It's Kharis Kaos- and Added Sven Comedy- in "The Mummy's Curse"- Tonight!

Posted on February 22, 2020

Tonight on MeTV- if you’ve been hoping for a Mummy movie that’s wrapped up in a bunch of bonus Svengoolie content, you’re in for a treat! We present the final chapter in the original Universal series of Mummy movies ( if you don't count "Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy")- in which Kharis' beloved (and oft-reincarnated) true love reappears - and the undying embalmed one again brings death to the bayou- in "The Mummy's Curse"!

This 1944 film is more or less the follow-up to "The Mummy’s Ghost”-where Kharis and his intended bride end up sinking into a swamp. Never mind that the previous film took place in Massachusetts-there must've been some deep water/underground current drift, because this flick starts out down in the bayous of Louisiana, where museum experts visit an irrigation project, concerned because they may have proof of mummies being buried at the site and that it should be preserved. They may be getting an unfortunate kind of proof- a worker is found dead, and it may be the work of the Mummy! They postulate that the excavation helped free Kharis from the swamp…and, boy, are they right- because the latest high priest of the Arkam cult, aided by another follower, has found the comatose Mummy, and brought it to a deserted monastery. There they brew up the tanna leaf tea that revitalizes the ancient bandaged one. Meanwhile, all that construction unearths a second subject-with the disturbed mud bringing forth a muddy young woman- who, once relieved of the swamp mud coating, is a beauty who can’t recall a thing, yet has knowledge of things Egyptian.  Kharis is drawn to this dug-up doll, and again searches for his reincarnated beloved, committing more murders in the quest.

Since the mystery woman has no memory of being the Princess Ananka,  the terrified gal flees from him, having no idea why he is after her! She is found along the roadside by one of the experts who came to find mummies (with no idea he just succeded!) accompanied by his          girlfriend, the daughter of the guy in charge of the bayou excavation team. The mystery woman begins to spend time at their camp, where she reveals more and more of her vast and unexplained Egyptian knowledge- but Kharis lurks nearby, still intent on finding the latest incarnation of his beloved Princess. More murder awaits- as well as the usual forbidden lust of one of Kharis' followers for a local female- and things can only end in destruction and death!

This is a shorter movie- which, by the way, has some politically incorrect and very dated by-play with stereotypical characters -and our mummy is again played -for one final time-by Lon Chaney Jr., who detested the Mummy make-up, and demanded that it be simplified each time he undertook the role. The reincarnation of his princess is an actress that many of you may be familiar with from some 60s and 70s television commercials-you might be surprised to find out who she is ( Blog commenters- PLEASE hold off on posting who it is!) We’ll clue you in- as well as presenting a lot of fun extra Sven stuff- everything from an Egyptian stand-up comic you might recognize, to a special treat for "Columbo" fans- plus, a behind the scenes look at who works on our show, and –one more time- the beloved , celebrity-studded Freddy “Boom Boom”
 Cannon song- “The Svengoolie Stomp”!

"The Mummy's Curse" will be on you tonight at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, or check your local listings or at for time and channel in your area (Remember that MeTV encourages you to live-Tweet during the show on Twitter, using the hashtag #svengoolie)!  Chicago viewers can dig an encore of “Mole People”  at 11 am on the U!

The Svengoolie Studio Set awaits you in our store- featuring a Sven figure in traditional outfit, with his own coffin and rubber chicken- we have made sure to have extra inventory to meet the usual demand, but it’s probably wise to order now while we have plenty of them available!

And- next weekend- it’s time for the C2E2 comics and entertainment convention at Chicago’s McCormick Place ! Lots of chances to see me there- on  Friday, we start things off doing the C2E2 podcast at 2:15 pm at booth 1677 – Podcast Central! After that, it’s an autograph session from 3 to 4 pm at table 2. On Saturday, from 12:10 to 12: 20 pm- you can get a “celebrity photo op” with me – check for availability- then, from 12:30 -1:30 – it’s a special Sven 40th Anniversary panel in Room S504. We have another autograph session from 1:45 -2:45- (at table 1).You’ll also see us out on the floor, shooting material future shows, and we’ll make a stop at the CW 26 booth- and possibly at the DC Comics area! Please watch for any updates or changes in information – and , once again, since the autograph sessions are only an hour- try to get in line early, since they will have to cut the line off so we’ll end on time. If you want an autograph or to take a photo with me, the autograph sessions are the place to get it- when we’re out working on the floor, or running from place to place, it isn’t often possible to accommodate those requests.

Tonight- join us for lots of Sven fun and more mummy mayhem!

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 during show

MADave 56 months ago
T-minus 3 minutes until launch of the new blog
romor5453 56 months ago
I love Svengoolie. He shows movies that I remember from my childhood.
1MikeM romor5453 56 months ago
Hello romor5453. Welcome to the blog.
MADave romor5453 56 months ago
Nice to meet you romor5453 where are you from?
romor5453 56 months ago
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MADave 56 months ago
Every time I watch Carol Burnett and a Tim Conway skit comes on I get teary eyed because he was a true master of comedy loved him Rest In Peace Tim
The1Butler MADave 56 months ago
Even McHales navy days was good .
Carl_N_Brown 56 months ago
Tomorrow will be a rare Svegoolie treat. The fifth Svengoolie Saturday of the month on February 29th, possible only on a leap year when Feb 1st falls on Saturday.
Carl_N_Brown 56 months ago
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MADave Carl_N_Brown 56 months ago
Ripping ripping!
The1Butler Carl_N_Brown 56 months ago
Very interesting
daleuhlmann 56 months ago
Following THE MUMMY'S CURSE, Lon Chaney, Jr. donned the wrappings-- briefly--in a 1962 episode of television's ROUTE 66, entitled "Lizard's Leg and Owlet's Wing." In addition to the Mummy, he also appeared in makeup as the Wolf Man and the Hunchback of Notre Dame. He co-starred in that episode with Boris Karloff and Peter Lorre.
Deleted 56 months ago
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Lynn 56 months ago
Thank you, Steph - good to hear from you!
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Jack 56 months ago
The1Butler 56 months ago
I like that movie , I just watched recently
MADave 56 months ago
Hey batfans there's a bit of history coming up it'll be 52 years since the last Batman aired on March 14th 1968
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daleuhlmann 56 months ago
Yes, he does have a supporting role in that movie.
scottieO 56 months ago
Sometimes I feel as old as the hills.
daleuhlmann scottieO 56 months ago
Ripping! Ripping!
daleuhlmann 56 months ago

