It's Creature Chuckles and Chaos with "Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein" and "Invaders from Mars" Tonight!

Posted on October 14, 2023

This week, our “Svengoolie’s Halloween BOO-nanza” double feature goes from the classic to the slightly more contemporary- as we see a beloved duo deal with terrestrial monsters- followed by another duo caught in an infiltration by extra terrestrial creatures- it’s “Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein” and the 1986 version of “Invaders from Mars”!

First, it’s our annual showing of what may be the most requested films-that our viewers demand to see at least annually! Starring Universal’s perennial top comedy team- who had lost some of their box office power- this film teamed them up with some of Universal’s classic monsters, who had also been declining in popularity- at least with the studio heads. Two of the classic monsters are played by the men who established them as horror legends- Bela Lugosi as Dracula and Lon Chaney Jr. as Larry Talbot, the Wolf Man

Railroad baggage clerks Chick and Wilbur are hard at work -well, one of them is- when Wilbur’s girlfriend, a stunning woman named Sandra, drops by to visit- with Chick dumbfounded as to why this beauty is attracted to his little pal. Wilbur answers the phone, and receives a long distance call from London- from a stranger named Larry Talbot, who unfortunately transforms into his werewolf persona before he can deliver a desperate warning to the boys.

Mr. McDougal, a grouchy customer, arrives, demanding that they deliver a couple boxes from their latest shipment to his “house of horrors” exhibition-supposedly containing the authentic coffin of Count Dracula, and –the body of the REAL Frankenstein Monster! Chick isn’t buying that story, but, regardless, promises he and Wilbur will make the delivery- that evening.

Of course, it happens to be a dark and stormy night as the boys work the late shift to bring the items to McDougal’s “House of Horrors”- the perfect setting for the nervous Wilbur to learn –to his dismay- that the display pieces are indeed authentic! Count Dracula rises from his coffin (or, his “bunk”, as Lou refers to it) and, upon freeing the Monster from his crate, leads their escape from the museum. Arriving after the fact, the furious McDougal thinks the baggage handlers have stolen his valuable exhibits and wants them put in jail!

The next stop for Dracula and the Monster is a castle sanctuary on an island, in which the laboratory notes of the original Dr. Frankenstein are in the hands of a renowned surgeon. Shockingly, that surgeon is none other than Wilbur’s beautiful girlfriend- Sandra! We learn the real reason for her interest in the chubby fellow- she plans to transplant his easily-manipulated brain into the Monster- thus making the powerful creature easier to command, and the perfect pawn for Count Dracula!

Back on the mainland, Wilbur and Chick have been jailed- but are soon bailed out by a woman who they assume was Sandra- until a pretty blonde stranger named Joan shows up, and reveals that she posted the bail! Little do the boys realize that Joan is working undercover with McDougal’s insurance company, investigating the supposed theft of his property in hopes of recovering the missing display items. Meanwhile, the boys run into Larry Talbot, who has just arrived from England and enlists the boys to aid him in finding the two evil creatures of legend, before Dracula carries out his scheme to control the powerful Monster for his evil schemes!

The boys and Joan head to the island castle to pick up Sandra to attend a costume ball- and, at the urging of Talbot, search the place, stumbling onto a hidden lower chamber where Wilbur again encounters the monsters- but can't convince Chick that he's actually found them! When they return to the main level, Sandra introduces them to her associate, Dr. Leighos- who appears to be the spitting (or biting?) image of Count Dracula!

The costume ball seems to be a must-attend event for everyone in the area- that includes nasty Mr. McDougal; Doctor Leighos dressed in a suspiciously spot-on Dracula “costume”; and the always “less than festive” Larry Talbot. The party degenerates into a frantic catastrophe that puts Chick and Wilbur in peril- leading the group back to the island castle, where Sandra prepares her supposed “boyfriend” for the brain transplant- with the Frankenstein Monster restored to full and dangerous power – and the rising full moon having the usual effect on Talbot, pitting Wolf Man against vampire- and the Monster on the loose in pursuit of Wilbur and Chick in a hectic and hilarious conclusion!

We’ll go over the impressive cast list of this film, and present a variety of segments all from our visit to this year’s C2E2 comics and entertainment convention- along with a song and a classic edition of our drawing guessing game “Too Drawn Out”!

Our second feature is a remake of one of the most eerie science fiction films of the ‘50s in which a young boy realizes that earth has been invaded by beings from another world- out to control the minds of Earth people to help them conquer our planet. After an evening of star-gazing, young David is tucked into bed by his loving parents- only to be awakened when a massive spaceship lands in the sand pit located over the hill behind his home! Though he runs to alert his parents to tell them what he saw, the sleepy couple wonder if David was just dreaming- and will check the sand pit in the morning.

