"FrankenFest's" First Face-Off- "Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein" Tonight!

Posted on October 2, 2021

Tonight on MeTV, we kick off our month-long celebration – “FrankenFest”- with our annual showing of one of our most requested films- and the perfect way to start our Halloween  season! Universal’s top comedy team for many years- who had lost some of their box office power- teamed up with some of Universal’s classic monsters ( who had also been in decline) to stage an amazing comeback for them all! You get two of the classic monsters, played by the men who established them as horror legends- as well as the Frankenstein Monster! Bud Abbott and Lou Costello preside over this monster mash in what is often referred to as one of the best horror comedies of all time- "Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein"!

Our film begins with two over-worked railroad baggage clerks, Chick and Wilbur, struggling to unload their latest shipments and , as usual, causing most of their own problems. Wilbur’s latest girlfriend, a stunning woman named Sandra, drops by to visit her beau- with Chick is dumbfounded as to why this beauty who is obviously way out of Wilbur’s league, might be attracted to his little pal. The phone in the place never seems to stop ringing- and when Wilbur answers the latest call, it’s long distance from London! On the line is someone the boys are not familiar with (but we most certainly are)- it’s Larry Talbot, the man cursed to become a werewolf when the moon is full! Unfortunately he is calling just as the full moon rises, and Talbot transforms into the man-beast before he can deliver a desperate warning to the boys. As if things at the station are not hectic enough, Mr. McDougal, an abrasive customer arrives to harass the boys, demanding that they drop everything ( NEVER say that to Costello!) to deliver a couple boxes from their latest shipment to his “house of horrors” exhibition. , He actually might be spared a lot of trouble if Talbot had completed his warning to Wilbur, because these items he feels will be a sensational attraction for his business- supposedly the authentic coffin of Count Dracula, and –the body of the REAL Frankenstein Monster– are, unbeknownst to him, entirely TOO real! The supposedly worldly Chick isn’t buying that story, but, regardless, promises  he and Wilbur will make the delivery that evening.

Just released: The Svengoolie Holiday Knit Sweater is available now in the MeTV Store!

It just happens to be a dark and stormy night as the boys work the late shift to bring the items to McDougal’s “House of Horrors”- the perfect setting for the nervous Wilbur to learn –to his dismay- that the display pieces are indeed authentic! True to form with these two guys, he can’t convince Chick that they are dealing with the real deals- Chick thinks it’s all in Wilbur’s limited and superstitious mind. Count Dracula, meanwhile, rises from his coffin ( or, his “bunk”, as Lou refers to it) and , freeing the Monster from his crate, makes his escape  from the museum- taking the creature composed of human parts with him, and leaving Wilbur in a trance, Chick aggravated, and the new  “House of Horrors” attractions gone! Arriving after the fact, the furious McDougal thinks the baggage handlers have stolen his valuable exhibits and wants them put in jail!

The next stop for Dracula and the Monster is an castle sanctuary on an island, in which the laboratory notes of the original Dr. Frankenstein are in the hands of a renowned surgeon. Shockingly, that surgeon is none other than Wilbur’s beautiful girlfriend- Sandra! The real reason for her interest in the chubby fellow is now revealed- she plans to transplant his easily- manipulated brain into the Monster- thus making the powerful creature easier to command, and the perfect pawn for Count Dracula!

Back on the mainland,Wilbur and Chick have been bailed out of jail by a woman. They assume it was Sandra- until a pretty blonde stranger named Joan shows up, and reveals that it was she! Little do the boys realize that Joan is working undercover with McDougal’s insurance company, investigating the supposed theft of his property, in hopes of recovering the missing display items. Meanwhile, coincidence of coincidences- the boys run into Larry Talbot, who has just arrived from England, and taken the apartment across the hall from theirs- and must enlist the boys to aid him in finding the two evil creatures of legend, before Dracula carries out his scheme , and can control the powerful Monster for his evil schemes!

