Kharis Goes to College- and Gets Creepy with a Coed- 'The Mummy's Ghost" Rises Tonight!

Posted on October 26, 2019

Our pre-Halloween feature rounds out our Mummy marathon of the last few weeks, with Kharis the living mummy returning. This time he’s portrayed by Lon Chaney Jr., and once again, he’s in search of his lost love Ananka- and, once again, he stumbles (or shambles) upon a young woman who may be the reincarnation of his Princess- with the latest priest of the cult on hand to guide him in the quest for revenge! It's the chiller that falls between “The Mummy’s Tomb” and “The Mummy’s Curse”-  1944’s "The Mummy's Ghost"!

High priest George Zucco ( no, surprisingly NOT dead, as one might expect after he was shot in “The Mummy’s Hand”- wait- he was shot in the hand? I thought- no, I can’t go through with this Abbott and Costello-like  routine) sends his latest emissary the priest Yousef Bey ( played by John Carradine) to the US to retrieve the living Mummy Kharis –as well as the body of the Princess Ananka- currently on display in a museum. We again get the recipe for use of the tana leaves to motivate the Mummy ( couldn’t they have come up with a quick and easy instant tana tea by now?)

Meanwhile, at a college in Massachusetts, a professor lectures the classroom on the story of Kharis (updating students and audience members who haven’t paid attention to the previous movies) . Among those students paying half-attention we have Tom Hervey and his gorgeous girlfriend Amina, who is of Egyptian descent- you don’t suppose that might make her a target for… no, of COURSE not. Then again, Amina has odd distant moments and seems dazed when the subject of anything Egyptian comes up. Just don’t play that Bangles tune when she’s around        ( you know- “Walk Like an…)

Their professor takes his work home with him, where he has decoded some ancient hieroglyphics that actually reveal the properties of the tana leaves. He decides to follow the formula- what harm can it do, if Kharis is no longer around? Bad decision, because Kharis IS still around- and the tana tea draws him to the prof, with tragic results! Along the way, the mummy has a chance encounter with Amina, who is wandering in a trance-like state, resulting in her falling unconscious - and triggering some physical changes in her as well.

Yousef Bey arrives in the area, and brews up the tana leaves to gain control of the Mummy. With Kharis under his control, they set out to re-claim the mummy of Ananka- which brings about additions to the local body count, and the realization that Ananka's spirit has been reincarnated in…someone ( any guesses?)- which begins their quest to find out who that might be. The local police, realizing that the Mummy once again is on the loose in their town, attempt to find a way to locate and capture him- while Yousef Bey discovers that Amina may be Ananka reborn- and, not being above temptation, isn't above noticing that she's one fabulous babe. Soon, her boyfriend Tom finds himself battling to save Amina from both Kharis and Yousef Bey- in hopes of sparing her from a horrible fate!

There’s a lot of interesting behind the scenes info about our Mummy du jour, Lon Chaney Jr., which we’ll pass along, as well as talking about cast members like John Carradine and pin-up girl Ramsay Ames. We’ll talk to two “Lisa”s we ran into at this year’s Flashback Weekend- we’ll question where Jerry Springer got the idea for his current “Judge Jerry” show- and more. Plus- we'll be following up the film with a special feature Sven viewers have been asking to see again- our "Svensurround" version of an episode of "Commando Cody"!

"The Mummy's Ghost" will haunt MeTV tonight at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7central, and , if you're unsure of the run time in your area, please consult  your local listings and/or visit for both time and channel. MeTV invites you to join the many fans who live -Tweet during the show on Twitter- just make sure to use the hashtag #svengoolie . Chicago area viewers can refresh their memories of a previous Kharis tale ,”The Mummy’s Hand”, at 11 am on the U ( at its new channel - each week, we still hear from viewers who think the Saturday morning local run of the show is gone- because they didn’t know about the U moving to the channel location previously held by the UToo).

Two big appearances today- our seasonal visit to the amazing Volo Auto Museum in Volo Illinois this afternoon- and then , tonight- I’ll be honored at Chicago’s Museum of Broadcast Communications at a museum fund-raiser event- “40 Years as Svengoolie”! My old coffin and set pieces will again be put on display, we’ll show clips from the program (including a Svensurrounded short subject), I’ll discuss my 40 years, and- for the first time- Kerwyn will appear for a live “Kerwyn’s Corner”! You’ll find information for both events here on our site under “appearances”.