The next morning, David is confused by his father- who says he checked the sand pit, and found nothing there. David notices an odd injury on the back of Dad’s neck- topped off by some very odd behavior! Dad suddenly seems more than happy to show David something that lies over the hill- but David is spared that trip by the arrival of his school bus.

That evening, after a day that included David having a run in with nasty teacher Mrs. McKeltch, David’s mom is worried since Dad has not showed up at home. Dad returns- still acting strangely- and assuring David and his mom that “everything’s fine”. Later that evening, Dad takes Mom for a pleasant little walk over the hill- and you can probably guess what the results are!

The next day, after witnessing more odd behavior from the folks at home and people at school, David confides in the one person who seems to be willing to listen to him- the friendly school nurse, Linda Magnusson, who truly wants to help David. Trying to get away from the nasty McKeltch and his parents, the boy accidentally ends up finding a cavern that appears to be the alien headquarters- and soon, he and Linda are fugitives from the invaders and the human pawns they have enlisted- and must convince the military that Martians have arrived- and the earth is in danger!

We have been unsuccessful so far in obtaining the original 1953 “Invaders from Mars” movie- but this 1986 version, directed by Tobe Hooper, with visuals provided by Stan Winston and John Dykstra is actually very effective! We’ll go over the cast list- headed by Karen Black as nurse Linda- interesting casting since the part of young David is played by Hunter Carson- Karen’s real-life son! Among the Sven segments, watch for a visit with an actor who has played a certain hockey-masked monster more than anyone else has!

The “Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein”/”Invaders from Mars” double feature begins at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central time. It will be twice the time to join in the live-Tweeting on Twitter during the movies- just use the hashtag #svengoolie- and, stay tuned after our show for an encore of last year’s kind tribute program to us- “Svengoolie: Uncrypted” with some special guests and a look at my history. This morning on CW26 in Chicago, we treat viewers to a second showing of “Killer Klowns from Outer Space” at 11 am!

Check out both our store and the public appearances section of our website for seasonal info! And be ready for two scoops of terror- and two stoops of error- tonight on MeTV!

