"FrankenFest" is Alive- and so is the Monster- Thanks to the "Son of Frankenstein"- Tonight

Posted on October 16, 2021

Tonight on MeTV- it’s an important film in our month long “FrankenFest” –in which Boris Karloff makes his final appearance as the Monster on film- Bela Lugosi makes his first appearance in one of his best character roles, as the wily and dangerous Ygor- and Basil Rathbone stars as Wolf Frankenstein, who makes his return to the family home and is forced to deal with the various results of his father's legacy- as the "Son of Frankenstein"!

In this 1939 classic, Dr. Frankenstein’s son returns to his father's estate, located in the town named after the family- bringing his young wife along. Their precocious son is already waiting there for them, as they arrive on a damp and dreary night, meeting a crowd of local authorities and villagers- who seem none too happy to see him! Their blunt and cold reception is understandable, as it stems from  memories of the painful horrors created by his father's experiments- and his murderous creation. Even the old Frankenstein homestead seems to echo this bleak greeting, but Wolf tries to put a happy face on it all for his family. When he checks out the crumbling remains of his father's old laboratory, he finds a sinister squatter - the hunchbacked Ygor- a sadistic blacksmith who claims he used to "do things" for Wolf's father. This misshapen misfit was, in fact, hanged for his crimes- but somehow – he has survived! When Ygor finds out that Wolf, like his father, is also a doctor, he wants to enlist him to help heal his “friend”- and Wolf is shocked to see that Ygor's friend is none other than his father’s greatest creation- the Monster! The creature now barely clings to life ( as, alas, he can’t die) and is kept hidden by Ygor in the family catacombs! Wolf is awestruck by this discovery, which finally drives home what an amazing accomplishment his father had attained- and is determined to revive the Monster, and display this marvel of science, thereby restoring his family name- and his father’s reputation in the village, as well as in the annals of history. Meanwhile, Ygor has his own reasons for wanting to see the Monster restored to his full strength and life force; a master plan for revenge against his original accusers, to be carried out by the creature, no matter what the expense- even if the collateral damage includes Wolf and his family!

Wolf begins the process of rejuvenating his father’s creation- while the townspeople take notice, and become more and more suspicious about what he’s up to. The stern but fair local constable, who has had previous experience with the Monster, and bears a horrible reminder of his clash with it, strives to protect the family and stands ready to help them- but questions Wolf’s actions more and more. Meanwhile, Ygor continues working on his own agenda- and the villagers get those torches and pitchforks ready for a final confrontation!

This film is a strong continuation of the Frankenstein series, and a moving finale to Karloff’s portrayal of the Monster on film. Basil Rathbone, who felt appearing in this horror film required him to play the role “over the top”, seems at the point of hysteria at times - and his young son Donnie Dunagan seems to grate on some viewers’ nerves a bit. Most impressive is Bela's incredible portrayal of Ygor- creating such a unique and singular character unlike most of what we’ve seen him play before, and showing he was a more versatile actor than many give him credit for. We've got plenty of info about the cast, including the one character that Mel Brooks appropriated so well- along with some fun Sven stuff. Please note, as we'll mention- this is a VERY long film, and has necessitated curtailing some of our Sven segments and doing some judiciously careful  minor editing- making sure the integrity of film is maintained.

“Son of Frankenstein” keeps “FrankenFest” alive on MeTV tonight at 8pm eastern/pacific, 7 pm central time. You are encouraged to join in the live-Tweeting going on during the program on Twitter- be sure to use the hashtag #svengoolie. Our  Chicago area viewers get to enjoy, one more time, the original “Frankenstein” at 11 am on our main local station, CW26.

In answer to many questions- yes, the Sven holiday sweaters sold out in record time! They will not be restocked for this holiday season, but hopefully will be offered again next year. Watch for some new Sven merchandise coming soon!

It does seem strange to not be doing any Halloween appearances again this year, but we are hoping things improve enough to allow us to get out and visit with you before the end of the year.

Make sure you join us tonight as “FrankenFest” puts it all in the family- and the wrath of Rathbone rises ( along with the Monster)!