And-it’s finally going to be here- on this Wednesday the 30th- the first chapter of “Svengoolie Meets the DC Universe” will appear in all the major DC titles and proceed for 4 weeks, in the books that come out every Wednesday. Wait until you see the menace that confronts Sven- and who’s behind it!

Also on Wednesday the 30th- on WGN radio ( 720 AM), I’ll be appearing with Roe Conn and Anna Davlantes just after 6 pm central time to play their crazy headline game “News or Ruse?” It’s always a fun contest- and often hard to tell what’s a real story and what isn’t! Then, we continue our Halloween tradition by again appearing on WGN with our friends Bill and Wendy just after 10:30 am central on Halloween- rumor has it they’ll have something special in their trick-or-treat bag for me!

Get that tana leaf tea brewing tonight- when Kharis appears once again on MeTV!

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 during show

1MikeM 64 months ago
The Invisible Man is on tomorrow night? I didn't see that one.
Lucyc 1MikeM 64 months ago
I am going to try and see my way clear to watch the movie. 😁
MADave 64 months ago
Invisible Man sequels never made
1MikeM MADave 64 months ago
1MikeM MADave 64 months ago
TV series that were never made:
Lucyc 1MikeM 64 months ago
How about these titles?
The Invisible Quiet Man
The Invisible Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
The Invisible Thin Man
The Invisible Man Who Knew Too Much
The Invisible Man Who Came To Dinner
The Invisible Man For All Seasons
1MikeM Lucyc 64 months ago
Lucyc, sounds good! Here's one more...The Invisible Wolf Man.
Klaatu 64 months ago
The best part about the Invisible Man is Una O’Connor.
Carl_N_Brown 64 months ago
I must say that, for there to be four movies in that series, the old boy musta had Kharisma.
Lucyc 64 months ago
Good evening, gang.
Catbat, sorry that you are under the weather. Speaking of weather, my area had just about the coldest Halloween/All Hallows Eve on record with a cold evening and below freezing overnight temps.
We really haven't had kids "trick or treating" for years. People take their kids to more communal events.
I see that Sven will be showing "Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman" on November 30th, which happens to be my birthday. I don't have to worry about expanding vertically as much as expanding horizontally, unfortunately.
Carl_N_Brown Lucyc 64 months ago
Hi Lucyc.
Klaatu Lucyc 64 months ago
Lucyc, you and me both (expanding horizontal). If I walk by a donut shop and just sniff the donuts, I gain 2lbs around my waist.
Lucyc Carl_N_Brown 64 months ago
Hi, Carl_N_Brown.
Lucyc Klaatu 64 months ago
I can certainly relate to that. I actually worked at a donut shop for a while, and it's a wonder that I didn't expand more horizontally then.
PatS Lucyc 64 months ago
I worked in a bakery for a summer. Man, after eight hours staring at cakes, cookies and pies, I would KILL for a sour pickle!

I heard the best line about horizontal expansion at a party recently: "Ten more pounds and I can have my own zip code."
Carl_N_Brown 64 months ago
I just can't see that.
Hey, I'm gonna watch the movie.
It's just that I can't see THE INVISIBLE MAN.
Catbat 64 months ago
Well Good Svengoolie Saturday Eve All!
Well Halloween was a total bust. I got really sick yesterday afternoon and it only got worse. First time in 51 years I've missed it. I'm going to have guilt for a year.
Sven's newsletter was a nice little band aid. Didn't sleep last night. Cramps and chills all night. Feel like I got hit by a Mack truck. I'll be fine tomorrow. Big deal
TheKodakKid Catbat 64 months ago
We told you not to eat the yellow snow.
Jack Catbat 64 months ago
Sounds like you’ve got the same thing Debbie and I had.

Last week, Wednesday, Debbie stayed home from work with a fever. I figured it was the flu because she postponed the flu vaccine for her knee surgery.

Tuesday evening this week I came home after canvassing a friend of ours around the precinct—doesn’t that sound like Chicago? *Bryan!*—and went to bed with a 102°F fever. This time I figured we must’ve gotten the off-brand flu, the one the CDC didn’t prepare for.