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 during show

Mikeyyy 16 months ago
I'm not sure which episode of night stalker is being shown so I'm using a quote from Godzilla.
deadringer42 16 months ago
Is it midnight yet?
Good luck all.
deadringer42 deadringer42 16 months ago
I know how to play the game but I’m to lazy to fight for it it tonight. 🤣🤣
Svenboy 16 months ago
Watched a nightmare on elm street 3 for the first time tonight. Enjoyed it.
Cessna1960 16 months ago
Here's one to jog everyone's memory!....There was an episode of "The Night Gallery " in 1972 that featured a song that played over and over on the jukebox..that song went on to be a country cross over hit on radio it was called "The Tune In Dan's Cafe " by Jerry Wallace....not sure if it's a Halloween tune but it was in Night Gallery
Cessna1960 Cessna1960 16 months ago
I remember hearing and reading about where a simple song used in a Horror/SciFy show went on to make a Star out of little known Jerry Wallace back then...
Cessna1960 16 months ago
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Cessna1960 16 months ago
Can't wait till Saturday night during Svengoolies 2nd feature Godzilla....I'm sure the Raymond Burr/Perry Mason posts will be fast and furious !!
FKrueger Cessna1960 16 months ago
Don't forget the Steve Martin jokes
Cessna1960 FKrueger 16 months ago
Hahahahaha yeah!
Cessna1960 16 months ago
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FKrueger Cessna1960 16 months ago
I'll wait til Sven shows it
Cessna1960 FKrueger 16 months ago
Judging from the poster and a trailer I saw , it's almost like they are doing their take on the "Monarch" monsters , Skull Island and so on
Cessna1960 FKrueger 16 months ago
Hahahah.....I think Sven has his standards too !!
PatS Cessna1960 16 months ago
I gave up after I saw the title something like PIRAHNACONDA VS. SHARKTOPUS...
daleuhlmann 16 months ago
Here's my second addition to Catbat's Halloween playlist: The opening titles song for the movie SPIDER BABY (AKA THE MADDEST STORY EVER TOLD), as sung by its star, Lon Chaney, Jr.!
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FKrueger daleuhlmann 16 months ago
Clap For The Wolfman by The Guess Who
Cessna1960 FKrueger 16 months ago
A classic!
daleuhlmann FKrueger 16 months ago
Indeed, yes!
daleuhlmann Cessna1960 16 months ago
No doubt about it!
daleuhlmann 16 months ago
Here are two more addtiions to Catbat's Halloween playlist. The first is "Quentin's Theme," by David Selby, from the original DARK SHADOWS.
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Mikeyyy Cessna1960 16 months ago
I'll be here during morning toons...
daleuhlmann FKrueger 16 months ago
The Blue Whale.
daleuhlmann Mikeyyy 16 months ago
Quite an accomplishment!
Jack daleuhlmann 16 months ago
That’s what I tried to clarify with Anita, but she left it seeming as any video containing a recording of music still under copyright. Having been part of the original MTV generation, I drew a distinction between a *music video* [e.g., “Thriller” with Michael Jackson dancing] and a video recording of music. Anita treated it as “You know what I meant—quit asking questions.”
Cessna1960 16 months ago
Wow ! They have already started showing Christmas movies 24/7 now this early !!...I remember back when you did not even see a Christmas commercial until the day after Thanksgiving , and there was no such thing as "Black Friday " !!
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Thereman Cessna1960 16 months ago
Couldn’t agree more! I was picking up some of the last of the pumpkin 🎃 ales for this season- told the store manager I was upset that Christmas ales are already out. We both laughed, and he said he would like to keep them off of the shelves until after Thanksgiving, but the suppliers are “ramming it down my throat.” I told him not to feel bad, one of the local stores put out its first Christmas decorations just before July 4th…😣😣🙄🤔
Cessna1960 Thereman 16 months ago
It's sad in a way....people have forgotten the real reason for the's now all about the "Almighty" Dollar !
TheKodakKid Cessna1960 16 months ago
Check out Stan Friebreg’s “Green Christmas.” The sad/scary thing is that he wrote it in the 1960s.
FKrueger 16 months ago
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daleuhlmann 16 months ago
Nice article on Rich Koz (Svengoolie) from the New York Daily Post.
Cessna1960 daleuhlmann 16 months ago
Thanks Daleuhlmann ! Got to check this out
daleuhlmann Cessna1960 16 months ago
You'll like it!
Cessna1960 daleuhlmann 16 months ago
Did you see Svens 2 minute spot where he ranks the danger of Dracula , Frankenstein , The Mummy and The Gillman ? It was on TV Insider or on the "Tube," thing just type in Svengoolie ranks Horror
Cessna1960 daleuhlmann 16 months ago
Sven does it in a interview style
daleuhlmann Cessna1960 16 months ago
Thanks, Cessna! I'll have to remember to check it out.
Katink 16 months ago
I am also out of town. I can't get my tablet to connect to the internet, but I was able to do so with Hubby's. I didn't remember my password, but now I have a new one. Not sure I can do all the machinations to be in the running for the new blog, though.
Cessna1960 Katink 16 months ago
Hiya Katink!....I only have my phone and not a fast internet I doubt I would ever get 1st place ! LOL
Klaatu Katink 16 months ago
Don’t worry about the blog tonight. Do what I do…accept defeat and enjoy it👍
Cessna1960 Klaatu 16 months ago
Sometimes defeat is the better part of Valor!
Cessna1960 Klaatu 16 months ago
My great grandfather once told me "I would rather be on the losing side of Good than the winning side of Evil" .....I always wondered what he meant by that!
Cessna1960 Klaatu 16 months ago
He also said "Free your mind and your gluteous maximus will follow" !
Katink Cessna1960 16 months ago
I didn't think I'd even get this far for a while, Cessna! So I'll be happy to just be here!
Katink Klaatu 16 months ago
Good advice, Klaatu! I just need to settle in and enjoy what I can do.
Cessna1960 16 months ago
Cessna1960 Cessna1960 16 months ago
Finally !! The latest poster from the upcoming Godzilla Minus One movie
Cessna1960 Cessna1960 16 months ago
Saw some reviews from where people who saw it at a private screening...they said it is a Masterpiece , scary , exciting , sad and it even made some is set right after the Atomic bombs were dropped on opens in Japan on November 3rd and in select theaters in the U.S. on December 1st....
Jack Cessna1960 16 months ago
It’s the cover of the Japanese _Screenᵅ_ magazine. The Japanese poster looks like...One of the English posters looks like...
abc123 Cessna1960 16 months ago
I think I have a case of godzilla-itius, and will have to miss work on Dec. 1st...
abc123 abc123 16 months ago
Check that! Found a near by theater with a showing on Nov. 29 at 5pm! In IMAX!
Cessna1960 abc123 16 months ago
Thanks Jack!...I meant to say it was from the magazine....I had posted the one you did a while back...thanks for correcting me !
Cessna1960 abc123 16 months ago
Cool !.....I understand it will be with English subtitles
Cessna1960 16 months ago
Somehow my pic won't post !...darn phonetergeist!
Mikeyyy 16 months ago
Drang, Will you be defending your title tonight?
Klaatu 16 months ago
I’m outa town. I’m outa touch. I’m outa sight. I’m outa contact. Enjoy the mad Blog midnight rush! I’ll be enjoying a dram of Drambuie instead of typing👍
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Klaatu Cessna1960 16 months ago
Bill O…I miss him too. But I hate saying that cause I’ll get beat up😵
Cessna1960 Klaatu 16 months ago
Not from
VanGooliac Klaatu 16 months ago
A great man once said, “I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.”
deadringer42 Klaatu 16 months ago
I have many fond memories of drambuie. I’ll just leave it at that.
Deleted 16 months ago
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FKrueger 16 months ago
I use the recording thing all the time so I can start movies when I want, fast forward through commercials and pause for bathroom breaks. You can also watch Sven twice on Saturday nights.
Mikeyyy 16 months ago
Deadringer uses frndly app. He’s usually here in the mornings.
Katink 16 months ago
It's also handy to record when you are out of town or have another engagement on Sventurday, daDoctah.
deadringer42 16 months ago
Yes I’m here I the mornings but I lurk all day long.
I record Sven so if I’m a little late settling in for Saturday night I don’t miss anything or can watch at a later date. I do try to watch on time to follow along with the blog.
Me local station is not reliable over the air so the app is was I use every day now. I’m addicted to toons in the morning and Sven on Saturday nights. Everything in between is just Gravey.
CountCurt 16 months ago

