Mis-4-tune and Un-4-tunate Horrors Plague the Astonishing "4 D Man"- Tonight!

Posted on September 14, 2019

Tonight on MeTV- no, it’s not his shoe size- it’s his amazing power- as a scientist with some sibling rivalry tampers with his brother’s amazing discovery  and ends up going through a lot - literally- when he gains the ability to pass through solid objects by when he becomes the “4-D Man”!

We meet Tony Nelson ( not to be confused with the “I Dream of Jeannie” major of the same name) – a devoted young scientist who has made a brilliant discovery- and then makes a careless mistake in his lab, resulting in a whole building at a major university being burnt down! The result of the fire – is Tony getting fired. Still hoping to perfect his discovery, he travels to find his brother Scott- another scientist- in hopes of getting some help to continue his work.

Unfortunately, brother Scott is facing his own problems- the biggest being his egotistical employer, who takes credit for everything his workers turn out, including their latest discovery - a metal so dense, nothing can penetrate it- which boss man Carson modestly names after himself- Car-gonite!

Tony arrives, and meets with Scott, as well as co-worker Linda, the object of Scott’s affection. The brothers argue back and forth, but eventually, Tony agrees to take a job with the company. A scheming co-worker named Parker who yearns for a higher position in the company, but doesn’t have the talent to achieve it, shows Tony to his work station ,while keeping a suspicious eye on him.

Finally, Tony reveals his incredible accomplishment to Scott and Linda. He shows them an example- the result of an amplifier he has created that allows one solid object to pass through another! He also scores another achievement- he falls for Linda who returns his affection. Scott accidentally discovers that these two are now a coo-some twosome- and, perhaps driven by jealousy, breaks into Tony’s work locker, grabs his experimental equipment, and powers it up. Then- accidentally-he duplicates his brother’s feat with the act of passing through a solid object – nearly avoiding tragic results!

Sneaky Parker happens by, spots some of Tony’s papers, and swipes them- and then, tries to pass them off as his own work to glory-hound boss Carson, in hopes of finally getting his own lab. Meanwhile Scott reveals to Tony that he has made the amplifier work and demonstrates that it actually allows HIM to pass through a solid plate of metal. It’s amazing- but even more amazing is the fact that the amplifier isn’t on when Scott performs the act! Somehow his exposure to the amplifier’s wavelength has given him the power to go “4-D”!

Scott discovers that his whole body can now pass through objects at will- but it begins to take a horrible toll on him. He randomly stumbles on a way to restore himself- but at a terrible price. He uses his power to commit a crime that leaves the police baffled. Tony, however, is not baffled- he realizes, from all the evidence, that he knows how the crime was committed- and by who! Scott continues to use his new 4-D power to get whatever he wants- including revenge- leaving Tony, Linda, and the authorities to face the task of trying to stop a man who is basically unstoppable!

This 1959 color feature stars James Congdon, along with more familiar actors Robert Lansing, Robert Strauss, and gorgeous young Lee Meriwether, along with an even younger actress who would reach great fame in movies and TV. The film has a jazz soundtrack which some people find almost overbearing, while others compare it to that of the “Peter Gunn” show. Of course, we’ve thrown the usual Sven shtick into the mix, including a merchandise idea that seems fairly obvious!

“4-D Man” comes through on your TV screen tonight at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, and, if you are unsure of the time and channel where you are- just check your local listings or at www.metv.com. Our show continues to trend high nationally among the topics on Twitter during the show, thanks to the fans live-Tweeting using the hashtag #svengoolie - and MeTV invites you to join in! On the Chicago area side, “The Werewolf” prowls again at 11 am on the U, now at its new channel location which formerly held the UToo. You can find it over the air ( with an antenna) on 48.1 and 26.2  . If you watch on cable, Comcast will have the U on 230 ( some suburban areas may have a different channel allocation)- RCN will have it at 610- and WOW will have the U at 170. You’ll find us on Dish on channel 48, as well as on other providers.

At this point, the supply of 40th anniversary shirts featuring Kerwyn is getting pretty low, so, hit our store NOW if you hope to have one of your very own!

Next week, Sven’s alter ego Rich Koz once again helps the Lincoln Park Zoo raise funds to support conservation efforts for rhinos and their habitats at “Bowling for Rhinos”- Tuesday night at the Diversey River Bowl in Chicago. Find more details under the “appearances” tab here on our site- where you’ll also find information about upcoming Sven appearances at the “Unknown World of the Paranormal” convention and the Elk Grove Library Comic Con! And-check back for more appearances coming up soon- as well as details on Sven’s big venture into the DC Comics Universe!

