It's Fur Coat Season - But Not THIS Kind! It's the "Curse of the Werewolf" -Tonight!

Posted on February 8, 2025

Tonight on MeTV, it’s some singular Hammer horror, featuring the famed studio’s only werewolf film of its classic era- in which a young Oliver Reed progresses from strange childhood maladies to an adulthood plagued by the "Curse of the Werewolf"!

We return to a time centuries ago, to observe a small Spanish town- where an amiable beggar is confused by finding the town seemingly deserted, with its streets empty. He wanders into a tavern where he finally finds some of the local folks. They explain to him the reason why they are laying low- because today is the day that the despicable and heartless nobleman who rules the town- the Marquis-is getting married and hosting a celebration inviting only his fellow crass aristocratic associates to his estate. The citizens feel it is wise to avoid any chance of raising his ire.


The beggar, however, thinks hitting up the wealthy might benefit him and foolishly heads right to the estate. Ushered into the celebration, he finds himself immediately mocked and treated cruelly and derisively used as entertainment for the Marquis and his guests. Just as it seems like this torture is about to end, the poor soul makes an ill-timed remark, which infuriates the temperamental Marquis. He has him tossed into the dungeon, where he spends years in a dank cell, completely forgotten by the cruel ruler. His mind and body slowly deteriorate, with his only comfort coming from the kindness of the mute daughter of the jailer.

As years pass, the girl blossoms into a beautiful woman-while the beggar has devolved into a mad, animalistic wretch. The years have not made the aged marquis any kinder either- and, when the lecherous old coot spots the gorgeous woman and, unaware that she cannot speak, tries to take advantage of her. The poor woman fights back- which leads to her being thrown into the same cell as the now crazed beggar- with horrid consequences.

When she eventually manages to escape the cell, she flees into the woods, running until she collapses– only to be found, fortunately, by a kind and learned man-Don Alfredo. The gentleman brings her to his home to be cared for, and, as his housekeeper tends to the mute beauty, they discover -she is with child! As the time of birth nears, the housekeeper is worried by old folklore that states a child conceived in such a tragic way, if born on Christmas, is considered an aberration to God, and would be in for a life inflicted with some nameless evil. As if to fulfill this foreboding prophecy, the child is indeed born on this holiest of days!

Regardless of any of this folklore, the good-hearted and generous Don Alfredo raises the child as if he were his own son. As the boy Leon grows, he begins to show some odd -even frightening- tendencies - and when the torn apart bodies of livestock are found, seemingly attacked by some brutal animal, Don Alfredo has reason to believe that Leon may unfortunately be involved.

Prayer and kind treatment help Leon get past the strange occurrences of his childhood, as he matures into a handsome young adult. He heads out into the world to make his own fortune, feeling he has left his troublesome past behind, and finds his first employment bottling wine in the cellar of a vintner. He finds himself attracted to his employer’s young daughter who, unfortunately, is already spoken for by a pompous young aristocrat. And yet- she seems to prefer Leon, though it is forbidden since she is promised to another! Leon’s roommate, a happy-go-lucky co-worker, convinces him that the way to forget about his troubles of the heart is by heading to a local tavern that is loaded with drinks- and women.


It turns out not to be the cure for Leon’s unhappiness, which is only made worse by excessive drinking- and when the full moon rises it brings about a horrible transformation and deadly consequences. Leon soon is caught between his curse and his love for his employer’s daughter- all of which leads him into unspeakable horror as he realizes that he is a werewolf!

This 1961 film has all the features Hammer is known for- with brilliant color, shocking violence, sultry women, and one of the most unique werewolf make-up designs ever! We will discuss the make-up, and our cast, including young Oliver Reed and the breath-taking Yvonne Romain; and add some Sven fun to lighten the mood. We do want to point out that this film does have some situations that may not be suitable for younger and more sensitive viewers, due to violence and adult themes-so discretion is advised. PLEASE take the warning seriously! Watch for a vintage werewolf song from a past show, and a slight misunderstanding of the movie’s title by the Sven Squad, as well as their Valentine’s Day wishes, a look at some amazing masks, an encore visit with a real sweetheart, the talented voice actress Tara Strong, and some past gags from “Kerwyn’s Corner”!

“Curse of the Werewolf” is on Me-TV tonight at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, or check for time and channel in your local listings or at You can live-Tweet on Twitter or post comments on Bluesky along with other viewers during the show - use the hashtag #svengoolie on either one! Chicago viewers should go the extra mile to catch the encore of Ray Harryhausen’s classic “20 Million Miles to Earth” at 11 am on our local channel WCIU, The U.

Just an FYI-we still have our Sven Valentine’s Day items in our store- and you might want to occasionally check our appearances tab here on the website for some upcoming appearances- including a radio appearance on February 22 !

Tonight, though, the full moon will rise, and the fur flies on MeTV!