My building is having its annual Halloween Party/ Trick or Treat Event. It started when one of our residents was a primary school teacher. The students would descend on the building in mass. We had a six foot spider that someone made, a ghost above the entrance steps going down a guide wire and a tunnel filled with ghouls and tombstones ( plus scary music) that you had to go through in order to reach the treats. The teacher has retired and the Halloween antics hsce stopped. However, the spirit of Halloween 🎃 continues. The lobby is still nicely decorated and we have still have a fun filled social occasion for the residents and everyone delights in handing out treats to the children.
HoneyBee456 CountCurt 16 months ago
CountCurt you get to have so much fun. That sounds great
CountCurt HoneyBee456 16 months ago
My building. Has a social committee and there are seasonal events.
HoneyBee456 CountCurt 16 months ago
That sounds like fun
Katink CountCurt 16 months ago
Sounds like a fun tradition, CountCurt!
CountCurt Katink 16 months ago
Good evening Katink. Yes it a great tradition that the owners appreciate. Our neighbours enjoy it too.
Svenboy 16 months ago
Watched the devil doll with Lionel atwill today. Comments on that one? Seen it before.Like that one. Had a better and shorter trip to scary farm last night. Did 5 mazes which was my goal. I got three mazes done in an hour. No shows or rides. Thursday nights while not dead are less crowded and good nights to go. No falls this time or being accused of being drunk. I brought my scary farm lantern which helped at times. Slower moving maze groups in mazes helped. One maze was darker than I remembered. I could hardly see even with the lantern. So far in my four visits ,I have done the mine ride twice and the log ride once and two shows and all 10 mazes and all 10 mazes twice. My plan for my final trip on thurs Oct 26 is to do the log ride and the two remaining shows.
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Svenboy HoneyBee456 16 months ago
Last time they had live monsters was in 2017. About 3 or four located at the emergency exits. I think I got more scares that night in the log ride than the mazes. Due to a stupid employee incident, they haven’t brought it back. They used to have live monsters in the mine ride as well. Last time they had that was 2015. In the old days, they used to have like 10 plus monsters in both attractions during scary farm.
HoneyBee456 16 months ago
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HoneyBee456 Svenboy 16 months ago
It sounds like a fun, exciting place to go
Cartoondave 16 months ago
Looking forward to my cousin Patti"s arrival from Chicago on Tuesday we'll be spending time with Wednesday and Thursday before she heads back home on Friday
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HoneyBee456 Cartoondave 16 months ago
Wow that’s a long time ago. Let us know how much fun you’re having.
Katink Cartoondave 16 months ago
Sounds wonderful, Dave!
FKrueger Cartoondave 16 months ago
I hope she brought you some pizza and hot dogs
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