"Ghost and Mr. Chicken" and "Fiend Without a Face" Make a Dastardly Double Feature-Tonight!

Posted on October 12, 2024

Our October “Halloween BOO-nanza” double features continue tonight on MeTV with two very different movies- one concerning a timorous would-be reporter who must endure a night in an allegedly haunted house where a notorious murder took place- and the other a1950s sci chiller in which deadly invisible creatures run amok near military base utilizing nuclear power! It’s the 1966 classic- "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken"- followed by 1958’s creepy “Fiend Without a Face”!

Click here to see the full schedule of Svengoolie's Halloween BOO-Nanaza!

Our first feature begins on a dark and stormy night when small-town newspaper type-setter Luther Heggs thinks he’s seen a murder- and, in his quest to become a full-fledged reporter, follows it up with the authorities-only to find out things are hardly what they appear to be! Luther’s mistake leaves him embarrassed in front of his boss, his paper’s star reporter, and some of the local townsfolk!

Luther envies that star reporter, Ollie, not only for his job - but also for his apparent position of boyfriend to gorgeous Alma, a sweet young woman who has captured the typesetter’s heart. A friendly co-worker encourages him to write a filler article about the town's most infamous murder/suicide-that took place in a local mansion where it is rumored the ghost of the killer still makes midnight appearances playing the pipe organ- and, with the 20th anniversary of the murder coming up, when his boss reads the filler piece, he thinks the story could turn into a great promotional stunt- to have someone spend the night in the allegedly haunted mansion, then write an eyewitness account of the chilling experience- and, naturally, that task should fall to the author of the filler-Luther himself! In spite of misgivings Luther accepts the assignment, hoping to get his big break as a reporter- and very likely make some romantic progress with Alma.

The night of the sinister sleepover arrives, and his terrifying experience begins, complete with secret passages and unexplained phenomena- as he witnesses the actual ghostly late-night playing of the blood-stained keys of the organ (stains that seem to be impossible to remove- “and they used Bon Ami!”)

Once his story hits the street, he’s hailed as a hero- until the last descendant and owner of the mansion takes Luther and the paper to court for libel- and it’s up to Luther to prove he saw haunted happenings!

Our second feature begins at the U.S. Air Force’s experimental radar station in Winthrop Manitoba, where work on a new long-range tracking system is underway. It’s powered by their own nuclear plant, but unfortunately, every time they seem to be on the brink of success- the nuclear power seems to be drain off and drop to lower than useful levels for no discernable reason.

That isn’t the only problem-the local farming community is up in arms about mysterious cattle problems and even deaths that have been occurring. The local folks are quick to blame radiation coming from the military base, and choose to ignore the small bit of evidence that each victim has puncture marks at the base of their skull There’s more proof for them to ignore- each victim’s brain and spinal column appear to be- gone!

Major Jeff Cummings is sent out to investigate- and immediately finds himself at odds with the locals, including the pretty sister of one of the victims, who works for a retired British scientist living near the base whose is realm of experience is research on telekinetic power.

Jeff finds that he face those who believe it has to be someone from the military who has become a maniac killer, and then prove that radiation is not to blame for the deaths. Before long, it is revealed that an invisible life form is present, and ready to eliminate the human population! Be prepared for the big reveal-when the faceless enemy is no longer faceless- and both amazing and shocking!

The double feature goes from the comedic and creepy to flat-out terror-with “Mr. Chicken” full of familiar TV faces, headed, of course, by Don Knotts- and “Fiend Without a Face” features Marshall Thompson and Kim Parker ( whose few seconds in a shower scene somehow made the film’s promotional poster) and some truly amazing stop-motion creatures when they become visible (again, for the sake of the viewers who have NOT seen this movie before- please, no spoilers!) We’ll run down the cast of both films, provide songs, and revisit some classic shtick and significant appearances of the past.

Our double feature begins on MeTV tonight at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central- if you’re not sure of time and channel where you live, just check your local listings, or go to www.metv.com ! MeTV invites you to live-Tweet along with the many viewers who do just that during the show on Twitter- just make sure to use the hashtag #svengoolie – and join the Sven-tweeters who have put us among the top popular subjects trending nationally every week! This morning on our main local Chicago station, WCIU-the U- viewers can face the family fears of “Son of Frankenstein” at 11 am.

We were amazed to see that the new Svengoolie inflatable lawn ornament sold out so quickly! If you missed out, you can send an e mail to [email protected] to be added to a waiting list n the event of any extras being available. Some very special 45th anniversary merchandise is due out next week- keep an eye on our website for more!

Big news- our friend 1960s rock icon Freddy “Boom Boom” Cannon, who wrote “Svengoolie Stomp”, has written a new song- “Hey Svengoolie”- which has already been played on Sirius XM and other outlets- be listening for it, as we work on a music video of the tune for our show!

Last weekend in Las Vegas, I was honored to be given a lifetime achievement award by none other than horror host and author Joe Bob Briggs at his “Drive-In Jamboree”. It was an amazing event, held at a Las Vegas drive-in theatre- and we stayed up almost until dawn presenting favorite Universal horror films!

