I Shrink, Therefore I Am-"The Incredible Shrinking Man"-Tonight!

Posted on September 14, 2024

Tonight on MeTV, we bring back one of Universal’s 1950s sci fi classics- featuring a man who discovers the world is getting too big for him- because he is becoming smaller! It’s another story created by the great Richard Matheson, in which we join a normal man in his descent into the abnormal- embarking on a journey that includes lonely isolation and the transition of normal everyday things into objects of terror for “The Incredible Shrinking Man"!

This 1957 science fiction favorite starts out with Scott Carey and his wife relaxing and lounging on their boat off the California coast. When wife Louise heads to the galley to grab some drinks, hubby Scott remains topside, only to find an approaching unusual mist that briefly envelopes him, then abruptly fades away before Louise comes back up on deck. The couple is confused, having no idea what the glittery fog might have been, or where it came from.


The strange incident seems to be forgotten until a few weeks later- when Scott notices that his clothes don't seem to fit right. It isn’t simple weight loss, though- his whole body seems to be a little smaller than usual! He heads to his doctor, whose tests show that he's in perfect health- with the doctor stating the fact that, never in medical science has anybody started to get shorter (other than through something like osteoporosis, of course- but this movie isn’t titled “The Incredible Guy with Loss of Bone Density”) ! Scott, however, disagrees with what the doc is telling him- especially once he's noticed that he and his wife are now suddenly the same height- when, previously, he was taller than she.

Eventually, all the concerned parties must agree that something strange is happening to Scott- and he should be transferred to a medical research lab. After undergoing a battery of tests, it is confirmed that Scott is getting smaller-and a theory connected to an earlier incident may be the reason why.

Things take a bad turn for the diminishing dude when, in circumstances very familiar to our modern world, the media get hold of the story- and he is plagued by paparazzi. All Scott can do is live in isolation, remaining a prisoner in his own home- unable to work or move freely around the outside world. His frustration soon becomes obvious to his wife, who can’t find a way to help him.

And yet-possible hope for a cure comes from a winsome little person Scott meets by chance in a rare trip out into the public- but the reality that he still is continuing to shrink brings an end to any hopes he had of returning to a normal life. The world around him continues to become larger and more threatening at every turn and various aspects of his home become a savage new world he must face alone- as Scott finds simple everyday objects and creatures are now an incredible danger -as he fights to survive in a land of giants!

This movie has always been a big (sorry) favorite of our viewers- not just for the effects, but also for Grant Williams’ outstanding performance as Scott, who convincingly conveys his frustrations, fear, and sense of isolation. We will brief you on the cast members, including a few familiar MeTV faces, including a future “Beverly Hillbillies” actor- a famous TV father, and a small star with a large resume! Also among the cast members are a horrifying housecat (with its own Hollywood resume) and a tarantula (which, in the original script, was supposed to be a black widow spider, but that breed proved to be, ironically, too small to work with in what they were trying to do). We’ll also present a dating app for lonesome little people, see the Sven Squad get unwillingly involved with the whole shrinking trend, present a very special “Too Drawn Out” game, revisit a chat with our pal beloved voice artist Rob Paulsen, and even more!


“The Incredible Shrinking Man” starts tonight on MeTV at 8pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, and, to find out time and channel where you are, please check your local listings- or find your local info at www.metv.com . The live-Tweeting during the show on Twitter continues to flourish-with us among the top trending topics, so feel free to join in, using the hashtag #svengoolie. Our Chicago area viewers get another performance of “Killer Klowns from Outer Space” at 11 am on WCIU, The U!

More Sven anniversary merchandise is on the way- including some connected to the “Too Drawn Out” in tonight’s program- with more very special offers coming soon. Also, the next Svengoolie comic book will be available at favorite comic book shops the first week of October! October, of course, will feature a few select Sven public appearances – including one at the Joe Bob Briggs “Drive-In Jamboree” in Las Vegas the first week of October! Watch for information posted soon in the “appearances” section of our website.

Be watching tonight for the man whose size diminishes- while dangers increase- from the ever-larger world he faces!


