Demon-strating How Not To Make Friends in “Curse of the Demon” - Tonight!

Posted on June 17, 2023

Tonight on MeTV, we travel to England with a skeptical psychologist who plans to debunk reports of a Satanic cult using supernatural powers to destroy their enemies- only to find more than he bargained for when he becomes the target of the “Curse of the Demon”!

This 1958 film- which is a slightly edited version of the 1957 British version of the film “NIGHT of the Demon” (we will explain why the title was changed for American distribution) stars Dana Andrews as Dr. John Holden, arriving in England for a convention where the supposed cult’s supernatural acts would be disproved. However, before his arrival, his friend and associate Professor Harrington, who was to join him in the convention expose, has died under mysterious circumstances after a confrontation with the cult’s leader Dr. Karswell.

Holden meets with other peers of Harrington, who are not as quick to dismiss the occult nature of his death-yet the psychologist refuses to even entertain the idea. He heads to the British Museum to do some research, only to find a key book he needs is missing. Ironically, he is approached by Dr. Karswell himself- who reveals he has a copy of said book, and is willing to let Holden see it.

Meanwhile, Holden has encountered Harrington’s niece, Joanna, who believes that her uncle was the victim of a curse- and shows him the deceased relative’s diary that lends credence to that theory. When the two of them head to Karswell’s mansion- he provides what he says is proof of his unearthly powers- which Holden doesn’t accept- but then comes the kicker- Karswell tells Holden he will die in three days!

Holden is determined to talk to a cult member who is accused of murder, in spite of his catatonic state- amid more bizarre unexplained happenings, a séance, and the revelation of the importance of ancient runes found on a parchment and at Stonehenge! This all puts Holden in the crosshairs of the all too real occult power-and possibly the vengeful demon!

We’ll talk about the differences of opinion among the film makers regarding the demon’s appearance in the film, and introduce many of the cast members- including one gentleman you know, surprisingly, from one of our most requested films! We also get the chance to again chat with one of our favorite actors who has his own “Supernatural” roots, our friend Mark Sheppard; show a promo for a film that Stephen King would probably flush down a sewer; have a visit from a supposed debunker of the supernatural (gee, wonder who THAT might be), plus a new song and more!

You’ll get the “Curse of the Demon” tonight at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central time. MeTV invites you to join the scores of fans on Twitter who live Tweet during the show, and have us trending among the most popular topics every week- just make sure to use the hashtag #svengoolie . Our viewers in Chicago will get the chance to view “Night Monster” in daylight- at 11 am on our local station, CW26.

We have arrived at another milestone- the anniversary of my very first appearance on television in Chicago as (Son of) Svengoolie in 1979! I am still amazed by and grateful for the support of our terrific fans who have been so instrumental in our reaching this event!

And- we are about one month away from the release of the new Svengoolie comic by the “Frank Miller Presents” group! Keep checking the blog for more details in the weeks to come.

Join us tonight for what many consider to be among the top 100 films in the horror genre!

