Joan Collins Tries Not to "Die-Nasty" in the "Empire of the Ants"- Tonight!

Posted on November 18, 2023

Tonight on METV- Joan Collins has some real estate she wants to sell you-until it’s discovered that it is already in the possession of some oversized pests who have plans for movin’ on up to take over new territory and claim it as the “Empire of the Ants”!

This 1977 film is yet another produced and directed by Bert I. Gordon- whose initials- “B-I-G” – are an immediate tip-off to the size of the six-legged menaces in this film. Based very loosely on an H.G. Wells story, we begin with a brief lecture about ants (pay attention- some facts in this tutorial will be important later)- then, we shift to a tableau of illegal activity- with barrels of radioactive waste being dumped into the ocean. One barrel washes up on a beach, and some of its oozing contents become a feast for …you guessed it- ants!

We are then taken to a party for prospective clients, who suspect realtor Marilyn Fryser hopes to sell property on a nearby island. The pigeons- I mean, possible buyers- include a pretty young woman, a wife with a wandering husband, a middle-aged woman trying to start her life anew, and even some people simply out for a free trip and free food. They are taken to the island land development by Captain Dan Stokely, a strong silent type who keeps to himself.


Marilyn begins the tour, pointing out the various places where- eventually- wonderful houses, entertainment complexes, etc. will be- but are yet to even have ground broken for. At one point, a suspicious fellow, with his wife in tow, breaks away from the main group- and finds something that indicates that the property offer is a scam. He also finds- or, actually, is found by- a super-sized ant!

As the tour proceeds, and the results of an “ant run-in” are found, it seems wise to leave the island- but a seaside infestation strands the entire group on the island- who must find a way to avoid the deadly giant ants and get back to civilization- which may not save them from the power of their large and in charge nemesis!

This movie has several familiar faces, from a pre-“Dynasty” Joan Collins to the star of TV’s “Twelve O’ Clock High” Robert Lansing- along with “CHIP”s Robert Pine , and Pamela Shoop of “Halloween II” and many TV guest shots. We’ll tell you about the production, shot in Florida, the methods used by Bert I. Gordon to create giant ants (including one that kind of ruins the illusion), present a new edition of our drawing game “Too Drawn Out”, as well as a new song, and get a couple visits from members of our Sven Squad!

“Empire of the Ants” begins its reign tonight at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central time. Feel free to jump onto Twitter during the show to live Tweet with a multitude of viewers- just make sure to add the hashtag #svengoolie to your Tweets. In the Chicago viewing area, it’s one more time around the track for “Munster Go Home” at 11 am on CW26.

Speaking of the Munster clan, last Saturday night, they made our show the highest rated program in the Milwaukee area- even beating the major networks! We thank our viewers and appreciate your tuning in.

The holiday season seems to be hurtling towards us at breakneck speed- so now might be a great time to check out the MeTV Mall for Sven gifts, including this year’s holiday sweater- and our new Sven bumper stickers! Just click on the “store” tab here on our website- yes, not only do I have a store- but I must also have an actual bumper somewhere…

Here’s hoping you have a terrific Thanksgiving – we hope you know that we are very thankful for your loyalty and support- and join us tonight for some rather large- and uninvited- pre-Thanksgiving visitors!

Order Your Holiday Sweater Now!


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 during show

1MikeM 15 months ago
...and dat was da Charge of da Ant Brigade...and dat's da name a dat tune!
Carl_N_Brown 15 months ago

Adorable sleeping cat picture distraction.
Carl_N_Brown 15 months ago
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Carl_N_Brown 15 months ago
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abc123 15 months ago
Yes, I meant Snack for Tomorrow, not tonight...
They are Knife, Gun, Noose, and Skeleton...
What Else could I add?
Drang abc123 15 months ago
Acid bath on the side?
PatS abc123 15 months ago
Chandelier -- except it would be awfully detailed to try to draw. Add some sriracha and make it the blood which drips from the ceiling?
LmerFudd 15 months ago
A Roger Corman double feature airing now; always a good thing.
Klaatu LmerFudd 15 months ago
The Undead and Bucket of Blood?
RobBarnes Klaatu 15 months ago
You kinda figure out whats going on In Bucket of Blood like 5 or 10 seconds in, but act surprised at the end LOL!
CountCurt 15 months ago

