Lon Chaney- Hypnotism- Murder- plus- Gilbert Gottfried?! “Calling Dr Death” Tonight!

Posted on May 7, 2016

The Inner Sanctum is bursting at its seams tonight on MeTV- as the mysterious "head in the globe" ushers us into a story of a wandering wife, her hypnotic husband, a persistently prying police inspector, and -what else?- murder; topped off with a studio visit from the hilarious Gilbert Gottfried, as we present "Calling Dr Death"!

The first of the "Inner Sanctum" movie series, starring, as always, Lon Chaney Jr., shows us Lon as Dr.  Mark Steele, a neurologist who uses hypnotism to help his patients. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to be able to help himself, as he frets about his beautiful wife Maria, who cats about with any number of boy toys- but won't grant Mark a divorce because she likes the benefits of being a wealthy doctor's wife!

Maria finally pushes too far, as she heads off for a weekend at the couple's remote cabin- without Mark, of course. In  a blind rage, Mark goes out for a drive... only to be awakened by his  loyal ( and also beautiful) nurse Stella, finding it's Monday morning, he's in his office, and he has no memory of anything past getting into his car on Friday. Things get even weirder when a couple detectives appear- with the bad news that Maria has been murdered!

Mark goes to the cabin, where Maria's murdered- and disfigured- body has been found; and is confronted  by Police Inspector Gregg- who thinks Mark makes a pretty good suspect. Meanwhile,  other police bring in Maria's latest flame- an architect- and think that HE had designs for murder! Both Mark and Inspector Gregg aren't necessarily sure that the architect did it- and Mark , along with Stella, tries to uncover further evidence- and determine where he was and what he did during the time he can't remember. An incriminating artifact from the scene of the crime adds to the confusion about who the murderer actually is- and Mark must turn to his own method of hypnotism to try and reveal the truth!

This 1943 entry to the series uses  the same formula as the others in the group- though it obviously did it first! We'll tell you about the cast, including Lon, of course, J. Carroll Naish as the suspicious police inspector, and glamorous gals Ramsay Ames and Patricia Morison- along with another lady we've seen in a handful of Universal horrors. Yes, we get a new song -with more trumpet artistry by our own Doug Graves- and- a couple segments featuring comedian, voice actor , podcaster ("Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast" -available on iTunes) and fan of the Sven show and horror movies- Gilbert Gottfried! Without a doubt, Gilbert provided us with plenty of laughs,both on and off camera- and his knowledge of horror films is very impressive!

"Calling Dr Death" calls on you tonight on MeTV at 10 pm eastern/pacific, 9 central, or- check your local listings - or www.metv.com for run times in your area, and the "where to watch" tab to find what MeTV stations are available to you. In Chicago, viewers get a  second lap from "The Car" on our sister station, WCIU, the U, at 11 am.

We were very flattered to see a Twitter post by Mark Hamill this week, again talking about how much he enjoys MeTV and yours truly- and Rob Zombie continues to wear a Svengoolie shirt while doing interviews ! We've been amazed by how so many celebrities have joined the ranks of Sven fandom- and we are truly grateful!

See one of them tonight as part of our presentation of "Calling Dr Death"-as the Sven dungeon once again becomes a branch office of the Inner Sanctum! And... a very happy Mother's Day to all the moms tomorrow- show them the love and respect that they deserve!

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