It's a Casket Classic from the Castle- Bela Lugosi Stars as "Dracula"- Tonight!

Posted on July 20, 2024

Tonight on MeTV-we are happy to present once again a true cornerstone of Universal horror’s legacy-the movie that established Bela Lugosi in most people’s minds as the embodiment of Bram Stoker’s vampire count! It’s one of the most atmospheric and captivating legends of all time- as the count leaves his Transylvanian home to bring terror to London in 1931’s classic-"Dracula”!

It starts out almost whimsically, with real estate solicitor Renfield in a crowded carriage on a bumpy journey to Transylvania (one of his travelling companions is, in actuality, Carla Laemmle, daughter of Carl Laemmle, founder and head of Universal studios). In spite of getting jostled around, Renfield is all business- he is on his way to the castle of a certain Count Dracula to get him to sign the lease for Carfax Abbey in London. When the carriage stops at an inn, and Renfield insists he must continue on to Castle Dracula, we see that the locals are getting nervous just hearing where he is headed, and try to talk him out of it. Ignoring their warnings, he continues on his way to meet with the Count- totally unaware of what the future holds!


Renfield meets Dracula, who makes a dramatic entrance, and accepts the offer of an overnight stay in the castle-which results in him falling under the spell of the Count. Soon, completely under his control, driven out of his mind, and living only to do the vampire’s bidding, he helps his master make his way to London- only to end up being locked up in Dr. Seward's sanitarium, while Dracula takes up residence in the nearby abbey. The count soon walks among the city’s people, who provide prey for his thirst for blood. The Count meets Dr Seward, on a night out on the town, along with his daughter Mina and her friend Lucy- both of whom are fascinated by the mysterious gentleman.

Meanwhile, Renfield's strange behavior prompts the sanitarium staff to call in one Professor Van Helsing to consult on his case- a shrewd and learned man who realizes that it is a vampire that plays a part in the proceedings. He soon discovers just who that vampire is, and just who is endangered by his presence! Fearing that Mina may be next in line, he enlists her fiancé, Jonathan Harker, in the battle to defeat this undead menace!


Bela Lugosi shows such amazing presence in this movie, followed closely by Dwight Frye’s incredible performance as the deranged Renfield. Also in the cast- David Manners, Helen Chandler- and a man who appears in several of Universal’s original core of horror films- Edward Van Sloan. We'll talk about the cast and the production, which, once again, we will be showing with the added musical soundtrack that first accompanied the film on its French DVD version. The score, composed with stock library music, offsets some of the usual “film hiss” on the original movie soundtrack, which often seems amplified by the original’s lack of background music. Honestly, at times, some added sound effects seem a bit overbearing, but overall, we think this version provides an interesting viewing experience- especially for those of us who have seen the film in its original state so many times. We add to the proceedings with all manner of Sven segments- from some Drac marketing ideas to yet another Nostalgiaferatoo visit, a song, a quick and appropriate cameo by a late great actor, and a selection of some of our past vampire-based buffoonery- including our take-offs on that certain duck-call creating family-if they happened to be vampires!

The classic "Dracula" rises from his coffin tonight on MeTV-8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, and, if you’re unsure about channel and time in your area, check your local listings or at . Many fans are live-Tweeting during the show on Twitter, and you are invited to take part as well, using the hashtag #svengoolie. This morning in the Chicago viewing area, Herman Munster takes one more victory lap around the English countryside in “Munster Go Home” at 11 am on our main local station, CW26.

We have posted information about our upcoming visit to the annual Flashback Weekend horror convention in Rosemont, IL on August 2 and 3! Check out the schedule under the “appearances” tab here on our website.


The new Sven anniversary items in our store- with the artwork by Mitch O’Connell- are becoming a fast favorite with Sven fans! Be watching for even more celebratory merchandise coming up-including some amazing keepsakes!

Please join us tonight on MeTV for “Dracula”- with that special musical accompaniment! Those children of the night- what music they make- literally!

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 during show

Cartoondave 1 month ago
I'm going to pass on the race for 1st blogger in about 15 minutes I'm dead tired it was a long ride to my sister's due to heavy traffic goodnight and I'll try to be on time for toons
PARANORMA 1 month ago
Per data from NASA's Messenger spacecraft, scientists now beginning to think carbon-rich Mercury has a layer of diamond apx 10mi thick at the core/mantle interface.
The1Butler 1 month ago
Ill pass on the olympics, thats crap.
RobBarnes The1Butler 1 month ago
The winter games are more fun to watch IMO.
BEATNGU2 The1Butler 1 month ago
I agree. Way too political and Drug rampant. I enjoyed the Olympic Games when it was only Amateurs. But I will watch the Womens Beach 🏖
Volleyball 🏐. 😉
Mamootsa BEATNGU2 1 month ago
I didn’t know you were so shallow 😂😂😂
BEATNGU2 Mamootsa 1 month ago
My Favourite movie is
“Shallow Hal”
BEATNGU2 1 month ago
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BEATNGU2 Mamootsa 1 month ago
PatS The1Butler 1 month ago
Olympics is a lot of glitz and ceremony. So are the Oscars. So is SuperBowl. I enjoy it for what it is. Liked Celine Dion having the grit to sing an Edith Piaf song in French, while battling an incurable neurological disorder. We're stuck with it for the next week, so choose the stuff you like.
daleuhlmann 1 month ago
Hey, group! Catbat and I are watching the Olympics, so I will post my movie review at 9 pm, here on the West coast, but then rejoin everyone else, first thing in the morning, during tomorrow's Westies' toon time. Good luck to this Saturday's first blogger!👍
Catbat 1 month ago
Opening ceremonies coming up! If you didn't get a chance this morning ya need to watch! SO AMAZING! Catch y'all later
Katink Catbat 1 month ago
Oh! I'll switch and try to catch some of it!
Klaatu 1 month ago
My Twister review: Entertaining but Meh. The best thing about the movie was at the end, where townspeople gathered in a theater to escape a tornado, AND the movie being shown was Frankenstein 👍
Cartoondave 1 month ago
Wow no posts since my last one an hour ago where is everyone getting ready for the race at midnight or watching the Olympics?
The1Butler Cartoondave 1 month ago
Im watching Barney and Andy .
DrSerizawa 1 month ago
Twister movie preview....
Klaatu DrSerizawa 1 month ago
I’m at Twister now. Thanks for the spoiler😡🤣
PARANORMA DrSerizawa 1 month ago
Wow, can't keep his footing in those crosswinds!
Cartoondave 1 month ago
We are now in beautiful laconia New Hampshire at my sister and brother-in-law's as we celebrate the life of my deceased niece Brooke Ashley Barron she would have been 24 today
Our sympathies for your continued loss. May you have a peaceful and love filled remembrance weekend.