Wilbur, with two lovelies both apparently wanting to spend time with him, decides to have Joan AND Sandra join him for a big masquerade ball, leaving Chick as a fourth wheel, hoping to make time with at least one of the ladies. They head to the island castle to pick up Sandra- and while waiting for the girls to finish powdering their noses, answer the castle phone -a habit Wilbur needs to break, because it’s Talbot on the line, claiming the Monster and Dracula must be in the very castle they are in! The boys decide to search the place, stumbling onto a hidden lower chamber where Wilbur again encounters the monsters- and just like at McDougal’s, still can't convince Chick that he's actually found them! When they return to the main level, the girls are ready to go- and Sandra introduces them to her associate, Dr. Leighos- who appears to be the spitting (or biting?) image of Count Dracula! He encourages his visitors and co-workers to go have a good time at the masquerade ball- using his powers to convince the now-reluctant Sandra to continue their plan, even though she feels it is too dangerous after having spotted Joan snooping around the Frankenstein papers.

Shop our new Classic Horror Films t-shirts in the MeTV Store.

The ball seems to be a must-attend destination for everyone in the area- that includes nasty Mr. McDougal; Doctor Leighos dressed in a spot-on Dracula “costume”; and the always less than festive Larry Talbot. The party degenerates into a frantic catastrophe that puts Chick and Wilbur in peril- leading the group back to the island castle, where Sandra prepares her supposed boyfriend  for the brain transplant- with the Frankenstein Monster restored to full and dangerous power – and the rising full moon having the usual effect on Talbot , pitting  Wolf Man against vampire- and the Monster on the loose in pursuit of Wilbur and Chick!

This classic Universal picture started not only Abbott and Costello’s comeback, but the trend of Bud and Lou meeting other Universal horrors. We’ll give you some background on the production, introduce key cast members- and add in some Sven fun to usher in the full month of “FrankenFest”!

"Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein" runs tonight on MeTV at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central- and, if you're unsure of the channel or time of the broadcast where you are, please consult your local listings or www.metv.com . Remember to join the Sven viewers onTwitter who live-Tweet during the show      (no matter what time zone you view us in) - using the hashtag #svengoolie. In Chicago, viewers get a second helping of “Blood of Dracula” at 11 am on our main local station- CW26.

Join us- and a full compliment of comedians and creatures- as  we begin “FrankenFest” tonight on MeTV!

Just released: The Svengoolie Holiday Knit Sweater is available now in the MeTV Store!

