It’s a Dark Night in the Evil “Black Castle”-Tonight!

Posted on August 20, 2016

It's a game of human chess tonight on MeTV- where the wrong move means a win for  a villainous count- and  a loss could be a loss of life- by hook or crook, beware the rook of the "Black Castle"!

Richard Greene, the star of 1950s TV's "Robin Hood", is Sir Ronald-a genteel nobleman in search of two good friends of his who have disappeared without a trace- and the only evidence he has involves  an arrogant count he had been at odds with in the past, whose motive could well be revenge against him. With his faithful manservant, he travels to the last place his friends were known to have been seen- an inn called the "Green Man"-  where they run into some equally arrogant cohorts of the suspected Count Von Bruno! Their ensuing tussle has Sir Ronald  getting the upper hand- and encouraging him to continue on to Von Bruno's  stronghold- using an alias to avoid any early suspicions.

Upon arrival, he is acknowledged as the  man who bested the Count's associates- and greeted as  a guest to be reckoned with- as he is introduced to other inhabitants of the castle: the Count's beautiful wife, who seems fearful of her hubby, the Count's mysterious physician (Boris Karloff) and his hulking mute manservant (Lon Chaney Jr). He is given a tour of the premises- primarily the dungeon, and the various security measures  in the castle- including  hidden traps, and a pit of hungry alligators!

The Count has a special hunting contest scheduled, and demands that the visiting nobleman take part in it- while Sir Ronald takes every opportunity to search for clues to his missing friends' whereabouts- while avoiding prying eyes and  suspicious supporters of the Count. When Sir Ronald finally takes his leave, thinking he may have solid evidence that will solve the disappearances, and implicate the Count-he finds that he must risk his life and return to the castle- and face certain death -perhaps even  a "living death"-in order to save the fair Countess!

This 1952 adventure has the feel of an old dark house style movie, mixed with swashbuckling and  even "Indiana Jones"-like  features. We'll run down the cast, including several familiar faces- and even one player whose voice is familiar to cartoon fans! The Sven bits cover everything from fast food- to an "incredible" take on the movie's inn-and  some fan-requested "Svensurround" scenes. All in all- a lot of entertainment you can "Count" on!

"Black Castle" drops its drawbridge for visitors tonight at 10 pm eastern/pacific, 9 central, and/or check  at  or your local listings for run time and channel in your area. Chicago viewers will get a daytime look at the "Night Monster" at 11 am on our sister station, WCIU, the U.

It turns out that I will not be able to appear at Chicago's Wizard World this weekend (and, yes, it would have been in full Svengoolie regalia)- but, if you attend, make sure to drop by MeTV's "Super Sci Fi Saturday Night" booth to show your support! Tell them Sven sent you (and tell Lou Ferrigno that Sven is a big fan of his)! Pick up some "business cards" of your favorite Saturday night characters as well!

Join us tonight for the monochrome mayhem of the "Black Castle"!

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