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 during show

TheKodakKid 1 hour ago
Maybe it was a family trait. I’m not trying to pick on someone smaller than me, but Scott could be a little bit of a jerk himself. Remember how he acted at the beginning of the movie, which left him alone on deck when the cloud passed through? Also, the relationship he seemed to be forming with Clarice, while his wife was worrying about him, and trying to be there for him?

I got the impression that the brother was providing financial assistance to them during that time. Scott couldn’t work. His wife wasn’t working. They still had bills to pay (mortgage, utilities, groceries). The events in the movie take place over a number of months. That can sometimes get lost, due to the length of the movie.

Then there was the expense of Scott’s medical care. I know a lot has changed since then. However, I find it doubtful that his medical care was being provided for free. (Unless the doctors were thinking there was someway to profit off this event. It’s doubtful that his medical insurance was covering these expenses (they sure wouldn’t now).

This might explain why the brother suggested that they “cash in” on what was happening. Maybe he was looking for a way to not have to tell Scott that helping him was starting to put the brother in a financial bind.

Many of us have had family members who have had a medical issue that created stressful situations. The way some people react to these situations isn’t always straightforward, or can come across in a way that’s not perceived well.
Oops! Thought I was commenting on Dale’s earlier post. Didn’t intend for this to be a stand alone.
Klaatu TheKodakKid 13 minutes ago
👍👍. All good info, from both you and Dale!
Klaatu 2 hours ago
Man does not live by Martinis alone. Time to watch a Sven movie on my DVR. I’ll Maker’s Mark a spot to sit right here and enjoy. Now…which Sven movie??
daleuhlmann 4 hours ago
Did anybody else think that Robert Scott Carey's brother Charlie in THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN was an incredible jerk? All he seemed to think about was the almighty dollar. He didn't seem to care at all about his brother's tragic condition, nor moved in the slightest by his assumed death. He was obviously suffering from an incredible shinking heart. IMO, he, not Scott, should have been exposed to that radioactive mist and that pesticide!
VanGooliac daleuhlmann 4 hours ago
I agree that he was a jerk. Also, he encouraged Scott and Louise to make money by going public with their story, which increased their stress enormously. Instead, Charlie could have sold his boat to help them out financially.
Lynn daleuhlmann 2 hours ago
I don't know that he was a real jerk. But I thought of him mostly as detached, and a bit "paint by numbers". I simply don't think compassion was in his skill set, so I just saw him as being glaringly "less than" what Louise needed. That's the position in which a lot of widows* and widowers (not me, thankfully!) find themselves.

A real jerk wouldn't have shown up.

*Yes - Louise wasn't actually widowed, but that was the assumption they were working under.
Cartoondave daleuhlmann 2 hours ago
I second it dale family members are supposed to care for each other and not be ahem... Ignorant Robert Scott needed help but what does his brother do? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
BEATNGU2 6 hours ago
Hey Mamootsa this one’s for you
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1MikeM BEATNGU2 5 hours ago
Awoooo! Inflatable Werewolves of London. Awoooo!
Tygercat 1MikeM 4 hours ago
Mamootsa BEATNGU2 2 hours ago
The resident shewolf 🐺highly approves of that 👏👏 Aahhooooo!!!
BEATNGU2 Mamootsa 2 hours ago
BEATNGU2 6 hours ago
“Move over Rover, and let Jimi Take over”…….
Klaatu 6 hours ago
Anyone see this notice from NASA? Hmmm, we better watch Svengoolie before it’s too late🤔😳😆
Lynn Klaatu 2 hours ago
You can never be too careful!😳
TheKodakKid Klaatu 1 hour ago
We’ve seen enough 50s sci-fi on Svengoolie for us to have concerns beyond the potential impact with Earth. Like what might be accompanying it.
PARANORMA TheKodakKid 1 hour ago
Just don't poke at it with a stick.
TheKodakKid PARANORMA 1 hour ago
Or get down in a crater with it.
On this date in 1970, Jimi Hendrix passed away.
Jack SOUTHWESTRANGER 7 hours ago
That’s the 48 star flag in the [prob’ly not the original] background. Intriguing.
Klaatu SOUTHWESTRANGER 6 hours ago
Hendrix👍. But is the “Significance” of Hendrix similar to the “Great significance of the passage of time”?🙄
SOUTHWESTRANGER Jack 2 hours ago
Yep. From the _National Lampoon_ (notice the watermark?) June 1971, “I Dreamed I Was There in O.D. Heaven.”
NoPersonalChicks Jack 1 hour ago
A month later Jim would get his Gothic window, and later Kurt and Amy would join the 27 Club.
Engineer_Poelzig Klaatu 4 minutes ago
Jimi Hendrix has been gone twice 27 this year.
Some very advanced Hendrix collectors and I were discussing what Jimi might have done had he lived.
I cracked them all up when I said, can you imagine Jimi Hendrix guest hosting SNL, and being the musical guest too...