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 during show

MADave 35 months ago
A good edition to Saturday morning cartoons on metv I think would be THE ADDAMS FAMILY cartoon series from 1973 even tho it was just 1 season and only 16 episodes
NoPersonalChicks 35 months ago
I'll close out this week's blog by saying WORLD SERIES, HERE WE COME!
Klaatu 35 months ago
Wow, no new posts. We must all be hovering over the keyboard waiting, waiting, waiting for the House of Frankenstein update.👍
MADave 35 months ago
Keith's trophy 🏆 is coming his way
MADave 35 months ago
Who was 3000th blogger today/tonight?
MrsG MADave 35 months ago
Keith nailed it kinda late last night , now it’s your turn to nail 1st Blogger tonight MADave !
MADave MrsG 35 months ago
Thanks MrsG I'm going to need it it's been a loooooooong time
Aceman2 35 months ago
Bucks County PA. Beautiful moon tonight. Was a warm glowing pumpkin colored moon before rising to be bright white
Aceman2 Aceman2 35 months ago
Carl_N_Brown Aceman2 35 months ago
I can only say I one thing.
MrsG Aceman2 35 months ago
Breathtaking !
But is that a werewolf playing peekaboo ? !
Jack Carl_N_Brown 35 months ago
WILLOUGHBY 35 months ago
Sven's beautiful Christmas sweater is SOLD OUT and it appears there are already copycats trying to step in for the demand. Now THIS is an ugly party sweater.
Jack WILLOUGHBY 35 months ago
This knock-off isn’t even a sweater. Closer examination shows it’s a printed sweatshirt, and the alignment of the image is so crappy that the sleeves are asymmetrical (right sleeve has part of the tree border on the cuff, left sleeve ends with Sven’s goatee). Cheesy in a bad way!
WILLOUGHBY Jack 35 months ago
Gruesome is the word.
Geo WILLOUGHBY 35 months ago
I saw this and wondered how a company can have the (ahem), how can I say it? It's something I cannot say here, but you get the idea. This isnt the first knock off I saw. It disgusts me they are being sold as the genuine article. We as Sven fans know better. They can't pull the wool over our eyes.
PatS Geo 35 months ago
I think the fancy word is effrontery. Or chutzpah. Or even (in a Stooges accent) the 'NOIV.' (And it ain't even wool, it's acrylic.)
Drang PatS 35 months ago
Copyright infringement? Piracy?
Geo Drang 35 months ago
Both are excellent.
Geo PatS 35 months ago
I think it is just sad and pathetic.
Kergooliewyn 35 months ago
I would like, if I may, to add a song to Catbat's playlist. "No Blood in Bone" by the Poppy Family.
Kergooliewyn Kergooliewyn 35 months ago
It's kind of poppy creepy.
Klaatu 35 months ago
More music for the infamous Svengoolie Halloween playlist:
1. Bloodletting (The Vampire Song) by Concrete Blondes.
2. Fright Night by J. Geils Band.
3. A Gorey Demise by Creature Feature.
4. Living Dead Girl by Rob Zombie.
5. I Walked With A Zombie by REM
6. I Walked With A Zombie by Wednesday 13

