"Frankenstein Meets the Spacemonster" Caps Off "FrankenFest" -Tonight!

Posted on October 30, 2021

Tonight on MeTV, our monthlong “FrankenFest” concludes with, as the Monty Python folks said, something completely different! We have been running some classic Universal Frankenstein offerings, but, having heard the requests of many of our viewers who also enjoy the lower-budget B-movies, we have that kind of feature tonight. This Frankenstein is indeed put together from human parts, but is quite different from Universal’s Monster- as you will see when “Frankenstein Meets the Spacemonster”! ( Yes, that last compound word is the way it appears in the movie title!)

The story begins with a strange spacecraft heading towards our planet. Aboard are aliens from Mars ( though that is never stated in the film itself)- on a special mission of importance to their home planet. We learn that Mars has suffered through an atomic war that has pretty much killed off all its women- except for the evil and beautiful Princess Marcuzan who is aboard this spaceship. Her first in command is a bald, pointy-eared Martian named Nadir. We get no explanation about why Mars women and men look so different, but, anyway…they have detected that our planet Earth is chock full of women- and their plan is to kidnap them to repopulate Mars!

Totally unrelated- at least for now- NASA is about to send an astronaut into space- and not just any typical astronaut. This one named Frank ( see the connection in the title? You will!) is, in reality, a sort of cyborg created with human parts , synthetic skin, and an electronic brain! The idea is, they are not endangering any human life by sending this subject into space. The launch is a success, but- the none-too-bright Martians perceive the approaching rocket as a missile out to destroy them, and they shoot it down! Frank survives the crash, as the capsule comes down in Puerto Rico, and he seems just a bit stunned- until a Martian landing party comes down to check on what they shot down, and blast him with a ray gun ( which , in reality, was a popular 1960s toy- we’ll explain). This blast causes damage to Frank’s electronic brain and the left side of his face, turning him into an out-of-control Frankenstein, on the loose on the island, and extremely dangerous.

Dr. Adam Steele and his assistant, Karen Grant, who have been in charge of the android astronaut, must try to track him down, and repair his damage before he causes grave harm.

Obviously, he is not the only danger, as a full landing party of raygun-toting Martians arrive, and begin their quest to kidnap women and shanghai them back to their spaceship to be prepared to become Martian brides. They seem to favor bikini-clad females, no doubt having picked up Earth broadcasts of “Beach Blanket Bingo”-type films.

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention- aboard their ship in a cage is none other than the “spacemonster” of the title- a hairy beast who seems to be used as muscle to threaten enemies, frighten their captives, and – what a surprise- take on any semi-robotic adversaries whom they might encounter! Will the Martians succeed in moving the female population of Earth to the Red Planet?

This 1964 sci fi epic stars one actor you horror film fans probably know- James Karen, who was on our show in “Time Walker” and is best known for his part in “Return of the Living Dead”. Our Martians have a noted past- and future- Princess Marcuzan was actually a Playboy Playmate, and Nadir would later play a memorable character on “Seinfeld”- we’ll tell you about that on the show! Besides some film background, we will bring you highlights of the costume contest at Flashback Weekend- the only event we got in this past summer when it appeared the pandemic might be lessening- present a way for the male aliens to improve their looks- get a pre-Halloween visit from our “Toon In With Me” pals-and a new song!

“Frankenstein Meets the Spacemonster” invades your TV tonight on MeTV at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central time. As always, viewers will be live-Tweeting on Twitter during the program, using the hashtag #svengoolie – and MeTV encourages you to join in, no matter in what time zone you watch us. If you are in the Chicago broadcast area, you can catch last week’s “FrankenFest” offering- “House of Frankenstein”- at 11 am on our main local channel, CW26. If you are in the area- and can listen to MeTV-FM- or, if you are able to get MeTVMusic where you are- be listening for yours truly to join the musical fun this weekend to celebrate Halloween! And, of course, our annual “Scream With Me”  event continues today and tomorrow on MeTV- check out the schedule of scary episodes at metv.com !

Various new items of Sven merchandise are coming to our store- in fact, some have already been added- so make sure to check out the latest additions! It’s never too early to order- the quick selling-out of the Sven Christmas sweaters is proof!

We hope that you have enjoyed “Frankenfest”- and will join us for its spaced-out conclusion tonight on MeTV! And, of course- have a happy and safe Halloween! (You might have to wear TWO masks, if you know what I mean…)