NoPersonalChicks 8 hours ago
50 years ago the Beatles hit the Lone Star State to play the Dallas Memorial Auditorium. Four warmup acts no doubt got booed off the stage, especially since a bomb threat delayed the start of the show. The hats are ridiculous.
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Jack MrsG 6 hours ago
Remember when we could still say “It was twenty years ago today…” about anything Beatles related? I mean, other than death, remasters, and Paul releasing some remixed previously unreleased John and/or George material?
NoPersonalChicks Jack 5 hours ago
And "When I'm Sixty-Four" was an eternity away and you held onto a dim hope you might make it there despite a young life of deposits into the bank of bad habits? Now it's a look back. But Medicare is pretty cool.
MrsG NoPersonalChicks 4 hours ago
WOW talk about fingers ~ what a nail-biter ! *_^ 💙
MrsG Jack 4 hours ago
You are so right Jack !
We find some comfort and commiseration here ~
Even for Sven , it’s Happy 45th Anniversary ~
🖤 *_* ♥️
MrsG 9 hours ago

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty did not get the call
He wanted to be an NFL blocker
But waited instead for THE NIGHT STALKER
🏈_🏈 Happy Hump Day !
Mikeyyy MrsG 8 hours ago
Another hit!
1MikeM VanGooliac 5 hours ago
Darth Vader would say "Impressive! Most Impressive."
1MikeM NoPersonalChicks 5 hours ago
"That boy is good!"
"Yeah, good and terrible!" (Ha-ha!)
daleuhlmann MrsG 4 hours ago
Ha-ha! Very clever, Mrs. G!😂
Duhlmann0406 9 hours ago
That's Bea Benaderet again, this time as the voice of the obnoxious beebop Red Riding Hood!
Duhlmann0406 9 hours ago
"Little Riding Rabbit," my all-time favorite Bugs Bunny cartoon--"to have!"😂
Duhlmann0406 10 hours ago
Even in Ohio, I can't escape Mr. Quizzer!😬
Klaatu Duhlmann0406 10 hours ago
I’m confused…is this Dale from California using your Ohio name?
RobBarnes Klaatu 10 hours ago
You can take the boy out of the State, but you can't take the hate (for Quizzer) out of the boy.
Duhlmann0406 Klaatu 10 hours ago
Yes, well, I have to blog on my phone under a slightly different name and avatar while watching the Me TV Friendly app on my tablet while I'm here in Ohio.
Duhlmann0406 RobBarnes 10 hours ago
That's for sure, Rob! Wouldn't you know that scoundrel would follow me from California and out here to Ohio?😂
Duhlmann0406 10 hours ago
Topical 1944 W B cartoon spoof of wartime product shortages, directed by Charles M. (Chuck) Jones. That's definitely Bea Benaderet providing the female voices.
Good Morning all my fellow Sven-Teamsters
Good morning, SWS!
Klaatu 10 hours ago
I think I found the ones responsible for all the deletions😳
SOUTHWESTRANGER Klaatu 10 hours ago
Damned Buggers
PARANORMA Klaatu 6 hours ago
Damn, y'know, I couldn't have told you the name of that film before your other post. But those golfball eyes...dead eyes, like a walking mannequin's eyes... Gah. Yeah, I'd believe it.
Duhlmann0406 10 hours ago
"Fish Fry," a great 1944 Andy Panda "cartune" from Walter Lantz and Universal.
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