You may need a few shots of Bourbon to calm down after these🥃
NoPersonalChicks Klaatu 35 months ago
'Bodies' - Drowning Pool
Might need the whole bottle after this.
Klaatu Klaatu 35 months ago
And of course…Graveyard Rock by Tarantula Goul
Klaatu NoPersonalChicks 35 months ago
Ha Nice! This could be my theme song for work.
Kergooliewyn 35 months ago
Hello Everyone!👋Just when you thought it couldn't get any better. Tomorrow Sven is giving us a 5fer.
A Mad Scientist, A Mad hunched over assistant, a Mad Monster, a Mad Vampire, and a Mad Werewolf! Now there's some Madness. Though I love Boris as the monster I also enjoy him as the up to no good scientist.
Mr Talbot will be his usual solemn self I'm sure. Daniel will get a new body. (yeah right🤨) Drac will seduce someone, and the Monster will do what he's told. So much fun. See everyone tomorrow night!
Klaatu 35 months ago
Anyone up for a good Quatermass Experiment movie on Svengoolie?
MrsG 36 months ago
Keith ~
Didn’t find your Halloween cartoons from last night ‘til this am but glad I did ~ HILARIOUS ~10-Q !
Klaatu 36 months ago
I watched a BBC documentary about horror movie making, and it dawned upon me how much we owe to Carl Laemmle Jr. The great Universal monster movies, most of what we have seen on Svengoolie, were huge risks, but risks that paid off. Of interest is that the Paris Opera stage, as used in the original Phantom of the Opera, still exists at Universal Studios. We owe so much great movie watching to those early risk takers.
daleuhlmann Klaatu 36 months ago
How about the cathedral set for the 1923 THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME?
NoPersonalChicks 36 months ago
HBD, Jerome.
MrsG NoPersonalChicks 36 months ago
Woob woob woob and nyuk nyuk nyuk ! ! !
Kergooliewyn MrsG 35 months ago
Haha MrsG, you do that good.
[image=https://weigel-comments.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/z4gZf-1634942255-giphy (10).gif]
Course, nobody does is like That guy.
NoPersonalChicks 36 months ago
TV on this date October 22 in 1967 (Sunday): Lassie, Gentle Ben, Ed Sullivan (Guest: Petula Clark), FBI, Mothers-in-Law, High Chaparral, Smothers Brothers (Guest: The Byrds), Bonanza, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Mia Farrow in 'Johnny Belinda', Mission: Impossible, Bears vs Browns (Chicago Tribune TV Week)
Jack NoPersonalChicks 36 months ago
🎶”Hey, Mr. Spaceman…” (Tommy and Dickie get trippy)
MrsG NoPersonalChicks 36 months ago
WOW lots of memorable entertainment there NPC !
Jack 36 months ago
MrsG Jack 36 months ago
WOW the whole dingdong family dressed up as chimps ~ great costumes ~ looks like they’re klinking Jack !
NoPersonalChicks Jack 36 months ago
I did not give you permission to post my family Halloween pics.
Jack NoPersonalChicks 36 months ago
How embarrassing! Our families wore the same costumes!
NoPersonalChicks Jack 36 months ago
What costumes?
Jack NoPersonalChicks 36 months ago
The orange Halloween stuff. Usually we wore the green wool suits with the leather yoke and leather doodads on the sleeves.
Katink 36 months ago
Things are looking like a go for Hubby and me to head off to his model building convention/show/expo! We will be in Schaumburg for the MMSI (Military Miniature Society of Illinois) , and I'm hoping that MeTv is on the television lineup. Either way, I'll check in on the blog.
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Kergooliewyn Katink 35 months ago
Drang Katink 35 months ago
Project 1: make space to work.
Project 2: Negotiate with Mrs. Drang for where to put the things when they're done...
Aceman2 Katink 35 months ago
Aceman wishes Mr Katink success in the competition. He has incredible talent as we have seen in the photos you have shared. Most importantly - have a good time together and enjoy the convention!
Katink Aceman2 35 months ago
Thank you, Aceman! We will check in tomorrow night to let you all know how he did.
NoPersonalChicks 36 months ago
Hey Chicagoland bloggers, on this date October 22 in 2016 radio legend Herb Kent passed away at age 88. He had done his final radio broadcast that morning. He was the longest-running DJ in the history of radio - for more than seven decades. The "Cool Gent" began radio at age of 16, was inducted into the National Radio Hall of Fame in 1995 and was an instructor at Chicago State University.
7 decades! Whoa! RIP "Cool Gent"
Katink 36 months ago
Saw on the morning news that there were tornadoes in Pennsylvania overnight. Hope our Easties are safe 💕
MrsG Katink 36 months ago
10-Q Girl , we are just south of downtown Pittsburgh and lucked out but saw roofs blown off , trees down etc , just north of the city . YIKES !
Thereman MrsG 36 months ago
Thank goodness! Was worried about both you and Mr. Uhlmann yesterday! The worst we got here in C-bus was two of the mums blowing over, but it looked a bit nasty to the North and East. But I figured you’d be OK, having survived the last minute drama when the officials got involved with the end of Sunday nights matchup with men of steel
A nail biter!
MrsG Thereman 36 months ago
Double WHEW Thereman ! !
Katink MrsG 36 months ago
Glad you are safe, MrsG! Thanks for checking in💕
Have we heard from Aceman yet?
Kergooliewyn MrsG 35 months ago
Glad you're ok MrsG. Is it my imagination, or has the weather been brutal this year.
Aceman2 Katink 35 months ago
Eastern part of PA actually had fantastic weather the last couple days. I had exterior painting and landscaping work being done and several trips to the golf driving range. Thanks for asking
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