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 during show

bostonmark 35 months ago
Not that there’s anything wrong with that
1MikeM 35 months ago
.....and dat was frankenstein meets da spacemonster...and dat's da name a dat tune!
Aceman2 35 months ago
Goodnight all. I am dead tired.
scottieO Aceman2 35 months ago
Bumbles bounce.
MrsG Aceman2 35 months ago
Now that’s how it’s done !
MADave 35 months ago
Not sure who'll be first blogger tonight but I've got a hunch it might be one of the ladies? C'mon girls it's your turn
MrsG 35 months ago
Hey WHO abducted Islander and turned Him into an alien ? ! ? !
Islander 35 months ago
Eyes heavy.....must sleep. Good luck blogging contestants.
Aceman2 35 months ago
Did LarrytheTrainGuy post a trailer for MGH? If he did then my apology for reposting it
MrsG Aceman2 35 months ago
No I wondered where He’s been hiding ~ 10-Q Aceman !
PatS Aceman2 35 months ago
He's asleep. MGH is, ahem, not our favorite, so didn't go to the trouble of finding trailer. Back next week, though.
MrsG 35 months ago
WOW this got as exciting as first Blogger ~ dress rehearsal ? !
MrsG 35 months ago
WoooHoooo !
Who gets the 4000 trophy ? !
Islander 35 months ago
Gentlemen.....& ladies
Start your keyboards !
MrsG 35 months ago
C’mon Blog Buddies prove me wrong ~ only 11 to go , under 1/2 hour !
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MrsG Aceman2 35 months ago
Me too ! Can’t keep up with you young whippersnappers !
MrsG Drang 35 months ago
Yeah Baby !
Aceman2 MrsG 35 months ago
Me a young whippersnapper? My whips snapped long ago.
MrsG Aceman2 35 months ago
Ahhahaha you craaaazyyy Aceman !
1MikeM 35 months ago
Here's a celebrity birthday: Robert Patrick (T-1000 from Terminator 2) is 63 today. Happy Birthday to Mr. Patrick!
MrsG 1MikeM 35 months ago
Wonder when is Sven’s Birthday ~ if it came up I don’t remember , only recall celebrating His Rondo award ? ! ? !
Help ~ limited brain cells need recharge !
1MikeM MrsG 35 months ago
Rich Koz (Sven) birthday is March 12th
MrsG 1MikeM 35 months ago
Thanks Mike , you’re the best !
Should have known , was here then ~ will blame it on that elderly phenomenon ~ ~ ~
Mikeyyy 35 months ago
My last post in this blog.. Good luck to whoever is lining up for the midnight dash! Funny thing I remember is that when I was working they never let me go home much. It was always please stay mike we had a calloff... Have fun and I'll be watching toons in the dark gloomy morning.

gabste 35 months ago
Hope you'll be alright Islander this weekend. Our power was out for a couple of hours already tonight.

Gotta sleep, real tired. Have fun and Congradulations to the first blogger on the new blog ! I will be here for Saturday toons around t and J time. Going to be dark in the morning with the storm starting.

Have a great night everyone.
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gabste Lynn 35 months ago
Thank you. Goodnight Lynn
gabste Islander 35 months ago
It will be fine !
DrClayton gabste 35 months ago
The proverbial dark and stormy night...
Thereman 35 months ago
The die is cast: the focaccia dough is in for cold fermentation. It will be Muenster Go Home pizza 🍕 for dinner. Thank goodness the beef roast is still frozen. Pot roast sounds much better for Svunday than Sventurday night!
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abc123 Thereman 35 months ago
I never liked eating meals past 7pm, but am okay with wings, or fish sticks for a movie snack. Fish and chips (tater tots are chips step brother, right?) for me tomorrow.
Lynn Thereman 35 months ago
You bet!
Katink abc123 35 months ago
I 💕 tater tots, abc!
MrsG abc123 35 months ago
As JB would say , “zackly” !
Carl_N_Brown 35 months ago
I am looking foward to what I consider the fifth movie of Frankfest with vampires and werewolf and that really weird girl (Marilyn).
Thereman Carl_N_Brown 35 months ago
It wasn’t easy being Marilyn- not that I’d know anything about that!
1MikeM Thereman 35 months ago
Marilyn is Lily's niece, she's Lily's sister's kid. Nobody on Herman's side of the family looked like that!
abc123 Thereman 35 months ago
From the Marilyn Munster Wikipedia:

In the original series, Marilyn attends Westbury College in Mockingbird Heights. Subsequently as explained for the 22-year gap in The Munsters Today, Marilyn, this time played by Hilary Van Dyke, is revealed to be a high school student, with a slight rebellious streak. In the 1966 film Munster, Go Home!, she was played by Debbie Watson. In the 1981 film The Munsters' Revenge, she was portrayed by Jo McDonnell.

In Here Come the Munsters, Marilyn is the daughter of Herman's sister (Elsa). In this version, her name is said to be Marilyn Hyde. The role was played by Christine Taylor.

In NBC's 2012 pilot Mockingbird Lane, a darker reformatting of the series, Marilyn is the daughter of Lily's sister but was raised by her aunt, uncle and grandfather after her mother attempted to eat her.
MrsG abc123 35 months ago
Very thorough abc123 , now we know !
Klaatu 35 months ago
I’m at work so I’ll miss the Blog race, but I’ll use the Force and make 1st Blog spot happen for me🤣
MADave Klaatu 35 months ago
Herman Munster impression: darn darn darn!
MADave 35 months ago
I've been thinking if there was a product in the Svengoolie store (he had a store?) that doesn't really sell well or if there was a product that was thought of and never made in the store?
Jack MADave 35 months ago
You mean, like the Official Svengoolie Nose Hair Trimmer?
abc123 MADave 35 months ago
Are there Sven Shot Glasses? Or a beverage to fill them with?
Thereman Jack 35 months ago
Was that the one with Austrian self sharpening blades?
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