created) has survived! Henry is on the slow road to recovery when he gets a late night visit from  Dr. Pretorius- a mentor of Henry’s ,who knows what the poor man has achieved, and seeks his help. The sinister Pretorius has conducted his own experiments in creating life- and displays some of the bizarre results to Henry-  in an effort to partner with his  knowledge and expertise- and  finally create a true perfect living being! With all he's experienced, Henry wants no part of such an undertaking- the awful results of his own experiment  have convinced him that playing God  is a mistake.

His  Monster, meanwhile, has fled from the windmill and , still hunted, and injured, seeks solace in the forest, eventually finding the hut of  a blind hermit (the basis for a famous- and hilarious- scene in “Young Frankenstein”). The hermit is grateful to have this new "friend"- as is the Monster, who is taught some basics by the kindly blind man. This tranquil alliance is disrupted when two hunters (one of whom is John Carradine) , having lost their way, come to the cabin  for help with directions-and  are shocked to see the Monster! The misunderstood creature escapes and, trying to hide from his pursuers, enters a crypt in a graveyard- where, coincidentally, the devious Pretorius just happens to be in search of " parts” for his latest project. Completely unfazed by the appearance of the Monster, Pretorius realizes that he can use the lonely creature as leverage to get Henry to cooperate with him- by threatening his bride's safety! Unwilling to let anything happen to Elizabeth,  Frankenstein submits to the demands, heads uneasily back to work ,amid additional evil deeds, with Pretorius  to create the Monster's fondest desire-a bride! But- will this fiancee of fright be a match made in...well...a laboratory, but- perhaps not the happy union some might wish for?

This classic 1935 film  is not just one of the best  horror films, but also included in lists of the top films-period- of all time. Karloff continues to add new facets to the character of the Monster- including the addition of speech- and Dr. Pretorius, portrayed by the "flamboyant" Ernest Thesiger, is, without a doubt, a truly memorable addition to the Frankenstein film legend, as is the Bride, portrayed ever so briefly, but effectively, by Elsa Lanchester (yes, you'll note that I may not be pronouncing her name correctly in one segment- we had various opinions on how it should be pronounced, and I may have chosen wrong in that case, and there was no time for a reshoot!). We’ll tell you all about the entire cast, certain deletions from the production, and  more- as well as providing our usual contributions.Plus- watch for a quick cameo from one of our favorite MeTV actors!

“Bride of Frankenstein"'s reception begins on MeTV tonight at 10 pm eastern/pacific, 9 central, or check for time and channel in your area in your local listings or at . Our Chicago area viewers get a bonus run of "Abbott and Costello Meet the Killer Boris Karloff" at 11 am on WCIU, the U.

We want to bid a fond farewell to Elena Verdugo- the playful gypsy girl  who fell in love with Larry Talbot in "House of Frankenstein"- was  the  innocent niece of the wax museum owner in "The Frozen Ghost"- and the faithful nurse on TV's "Marcus Welby, MD". Ms. Verdugo passed away this week at age 92. An ironic note , in view of her horror movie resume- her last name "Verdugo" is  supposedly the Spanish word for- executioner!

In lighter news, the "It Came From Berwyn" poster is selling like hot cakes (though syrup might make it a little messy to put on the wall) - get yours in the store on this site!

The  Rondo Awards ceremony will be held today in Louisville- and, though I'm unable to attend, we have sent a taped acceptance speech to express our gratitude for again being voted "favorite horror host".

But- tonight- it's a whole different type of "ceremony"- with the Monster asking for his bride's hand- regardless of who it originally was connected to...

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