I am also traveling to the Laconia area tomorrow. Lake Winona, in Meredith just north of Laconia.

Great have a good time and weather looks nice this weekend
PARANORMA Cartoondave 1 month ago
I hope being together and sharing memories of Ashley has brought comfort to you all.
PARANORMA Cartoondave 1 month ago
OMG, forgive me -- Brooke
Cartoondave PARANORMA 1 month ago
Thanks ok you probably didn't see her first name and thought her middle was first?
PARANORMA Cartoondave 1 month ago
Apologies. Am afraid so, didn't register properly. But the wish is the same.
BEATNGU2 1 month ago
I had this guy on my Sunflower 🌻 last week
Klaatu BEATNGU2 1 month ago
I no wonder if your Tiger Swallowtail had met my Black Swallowtail?
Great shot! 🦋🌻
DrSerizawa 1 month ago
We had some discussion about the French soundtrack added to the showing of Dracula. I'm reading a small book about Frankenstein in the Cultographies series. The author specifically points to the silence that accompanies the shocking moments in bothe Frankenstein and Dracula as heightening the suspense and horror. I personally found the music last time as being of the soap opera genre, not helping anything.

And now, just to save time:

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drummerman56 DrSerizawa 1 month ago
I've become so efficient I delete my posts before I post them.
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Klaatu 1 month ago
A great flowering shrub that loves heat is Lantana. Swallowtails love Lantana flowers. This Black Swallowtail was enjoying the flowers today.
Klaatu Klaatu 1 month ago
PARANORMA Klaatu 1 month ago
Lovely! 🏵🦋🌼
BEATNGU2 Klaatu 1 month ago
Beautiful KLAATU
rebeccafargo 1 month ago
It’s shrews this week, right? Not Godzilla? Did I miss something?
It's the Shrews !
BEATNGU2 1 month ago
BEATNGU2 BEATNGU2 1 month ago
Blue 🔵 Oyster 🦪 Cult
BEATNGU2 BEATNGU2 1 month ago
Long Islands Own BOC
rebeccafargo BEATNGU2 1 month ago
Loved that band 🎶
RobBarnes BEATNGU2 1 month ago
WOW! They were playing in a club in '00? Must have been a one off. Possibly a warm-up gig just prior to kicking off on a National Tour?
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BEATNGU2 1 month ago
Now its s different story to keep this Jurassic Dinosaur away !
Mamootsa BEATNGU2 1 month ago
No way!! 😳
RobBarnes BEATNGU2 1 month ago
There are pockets of alligators throughout Florida, mainly in the North and far South, but I have NEVER seen one the size of that croc! Is that really one long croc or two separate ones?
I seem to recall reading/seeing stuff that the saltwater variety do tend to be larger, but...whoa.
RobBarnes PARANORMA 1 month ago
The males can get to be 20' with some exceptions, females up to 12', like you said the salt water Crocs as opposed to fresh or brackish water.
BEATNGU2 1 month ago
As for the Squirrel 🐿 Talk my solution was ezee peezee
“Rocky” comes around every day
So to keep him from raiding the Bird feeders its simple ;
Mamootsa BEATNGU2 1 month ago
Aww, he’s so cute ☺️
rebeccafargo BEATNGU2 1 month ago
Thx for feeding the 🐿️🐿️
Is this bribery or extortion?
DrFish28136 1 month ago

On this day in 1985 (in West Germany), Godzilla roared once again in theaters with the big screen release of Godzilla 1985. Written and directed by a team of writers and directors (too many to mention), the SciFi/Fantasy starred Raymond Burr, Keiju Kobayashi, and Ken Tanaka. According to our friends at, here's the plot summary:

"Thirty years after the original monster's rampage, a new Godzilla emerges and attacks Japan."
abc123 DrFish28136 1 month ago
and i still kick myself for not seeing it when i was in japan in 1985...
DrFish28136 1 month ago

On this day in 2003 (in the U.S.), Momentum took its place on the broadcast TV dial. Directed by James Seale, the Fantasy/Drama starred Teri Hatcher, Louis Gossett Jr., and Grayson McCouch; and here's the plot summary as provided by

"A man with telekinetic abilities meets a group of people with similar powers."
1MikeM DrFish28136 1 month ago
"You're a class act Callahan. A real class act."
VanGooliac DrFish28136 1 month ago
Sounds an awful lot like SCANNERS.
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