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 during show

Shayla 35 months ago
Funniest movie I've ever watched!!🤣🤣
Drang 36 months ago
Last week I missed the race because I was getting myself a nice adult beverage. This week I got that early, but Mrs. Drang is getting the desktop computer ready for her first Continuing Education session of the season, and she occasionally yells at me to go fix something I didn't break. (Bill Gates' ears are probably bursting into flames right now because of unexpected "improvements" to the browser) so there's still a chance I may miss out...
Drang Drang 36 months ago
And then there's the cat...
1MikeM 36 months ago
Here's a few for Catbat's Halloween playlist:
"It's Halloween" by The Shaggs
"Dinner with Drac Part 1" by John Zacherle
"Monster Shindig" by Danny Hutton
1MikeM 1MikeM 36 months ago
.....by the way, the drummer from The Shaggs sounds like she learned how to play the drums by listening to tennis shoes bouncing around in a dryer!
Aceman2 36 months ago
Please have a great weekend and enjoy the movie. I am seriously overbooked and doubt I will be able to check in. “It’s alive” but I am already dead tired. Goodnight!
JournalJeff3 Aceman2 36 months ago
Katink Aceman2 36 months ago
Have a great weekend, Aceman! We will keep the castle Frankenstein light on for you, just in case.
abc123 36 months ago
my sports teams best player got injured last night. we go from maybe having a chance, to long shots just like that. good thing we have new sports team starting tuesday to watch.
daleuhlmann 36 months ago
I may have mentioned this last weekend, but during that scene in A & C MEET FRANKENSTEIN when Wilbur was sitting in the Monster's lap and playing "handsies" with the creature, Glenn Strange kept breaking up and laughing, resulting in several retakes. At one point, Costello complained, "Damn it, Glenn, you're just trying to make it tough on me!" Strange apologized, explaining, "No, really, I don't know what is about you, but even the back of your head is funny!"
MADave 36 months ago
I was in the mood so I went to YouTube and listened and watched The Svengoolie Stomp
daleuhlmann MADave 36 months ago
You have good taste, Dave!
Klaatu 36 months ago
Has Sven ever shown “Plan 9 From Outer Space”? If not, it certainly would provide endless silliness for the Blog.
MADave Klaatu 36 months ago
I'm not really sure it may have been shown before Sven went locally on metv, dale is the one who probably knows?
daleuhlmann MADave 36 months ago
Sven had definitely not shown it since going national on Me TV. He may very well have shown it earlier, during the 90s and early 2000s, or even as the Son of Svengoolie.
CharlesRocks 36 months ago
Hopefully I am wrong, but it appears acquiring the rights to certain Universial movies is probably tied up with a failing streaming service that is already having to plan a major relaunch next year. Hoping what I am reading about movie exclusivity will not effect this show in the near future.
Kergooliewyn 36 months ago
I did doze off for a little bit last week, but I caught most of the movie, and I caught the ending. My dozing off does not reflect on the movies. I really enjoy most of them. I just tend to doze off..
Aceman2 Kergooliewyn 36 months ago
I have been having the same problem lately. I missed most of the movie last week and it’s one of my all time favorites
TheKodakKid Kergooliewyn 36 months ago
Join the club. And as much as some of us fuss about wishing the show still started at 10PM Eastern Time, fewer of us doze off during the movie now.
Mikeyyy Kergooliewyn 36 months ago
I do the same in morning before toons. My sleeping habits are all messed up and I am up well before most people. As long as you are ok don’t worry
Kergooliewyn 36 months ago
Hi everyone! One more day. Oh please make it a quick one!🤞 I am really looking forward to this movie. I loved last week's movie. I know I'm going to love this one. Perhaps even more. Hope everyone is feelin' fine. See you tomorrow night.👋🙂
daleuhlmann Kergooliewyn 36 months ago
I like your new avatar, Kegooliewyn!
Aceman2 Kergooliewyn 36 months ago
A fine avatar
Katink Kergooliewyn 36 months ago
Great new avatar, Kergooliewyn! See you tomorrow for the Big Broadcast!
Aceman2 Katink 36 months ago
Katink - you have a great new avatar as well !
Katink Aceman2 36 months ago
Yup! This week, I'm lookin' for brains, Aceman!
daleuhlmann 36 months ago
Hey, group, I saw "The Svengoolie Stomp" today on our Massillon Cable "Sounds of the Season" channel! That channel also introduced me to Gene Moss's satire on Bobby Darin's "Mack the Knife." It was called "Drac the Knife," and I humbly offer it for inclusion in Catbat's Halloween playlist. It ends appropriately with the words, "Look out, ole Drac is back!"
JournalJeff3 daleuhlmann 36 months ago
Sounds good.
MADave daleuhlmann 36 months ago
Oh man I wonder if my "Sounds Of The Season" channel carried it
daleuhlmann MADave 36 months ago
It may very well have, Dave!
MADave 36 months ago
I haven't been watching my universal horror classics lately so I thought I catch by watching this
RobDenham 36 months ago
It's hard to believe that, after decades on the air and, thanks to MeTV, a nationwide viewership, Sven still has to be at the mercy of whatever the film distributors send. You'd think they'd be calling, to see what the show wants to...well, show.
Jack RobDenham 36 months ago
You’d think. I guess us simple mortals just don’t understand film distribution. Must be his zip code!
MADave Jack 36 months ago
Yeah I think Sven showed 1943's PHANTOM OF THE OPERA once or twice some x amount of years ago?
daleuhlmann MADave 36 months ago
Yes, he did, Dave, twice.
Drang RobDenham 36 months ago
I imagine that going national, in competition with other channels that do similar things, made it more complicated.
Kergooliewyn RobDenham 36 months ago
Yeah, the possibilities could be endless.
PatS RobDenham 36 months ago
Part of the problem is that, ahem, certain Other Stations have realized that there is an audience for horror, especially classics. More stations, more bidding, more "can't show X because Y station is broadcasting at the same time". We luck out now and then, watching elsewhere -- but after all, it's not the same without Sven.
Jack 36 months ago
I’ve only just downloaded the photos from my expedition to HEB. I admit, I’ve delayed in hopes that the “Taste of Fall” endcap would be replaced by the “Dia de Muertos” endcap, but not this year. I s’pose it’s ’cause the Day of the Dead has got three bays this year.

