Henry Hull Wouldn't Want Tibet He Would Become the "Werewolf of London"-Tonight!

Posted on August 1, 2020

We begin a month of movies populated by a variety of various types of monsters with one of the originals! Last month, you saw the origins of the Larry Talbot Wolf Man- but tonight on MeTV we present the first of Universal Studios’ wolf men- who brings terror to England via Tibet- as the victim of an accursed attack that triggers a hideous transformation when exposed to moonlight- the "Werewolf of London"!

We find botanist Wilfred Glendon and his assistant on an expedition to Tibet – seeking a rare flower that only grows in the high altitudes- and will only bloom in the light of a full moon. Despite dire warnings and strange, seemingly supernatural, occurrences- Wilfred finally discovers the plant high upon a mountain- only to find himself attacked by a mysterious creature! He survives the attack, though bitten in the process (actually, he was bitten in the arm- oh, you know what I mean), and manages to procure a single specimen of the flower- whose botanical name is the mariphasa.

Returning to England with his new specimen, he goes into solitude, locking himself in his botanical laboratory to study the plant. Even his beautiful wife Lisa finds it difficult to lure him out of the lab for a party- eventually coercing him to come out and greet the flock of visitors. Wilfred finds them a distraction, and would rather return to his work- though he notices an old friend of Lisa’s is paying a bit TOO much attention to his lovely spouse. Then- a new and unfamiliar visitor arrives- one Professor Yogami, begging to converse with Wilfred, claiming he encountered him on his Tibet trip- though Wilfred has no recollection of their meeting. Yogami begins a supernatural tale involving the newly-acquired plant; warning Wilfred that the bite he suffered in that fracas ( or, the arm- oh, you know what I mean) might cause him to become a werewolf! He then reveals that utilizing the bloom of the mariphasa plant is the only way to stop that transformation!

Wilfred, being a man of science, discounts the story as a superstitious legend- but soon learns differently. During his experimentation, he is using a lamp that simulates moonlight to encourage the plant to blossom, and when his hand strays into the light- it becomes furry! He experiences the full effect when an actual full moon occurs- and he completely transforms into a werewolf- in a wonderful shot of him gradually changing as he moves between pillars ! Even in that state, he still has the presence of mind to recall that he can use the rare flower to stave off the horrible change- and heads into the lab- only to find that someone has taken the few blossoms that had bloomed, sending Wilfred out on the prowl through the streets of London!

When the full moon’s effects have worn off, Wilfred feverishly attempts to get more blossoms to bloom before the next moon cycle. His relentless pursuit of the cure wears even more on the strained relationship with his wife, who feels rejected and turns to her old childhood sweetheart for comfort. Since the plant is taking time to flower again, Wilfred attempts to keep from harming anyone by taking a room in a low-rent inn where he can lock himself in each night. Regardless of his precautions, the next full moon has the same horrible effect on him- and he escapes his self-imposed imprisonment to again roam the city streets in search of victims. His greatest fear is of that one part of the old werewolf legend will prove to be true- that a werewolf will instinctively kill the one he loves the most! Can Lisa- and London itself- escape the savage power of the supernatural?

As I mentioned, this 1935 film is truly the first werewolf in the Universal horror catalog- preceding Larry Talbot- the best-known Wolf Man who first appeared in 1941. You’ll hear about the cast members like Henry Hull and Valerie Hobson- and those who found fame in other roles- like Spring Byington- who became a popular star of early TV- as well as Warner Oland, who made his mark in the movies as a beloved detective character. We'll also give you some in-depth information regarding the werewolf make-up- thanks to information provided to us by Cortlandt Hull, whose great uncle Henry stars in tonight's film. Thanks to Cortlandt, we are able to tell you the actual true story about Hull's make-up – and clear up some misinformation and downright untruths that have been passed around as fact for years. (Again, we ask our blog commenters who might know the facts to PLEASE keep them to themselves until after the show airs). Plus- the first in a series this month of our drawing game “Too Drawn Out”!

"Werewolf of London" airs on MeTV tonight at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, and, if unsure when or where we are on in your area, just check your local TV listings or go to www.metv.com and click on "where to watch". You can live-Tweet during the show on Twitter with the many Sven fans who do so-using the hashtag # svengoolie. In Chicago, local viewers can chill with “The Land Unknown” this morning at 11 am on the U.

Join us for one Hull of a time tonight when things get hairy on MeTV!