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 during show

scottieO 25 days ago
Hope everyone had a nice Valentine's Day. See ya'll tomorrow for a heartwarming snake tale.
Klaatu 25 days ago
According to the Dark Web:
Short on cash, undergrad David Blake (Dirk Benedict) takes a job working as a lab assistant for snake expert Dr. Carl Stoner (Strother Martin). When Stoner begins giving David a series of antibiotics as a safeguard against snakebites, he at first thinks nothing of it. But gradually David begins to notices curious changes in his body, and his new girlfriend, Dr. Stoner's daughter, Kristina (Heather Menzies), notices them too. Could Dr. Stoner really be trying to turn his assistant into a snake?
RobBarnes Klaatu 25 days ago
Whenever he rolls the dice, they come up snake eyes.
abc123 Klaatu 25 days ago
I was going to use this image for my art, but I have done half and half images a few times...
WillyFromPhilly Klaatu 25 days ago
“What we have here is a failure to communicate”
CrazyK 25 days ago
I’m super-stoked, Pinup Palmer replied to my comment from last week telling her me and my girl are looking forward to her and the rest of the SvenSquad hosting “Teenagers from Outer Space” tomorrow!
She said she was also looking forward to it and that it’s a
“good” “funny movie” 🤩
Katink CrazyK 25 days ago
Nice, CrazyK!
CrazyK Katink 25 days ago
Thanks Katink! Yeah, she’s “liked” on a few of my comments before but that was the first time she replied to one. She’s super cool just like Svengoolie!
deadringer42 CrazyK 25 days ago
I wonder if she follows along here. She would know she has a bunch of fans here.
CrazyK deadringer42 25 days ago
I’m not sure about that but she has posted before that she’s really, really busy all the time!
MrsG CrazyK 25 days ago
So cool CrazyK ~ You are quite the connected Cali couple *_* 💜
CrazyK MrsG 25 days ago
Thanks MrsG, we definitely have fun!
Have a great night!
Aceman2 25 days ago
Coming to a Sven-Theater near you - SSSSSSS ! Here is a sampling of international movie posters. First up from USA. Second is from Poland (My only question is what were they thinking). Next is Britain (Typical British movie poster lacking bold colors; mostly B&W). Final is Japanese.

MrsG Aceman2 25 days ago
Great Aceman ~ Note British title = Sssssnake 🐍💚
RobBarnes Aceman2 25 days ago
The Japanese lettering adds an evil component to the poster IMO.
deadringer42 25 days ago
For those who saw the bleeding pipe I posted earlier, I have posted the cause below.
Good luck to all at the races tonight.
Aceman2 deadringer42 25 days ago
Thanks DR42. I failed to realize that was the pipe providing warm air; I thought it was the stove's chimney.
CrazyK deadringer42 25 days ago
I was way off, I thought you were asking what scene from the movie it reminded her of. Funny story about the crayon and that’s the 5th time I’ve seen the word crayon today 😂
Duhlmann0406 25 days ago
My favorite Valentine's Day genre movie is the original KING KONG, with a very close second being BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN. For me, the 1933 KING KONG is still the greatest "Beauty and the Beast" movie ever made!
Klaatu Duhlmann0406 25 days ago
Especially when Kong spies into the Empire State Building, spies on Fay Wray, then gets his love💕
I like the French Beauty and the Beast by Jean Cocteau.
classicaldj classicaldj 25 days ago
My favorite romantic movie is Before Sunrise, the first in the Before trilogy by Richard Linklater, the other two being Before Sunset and Before Midnight.
RobBarnes Duhlmann0406 25 days ago
I like the walking on the villagers and the other animals running amuck.
Duhlmann0406 RobBarnes 25 days ago
Those are very graphic and memorable.
That's a great one, too!
abc123 25 days ago
Going to miss some toons tomorrow. Moving Pods will be delivered between some time during toons. Just found out third March movie and want to get that made before boxing my crafting stuff...
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Duhlmann0406 25 days ago
Pallas Duhlmann0406 25 days ago
Oh c’mon Dale being single and hunting can be loads of fun 😉😉
Duhlmann0406 Pallas 25 days ago
I guess so, Pallas! 😂
Pallas 25 days ago
We are too full for our secondi piati corso.

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Cartoondave 25 days ago
Just ordered a really cool Knight Rider T-shirt online but not sure if I'm allowed to mention where it came from so I won't? Anyway the shirt has K.I.T.T. on it and the caption reads the original smart car. Too bad the Metv mall doesn't have Knight Rider shirts oh well maybe in future?
Klaatu Cartoondave 25 days ago
I’m gonna flag your post just because it includes the word “T-Shirt”😂. Back to reality…COOL! A KITT shirt👍. The Germans will admire you!
Cartoondave Klaatu 25 days ago
When it finally comes to my mailbox I'll post it here
WillyFromPhilly 25 days ago
Pallas 25 days ago
Pallas 25 days ago
Monsterman and I are sharing our primo piata; shells with
Gorgo-gonzola sauce

Happy Valentine’s Day!
PARANORMA 25 days ago
Not sure when/if next session with the hellbuggy today. Trying not to think about it, found a 1955 "TV Readers' Digest". It starred VP as a minister/professor at a missionary college in China, arrested on ridiculous fabricated charges, subject to attempted brainwashing and condemned (though only expelled). Extremely over the top, no surprise, and a gig for Phillip Ahn, Richard Loo, James Hong, Beulah Quo & several others. Price was surprisingly lower-key than the piece itself, the *good* kind of intensely Shakespearean, and looking almost like an El Greco saint. Anyway, just wanted to add it to the running list.
deadringer42 25 days ago
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