Quickly got weary of Black Friday shopping.
Had to stop and get a martini, Someone has to come up with a Black Friday Martini.
DrSerizawa CountCurt 15 months ago
Can you put an olive in a black russian?
CountCurt DrSerizawa 15 months ago
I will try! Lol
Klaatu CountCurt 15 months ago
Do you know the ingredients? I’ve made “black” Martinis made with Gin, Luxardo Maraschino and Orange bitters. Pretty darn good!
I also make Black Manhattans which use Bourbon and Amaro Di Toscana, which is fantastic 👍
DrSerizawa 15 months ago
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PatS daDoctah 15 months ago
If you mix cranberry juice and blue curaçao, the result is close to black. Hmm, so what else should be added?
RobBarnes CountCurt 15 months ago
Looks like a Dirty martini and of course, shaken and not stirred. Shake it vigorously to mix the alcohol with the non-alcohol components and it will chill quicker. Personally I prefer a Jack on the rocks, but with shaved, not cubed ice. Technically thats straight bourbon if you down it, but I prefer to sip it as the ice gradually melts, but whiskey and water doesn't sound as rough and tumble as straight up with a lot lof ice and by all meads Jack Black or the Black label, no of that silly bumble bee or double barrel. Its the pre-barrel charcoal that gives jack Black its distinct flavor. So its actually a whiskey that is made like and tastes like a bourbon.
Cartoondave 15 months ago
Catching the last few minutes of the original Hawaii Five-0 on Metv+ here at my sister's
I saw his hair actually move in the wind, in this episode...
Jack Engineer_Poelzig 15 months ago
Strong wind!
HoneyBee456 15 months ago
Here’s a picture of Shemp Howard and his wife
LmerFudd HoneyBee456 15 months ago
The Shemptress!
abc123 15 months ago
"Party Favors" for tonight:
abc123 15 months ago
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Svenboy 15 months ago
Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving and has recovered!just watched Dougherty’s krampus which I have seen a few times. Looking forward to this weekends movie which I have seen a bunch but never gets old. I watched it came from beneath the sea last night which I have seen a few times.
HoneyBee456 15 months ago
Please pray for me. Not feeling good at all today
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Hope you get better quickly!
TheKodakKid HoneyBee456 15 months ago
Hope you begin feeling better quickly.
Svenboy HoneyBee456 15 months ago
Hope you feel better blog friend!
1MikeM HoneyBee456 15 months ago
Good vibes to you, HoneyBee456. I hope you feel better.
Jack 15 months ago
DrSerizawa Jack 15 months ago
There's nothing that can ruin your day faster than Geisterhügel. Especially if you forget the gravy.
Aceman2 Jack 15 months ago
This time we didn't forget the gravy...
PatS 15 months ago
Pleased to see that several of our menfolk took on cooking tasks for this holiday. I always find it interesting to find out which "maverick" side people prefer. We all have seen yams, stuffing, green bean casserole, etc., but do we have some other traditions out there? Ravioli? Collard greens? A friend of our friends brought kasha varnishkes -- bowtie pasta and kasha -- her family's ultimate comfort food. New one on me. How about y'all?
PatS 15 months ago
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VanGooliac PatS 15 months ago
Sauerkraut with turkey is popular in many places.
Jack daDoctah 15 months ago
Flint corn, aka Indian corn, _Zea mays_ var. _indurata_.

My people call it “maize.”
DrSerizawa PatS 15 months ago
We have a variation on cranberry sauce: whole berry sauce mixed with crushed pineapple and chopped walnuts. Nothing completely out of left field.
PatS 15 months ago
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MrsG 15 months ago
Gittyup Cowgals and Cowboys ~ we are now into S7 , hour-long episodes of GUNSMOKE 🤠
Deleted 15 months ago
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Klaatu 15 months ago
Been to Tim’s many times over the years during my vacation travels from Alberta thru BC.
DrSerizawa 15 months ago
Are these kcups? And are they available south of the border? Of course here they'd lose the u and only be flavored. Always enjoy Tim's coffee. For that matter, enjoyed watching Tim.
DrFish28136 15 months ago
Another Arthropod Collage
CountCurt DrFish28136 15 months ago
That would make a nice wall print.
Drang DrFish28136 15 months ago
I obviously need more coffee, I read that as "anthropoid".
DrFish28136 15 months ago
LoveMETV22 DrFish28136 15 months ago
🥧🥧 Looks like the Pie Eating Contest Scene in " Stand By Me"(1986). 🥧🥧
abc123 15 months ago
Got to watch Toon In With Me this morning for the first time in a while. Liked how Toony was able to "impersonate" Mr. Quizzer and it impressed Bill...
Thanks to a quick internet search, I found the December Sven schedule and got my verses in order, and have penciled down some fan ideas and snack ideas...
Aceman2 15 months ago
Italian posters for House on Haunted Hill (Allied Artists, 1959). The first is a 2-sheet (39" X 55"). It sold at auction on 11/19/2011 for $508. The second is a 4-sheet (55" X 78"). This Italian poster, while not as garish as it's American counterpart, still features the haunted mansion and woman terrified for her life. Sold at auction on 3/24/2012 for $374.
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MrsG Aceman2 15 months ago
They must have if that picky about the poster ~
That one has escaped the scene , period , for now but still in Your profile ?_?
VanGooliac Aceman2 15 months ago
Interesting that they all show a classic old, dark house instead of the Ennis House that was used for the exterior shots.
CountCurt VanGooliac 15 months ago
Must be the European perspective on American haunted houses.
PatS MrsG 15 months ago
Imdb sez: The poster with the skeleton with the hanging woman, plus VP with a severed head, was deemed "too disturbing" by some newspaper publishers. Something more like the French poster was substituted. Also newspapers would play up the idea that the film was Soooo scary even the ads couldn't be shown!
MrsG 15 months ago
YAY Freedom SvenFriday 🖤♥️
🎶 Free-free set them free
—————————— Sting
Mikeyyy MrsG 15 months ago
Hello MrsG! Hope your thanksgiving was as great as you are! 🤗
Aceman2 MrsG 15 months ago
How are you MrsG? Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
MrsG Mikeyyy 15 months ago
🧡💙 Mikeyyy Baby ! !
Mad Love and Respect Cowboy 🤠
MrsG Aceman2 15 months ago
Thinking of You always Aceman , and that beautiful Family over here 🖤^_*💛
Resilience my Man ~ You’ll be back to par before long 🏌️‍♂️
MrsG MrsG 15 months ago
Oh yeah , not to ignore Your question my SvenBoys ~
Thanksgiving was cozy ~ just me & Hubby and a chubby little chicken for 2 (sorry Kerwyn) with ALL of the traditional trimmings *_*
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