It's Another Double Feature Tonight- "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" and "The Monster Club"!

Posted on January 18, 2025

Tonight on MeTV-we go from frightful fruit to nasty nightlife- as we present a favorite cult classic fresh from the ghastly garden, followed by two horror greats sharing sinister stories at a gathering place of supernatural creatures of various kinds! We begin with the 1978 fan favorite “Attack of the Killer Tomatoes”- followed by the House of Svengoolie, in which our Sven Squad will escort you into “The Monster Club”!

Just to clarify the above- tomatoes ARE considered a fruit, since they are seed-bearing, but are used the way you would use a vegetable. You can argue about that among yourselves. Regardless, our story begins with the discovery that the red stuff found on a victim’s body is not blood- but- tomato juice! After a rash of attacks, seemingly by tomatoes, the government authorities try to assure the public that no threat exists, while actually forming a committee to work on stopping these deadly tomatoes (yes, I know how bizarre that sounds…)!


A team of specialists is put together, helmed by a man named Mason Dixon. Among his crew are a not-very-master of disguise, a swimmer, a scuba diver, and a soldier who drags around a parachute. Their various missions- infiltrating the ranks of the tomatoes (do tomatoes have ranks?), check out an ad agency trying to cash in on the tomato invasion, and making sure they are not part of a new crop of victims. Add to this salad a mysterious assassin, out to kill Dixon, a female reporter who gets mistaken for a spy, and someone who has learned how to control the tomatoes for his own evil agenda! It all leads to a final face-off in a stadium where it’s man versus ‘mato!

Yes, it’s as funny and ridiculous as it sounds, but this horror film parody has been requested by our viewers over and over again, and we finally got the rights to show it. So many people know its famed theme song that includes the immortal line “I know I’m going to miss her- a tomato ate my sister”, and there is other music involved, as well as some obscure actors, with the exception of Eric Christmas and Jack Riley- Mr. Carlin on “The Bob Newhart Show”. We’ll talk about the production, including a real -life mishap caught on film, and about the various sequels to this film, including the cartoon version. We’ll introduce a unique insurance plan, get a visit from Nostalgiaferatoo, bring you a new song, and more!

Then, Nostalgiaferatoo returns with the rest of our Sven squad, Gwengoolie and the Imp, to present the 1981 musical monster mash-up “The Monster Club”. This movie is loaded with rock and roll, as Vincent Price and John Carradine share supernatural stories in a special night club for creatures of the night. The stories include the tale of a woman in financial need who gets involved with a mysterious hybrid creature; a son who discovers his father is a vampire, being pursued by vampire-killers, led by Donald Pleasance; and a movie director who finds the location he is scouting for his next picture is frighteningly more of a real horror than he bargained for. Plus, there are several music performances at the club- not to mention Gwengoolie leading her own musical number. There’s a lot more fun from our Sven Squad who are happy to make you a part of the club!

The double-feature begins tonight on MeTV at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central time. You can live-comment on the proceedings on Twitter/X and Bluesky, using the hashtag #svengoolie. Chicago area viewers can see some of our celebrity friends join us for “Dracula’s Daughter” at 11 am on our local station, WCIU, the U!

Join us tonight as we serve up tomatoes and bribe the doorman to allow you into a creepy club!


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 during show

Bill_K 2 hours ago
Well, Guys......

Looks like it's my turn to be deleted this week. Catch my by line under my name!

See You tomorrow!
Bill_K 2 hours ago
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daleuhlmann daleuhlmann 2 hours ago
I'd tried to cut and paste, and repost Bill's article, but, as you can see, that same nongoodnick removed it again! Well, I encourage you all to click on Bill's name and avatar, and you'll bevable to read it in the "Cimments" section.
abc123 3 hours ago
Okay - Got Killer Tomatoes up...
Fruit or Vegetable
When they bite you, you won’t care
What will end their reign

abc123 abc123 3 hours ago
Monster Club in the morning...
Mikeyyy abc123 3 hours ago
Awesome artwork!
PatS abc123 3 hours ago
Yay! Seeing without a click is always good.
daleuhlmann abc123 3 hours ago
Perfect fan and verse for ATOTKT, Howard!
Katink abc123 3 hours ago
Very nice, abc!
PARANORMA abc123 2 hours ago
I got nothing here, in terms of expressing how terrific this is. Freakin brilliant job!! 👏
daleuhlmann 3 hours ago

ATTACK OF THE KILLER TOMATOES? Yes, indeed! This send-up of 1950s sci-fi films has been called many things since its initial 1978 theatrical release. It has been called a "cult movie" (a film with a comparatively small, yet fervent and loyal fanbase), as well as a "popcorn movie" (a film that is immensely popular with audiences, but not with critics). It has also been called an unintentionally "so bad, it's good" movie, which it is NOT!

