I’ll Give You Something to Cry About- “The Boy Who Cried Werewolf” Tonight!

Posted on February 20, 2016

Father- son relationships get a bit hairy tonight on MeTV, when  a divorced dad deals with a curse even worse than alimony- and his son can't get anyone to believe the truth about the reality of lycanthropy - and is labelled "The Boy Who Cried Werewolf"!

This 1973 film begins benignly enough- with divorced dad Robert taking his young son Richie for a rustic bonding visit to the  family's cabin in the mountains. As they go for a hike on a moonlit night, they are attacked by  what appears to be a werewolf- with dad getting bitten in the melee (or, maybe, the arm). The attacker ends up dead- but, upon investigation- he isn't a werewolf- he's a human! (Does that remind anyone of Larry Talbot and Bela in "Wolf Man"?) Young Richie maintains it was a werewolf, but,naturally, nobody believes that.

Robert's ex-wife Sandy is concerned about Richie's refusal to drop the werewolf story- and a consultation with a psychiatrist ( actor George Gaynes, who just passed away recently) proposes the theory that Richie has convinced himself of the wolf man story because he can't come to grips with the fact that his dear old dad may have killed a man. The brilliant shrink  suggests that, if Robert takes Richie back to the cabin, the boy will see that everything is normal there (!) and snap back to reality.

As luck ( and the plot) would have it, they return to the cabin- during the next cycle of the full moon- and Robert finds himself transforming into  the legendary man-beast. Richie sees the wolf man, and runs for his life- finding  a safe haven with a young couple in a motor home- who also don't buy the werewolf story. Some stark reality enters into the mix, as new victims are found- and Richie is shocked to discover that the werewolf appears to be- his own father! Can Richie finally find someone who will believe the awful truth?

It's been a while since we've been able to show this film again, and it's best known for having Kerwin (not Berwyn) Matthews as the star- and for the unique look of the werewolf make-up. We'll tell you all about the cast, and give you a peek at the original open we did for this show several years ago- long before I found out that Mark Hamill is a fan of our show! Watch for a  quick cameo by a MeTV vintage program star along the way as well.

"The Boy Who Cried Werewolf" begins tonight on MeTV at 10 pm eastern/pacific, 9 central, or check your local listings for time and channel in your area (you can also find that at www.metv.com). In Chicago, our viewers can refresh their original werewolf  knowledge with Lon Chaney Jr.'s "Wolf Man" at 11 am on our sister station- WCIU, the U.

A quick reminder that next weekend, on Saturday, February 27th, I'll be part of a fundraiser in Summit , Illinois, to help send a student to a once-in-a-lifetime internship at an elephant preservation reserve in Thailand! I'll be part of a pro wrestling show, signing autographs and taking photos at the intermission- and then, trying my hand as a manager in the main event! More details are available under the "appearances" tab here on our site. And, YES- I am confirmed to make another visit to the C2E2 convention next month, at Chicago's McCormick Place. We'll post details early next month, and in our monthly newsletter for March (you can sign up for that- for free- here on our site as well).

Join us tonight, as we babysit "the Boy Who Cried Werewolf"!

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