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 during show

DrFish28136 17 months ago
1MikeM 20 months ago
...and dat was Curse of da Demon...and dat's da name a dat tune!
Klaatu 20 months ago
Only 20 minutes until I’m not first blogger😳
Katink Klaatu 20 months ago
Same here, Klaatu😁
gabste 20 months ago
Thank you for the good vibes. Hubby still has a heart blood clot. So will hear next week what the plan is. I try to be here in the morning for toons. So tired. Goodnight to all
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Katink gabste 20 months ago
Thinking about you and your Hubby, Sven-sister 💕
Carl_N_Brown gabste 20 months ago
Be strong and take care of hubby and yourself.
VanGooliac gabste 20 months ago
Still sending good vibes to you and hubby, Gabste!
abc123 gabste 20 months ago
Best of Wishes.
daleuhlmann 20 months ago
Between Jack's earlier post I Aleister Crowley and the responses it encouraged (including one of mine), that a local classic station here in CA just played "Mr. Crowley," by Ozzy Osbourne!
Jack daleuhlmann 20 months ago
The song’s pretty old, mebbe we can get by with posting the video?
Carl_N_Brown 20 months ago
My bad, the official French title of tomorrow's movie is MONSTERES INVISIBLES.
I still like my translation (assisted by transgoogle) LE DEMON SANS VISAGE.
INVISIBLE MONSTERS is so, so AIP. I expected better from the French.
Jack Carl_N_Brown 20 months ago
_Le demon sans visage_ kinda follows the original French title of _Eyes Without a Face_. I don’t think French values alliteration in verse as much as English does, so _Monstres invisibles_ works, I guess. At least it’s truth in advertising.
CountCurt 20 months ago
I just saw an ad on the side of a bus promoting a James Cameron exhibit “Challenge Of The Deep”. It showed a picture of the ill-fated submersible. So sad. It is very clear that the Titanic submersible has to be reassessed …safety for the passengers and and better emergency plan. Special thanks to the US and Canadian Coast Guards and the other vehicles plus the selfless people that supported.
Klaatu CountCurt 20 months ago
I’m still really upset about that event😢. Tragedies like that certainly make me think twice about doing anything risky. Although I gotta say, I’ve really enjoyed Zip Line rides across canyons in Canada, and I went down in a diving bell about 100 feet in the ocean. Both scary but exhilarating.
daleuhlmann CountCurt 20 months ago
It was indeed a tragedy, Count.
Carl_N_Brown CountCurt 20 months ago
My son gifted me a book 8 Jun 2023.
Jack Carl_N_Brown 20 months ago
Sort of prescient.
CountCurt Klaatu 20 months ago
Of course it is extremely upsetting. I am sure that iit will be revealed the safety issues that could have been addressed. I know some thrill seekers. My ex boss and her husband are experience climbers. Her husband died on K2 a few months ago.
CountCurt Carl_N_Brown 20 months ago
I am intrigued by this book.
PatS Carl_N_Brown 20 months ago
The Hunley sank at least three times and drowned its creator with the second crew. Lost in Charleston harbor for many years -- found and raised -- now in a special museum. The local re-creators held a proper Civil War military funeral, with proper music and uniforms, for the final crew. Yes, intriguing story.
Klaatu 20 months ago
I just figured out what could be more horrific than A Fiend Without A Face…A Martini without an olive 🫒 😳. And BTW, that Gin was made and sold by James May, the British TV celebrity👍
CountCurt Klaatu 20 months ago
Thank goodness fo olives!
daleuhlmann Klaatu 20 months ago
Now THAT would be frightening! 😂
Cartoondave 20 months ago
Sitting outside on the porch relaxing until whenever tomorrow having a cookout and Sunday headed home
CountCurt Cartoondave 20 months ago
You sound like Jon-Boy Walton
Aceman2 20 months ago
From the Pressbook. I had to be careful of what I posted to avoid spoilers. Movie posters unfortunately show too much.