Right from the outset, producers John DeBello and Stephen Peace had conceived KILLER TOMATOES as not only a parody of post-World War II, atomic-era sci-fi, but of "good bad movies" as a whole. Such movies, usually of low-budget craftmanship, have always been designed with the utmost sincerity in mind. it is the deadly seriousness of such "masterpieces" as Ed Wood's GLEN OR GLENDA, BRIDE OF THE MONSTER, and PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE that has made them so watchable and entertaining, despite--or BECAUSE OF--their utterly inept direction, absurd stories, poor acting, ludicrous dialogue, and laughable special effects. In other words, they are UNINTENTIONALLY bad, while imitations like KILLER TOMATOES are INTENTIONALLY so.

One thing they are NOT, though, is DULL. There is nothing more unwatchable than a dull, plodding, and boring "bad movie," or one that has been made in such unbearably bad taste that the viewer feels immediately afterwards like taking a shower. From my experience, the best example would be the totally reprehensible Italian film CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST, in which actual torture of real animals is enacted right on the screen.

Fortunately, ATTACK OF THE KILLER TOMATOES is neither dull or in excessively bad taste. DeBello and Pence followed to the final detail the formula for a successful "good bad movie," most importantly in the form of its absurd title monsters, as well as by the decision to not explain their origin whatsoever! The film's overall cheesiness is also illustrated by the catchy "Killer Tomatoes" song (composed by DeBello himself) that is played during the film's credits. Plus, I'm sure nobody who has seen the movie can ever forget such dialogue as "Tomatoes can't fly!" . . . "Well, they can't eat people, either, but they're doing one hell of a good job of that!"

In addition, KILLER TOMATOES benefits from its topical social and political satire. Besides skewering 1950s monster movies (including the endings often seen in such films), screenwriters DeBello, Peace, and Costa Dillon poke fun at popular 1970s movie blockbusters, music (who can ever forget "Puberty Love"?), Washington, D.C. (including Watergate, the CIA, the military, and political buttons), and advertising decals. In short, this cult favorite offers ample opportunitues for analysis of various pop cultural subtexts.

Never mind the fact that mosr critics have dismissed KILLER TOMATOES as a "one-joke movie," or have called its humor silly. The film, according to box office sources, turned a profit, having grossed $567,000 on only a $100,000 budget. This unexpected success led to three sequels to date. The first was released to theaters, and starred a young George Clooney. The second and third were released directly to video, and featured John Astin as a mad scientist who, according to the these follow-ups (as well as an animated TV series inspired by the franchise), had created the Killer Tomatoes in the first place. None of these, including the cartoon show, equalled the popular success of the first movie, suggesting that ferocious and monstrous vegetables were good for only one attack.

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Katink daleuhlmann 3 hours ago
It should be fun, Dale!
daleuhlmann Bill_K 3 hours ago
Thank you, Bill! I agree with you about AWOTM, IMO, too, a far superior satire.
PARANORMA daleuhlmann 2 hours ago
(See comment to abc123 above, & ditto) As ever, a fun education. Looking forward to pt2!
daleuhlmann PARANORMA 2 hours ago
Thank you, Paranorma!
daleuhlmann 3 hours ago
As I had mentioned earlier, I will post my review of the first feature tonight, and then, later, around Noon, Westies time, my "bonus" review, of the second feature.
daleuhlmann 3 hours ago
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PatS 3 hours ago
Ooooh, almost missed it!

One of the most effective songs in the musical "Wicked" isn't heard in the recently released movie. WICKED (the movie) is really only the first half of the musical. 'Changed For Good' comes near the end of the second act, as Elphaba and Glinda are singing a tearful goodbye. Words and music by Stephen Schwartz ("Pippin", "Godspell" and other works). A sentimental bittersweet duet — totally unlike our brash nonsensical ridiculous movie.

BTW, the second WICKED film is already "in the can" and being edited for a November release. Tentative title: WICKED: FOR GOOD.

Attachment is from the 2003 original Broadway cast album. I skipped the intro, so start around 0:50. (The album won a Grammy.)