This weekend, however, we are back home- and ready to unleash hilarious haunting and invisible intruders in tonight’s double feature- so tune in!

Click here to see the full schedule of Svengoolie's Halloween BOO-Nanaza!

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 during show

Please be aware that comments unrelated to Svengoolie or horror may be removed at the moderator's discretion.
deadringer42 2 days ago
Just found young Frankenstein on metv sister channel Movies!
YF would be a great movie for Sven to do. That would be so much fun.
Cartoondave 3 days ago
Well if I take a nap sometime tomorrow I'll probably be able to watch HOUSE OF WAX and LABYRINTH not sure if I'll be on for tonight's race for 1st but I'll definitely be here for Saturday morning cartoons
Katink 3 days ago
Hi, Svenfriends! My tablet isn't working well with the hotel WiFi. 🤔 I'm going to turn in rather than try more of this on my phone. (How do you all do it? It's so tiny for my aging eyes!) I'll try to post a few pictures of Hubby's painted figures in the show tomorrow. Happy race to the first blog post!
PatS Katink 3 days ago
Welcome to our neighborhood. I wanted to go see the show, but Larry says he's tired of driving every day this week and wants a rest. Would have worn my Sven shirt and crossed my fingers you'd notice! Looking forward to pics if you can get 'em.
Katink PatS 3 days ago
Thanks, Pat! I do the first shout of the show with Hubby, then my friem who lives here picks me up foot some girl time and takes me down to Worth to visit my Aunt and Uncle, then back in time for awards.
Cartoondave 3 days ago
I forgot to add something to my Svengoolie question earlier who said Goodnight Everybody! at the end of the show? Anita can you give me answer
Batcat3 3 days ago
Two hottest chicks in horror-yes or no!
Stacy nelkin from halloween 3
Trash from night of the living dead
RobGhoul Batcat3 3 days ago
thats the film “return of the living dead” with the character trash
PatS Batcat3 3 days ago
If they're old enough to be in horror films, they're probably women, not "chicks."
abc123 3 days ago
Limbering up my fingers playing video games. alarm set so i have a chance.Really REALLY looking forward to watching Labyrinth!
deadringer42 3 days ago
At my daughter new house in Maine. They’ve gone to dinner and a show and we stayed home with grandson. He’s asleep so now I can sit down and watch fiend with out a face recorded on frndly app. 😁
Closed captioning on. Love the sound effects. “Plane whooshing”. “Person screaming” etc.
Haha. “Gentle music” when she comes out of the shower. Yes that was appropriate.
Klaatu 3 days ago
Cartoondave…earlier you asked about the opening statement on Svengoolie: "Calling all stations! Clear the airlanes clear all airlanes for the big broadcast". I wonder if it comes from the ‘30’s movie with Jack Benny called “The Big Broadcast”? Funny, when doing a search for that phrase, all Google comes up with is Svengoolie🤔
VanGooliac Klaatu 3 days ago
From Wikipedia:

The show opens with a reference to early radio broadcasting: "Calling all stations, clear the air lanes, clear all air lanes for the big broadcast." This is a sound clip from the preview "trailer" of one of the four "Big Broadcast Of .... (1932, 1936, 1937, 1938)" movies.

These were a series of musical comedies from Paramount starring Bing Crosby, Ethel Merman, George Burns, Gracie Allen
,Jack Benny, etc.
VanGooliac Klaatu 3 days ago
Excerpt below from the book Time Travel: A History by James Gleick.
The big broadcast in this case is the opening of the Crypt of Civilization time capsule.
RobBarnes Klaatu 3 days ago
I have never researched the subject, but seeing how in the beginning we go down into a basement and skeltons are operating electronic devices I thought maybe they were running an underground pirate radio/TV show and they were taking over the existing air wave numbers dedicated to legit radio and TV stations so Svengoolie could broadcast his show.
PatS RobBarnes 3 days ago
Kinda fits with one of Rich Koz's earlier shows -- WAY earlier -- when he had an intro that implied he and his cohorts were taking over the airwaves with a renegade broadcast.
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MrsG 3 days ago
Beautiful but reminds me of some of the scenery in FROGS (1972) that we’ve seen on Svengoolie with Ray Milland and Sam Elliott ~

🐸 💚 ^_* 💚 🐸
PatS 3 days ago
Oh... darn! I was just remarking that I liked the posted photo.
Mikeyyy 3 days ago
Tooners: The week of Halloween metv is have a Hallo-palooza. What’s a hallo- palooza you ask. Well it’s Dale worst nightmare, It’s a 4 day Mr Quizzer scavenger hunt. Also Sunday the 27th from 10-11 is the Sven squad with a. Special Sunday Boonanza.
daleuhlmann Mikeyyy 3 days ago
"Worst nightmare" is right!😂
Cartoondave 3 days ago
I have a question regarding the opening of Svengoolie who said "Calling all stations! Clear the airlanes clear all airlanes for the big broadcast" was this a cast member of the show or was it one of the technicians? If anyone knows it would be greatly appreciated but I'm sure our administrator Anita knows thank you!
It actually comes from a 1930s movie according to Svengoolie
Thanks I've meaning to get that off my chest for over a decade
Aceman2 3 days ago
"In the end, it's not the years in your life that count, It's the life in your years." -- Abraham Lincoln
PatS Aceman2 3 days ago
Didn't sound like Abe to me. I looked it up and found this on the Snopes site:

