Don’t End Up Dormant in Your Dorm Due to “Monster on the Campus”- Tonight!

Posted on September 12, 2015

Tonight on MeTV-it's not only "back to school" time- but "back in the evolutionary scale" time as well- when  a college professor accidentally comes in contact with deadly DNA that turns him into the "Monster on the Campus"!

Professor Donald Blake is excited about the delivery to his campus laboratory of a coelacanth- a rare fish specimen of a type of fish thought to be extinct until rediscovered  in the 30s-that has resisted any sort of evolutionary change, remaining  exactly as it has been since prehistoric time! While removing the specimen, some of the ice it's been packed in has melted- and a dog belonging to one of his students, not finding an open toilet nearby, opts to drink some of the runoff water contaminated with the coelacanth's blood. The usually friendly dog suddenly becomes a wild and savage beast- complete with huge monstrous fangs! Prof. Blake and his associates are at a total loss  to explain this frightening transformation, and keep the dog in the lab to be studied.

Meanwhile, the professor  is  still excited about that fish specimen -which has also been bombarded with gamma rays as a way to preserve it (hasn't the work of Dr. Bruce Banner taught us anything?) but, while moving the prized fish to the refrigerated space in  his lab, he injures his hand- and manages to submerge the wound in that same contaminated water from the specimen box! He begins to feel ill - and later awakens to find a female associate has been murdered- his home has been ransacked- and he has no memory of what has transpired!

Prof. Blake continues to work with the specimen - but, along the way, there are more deadly encounters with strange creatures that have reverted to their prehistoric forms- including what appears to be - man himself!  There are more attacks and murders, and the police are confused about just who -or what- the quarry they are searching for might be. Then the professor comes to a dawning and disastrous realization that the key to this horror is not just the specimen- but- himself!

This 1958 Jack Arnold sci-fi thriller has several notable faces from  50s and 60s movies and TV- among them, as a student, Troy Donahue, a year before he hit it big with adolescents in "A Summer Place" with Sandra Dee; Whit Bissell ,who also dealt with teenage werewolves and Frankensteins; Hank "Fred Ziffel" Patterson- and more. We’ll tell you about the cast members, and  earn some extra credits in the humor department with some school shtick- including frat house frolics, and classroom chaos-with a highlight being Sven being taught a lesson by our dear friend, the lovely Lisa Marie Varon- of TNA and WWE wrestling fame, and owner of Chicago's "Squared Circle" restaurant.

On MeTV, the bell rings to start“Monster on the Campus”  tonight at 10 pm eastern and pacific, 9 pm central, and, if you're unsure of our run time where you live, please check your local listings. In Chicago, anybody who missed "Night Walker" with Barbara Stanwyck last week on MeTV can catch the second run  at 11 am on our sister station, WCIU, the U!

In just one week, we start the 2015 Sven Halloween season appearance tour with a visit to the Bizarre Bazaar in Hammond! You can find details on all our appearances right here on our site under- what else?- the "appearances" tab! We'll be adding more as they approach- remember, you can find out about them first if you subscribe to our monthly Sven newsletter, which comes out on the first of each month- it's free, so sign up today- and get the appearance info a little BEFORE we post it to the general public here on our website!

Meanwhile,don't be tardy for our session tonight-you don't want anything put in your permanent record (especially melted fossil water- eww!)

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