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 during show

MADave 50 months ago
Fingers at the ready good luck group!
1MikeM 50 months ago
...and dat was da Werewolf of London...and dat's da name of dat tune.
1MikeM 50 months ago
I saw a werewolf drinking a Long Island iced tea at The Tick Tock Inn in Canton, NY and his hair was perfect.
Jack 1MikeM 50 months ago
Are you sure he wasn’t some local Italian guy?
1MikeM Jack 50 months ago
That might have been Vito!
JohnBlair 1MikeM 50 months ago
What was he doing in your PJs?
MADave 50 months ago
30 minutes to rack your atomic brain
TheKodakKid 50 months ago
That glow in the East wasn’t a rising full moon.

The cake also had mini rubber chickens on it.
Oscar TheKodakKid 50 months ago
That cake looks good!
Islander TheKodakKid 50 months ago
Not nearly enough candles on that cake for a guy HIS AGE.
Islander TheKodakKid 50 months ago
Everybody get in ok ?
scottieO Islander 50 months ago
Just under the fire code limit.
JournalJeff2 50 months ago
Happy Svengoolie Eve!
Thanks for the belated Birthday wishes!
LabacTrooper 50 months ago
Happy 33 Birthday 🎂 Sid the Kid #87
Halifax’ no. 1 Son
Berwyn1979 50 months ago
to Dr Clayton and JJ
From Berwyn1979. PEACE AND LOVE!
gabste 50 months ago
Happy Birthday Dr Clayton and JJ !
JohnBlair 50 months ago
How do you do Mrs. Wiiiiley?
NoPersonalChicks JohnBlair 50 months ago
Who you callin a creature?
JohnBlair NoPersonalChicks 50 months ago
I jes like pickn youuuu uP!!!
SOBX JohnBlair 50 months ago
He's a nut!
WILLOUGHBY 50 months ago
Yes and Happy Birthday to DrC! Thought I'd post an image that Pat would flag.
PatS WILLOUGHBY 50 months ago
Nyahhh... I don't have to flag *that*. It's *SO* typical of the '50s posters -- huge number show the monster character carrying off the female, even when it doesn't happen in the film. Would that be a lizard, a salamander or a proto-humanoid?
PatS PatS 50 months ago
Another thought: should she be less afraid or more afraid that this Creature has lipstick and eye make-up?
Jack PatS 50 months ago
Not that that there’s anything wrong with that.
Tygercat PatS 50 months ago
I am confused. Why should she be afraid of a creature wearing lipstick and lots of eye makeup? I mean, this one is nice...
abc123 PatS 50 months ago
looks like HER lipstick...
Jack abc123 50 months ago
I wish you hadn’t noticed that!
DrClayton 50 months ago
Many thanks to all the blog well-wishers (and the Crowned Heads of Europe who've checked in...)!! If the Film Board of Canada & Department of Homeland Security clear the video & stills, you may see some hilites of tonite's wacky hijinks!
NoPersonalChicks DrClayton 50 months ago
PatS DrClayton 50 months ago
(Sven soundbite) Ohhhh YESSSSS....
PatS NoPersonalChicks 50 months ago
Fire good!
1MikeM DrClayton 50 months ago
Blow out the candles and make a wish. Want something. Want something.
Klaatu 50 months ago
I seem to have developed some odd brain activity this morning. Maybe in anticipation of tomorrow’s movie.
Jack Klaatu 50 months ago
Wasn’t there a _Futurama_ episode about this?
CarrieCastro 50 months ago
Good morning🎏
everyone 🌞
So happy we will
be at Sven's house
🏰 for great fun sure
do neede it 🤖

Have a nice Friday
enjoy your day 🐝
CarrieCastro 50 months ago
Here you go Pat S
actually this picture
is a few days ago 💙
of Snoopy 🐶
CarrieCastro 50 months ago
CarrieCastro CarrieCastro 50 months ago
There's Snoopy 🐶
Doing well this morning 🌞
The wife wants to get me one of those to keep me from grabbing the remote and her popcorn, among other things. Does it come in a 44 long?
PatS CarrieCastro 50 months ago
Thank you Carrie!!! Best wishes to the pup (and your Mom).
Jack CarrieCastro 50 months ago
Yaaay, Snoopy! What a cool cast! I hope you’re not left pawed. I broke my left arm in second grade, which was no fun.
MADave CarrieCastro 50 months ago
What a cutie patootie!
CarrieCastro 50 months ago
Happy Birthday 🎂
Journal Jeff 🎉🎈🎉
Hope you had a great day❣
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