It's Dinosaurs, Cave Dwellers, and Danger When We Enter the "Valley of the Dragons" Tonight!

Posted on April 20, 2019

Tonight on MeTV- it’s another fantastic voyage loosely based on a story by Jules Verne-  as two rivals about to kill each other in a duel end up having to rely on each other to survive in a strange world  with a variety of cave people and prehistoric beasts- when amazing circumstances  drop them into the “Valley of the Dragons”!

Back in 1881, near Algiers, two men- Hector , a Frenchman, and Irish-American Michael are about to have an old-fashioned duel- over a woman, of course. Just as they are about to fire-  strange astral phenomenon takes place, as a comet sweeps far too close to the earth- and the two pistol-packing  enemies are whisked off in a terrible wind-or is it gravitational pull ?!

They both come to in what appears to be a sort of jungle, very different from Algiers- and declare a truce long enough to get back to the city. However, with no city in sight, they begin to examine various theories- that a natural disaster has wiped out  civilization, or that the earth has shifted its axis. They are soon shocked to see, looming large in the night sky- what appears to be the planet Earth!

A new theory emerges- that  the comet has actually torn off a chunk of the earth, and deposited it here in space ( on the moon, though I don’t think they ever clearly state that). They run into the “dragons” of the title, which are actually dinosaurs ( of the cinematic variety- i.e., lizards shot close up) and add to their theory the idea that the comet, much like an A train, makes occasional passes at the earth, and on a previous visit, had torn off part of the prehistoric world which now flourishes here!

After a run-in with some savage Neanderthals, and eventually letting their bygones be bygones, Hector and Michael end up separated- and each discovers a different tribe of cave dwellers. Hector is actually the one discovered by – of all things- an incredibly hot blonde cave woman, who brings him into the fold of her tribe- while Michael, going to the aid of a caveman from a different tribe, joins that group- which also has a pretty brunette cave chick to pair up with!

This odd world and its inhabitants are plunged into great danger  by the eruption of a nearby volcano- and being besieged by the giant lizards displaced by the natural disaster. Can Hector and Michael find a way to survive- along with their  cave-dwelling pals?

This 1961 epic, as I have said, is based on a Jules Verne story – which, amazingly, included neither dinosaurs or cave folks! We have actually done some editing to lessen the cruelty of the early film-makers ( in stock footage from the  1940s “One Million B.C.”) having lizards actually battle each other. Cesare Danova and Sean McClory  are the two earthmen who end up in space, and, the blonde cave cutie is none other than Joan Staley – Don Knotts’ girlfriend in “Ghost and Mr. Chicken”! We’ll go over the cast list, as well as explaining  where the stock footage came from, and also provide the usual Sven fun- along with a visit from our friend, actor/wrestler/ MMA fighter/ comic book author C. M. Punk- Phil Brooks!

Repeating from last week- we’ve been told that some providers are listing our show by the movie title instead of as “Svengoolie”- so, if you plan on recording it- check how your provider has the show listed. We  have , sadly, no control in how the listing services do so, but at least we can warn you to check on it.

"Valley of the Dragons" premiers on our show tonight on MeTV at 8pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, or, if you are not sure where and when to find the show in your area, please go to your local listings, or to .Those  Sven fans on Twitter keep live-Tweeting during the show, and MeTV invites you to do the same, using the hashtag #svengoolie . That Tweeting not only continues to keep us trending nationally every week- but, last week- had us trending world -wide! Viewers in the Chicago area can see the son rise as we repeat “Son of Dr. Jekyll” this morning at 11 am on WCIU- which, this fall, will become CW 26 as it becomes part of the CW network! 

