Important Information!!!

Posted on February 4, 2015

I just have a few things that you might want to know about...

First- yes, the entry form for the monthly Sven retired rubber chicken giveaway has not been functioning for some people. Our web folks are trying to determine the cause- they are wondering if it might be the browser that some entrants are using, or if you an older computer. Whatever it is, please know that they are working on it.

Secondly- we have a backlog of Sven t shirt orders , to a  manufacturer delay. Please be patient- we are trying to get the outstanding orders filled. The amazing demand for the shirts has proven to be overwhelming at times! And, again, there should be a contact e-mail address if you have have a problem or question regarding your order- and it is NOT my e-mail address. I do not see or handle orders- I just do the TV shows. If you contact me, sadly- I can't help you! So- check your order confirmation for the correct e-mail.

Finally- yes, we have our first 2015 Sven appearance coming up!For those who love our show- it is, appropriately, on Saturday, February 14th- Valentine’s Day! I'll be making an appearance at a convention new to Chicago- the “Mad Mobster True Crime and Horror Expo” which runs all weekend at the Hilton Chicago Hotel! Since it takes place on the anniversary weekend and in the city of the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, the folks who bring you “Mad Monster” magazine and “Mad Monster” conventions around the country have decided to add mobsters and true crime stories to their usual monster fare. There are plenty of guests- former "Jason" Kane Hodder (who will be in full make-up on Friday only), our actor friend William Forsythe, the voice of Chucky Brad Dourif,make-up icon Tom Savini,the original "Leatherface" Gunnar Hanson,stars like Lar-Park Lincoln and Charles Fleischer- and more- plus, crime experts and authors! Please note that I will only be there on the Saturday of the convention-from 1 to 3 pm on the 14th. It's possible that I may be a part of a panel for part of the time,so please check their schedules for that day. Regardless, I will be signing autographs and taking photos with Sven fans for a majority of the two hour span- but,check the schedule, as I mentioned- you may want to get  a place in the autograph line early, to avoid the unfortunate need to cut off the line in order to wind up on time! If you'd like more information, you can check out their website - at ! I'm looking forward to meeting you  at this great new convention!

There are more Sven appearances being booked for all through the year ( we already have some Halloween season bookings!)- make sure that you check back here and at our "appearances" tab every so often to keep track of it all!

More "important information" as it occurs...

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 during show

TSeym22 22 months ago
Another one missing the May 2023 rubber chicken giveaway. Did you guys run out of chickens?? Sure hope it's a temporary situation. I've been trying to win one for years!
suesdralle 22 months ago
No link for the rubber chicken giveaway 🙁 (02MAY23).

Thanks for all the good movies!
TSusala51 22 months ago
Today (5/1/23) is the first time I haven't seen any link to the rubber chicken giveaway.
I've been using the latest version of Google Chrome since the Bronze Age!
I'm sure it will be available soon
Have a good month
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