Here’s the view, sloppily pieced together...Here's each bay, so you can see more detail...
PatS Jack 36 months ago
I wonder if one could use that candy dish as a jello mold?
Katink PatS 36 months ago
Interesting concept, PatS! Even if you didn't unmold a gelatin creation, using it to serve Jello could be fun since people could see through it to the designs. . . .
Jack PatS 36 months ago
How much of a skull shape do you want? I recall the candy dishes are flat on the inside bottom. On the other hand, one can get molds for making sugar skulls, which are three dimensional. The calavera molds tend to be two piece, front and back. I don’t know if two pieces of Jello can be welded together, but the front mold prob’ly could work on its own. Also, there are all sorts of silicon molds these day, perhaps there’s a two-piece silicon mold that clamps together so you could mold the Jello in one casting?
Klaatu 36 months ago
Loook into my eyes…I command you to enjoy Friday!
Mikeyyy Klaatu 36 months ago
yesss master!

1MikeM Klaatu 36 months ago
"Vilbur, come beck!"
CarrieCastro 36 months ago
Good morning and
Happy Friday ☕🎩

Watched toons this morning and our favorite
was the bear and 😄walnuts cute squirrel.

We are having a morning of real rain yay 🤠☔
We sure do needed to clean out that smokey air. Finally fresh air 🙆‍♀️
It's been so terrible😥

A good movie for us on the Show tomorrow 😱
Looking forward to it
always room for a 👀 Frankenstein movie!

I did not realize I had a
a nice collection 📀 👾
of some scary movies.
I think some Catbat
give me a couple of years ago 😱
A great day too watch on this rainy day 🌧🌫🌧

Have a nice fall day
🍁🌻🍁 and take care.
See you later 👻

Aceman2 36 months ago
As we prepare to watch Frankenstein and having watched Dracula 3 weeks ago, I pose a question to you. Dwight Frye played the part of Renfield the crazy lunatic in Dracula and as Fritz the lab assistant in Frankenstein. Which role did you enjoy most?
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MADave Aceman2 36 months ago
Hard to choose both good roles
daDoctah Aceman2 36 months ago
I actually liked him best in THE VAMPIRE BAT (with Lionel Atwill and Fay Wray). The scene where he explains why he likes bats (they're "soft, like a cat") and keeps them inside his coat.
daleuhlmann Jack 36 months ago
I agree with you, Jack.
Aceman2 Aceman2 36 months ago
Thank you all for the comments. I prefer Renfield. There is a lot more to his character and I think Frye is able to better show his acting talent. Fear, lunacy, sympathy, hopelessness, are all present at various times
daleuhlmann 36 months ago
Before we close out the Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein blog later tonight, here's another bit of myth-busting about the movie, as recounted by Gregory Mank in his book IT'S ALIVE. For years, a former agent of Bela Lugosi's by the name of Don Marlowe claimed that he single-handedly had shamed Universal-International into casting the actor as Dracula in the movie when it was going to cast Ian Keith in the part instead. He said he stormed into the corporate office, reminded the production head (who would have been Robert Arthur at the time) that Lugosi's DRACULA had made millions for Universal and that his client had been paid only $500 a week for his role, and that they owed him the part in the new A & C film. The studio then agreed to cast Lugosi after all. NOT TRUE! The Hollywood press trade papers had reported at least two weeks before this supposed incident had taken place that Lugosi had already been signed for the part of Count Dracula. Mank also said that Marlowe had, additionally, run an ad in the local newspapers that he had Lugosi's long-lost test reel in the Monster makeup for FRANKENSTEIN, and that you could see and also hear James Whale, Colin Clive, Carl Laemmle, Jr., and Lugosi discussing the test. That claim alone does not pass another test: the smell test. Whale and Clive did not join the project until well after Lugosi and the director who had originally been slated to direct FRANKENSTEIN, Robert Florey, had been assigned, instead, to MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE. Marlowe also said that any interested party could view the reel first before purchasing (his sale price was $4,000.). When Mank decided to call his bluff and make an appointment to view the reel, Marlowe did not show up!
Thereman daleuhlmann 36 months ago
Most excellent work sir! The town that makes movies 🎥 out of myths also thrives on hype- which generates its own set of myths
daleuhlmann Thereman 36 months ago
Thank you, Thereman. Hollywood, indeed, has always been a place of myths, even about itself.
Jack daleuhlmann 36 months ago
This was when the Creature was still gonna be a kaiju with death ray eyes, right?If artist Karoly Grosz was privy to the original casting for _Frankenstein_, it looks like Universal was planning to poach Johnny Weissmuller!
daleuhlmann Jack 36 months ago
Yes, indeedy, Jack!
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