If you plan to vote in this year’s Rondo awards for horror and science fiction in various media-you only have until midnight  to get in your votes!  Vote in as many or as few categories as you wish- but follow all the instructions or your vote will not count! I’m again nominated in category 21- “favorite horror host” – but you should choose who your favorite is, and vote accordingly! You can only submit one ballot, and it must include your name and e-mail address. The Rondos are truly indicative of what the most important people- the fans- like best, so make your voice heard! The ballot is found  at 

A quick sad note-  sportscaster Chet Coppock, a friend starting from back in the Jerry G. Bishop Sven days at WFLD in Chicago, has passed away due to injuries in a car accident. Chet did sports on radio and TV, did some ring announcing for the WWE, and pretty much started the trend of sports talk radio in our city. He will be missed.

Travel with us tonight for prehistoric thrills, volcanic violence, and magnified reptile repercussions on MeTV !

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 during show

Carl_N_Brown 66 months ago
I found some research notes I made about ONE MILLION BC that I wish I had shared last week for VALLEY OF THE DRAGONS. (Better late than never.)

In Australia, the Megalania giant monitor lizard, the Quinkana giant crocodile and the first Aboriginal humans competed for food and survival from about 63,000 B.C. to 38,000 B.C..

Megalania ("great roamer") monitor lizard reached a max length about 23 feet and weight of 4,200 pounds with typical adults about 15 feet and 730 pounds. They survived to about 48,000 B.C.

Quinkana was a land roaming crocodile with long legs that carried its belly well above the ground. The largest were 20 feet long. They survived to about 38,000 B.C..