While I was lying in bed the next morning, in my deliriium I hear on the radio about a disease outbreak in Texas: flea-borne (formerly murine) typhus. That’s it! Debbie had complained about itchy ankles after being out in the yard. We’ve got flea-borne typhus!

Yesterday, we’re more or less on the road to recovery. “Road” is the operative term, in reference to that Mack truck. Debbie has an appointment with her orthopedic surgeon—the same guy that postponed her flu shot. Two weeks ago he had the same thing. The official medical diagnosis: upper respiratory crud.

Missing Halloween sux! Get well soon, Catbat!
Carl_N_Brown TheKodakKid 64 months ago
I remember one winter there was an adversary to not make snow cream due to stratospheric fallout from a nuclear test.
Jack Carl_N_Brown 64 months ago
Can’t stand those winter adversaries—frost giants, abominable snow men, Wendigo, Yuki-onna, those vampires from _30 Days of Night_…
Lynn Catbat 64 months ago
Aw, I'm so sorry, Catbat! Feel better soon!
JournalJeff2 64 months ago
Happy Svengoolie Eve!
1 invisible man coming up!
Have a Great Evening & Take Care!!
CarrieLynnCastro 64 months ago
Sven 🎩👀 what a great line up of movies for November 📺🍿thank you 😱 and for the newsletter!
CarrieLynnCastro 64 months ago
Happy Friday🎩
I have a Halloween
hang over 🍫🍬 ha ha!
Had a nice out come
the best scary kid goblins 👻🤡😱👽🤖
It stopped at my house
at 8:10 that was it🍫🍬
and started at 7:00.
Less kids this hear but
a nice time 🎃
I just loved some of there home made costumes 🤖🤡

I hope all had a fun
day yesterday 🍁🌻🍁
Now time for removal
of all 🕸🎃🕸 deco's!
Leaving behind only
fall things 🍃🌻🍃

Have a nice Friday🦋
see you later 😱
Love all your pic's blogger friends 🤠

Lynn 64 months ago
Wow - not only did we enjoy a fabulous Halloween season, but now we have the November newsletter! Many great tidbits about your recent appearances, Sven, and much to look forward to in November. Thanks!
Islander 64 months ago
Hopefully everyone survived the Halloween evening events. I checked the Akron/Canton sheriff report this morning and didn't see any familiar names so thats good.
With five minutes to go in our trunk or treat, the rain came and everyone scrambled to get packed up and to cover. Around 11 or 12 the wind came thru and like the tornado people say, " it sounded like a train." I guess CharlIette, NC cancelled their Trick or Treat last night because of storms. 80's yesterday 50's today.
What a gyp !
Jack Islander 64 months ago
Did you check the familiar aliases?
Islander Jack 64 months ago
Oh yes. Catbat, Bat Girl, The Professor. No hits.
PatS Jack 64 months ago
I don't think that's Willy Wonka...
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64 months ago
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64 months ago
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Lynn 64 months ago
Sorry about your system troubles - computer and otherwise. Hang in there, Steph!
PatS 64 months ago
What she said.
64 months ago
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Jack 64 months ago
Good on your Daddy! Thank him for his service, if he’s still around.

If he tried out for the Kansas City Browns, I’m hoping antibiotics have improved since then.
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Jack 64 months ago
There are so many layers here I’d just love to peel, but some of those layers would be political. Let’s just leave it at Halloween is that one magical night of the year that local governments get away with curfews. Respect Mah Authoritah!
Jack 64 months ago
This more or less just in…

Rich Koz and Jim Roche on the Bill and Wendy Halloween Show:
PatS Jack 64 months ago
Thank you!! Couldn't find it on radio here.
MADave 64 months ago
I bid good evening (in Dracula voice) I’ll try to blog sometime after work hours!
MADave 64 months ago
Hi everyone what a fun Halloween today the child care kids did their annual Halloween parade through work and some of the costumes were great and I decided to wear my skeleton suspenders courtesy of the big blog cast and call.myself a long lost relative of the Addams family called Boney Addams I even wore my Sven hat
PatS MADave 64 months ago
Elegant! Bet you were a hit!
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