How Do You Quarantine a Turkey?!

Posted on November 25, 2020

I just wanted to briefly wish everybody a good Thanksgiving- hopefully with turkey, not rubber chickens. I think this is a good time to remember the things we really can be thankful for during these difficult times. As always, we are so thankful for your loyal and continuing support of our show and MeTV!

We also have a brief warning for you regarding this Saturday’s movie- “The Thing from Another World”. Just this once- we want you to NOT reveal who plays the Thing in this film.

Our commenters often unfortunately offer spoilers, and some viewers also contend that I sometimes give away too much information about the movies- but, we’ve learned that, even though so many of us are familiar with the films- every week there are people who have never seen the movie before! So, just for this week ( or unless we ask you again in the future)- PLEASE do not mention who plays the monster. We’ll reveal it at the end of the show. We know people could find it out elsewhere, but please obey this for this week. That includes not mentioning it on the blog comments until the show has aired in all time zones. Maybe wait until Sunday!

The administrator does not want to have to ride herd on the blog this holiday weekend, delete comments or ban anyone.

Thank you ( see? Thanksgiving already!) for playing along- and have a great holiday! And- make sure you come check out our store on Black Friday!

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 during show

Boomer50 46 months ago
Please show “Magnetic Monster” sometime in the not too distant future......? It scared the **** out of me decades ago..... and has one of the “biggie” science fiction stars in it ——- Richard Carlson.... thanks a bunch...!!
maclilus 46 months ago
Perhaps next year you could run "Matinee" - I think the film would be appropriate for what we went through, plus a nod to the Castle films.
PatS maclilus 46 months ago
Love that film!! Though not sure if it fits Sven's time frame or contracts. Very well done.
Islander maclilus 46 months ago
Since you started it. Sven could fulfill my bucket list on Svengoolie movies with War of the Worlds and The Day the Earth Stood Still. That would complete my top five on the show.
Klaatu Islander 46 months ago
Islander, I too would love to see those two movies on Sven. I aaaume they are coveted by their parent studios and license fee would be really expensive.
1MikeM PatS 46 months ago
I would like to see Matinee too. Enjoyed seeing John Goodman as Lawrence Woolsey, the William Castle type character. That's from Universal Pictures so maybe Sven could show that one.
Catbat 46 months ago
Hey gang 🙋 So where's the Black Friday sale in the Sven store?
Katink Catbat 46 months ago
I think it's the holiday launch items, CB, like the glow in the dark sweatshirt. It's a limited edition!
gabste Catbat 46 months ago
Jack 46 months ago
Mini-Me From Another World?!
1MikeM Jack 46 months ago
zapper45701 46 months ago
I know who plays the "Thing," but I won't tell.
Q: Do you know why the chicken crossed the road?
A: To prove to the possum it could be done.
Love your show. Keep up the good work.
TheKodakKid zapper45701 46 months ago
I think I submitted that joke to Kerwyn once.
Klaatu zapper45701 46 months ago
I thought Thing was played by a disguise of course😆
Jack zapper45701 46 months ago
Regional variation:
A: To prove to the armadillo it could be done.
The1Butler Jack 46 months ago
Oh Just one more thing ☝️
Islander Jack 46 months ago
Sorta reminds me of our giant rabbit movie a few weeks back.
PatS zapper45701 46 months ago
The real problem is in regions inhabited by sloths. That's why there are sloth orphan sanctuaries. (Some very cute videos on the interweb.)
NoPersonalChicks 46 months ago
Hello all, just trying to avoid the keys sticking from my giblet gravy, cranberry sauce and pecan pie syrup-soaked fingers, while attempting to maintain some semblance of mental acuity with a chronic tryptophan hangover. I hope everyone else also had too much of a good thing so I'm not the only one feeling guilty. By tomorrow my 'Thing From Another Meal' will be ABT--anything but turkey!
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PatS Klaatu 46 months ago
I believe there's a reference in THE THING to wild blueberry muffins. But it's not complimentary.
Catbat Klaatu 46 months ago
Now you are talking! Yum!
gabste NoPersonalChicks 46 months ago
Sorry about your hangover. Drink some coconut juice
Klaatu 46 months ago
Thanksgiving? What Thanksgiving? It’s time for my ticky tacky animated Christmas ornaments.😆
Islander Klaatu 46 months ago
Yes, there is a lot going on here.
Aceman2 Klaatu 46 months ago
My carolers like your display
Aceman2 46 months ago
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gabste 46 months ago
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! 😊
Islander gabste 46 months ago
I can't believe I ate the whole thing.
Aceman2 gabste 46 months ago
Thanks to you I have a great collection of Thanksgiving emojis. Is there a Christmas collection? Inquiring minds want to know.
Islander Aceman2 46 months ago
Trust me. She has an emoji for every situation.
Wsuup gabs ? My son from Colorado flew in Wed. When he left it was snowing and in the 20's. He's kinda liking our Carolina weather. Had surfers out today.
gabste Aceman2 46 months ago
Yes ! Soon in Sven theatres !
gabste Islander 46 months ago
Loving this weather ! Been hanging at the beach and working on polishing up my house. One more day of awesome weather...then it'll probably stay in the 50-60s. Waves were wild yesterday 😮
Jack 46 months ago
Knit this in thick acrylic yarn and you’d have one ugly holiday sweater!
Aceman2 Jack 46 months ago
Perfect to add to my collection of hideous sweaters
Klaatu Jack 46 months ago
Ha! I’ll take two👍
PatS Jack 46 months ago
Note, this one glows in the dark! The better to be seen on these dark winter nights! I like the way one might mistake the bats for holly leaves.
deadringer42 46 months ago
New holiday shirt, mug & hats available at the I have a store? Store.
Maybe I'll get one.
The1Butler 46 months ago
And I thought everyone went away for Thanksgiving ! Happy Day Atfer 🦃
Turkey sandwiches anyone ?
Aceman2 The1Butler 46 months ago
Friends invited us to Friday night dinner. Was hoping we would all go out or bring pizza in. But Nooooo! They want us to help them get rid of Their leftovers.
Jack Aceman2 46 months ago
Barbecued turkey pizza!
Catbat 46 months ago
Good Svengoolie Saturday Eve Morning All!
The1Butler Catbat 46 months ago
Good svengoolie eve morning 2u2 .🎩
MADave Catbat 46 months ago
Hey Catbat😀 I'm coming home tomorrow had a wonderful Thanksgiving no big turkey but turkey slices and of course mashed potatoes and all the fixings!
Aceman2 Catbat 46 months ago
Howdy Catbat.
TheKodakKid 46 months ago
Today is Native American Awareness Day. (Kind of ironic that the “Awareness Day” has even less awareness of it than the people it’s supposed to raise awareness for.)