From what I've heard
It seems most vegetables and fruits
Are quite harmless
But there's something we should learn
It sounds absurd
Suppose tomatoes could be trained
To move and murder
Then they take an evil turn
Well, if that's possible, I couldn't say
But a beach-ball-sized tomato mob
Is rolling this way

>Like the giant praying mantis
>Or the ants in the sewers
>Like so many movie monsters
>Something made them mad
>Who can say if we'll survive until morning -- but
>For now, believe it
>Tomatoes can go bad

Appoint a team
A chubby guy in suit and tie
Plus a diver
And some more unlikely sorts
An ad campaign
While Senate dithers, people die
Every fruit stand
Has a scarlet-splattered corpse
Bring on the fleeing crowds and Army troops
An awesome helicopter crash
And media snoops

>Like a frontier fort besieged
>We'll make a stand, fight them off
>There's a mastermind behind them
>We'll unmask the cad
>Who can say if we'll survive until morning -- but
>It's time to heed it
>For now, concede it
>Tomatoes can go bad

^Those costumes from Goodwill...
^Dumb politicians
^Lame and dated jokes
^That fall flat now
^A cast of rank unknowns
^(They're unknown still)
^But we will be glad to watch it anyhow!

>Like a Leslie Nielsen comedy
>Just put logic aside
>Like a silly '50s Sci-Fi
>Plot is stretched a tad
>Who could say if it would vanish like a snowflake?
>Some folks will laugh, and some will smile with a head-shake
>Guffaw or grimace
>Embrace the premise
>Of this Red Menace...
>Tomatoes can go bad
PatS PatS 3 hours ago
P.S. Sorry I wasn't able to work in a reference to "La Tomatina," the big tomato-throwing festival in Buñol, Spain. Since the 1940s it has happened the last Wednesday in August. Warning: it now has rules, including an hour limit, and requires a ticket.
daleuhlmann PatS 3 hours ago
Thanks, Pat, for the informative background about this song's place in the second "Wicked" movie, and for a most enlightening satire 🎵🎶!
VanGooliac PatS 3 hours ago
I love your “saucy” satire, Pat!
Mikeyyy PatS 3 hours ago
PatS, very nice. I looked up La Tomatina,"
Katink PatS 3 hours ago
This is so very fun, Pat🎵🎶🎵🎶
PARANORMA PatS 2 hours ago
I am in awe. Love the song, love how you used it! 🍅😉
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VanGooliac 3 hours ago
Bill, I love your write up from my head tomatoes (to my toes)!
Bill_K 3 hours ago
Van Gooliac:

That was bad!! And I loved it!

Thank You!
daleuhlmann 3 hours ago
Nice comparison/contrast, Bill, between these two movies! AOTKT is indeed a film of its era, and it's impossible to dislike TMS, which I'll have my own take on in my bonus review tomorrow.
Katink 3 hours ago
Really looking forward to watching these time capsules, Bill!
Bill_K 3 hours ago
Thanks, Dale!
Bill_K 3 hours ago
Thanks, Katink!
daleuhlmann 2 hours ago
Er, TMC!
Carl_N_Brown 3 hours ago
I tried
For the first time ever on Svengoolie: ATTACK OF THE KILLER TOMATOS.

I ought dig out my Veg-O-Matic to have handy just in case.
Katink 3 hours ago
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Katink Bill_K 3 hours ago
Well, first I killed some tomatoes, Bill 🍅
Katink Mikeyyy 3 hours ago
My plan for the themed dinner is tomato soup, BLTs, and Secret Ingredient cake.
Katink Katink 3 hours ago
The secret ingredient is a can of tomato soup!
scottieO Katink 1 hour ago
An old killer family recipe?
Drang 3 hours ago
Sven tweeted that we'll be seeing some "hot tomatoes". Does that mean we'll be getting the long-anticiated Gewngoolie/Anita X. Orcist duet?
Carl_N_Brown Drang 3 hours ago
Hubba hubba, as a toon character would say.
Mikeyyy Drang 3 hours ago
Oh that would be great!
abc123 3 hours ago
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (8pm)
Fruit or Vegetable
When they bite you, you won’t care
What will end their reign


The Monster Club (10:30pm)
A Club for Monsters
Sometimes Humans are Welcome
Sometimes they are Not

abc123 abc123 3 hours ago
issue with uploading images, not related to hard drive crash. "coming soon"
daleuhlmann abc123 3 hours ago
Nice couple of rhymes for the movies, Howard!
daleuhlmann abc123 3 hours ago
Got ya! 👍
Mikeyyy 3 hours ago
Can I do it?
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Carl_N_Brown Mikeyyy 3 hours ago
Yes you can!
Mikeyyy VanGooliac 3 hours ago
Thank You!

daleuhlmann Mikeyyy 3 hours ago
Yes, you did, Mikeyyy. Congratulations on being this Saturday's first blogger!
Mikeyyy daleuhlmann 3 hours ago
Thank you Dale!

I'll be in my new place by end of the month. I might have to move my desk around to find best signal.
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