Massive Mutations Cause Deadly Situations with the Huge Hairy Horror of “Konga”- Tonight!

Posted on August 19, 2023

Tonight on MeTV- we bring back some massive monkeyshines-when a scientist/teacher returns from the jungle with rare plants, a chimp companion, and a sinister attitude- all of which grow into deadly danger! Witness the evil evolution that brings about the menace known as “Konga”!

Dr. Charles Decker surprisingly returns to England after being thought to be dead after his airplane crashed in Africa about a year ago. He’s met by a group of reporters at the airport upon his arrival, and reveals how he survived-thanks to the little chimpanzee he has brought back- who lead him to the natives, who aided in both his recovery and studies of some amazing plants, samples of which he has also brought home.


He returns to his home compound with little Konga the chimp, and his assistant Margaret is confused when he begins to throw away all the plants they have been cultivating in their greenhouse- in order to plant the strange new varieties he has attained.

Dr. Decker then returns to the university and lectures his class there about his experiences in Africa. Once class is dismissed, he chats with an attractive young student, Sandra- which draws some jealous looks from her would-be boyfriend Bob. Decker extends an offer to Sandra to assist him in his latest experiments…perhaps, among other things...

Meanwhile- in his greenhouse- we see the results of what he has been doing with his exotic plants. Working with his theory that plants can be given animal qualities, he has grown a frightening array of over-sized meat-eating greenery! Margaret is amazed and frankly unsure about what the doctor is doing- and soon finds that the next step in the experimentation is to cause more rapid growth-this time, in none other than the little chimp Konga! He injects the animal with a serum that makes him grow larger, and then, into a full- sized gorilla ( it is necessary to ignore the fact that Konga has changed species for the sake of the story).

Meanwhile, the interview the doctor gave when he first arrived has come back to haunt him- as he is called into the Dean’s office. The Dean is furious that he has been talking to the press, discussing questionable theories that may have people thinking he is not quite sane, and that his statements could throw some unpleasant and unwanted publicity on the school. He insists that the doctor should “take a rest” and go on leave for a while.

Enraged by the Dean’s threats, Decker decides to use his now-powerful primate to get revenge- as his own personal way to eliminate anyone that he feels stands in the way of his great scientific achievements (and his pursuit of the lovely Sandra)! Jealousy and anger result in some unexpected use of Konga as a weapon- as he is transformed into a gigantic ape, ready to rampage through London!

This 1961 film, meant to be Britain’s full-color equivalent of “King Kong”, stars Michael Gough-who has been on our show in Hammer’s “Horror of Dracula” and played Bruce Wayne’s butler Alfred in several Batman films. We’ll talk about him and the rest of the cast, and give some behind-the-scenes information about the production. Though some of the special effects are a little questionable, it has plenty of frightening and effective action. We will also introduce you to an exciting news channel, bring back a musical offering from Doug Graves and Anita X. Orcist, reprise some of the earlier “Spawn of Svengoolie” hopefuls, and offer some Svensurrounded scenes from some other simian cinema we have shown many years ago!


“Konga” begins tonight at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central time-as always, if you are not sure where to see us in your area, please check your local MeTV listings or go to the “where to watch” tab on . The live-Xing on X, the former Twitter, during the show still continues- feel free to join in- just use the hashtag #svengoolie on your Xs ( not your exes). This morning on our local Chicago station, CW26, at 11 am, viewers can again get stung by “the Black Scorpion”.

Make sure to join us on MeTV tonight for a perilous primate in prime time!