Mikeyyy Aceman2 20 months ago
Hell0o Kim!
Aceman2 Mikeyyy 20 months ago
Good luck Mikeyyy, in the race to first blogger. Hope things are getting better for you.
CountCurt Aceman2 20 months ago
Aceman2 I don’t think anyone would ever accuse you of being a spoiler. I don’t think that showing lobby posters is a spoilers. First of all they would have been up in theatres advance of the movie showing. In fact they would have created intrigue. Also MeTV is already showing previews. Also, the lobby posters aren’t always an accurate depiction of the movie. They are an artist’s interpretation of a movie. Lastly, so many love the lobby posters. I particularly love the foreign language lobby posters.
Aceman2 CountCurt 20 months ago
I agree with you Count but ….
I think what spooked me was at the end of his “This week on Svengoolie” video he blocked a pic with “NO SPOILERS”. On the other hand he actually does show a poster with the fiend that I decided not to post. I also am a bit gun shy because I have been warned in the past. I don’t worry about most movies because most of us have seen them many times but FWAF is a movie that a surprisingly large number of Svenfans have not. This will only be my second time. I’ll continue to use my best judgement but thanks for your comment
CountCurt Aceman2 20 months ago
Aceman2 I get where you are coming from. It will be my second time as well.I will be speaking to you on the blog tomorrow evening. It will be fun.
TheKodakKid 20 months ago
Hope to be awake for the race tonight. This was my day off, so I only had to work 5 1/2 hours when I went in.🙄
Aceman2 TheKodakKid 20 months ago
Good luck in tonight’s race. Hello TKK. I downloaded over 100 radio episode of Johnny Dollar and Richard Diamond Private Investigator. Really enjoying them.
TheKodakKid Aceman2 20 months ago
Remind me later to share a couple of notes about the cast that I found interesting.
Katink 20 months ago
Heading out to a minor league baseball game⚾️! Should be back in time for the race to the new blog😉
DrSerizawa 20 months ago
Got home yesterday from a driving trip to Green Bay with my Packers fan buddy and our wives. His first time there. He's a long time Sven fan who can't watch now that he cut the cable. While we were driving I got the email about the new t shirt design and he had me order one right from the car. No, I wasn't at the wheel.

It was a great trip, would have been greater without a monster attack of gout. Fortunately the ER in the Green Bay hospital got me in and out and medicated. FYI, the Lambeau Field tour has free wheel chairs for those who need them.
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Katink DrSerizawa 20 months ago
Nice, DrS! I used to live in the very far west suburbs (have lived in Geneva and St. Charles, and grew up in tiny Elburn and earned a graduate degree at Northern Illinois Unuversity).
Katink DrSerizawa 20 months ago
DrSerizawa 20 months ago
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Jack Kyle 20 months ago
That does suck.
Drang 20 months ago
Good afternoon, all!
Tomorrow is Amateur Radio Field Day in the US and Canada, so I will not be joining you for toons, and may not make it for the start of the Big Broadcast... depending on how clear the airlanes are...
Klaatu 20 months ago
Tomorrow is going to be “A Fiend Without a Klaatu”, for me anyways. It’ll be the first weekend in a long time without throngs of kids and friends disrupting my personal Svengoolie time, so I’m going out for an enjoyable cocktail with the wife. You would think I would stay home and watch, but after all, there are Bartenders who depend on me to make a living.
daleuhlmann Klaatu 20 months ago
They should feel so glad that you are so unselfish, Klaatu!
DrFish28136 20 months ago
Cartoondave 20 months ago
Just got back from playing mini golf scored a total of 55 not too good and not so bad but I did get a hole in 1 on the 11th now we're just relaxing a bit have a late lunch and then probs going to the arcade
Aceman2 Cartoondave 20 months ago
What’s par on the course?
Katink Cartoondave 20 months ago
Sounds like a fun day, Dave!
daleuhlmann Cartoondave 20 months ago
Sounds fun, Dave!
Cartoondave Aceman2 20 months ago
2 I think?
CountCurt 20 months ago
For all of you Taxi fans, Carole Kane has joined the cast of Star Trek’s Strange New Worlds as the ship’s chief engineer. Enjoying her already.
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Jack CountCurt 20 months ago
Qugh la’ (center) as seen on the second edition cover of the _Klingon Dictionary_.
Jack CountCurt 20 months ago
Was the Lanthanite accent by which Uhura realized Pelia wasn’t human the same non-rhotic [non-wotic] speech that Kane uses? More important, was she responsible for the baffle plate rupture that crippled Christopher Pike, mebbe because she felt a certain kinship with the elderly Class J starship?
CountCurt Jack 20 months ago
Jack, yes it was the non-rhotic speech that she used.😀. Sorry not clear on the second question.
Jack CountCurt 20 months ago
You know, *that* baffle plate...
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