The humans were more adaptable and were the ultimate survivors.
DrClayton Carl_N_Brown 45 months ago
The ones thst weren't eaten, that is...
Matt 66 months ago
Ahhhh sci-fi Friday !
MADave Matt 66 months ago
And closer to sci-fi Saturday
Matt MADave 66 months ago
Absolutely !
MADave 66 months ago
I thought I missed the new blog but I guess I didn’t
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daleuhlmann 66 months ago
Wheee! Congratulations, Sven/Rich!
scottieO 66 months ago
Eight is great! Congratulations, Svengoolie! Eight shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be eight.
Catbat 66 months ago
CONGRATULATIONS SVEN! Was there ever any doubt?
daleuhlmann 66 months ago
An oft repeated story about ONE MILLION B. C., the film that supplied most of VALLEY OF THE DRAGONS' stock footage, is that some of its scenes were directed by D. W. Griffith. NOT TRUE. While Griffith served as co-producer during the shooting before parting with Hal Roach over creative differences, he never directed any of the picture. According to Victor Mature (the film's star) and others, Griffith only directed the screen and costume tests. Also. he was the one who advised Roach to cast Carole Landis in the film because of the superior running ability she showed during her test.
JournalJeff2 66 months ago
I have a question. Is the Blob what the dragons (from last week) left behind? Just wondering.
PatS JournalJeff2 66 months ago
Maybe it was traveling on the comet, too.
MADave 66 months ago
Hi gang an update on my friend Mark, he is being operated on this week and needed a stint removed in the back of his neck but he’ll be ok so good vibes are in favor thank you!
MrGotham MADave 66 months ago
May he pull through with flying colors, Prayers go out
MADave MrGotham 66 months ago
Thanks MrGotham
Catbat MADave 66 months ago
Always MADave ❤️
daleuhlmann MADave 66 months ago
Good to hear, David!
MADave daleuhlmann 66 months ago
Thanks dale
MADave Catbat 66 months ago
Thank you dear
SOBX MrGotham 45 months ago
I like collards.
scottieO 66 months ago
I can't wait to see "The Molten Lava Lamp"!
NeganRules scottieO 66 months ago
Cool 😎
DrClayton scottieO 66 months ago
As with the hands in the hula, the blobs tell a story...
scottieO DrClayton 66 months ago
"Let us out of here!"
DrClayton scottieO 66 months ago
Up...and down. And up....and down. And up...and down...
scottieO DrClayton 66 months ago
What goes around comes around.
scottieO 66 months ago
I found some dragons in a valley, "Central California Valley of the Komodo Dragons" right here at our Fresno zoo. We only had one, but now we have one that is outside and one that is in "The House of Reptiles". I have seen people allowed to touch the Komodo Dragon that is inside when they go on special guided tours of the zoo, not sure why that is safe, it's pretty large. If the teeth don't get you, the tail might!
NeganRules scottieO 66 months ago
As with most large monitors dragons were thought to have heavy duty bacteria in their salivary glands but recently upon much further research of these reptiles its now concluded that they have venom, a bite to an animal and it will succumb to a slow painful death as the venom contains an anti-coagulant,
Demise by hemorrhaging
scottieO NeganRules 66 months ago
Neat bit of info, Negan. I have also heard that they are immune to the bites from other komodo dragons and research was being done with their saliva and venom to treat diabetes and maybe other conditions, if I remember correctly.
Jack scottieO 66 months ago
I once got to touch the gila monster a friend kept as a pet. It felt like a warm, well-stuffed, beaded purse.
scottieO Jack 66 months ago
People try and make pets out of almost everything, hope it was a nice pet for your friend. I'm not sure what a gila monster would need a purse for. (ha)
scottieO DrClayton 66 months ago
Get a den.
Jack scottieO 66 months ago
Mebbe the gila monster was lonely?
Matt 66 months ago
I'm afraid we must all learn the Blob theme song before tomorrow night.
I don't make the rules.
Carl_N_Brown Matt 66 months ago
I'll rate it an 87. It's got a good beat and you can slither to it.
Catbat Matt 66 months ago
On my playlist
DrClayton Matt 66 months ago
Those who make it out of the theater alive will be humming the tune!
Matt 66 months ago
Happy Sci-fi Friday everyone !
Catbat Matt 66 months ago
To you also Matt 😊
The1Butler 66 months ago
I better find a way to record this Saturday's sven , since I have to work again Saturday night. Then I can westie watch
Lynn The1Butler 66 months ago
We'll look for you then!
Catbat The1Butler 66 months ago
Glad to have you always!
NeganRules 66 months ago
Some of my Horror easter eggs
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scottieO Jack 66 months ago
🏒 (LOL)!
PatS NeganRules 66 months ago
I don't think I could bear to crack up any of those! Very artistic, Negan!
Jack scottieO 66 months ago
Meanwhile, showing at the Roxy in Dickson, Tennessee...
scottieO Jack 66 months ago
Don't think I've ever seen "Heckboy"
NeganRules 66 months ago
Xyzal is Lazy X backwards
Now you’ll never forget
Jack NeganRules 66 months ago
He’s not lazy—X developed a prolonged QT interval after years of antihistamine abuse in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe.
scottieO NeganRules 66 months ago
What Is the Airspeed Velocity of an Unladen Xyzal Owl?
scottieO Jack 66 months ago
Owl Box
NeganRules 66 months ago
Hey is that the 5th. Teletubbie
scottieO NeganRules 66 months ago
Cousin Itt meets Lost In Space.
Jack NeganRules 66 months ago

Bevare! Bevare!
NeganRules 66 months ago
cavewoman invents the 3rd. Wheel
scottieO NeganRules 66 months ago
This what they did with the 1st wheel.
scottieO DrClayton 66 months ago
Somethings Never change.
daleuhlmann 66 months ago
Tonight's TWILIGHT ZONE episode, "A World of His Own," starring Keenan Wynn, also features HOUSE OF WAX's Phyllis Kirk.
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NeganRules 66 months ago
yes Get Scotland yard on the case asap
PatS 66 months ago
Where's that Inspector blogger when you need him?
1MikeM 66 months ago
Thanks Dale, it was probably Rod Serling's idea for the ending of that movie. It reminds me of that episode of THE TWILIGHT ZONE "I Shot an Arrow into the Air."
daleuhlmann 1MikeM 66 months ago
Yes, it does, Mike!
Carl_N_Brown 1MikeM 66 months ago
Wikipedia and Internet Movie Database agree.
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daleuhlmann 66 months ago
Make that "Bugs Bunny."
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