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 during show

1MikeM 18 months ago
...and dat was Konga..and dat's da name a dat tune!
Cartoondave 18 months ago
I think someone already asked this before sorry if it's a repeat? Is the Svengoolie show under the writers' strike or are some of the movies Svengoolie premieres?
DrSerizawa Cartoondave 18 months ago
I have no facts, but since this is the Internet I'll take a wild guess. I would assume that Sven is not a member of SAG, but is a member of AFTRA, and maybe a member of the writer's guild. If so he's either in a sympathy strike or on strike.
Svenboy 18 months ago
Just finished my first time watching twice told tales with Vincent price. I liked that one. It probably is too long for sven to show. Anyone see it? Thoughts?
ihaveamigraine 18 months ago
Watching and waiting............
FKrueger ihaveamigraine 18 months ago
Can I borrow your towel?
Katink ihaveamigraine 18 months ago
Somebody needs different window treatments! 😶
deadringer42 18 months ago
I have one weird werewolf:
Klaatu deadringer42 18 months ago
Kinda looks like a large Vampire Bat😳
PatS Klaatu 18 months ago
Oh, but a sweeeet one!
CharlesRocksClone 18 months ago
If you watch Svengoolie on WGAL channel 8, make sure to call the station and complain about them preempting Svengoolie for Nascar tomorrow night
Carl_N_Brown 18 months ago
My sister sent me this.

No problem in my home with anyone changing channels. But I do go off if the weather blocks the MeTV channels. Lucky there are two MeTV channels on different towers at the Holston Mountain Antenna Farm.
deadringer42 Carl_N_Brown 18 months ago
This is why I got the frndly app😁😁
Cartoondave deadringer42 18 months ago
My sister in New Hampshire does too when I'm up there
Klaatu 18 months ago
I’m headed home soon from the hospital. My doctor suggested I make one of these for relaxation. I like my doctor 👍
MrsG Klaatu 18 months ago
I like You ~ glad ALL is well in Sparkle City Captain *_*
ihaveamigraine Klaatu 18 months ago
Is your Doctor Foster Brooks?
Mikeyyy Klaatu 18 months ago
That’s a great dr!
deadringer42 Klaatu 18 months ago
Love hearing some good new. Hope all went well today.
Svenboy 18 months ago
Happy Friday! Hope everyone is doing well. I saw last man on earth today with Vincent price for the first time today. I like Vincent price and have seen over a dozen movies with him in it. Any one see this movie? What did you think?
Aceman2 Svenboy 18 months ago
I think it was excellent. First saw when I was 11 in 1964. I think the film has aged well.
Klaatu Svenboy 18 months ago
A pretty good movie👍. I kinda wished he really was the “Last Man on Earth”. Why did they let someone else in this movie🤔🤔?
Klaatu 18 months ago
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VanGooliac daDoctah 18 months ago
Vincent Price portrayed the character much better than Heston or Smith.
He is just so much better in tragic roles.
1MikeM Svenboy 18 months ago
I like that movie. That's a good one! Maybe Sven could show that one.
Katink 18 months ago
Going to our local minor league affiliate's baseball⚾️ game tonight! Should be back in time to watch the blog turn over😁
rebeccafargo Katink 18 months ago
Ru going for number one?
Aceman2 Katink 18 months ago
I’m looking for you to unveil the new avatar. It’ll be colossal!
HoneyBee456 Katink 18 months ago
Have fun
Katink rebeccafargo 18 months ago
I'm always trying for first blogger, Rebecca! I'm usually in the top ten, and I often break into the first five. That #1 finish a few weeks ago was a fluke. But It was really cool!
Katink Aceman2 18 months ago
Got one picked out, Aceman!
Katink HoneyBee456 18 months ago
Thanks, HoneyBee!
HoneyBee456 Katink 18 months ago
You’re welcome
Cartoondave 18 months ago
I love the Tom and Jerry cartoons from the 40's Tom is sooo cute...Or is it Jasper?
rebeccafargo Cartoondave 18 months ago
Did you ever find the Pez dispensers you were looking for? Looks like they’re available for purchase all over the internet.
Cartoondave rebeccafargo 18 months ago
No I didn't 😭
rebeccafargo Cartoondave 18 months ago
I’ll try to find some links and send you
DrFish28136 18 months ago
LmerFudd DrFish28136 18 months ago
"Dave's not here, man."
Drang 18 months ago
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HoneyBee456 Drang 18 months ago
The children are scary looking too
ihaveamigraine Drang 18 months ago
My family.
Carl_N_Brown Drang 18 months ago
TheKodakKid Jack 18 months ago
Jack, Christmas merchandise has been in stores for a few weeks. It doesn’t get creepier than that.
HoneyBee456 18 months ago
Oh no, my tv in the living room just died
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Aceman2 HoneyBee456 18 months ago
I just gave away an old CRT tv that was still in use for video games.
HoneyBee456 Aceman2 18 months ago
It won’t even turn on anymore. It’s as if it just died. I wish it still worked to watch dvds
HoneyBee456 LmerFudd 18 months ago
I wonder how much I should pay them to do that
Mikeyyy HoneyBee456 18 months ago
Here I found you a cheap one!
DrFish28136 18 months ago
Klaatu 18 months ago
To all my fellow Svengoolie well wishers, I went for my Angiogram. They inserted a stint in my heat vessel. In recovery for 3hrs. I’ll be home for Svengoolie 👍👍
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Mikeyyy Klaatu 18 months ago
Good to hear!
Svenboy Klaatu 18 months ago
Speedy recovery! I had a stint placed two years ago. I was having chest pain and it was worse than normal. I went to the er and they did a treadmill and found a blockage and put a stint in. They said I could have had a heart attack in 6 months. My parents thought I was being a hypochondriac and if I had taken their advice, I wouldn’t have gone to the er.
gabste Klaatu 18 months ago
Fantastic Klaatu !
1MikeM 18 months ago
Samuel Z. Arkoff referred to Konga as a poor man's King Kong.
daleuhlmann 1MikeM 18 months ago
That it was, Mike, that it was!