Allow me a moment to pay tribute to my own Native American heritage (Cherokee), and tip my hat to others as well.

Jack TheKodakKid 46 months ago
You’re part Cherokee Kodak? Cool!
Aceman2 TheKodakKid 46 months ago
Thanks for your post. In Bucks County PA where I live, the Lenni Lenape tribe flourished. They cooperated and lived peacefully with William Penn and the settlers. Unfortunately, after Penn returned to England, his son “stole” 1.2 million acres in a scheme that became known as the Walking Purchase of 1737.
MADave 46 months ago
Well goodnight group see you Saturday night
Klaatu 46 months ago
A few toasts to make with our wee dram of Whiskey after Turkey dinner:

May the best of our past be the worst of our future.

May you live as long as you want, and may you never want as long as you live.

Here’s to a good life, and a long one.
A good wife, and a true one.
To a good drink, and another one.

To our dogs: May we become the people they believe we are.

Finally: Here’s to staying positive, and testing negative. 🍸🥃🍺

deadringer42 Klaatu 46 months ago
Me and my Glenlivet wish you the same. Cheers
Klaatu deadringer42 46 months ago
1MikeM Klaatu 46 months ago
Jack Klaatu 46 months ago
Katink Klaatu 46 months ago
Oscar Klaatu 46 months ago
🍻 I'll drink to all of those Klaatu, thanks for sharing.
Aceman2 Klaatu 46 months ago
abc123 46 months ago
Greetings to all. I hope this day of thanks has been good to you. Call all those you hold dear and share the day that way. All this weirdness will soon subside.
CarrieCastro 46 months ago
Happy Thanksgiving
My Friends 🍁🌻🍁
Hope your all having
a wonderful day 💛

Thankful your all so
fun love you all
1MikeM CarrieCastro 46 months ago
Thank you Carrie, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Oscar CarrieCastro 46 months ago
Happy Thanksgiving day Carrie, hope you had a great day!
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