Join us tonight for creepy sci fi danger with a capital D - actually, with 4-D! ( No glasses necessary).


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 during show

Carl_N_Brown 61 months ago
Shades of CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND! A vast horde of 2,300 ascended on the town of Rachel outside Area 51 to demand The Truth about ETs and UFOs. The government responded by mass arrests of Three truthseekers (so far) on pretexts like no clothes, too much adult beverages. FREE THE AREA 51 THREE! THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE (in Roswell).
1MikeM Carl_N_Brown 61 months ago
Absolutely Carl, free the Area 51 Three!
MADave 61 months ago
Just popping in to sau good night got a big day tomorrow hope to see y’all at the movie
Catbat MADave 61 months ago
Good night 🛌 Please at least try and give me the line 🍻
daleuhlmann 61 months ago
Nina Foch (Nikki in THE RETURN OF THE VAMPIRE and Celeste the gypsy
werewolf in CRY OF THE WEREWOLF) and John Garland (who was once married to Scream Queen Beverly Garland) are on today's WAGON TRAIN episode. He was also in three Roger Corman horror favorites, ATTACK OF THE CRAB MONSTERS, THE UNDEAD, and X (AKA X, THE MAN WITH THE X-RAY EYES).
1MikeM daleuhlmann 61 months ago
Thanks Dale. Here's some more information about Nina Foch. She was married to James Lipton for a few years. Lipton was the host of that cable series Inside the Actors Studio. Many people refer to him as "the guy with the cards." I like that series. It really caught my attention. She was also in THE TEN COMMANDMENTS where she played Bithiah, the Egyptian mother of Moses. She was a year younger than Charlton Heston.
Catbat 1MikeM 61 months ago
James Lipton was the Bomb 💣🎞️
daleuhlmann 1MikeM 61 months ago
I always liked James Lipton. Nina Foch won a Best Supporting Actress Oscar for Executive Suite. She later became a renowned acting coach. One of her students was Nina Foch.
MADave 61 months ago
Hi gang apologies for not posting most of the week, I’ve been dog tired and super busy with preparations of my new position at work. Today I had a day off and mom and I did tons of shopping especially getting this year’s Halloween costume done all I need is feet, can you guess the costume? He’s furry and tall and flies a ship but he’s not Bigfoot! Tomorrow I am participating in a Special Olympics track and field meet and Sunday I’m going to a rescheduled block party in my town so I’ll be dog gone tired on Monday but I have to babysit my sister’s puppy until she comes home from work
MADave 61 months ago
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abc123 MADave 61 months ago
Let me Chewy on your clues before I guess...
MADave StephanieStepStone 61 months ago
Thanks Steph I already know 3/4 of what I’m doing already and the people are wicked awesome!
MADave abc123 61 months ago
daleuhlmann MADave 61 months ago
Is it Chewbacca?
Lynn MADave 61 months ago
Sounds great, Dave!
MADave daleuhlmann 61 months ago
You are correct Dale you are now blogger of the week congrats!
Jack 61 months ago
Some good comments goin’ on at the MeTV interview with Rich and Dan Didio:
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61 months ago
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1MikeM 61 months ago
Thanks Stephanie.
61 months ago
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61 months ago
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1MikeM 61 months ago
…..and dat was da 4D Man.....and dat's da name of dat tune....I really like the music from that movie. It was awesome...….but I think it could have used more cowbell.
1MikeM 61 months ago
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StephanieStepStone 61 months ago
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Jack 1MikeM 61 months ago
The soundtrack was like that from exploitation films from the early sixties, in which hip music, drugs, beatniks/hippies, motorcycles, and fast cars were to be the downfall of Western civilization, or at least some small town in California.
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Catbat 61 months ago
Pat S is your parody wizard
daleuhlmann 61 months ago
Sounds very promising!
Catbat 61 months ago
Good Svengoolie Saturday Eve Afternoon All!
Wasn't feeling to good last night after work so just takin it easy today. Been following the haps at Area 51. Pretty good turn out it looks like. Wish I could have made it. Well we got Sven and 13 Ghosts to look forward to 😊
All good vibes to the people in the Houston and surrounding areas.
Lynn Catbat 61 months ago
Take good care of yourself, Catbat!
DrClayton Catbat 61 months ago
You shoulda Stormed Area 51 with fish, shrimp, and chicken!!
daleuhlmann Catbat 61 months ago
Happy Svengoolie Saturday, dear! I wish we could have stormed Area 51 together today and rescued some aliens--and then treated them to LJS fish and chicken platters. Of course, I'd have dibs on the hush puppies!
TheKodakKid daleuhlmann 61 months ago
Yes, but Dale, what if the aliens looked like fish, chicken, or shrimp? Or hush puppies for that matter.
abc123 61 months ago
Does 13 Ghosts get 13 Snacks? 13 mini marshmallows ghost snacks?
Catbat abc123 61 months ago
13 crackers with scream cheese
Jack Catbat 61 months ago
13 ghost peppers stuffed with scream cheese?
CarrieLynnCastro 61 months ago
Happy Friday🦋
We made it through another week👻
"13 Ghost" will be coming through 4D and more takes alot of engery 😱 to make things move and
appear 🤤 the spirits
are almost here💀