Speaking of the "real" Kong, Catbat and I last Sunday afternoon saw the original, 1933 KING KONG on the big screen, at the State Theater in Modesto, to celebrate its 90th anniversary! We also won the ticket lottery that day and received, free, a miniature Kong doll, a book on the film's making, and a DVD copy of the movie.
1MikeM daleuhlmann 18 months ago
Thanks Dale, that is excellent!
daleuhlmann 1MikeM 18 months ago
daleuhlmann 18 months ago
Following KONGA, Michael Gough was up to more monkey (and other) business two years later for the same producer, Herman Cohen, for the 1963 shocker BLACK ZOO. In that movie, Gough played the diabolical head of an animal-worshipping cult who employed the zoo animals under his control to kill his rivals and enemies.

VanGooliac 18 months ago
Cessna1960 18 months ago
Svengoolie viewers be advised, there are 6 NFL preseason games that will be played tomorrow in the late afternoon/early evening timeframe....just because it might not be listed in programming schedules doesn't mean that a rogue affiliate couldn't slap one of those games onto its MeTV channel !!....last night one of my nbc (listing this for reference only) affiliates put the Falcons game on its sister "Circle" channel and it was not listed in the onscreen lineup....why they do this is weird , you would think to reach the sports audience they would air the game on their "major" channel !!!....I guess I am lucky to have 2 MeTV affiliates which are also CBS network carriers in different cities....but last year one of them interrupted Svengoolie to air high school football playoffs......I feel the pain of regular and new viewers of Svengoolie who tune in on Saturday nights only to find a game which should be on another channel reaching its CORE audience !.....the only recourse is to find your MeTV affiliates parent phone number and tell them I WANT MY SVENGOOLIE !!
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Drang Cessna1960 18 months ago
Knock on wood, but I'm glad our local MeTV affiliate is independent, and runs the other Weigle channels on its sub-carriers; they run the required educational/informational material on Sunday mornings, and leave the content alone otherwise. (Some other stations with "main" channel affiliates carry MeTV or other Weigle channels on one or more of their sub-carriers, and may pre-empt Weigle programming with coverage of the local pet scorpion festival, for all I know.)(No, there is not a pet scorpion festival. I think.)
VanGooliac Drang 18 months ago
You never know…
Jack VanGooliac 18 months ago
Being an ecologically minded Texan, I’m all for using succulent plants in landscaping. When I’ve suggested as much to municipal and business planners, I hear “Oh no! The children will injure themselves!” If these kids are going to grow up and live in Texas, they need to learn not to get stuck by a cactus, agave, etc., and they need to learn that if they do get stuck by a cactus, agave, etc., they’re not gonna die.
Jack LmerFudd 18 months ago
He was certain that Cherokee stickball would be the national game of Texas.
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