It's unclear exactly who first uttered the saying, which has appeared in a few different wordings since the 1940s. The earliest source we could potentially attach a name to is a 1947 advertisement for a book by Edward Stieglitz, although similarly worded phrases with different meanings have been used to promote medicinal products and give health advice since at least the 1890s.

It's a good notion nonetheless!
PatS Aceman2 3 days ago
Similar notion I've heard: "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."
Cartoondave 3 days ago
I'm sorta glad I slept through TIWM this morning I didn't feel like dealing with Mr Quizzer and unfavorable cartoons let's hope tomorrow is another day with good clean fun?
MrsG Cartoondave 3 days ago
Yo Cartoondave ~
Don’t know if You caught the message re: Your VP pumpkin turning up in the Fan Gallery *_* Nice !
Cartoondave MrsG 3 days ago
Yes I saw it thanks
NoPersonalChicks 3 days ago
Halloween is just 13 days away.
Jack NoPersonalChicks 3 days ago
That one guy’s Jack Kennedy costume is spot on!
RobBarnes Jack 3 days ago
I was thinking the same thing especially with that nice expensive custom made suit just like a millionaire playboy would wear.
Aceman2 3 days ago
Part 9 of haunted places of Bucks County PA

PENN RYN ESTATE: Abraham Bickley’s family were blue bloods and they made sure everyone knew it. The colonial aristocrats remained loyal to the Crown during the American revolution. When The colonists triumphed, the family became more and more reclusive in their day-to-day activities, remaining mostly to themselves within the confines of Pen Ryn.

Robert Bickley, one of Abraham’s sons, became involved with a local lady of common heritage and married her against the will of his father. On Christmas Eve, Robert came home attempting to gain his father’s acceptance of his new bride. Their tempers flared and Abraham disinherited his son, ordering him to leave the premises and never return. The father softened his attitude later that night and regretted his harsh actions, wishing for his son to return in order to make amends. As midnight approached, pounding knocks on the front door resonated loudly throughout the mansion.
Abraham presumed it was Robert, but when he opened the front portal to let him in, he was greeted by a huge wintry gust of wind with leaves that blew well into the grand hallway.

Robert never left Pen Ryn that night. Despondent over his disinheritance, young Bickley is said to have run down the grand lawn in front of the manor to the Delaware River and dove into the frigid water to his death. His body was never found. So now, on Christmas Eve when the full moon casts its bright rays and lights up the otherwise black December night, Robert’s slimy, debris-covered, dripping-wet corpse is said to rise from the Delaware at the steps of the river wall. He slowly drags himself on his feet across the prodigious lawn to the mansion, up the front stairway. Standing before the grand entrance, the apparition pounds violently on the double doors to get in. If the front doors are opened, a hideous, decaying figure is seen standing in a steaming puddle produced by slime, oozing from his drenched body. While cursing his father, he insists on being re-admitted to the House of Bickley. Should the front doors close, the ghost of Robert Bickley encircles the manor, tapping on each available window with skeleton-bare fingers, as bloodcurdling screams of terror fill the inside of Pen Ryn Manor. At the last stroke of Midnight, the wretched spirit vanishes and the grounds return to silence.
Aceman2 Aceman2 3 days ago
Penn Ryn Estate as it looks today overlooks the Delaware River and is a popular wedding venue.
MrsG Aceman2 3 days ago
WOW just wouldn’t want to go on Christmas Eve ~ intriguing tale Aceman !
💚 *_* 💚
Aceman2 MrsG 3 days ago
Thanks MrsG. I try.
daleuhlmann Aceman2 3 days ago
Thanks, Aceman! How are you doing?
RobBarnes Aceman2 3 days ago
Is that Uncle Angus from Lost In Spaces' The Astral Traveler (S2 Ep 29) set back in 11th century Scotland?
Klaatu 3 days ago
He did the Mash…
He did the Monster Mash…
It was the Graveyard Smash!
The1Butler 3 days ago
Im having a Drac Attack ! 🎃
The1Butler The1Butler 3 days ago
Nice disclaimer admin ! I like it , im not fond of grown men posting pics of cats all day. .
Klaatu The1Butler 3 days ago
😆 But can I post pics of cars and cocktails all day?🤣
Mikeyyy 3 days ago
I’m watching heat of the night. I notice on many crime shows how they collect and use evidence to convict people of a crime. I’m surprised someone hasn’t tried to sue in some way saying those kind of shows could help someone plan something illegal.
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