Cool fall day 83* but going up too 90's for few 🌞 days then cool again!
Okay with me 🍁

Have a nice day Sven is almost here 🕸🎩👀🕸

Lynn CarrieLynnCastro 61 months ago
One more "official" summer weekend, please, before we fall into the autumn you crave. But I can't fault you for enjoying the fall-like weather. And of course, a good ghost story this weekend will be just right!

Good vibes to everyone dealing with mama nature!
Catbat Lynn 61 months ago
It's just too dang hot in the Central Valley Lynn. Fall is great if we get a fall. Looks like we might this year. Figures as soon as I leave. Haha 😂
Lynn Catbat 61 months ago
Wouldn't it just?
Jack 61 months ago
Hey group! From Talk Like a Pirate Day it’s become Talk Like an Alderman Day: Svengoolie to be honored by Chicago city council for 40th anniversary as a TV horror host. Ald. Raymond Lopez (15th) has proposed a resolution for the City Council to honor Rich Koz, the man who plays Svengoolie, in honor of the milestone anniversary. Lopez hopes to give the certificate to Svengoolie at a party in the host’s honor Oct. 26 at the Museum of Broadcast Communications, 360 N. State St. The museum is home to Sven’s retired set.

1MikeM Jack 61 months ago
Very cool!
PatS Jack 61 months ago
Larry and I went to the event when they unveiled the old Sven set. Lots of fun. Especially when the resolution was read, saying Svengoolie is famous everywhere including Berwyn -- dramatic pause -- and all 300 of us could chorus, "BERRRR-WYNNNN?"
daleuhlmann 61 months ago
Are the 13 ghosts, by any chance, 4th dimensional? Also, like Mega-packaged paper towels and toilet paper that are sold in bigger rolls so that, for example, 4 is the equivalent of 8, is each ghost packed with extra ectoplasm? If so, is 13 the equivalent of 26?
Lynn daleuhlmann 61 months ago
Oh Dale! Nobody told me there was going to be math involved!😎
daleuhlmann Lynn 61 months ago
Math? Why did it have to be math? (LOL)
daleuhlmann 61 months ago
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LarryTheTrainGuy 61 months ago
here is something for this week's movie
Islander 61 months ago
We are just about there. Another week long climb brings us to the pinnacle.
PatS 61 months ago
Jack and Deb -- hope you're okay down there in Texas. Please reassure us. Reports here that it's getting uncomfortably soggy, more than a foot of rain in some places. (Up in Chicago we'll get the remnants of Imelda around Saturday night and Sunday. Just the night for a thunderstorm!)
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Lucyc 61 months ago
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Jack StephanieStepStone 61 months ago
KBON… heh! Que bon!
Jack StephanieStepStone 61 months ago
Cajun fishnets?
Jack 61 months ago
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daleuhlmann 61 months ago
Remember, too, Albert Salmi's two appearances as the Sky Pirate, Captain Alonzo Tucker, on LOST IN SPACE?
I sure do remember
loved it 🚀
His deliberately over-the-top performance was wonderfully entertaining--a real hoot.
daleuhlmann 61 months ago
As we wind down Talk like a Pirate Day, remember a different kind of pirate movie from the 1980's, called THE ICE PIRATES?
Carl_N_Brown daleuhlmann 61 months ago
I remember it as a deliberately cheesy tongue-in-cheek fun movie that happened to hit my funny bone at the right time. (Don't remember a lot of detail.)

Oh, on Not Pirate Days are we expected to go "Raaaaaa"?
daleuhlmann Carl_N_Brown 61 months ago
Good question, Carl.
CarrieLynnCastro 61 months ago
Hi GhoulAsh45
Thank you nice days
are here again🍁
Fall is now a favorite
season of mine😉

Is it too early for Ghost
Story's 👻 This movie
13 Ghost is a good starter for the fall 🎃
I'm ready 📺🍿👀 for it
A haunted hotel very interesting 🕸😱🕸

GhoulAsh45 have a nice evening ☕
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