"When the full moon rises, I turn into a mummy, with only one desire on my mind: To drag . . . and shuffle!"

That fictional line might well apply to a 1964 film called FACE OF THE SCREAMING WEREWOLF. Directed by Jerry Warren (another candidate for Worst Director of All Time honors), it combined new footage from two different Mexican horror films with new footage. It all went to a story about an Aztec mummy (played by Lon Chaney, Jr.) who returns to life, and later, sans wrappings, tries to take up a modern, "normal" existence, but there's one problem: he is a werewolf, and, so, when the full moon rises, . . . well, I'm sure you get the picture. It only runs 60 minutes, so, if Sven were to ever show it, there would be plenty of room for his own bits and routines.
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Islander daleuhlmann 56 months ago
Interesting clip. I thought it was from several movies but it's all one flick ?
Might have to try and find that one on youtube.
daleuhlmann Jack 56 months ago
daleuhlmann Islander 56 months ago
I believe the complete movie is available there.
backdoorFRONTMAN Jack 49 months ago
I made that album cover! Art and layout for "Early Performances" by Jeffrey Uhlmann. His brother, Billy Starfire, is one of my best friends. I just forced my girlfriend to watch "Mils Mascaras: Resurrection" aka "Mils Mascaras vs. the Aztec Mummy" and I'm currently messaging Billy Starfire about how come regular people can't easily watch "MM vs. the Aztec Mummy"! The second and third movies he made, "Academy of Doom" and "Aztec Revenge" _are_ on Jeff's youtube account in their entirety...
daleuhlmann 56 months ago
Another movie set in the Louisiana bayous was the 1972 movie Made for TV movie MOON OF THE WOLF, which starred David Janssen, Barbara Rush, and Bradford Dillman. It was set in the town of Marsh Island, Louisiana and featured a werewolf that the townsfolk called by its French name, loup-garou, a word that THE MUMMY's CURSE briefly used.
TheKodakKid 56 months ago
I found a photo of Dr. Clayton’s discovery that won him tenure at Pacific Tech, and a place of honor among its most revered alumni and faculty.

daleuhlmann TheKodakKid 56 months ago
Kodak: Rumor has it that he plagiarized Dr. Ed's doctoral dissertation.
scottieO daleuhlmann 56 months ago
Just what we need, another admission scandal.
scottieO daleuhlmann 56 months ago
Fortunately, the fine is only $35 and filling in one sinkhole.
daleuhlmann scottieO 56 months ago
Sounds like the punishment fits the crime!😆
daleuhlmann 56 months ago
Among the familiar supporting faces in THE MUMMY'S CURSE was veteran British character actor Holmes Herbert. Among his other genre credits were the Fredric March DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE, along with MARK OF THE VAMPIRE (1935, with Lionel Barrymore and Bela Lugosi), THE UNDYING MONSTER, THE GHOST OF FRANKENSTEIN, INVISIBLE AGENT, and CALLING DR. DEATH (Lon Chaney, Jr.'s first Inner Sanctum mystery), along with several Basil Rathbone-Nigel Bruce Sherlock Holmes films for Universal.
scottieO 56 months ago


Not telling anyone who or what to vote for, but Svengoolie (Berwyn!) is in two categories. Plus other write-in categories. (BEST WEBSITE, BEST CONVENTION, plus more) I filled mine in, but waiting to send it until others chime-in on other categories related to things of interest I may have forgotten.
scottieO scottieO 56 months ago
DavidH scottieO 56 months ago
It should be noted that in 2011, Svengoolie appeared nationally on MeTV. His first Rondo was in 2008, when he was still a regional show. Since appearing as the only nationally broadcast horror host, he has won seven out of eight years. Coincidence?
daleuhlmann scottieO 56 months ago
Thank you for the reminder, Scottie! I just finished mine and emailed it. Catbat will probably fill in and send her ballot this weekend.
scottieO DavidH 56 months ago
Hi David, hows things? Well, he certainly has developed a huge following. I'm glad his show is available in this area. I can't remember what I use to do on Saturday nights, (maybe something like this) ha.
scottieO daleuhlmann 56 months ago
Hopefully next year TBBC will in the BEST CONVENTION category instead of a write-in option!
daleuhlmann scottieO 56 months ago
Let's hope so, Scottie!
The1Butler 56 months ago
Dang it , time to get off Waltons mountain and to the salt mine ! See you all Saturday.
DrClayton 56 months ago
I supposed we'll have to stay stone-cold sober for this? UN-KLINK!
The1Butler DrClayton 56 months ago
Stoned cold , hmmmm I think I've found a loophole.
NoPersonalChicks DrClayton 56 months ago
No way, dude! The google machine says a vaccine works by training the immune system to recognize and combat pathogens. To do this, certain molecules from the pathogen must be introduced into the body to trigger an immune response. Therefore I will be enjoying cold (certain south of the border cervezas) to ward off a virus. Is that the way it works?
TheKodakKid DrClayton 56 months ago
Well, they say there’s a first time for everything.
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