Murder Hornets? Rank Amateurs Next to"The Deadly Mantis"- on MeTV Tonight!

Posted on May 16, 2020

With all the news lately about murder hornets invading- and the fact that many of us feel like we’re being kept on ice due to the quarantine- it seems like the time to bring back the man-eating mantis menace that defrosted and created a one-bug infestation- it's "The Deadly Mantis!"

Like so many of these 1950s films, this one starts out with a sort of documentary to set up the story ( and maybe give it the air of scientific credibility?) We hear the narrator present the fact that “for every action, there is a reaction”-and, as proof, we first see a volcano erupting in the South Seas , followed by the reaction-the energy it releases heading across the globe, as far as the frigid far northern ice caps, where it cracks glaciers, and melts ice holding a long dormant prehistoric creature -frozen in the ice for centuries in a sort of suspended animation. Its long sleep is interrupted- and let’s just say it wakes up cranky!

After more high school science class film exposition, loaded with stock footage about establishing military bases way up North, we are briefed on the Dew Line (Distant Early Warning) System. A far northern Canadian Dew Line outpost has suddenly fallen silent and unresponsive. Col. Parkman, a dashing commanding officer, is sent to investigate- and is shocked to find the outpost totally destroyed- yet there is no sign of the personnel- not even bodies-on the premises! Even more disturbing and confusing-  a large oddly shaped imprint is spotted in the snow outside the shambles of the outpost.

Soon after this discovery, DEW line radar indicates an unauthorized unidentified flying object in the same area. Jets are scrambled to check it out- resulting in one plane being destroyed by something unknown. Col. Parkman heads out again to inspect this latest wreckage- and, in searching the destroyed aircraft, finds some large pointed object - which appears to be organic in nature! With no knowledge of what it might be, the military decides to call in an expert - Ned Jackson, a paleontologist who they hope will be able to identify what the object is- and what it came from!

Ned examines it, and thinks he knows its source- though he can scarcely believe his own theory. This spur-like thing may actually be a body part of a familiar carnivorous insect- but one of such great size, that there have not been any such creatures that huge since prehistoric times! There are more reports of mysterious carnage in the frozen North- and Ned, wanting to check on the validity of the conclusion he’s drawn, decides to head up there to try to discover what's going on first-hand- accompanied by Marge, the magazine editor at his museum headquarters, who has decided she needs to go with him to chronicle whatever he finds.

They fly to the Canadian DEW line base where they meet with Col. Parkman, and his staff, who react in stunned appreciation of Marge - since a woman is a rarity in their world. Unfortunately, they're about to meet an even greater rarity- a 200 foot long praying mantis that attacks their base!

After the incredible attack, the mantis takes off- and the military attempts to track where this gargantuan predator is going. It begins to instinctively head to the south where the climate is closer to its warm old prehistoric stomping grounds-while still searching for food to satiate its massive appetite! Its tour of international cuisine wends its way through various human taste treats- leading to it sampling the down-home flavor of American citizens- including a snack stop in Washington, D.C.- after which the big bug heads to New York to take a bite out of the Big Apple!

We are happy to be able to bring back this 1957 flick - featuring a cast that includes familiar TV faces like Craig Stevens and William Hopper, plus the lone female headliner Alix Talton. This is a brand new HD print of the film, and we’ll add to the entertainment with a Sven song, explain where certain stock footage came from (NOT the source many originally thought) and include a new chat with some talented friends of ours from the world of comics who are well known for their work on the further adventures of Harley Quinn- Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner!

“Deadly Mantis” thaws out on your screen on MeTV tonight at 8pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, and, if you’re not sure of what time or channel you can find us on in your area- you can check your local listings, or visit and click on “where to watch”. Our MeTV crew invites you to live -Tweet during the movie on Twitter- just use the hashtag #svengoolie - you'll often find us trending nationally during the show! Our Chicago area viewers will get another look at that traveling terrifying family in "Munster Go Home" this morning at 11 am on the U. We are very proud that last week’s run of that movie on MeTV broke ratings records, not just for our show, but for the entire MeTV network overall!

Stay safe and stay home tonight with Me- and pray our star won’t be preying on you!

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 during show

1MikeM 53 months ago
...and dat was The Deadly Mantis...and dat's da name of dat tune.
Matt 53 months ago
Ahhhh happy Sci-fi Friday everyone !
MADave Matt 53 months ago
You too Matt are ya ready to gurgle with the GARGOYLES?
Matt MADave 53 months ago
I am I am I'm ready for those Gar-things !
MADave 53 months ago
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MADave 53 months ago
I'm going to guess Berwyn will be top blogger in a few hours then Bill and then Dale
PatS 53 months ago
(Dave) Can't remember if the Gargoyles had any special qualities to their breath in this movie. I don't think they breathe fire like dragons. Of course, the traditional gargoyles (like the ones on Notre Dame) were there to drain water off the roof in storms, so it wouldn't trickle down the walls and dislodge the mortar. "Gargoyle" even sounds like the gurgle of water -- or gargle in one's gullet -- all related words. We'd need a plastic face shield if the Gargoyles decided to unload!
Catbat PatS 53 months ago
Gargoyles are protectors
JournalJeff2 53 months ago
Happy Svengoolie Eve!
Catbat JournalJeff2 53 months ago
Back atcha Journal Jeff!
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Klaatu 53 months ago
Wow thank! Outer Limits! I wish upon a Star that MeTV can buy the rights. Would be fun, especially on Svengoolie Saturday.
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Jack 53 months ago
So that’s how 6′3″ Jackman was able to play 5′3″ Wolverine!
NoPersonalChicks 53 months ago
I've done it. It works.
53 months ago
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53 months ago
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53 months ago
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MADave 53 months ago
With Happy Days premiering Monday on the summer of me if like to share my experience of meeting Henry "The Fonz" Winkler it was mother's day an X amount of years ago (sorry I don't remember the exact year) anyway he came to my hometown for a book signing/Q&A he even read a few paragraphs from his children's book Hank Zipzer after his performance we got autographs and I even presented him with a tracking of my thumb with Henry knows cool written on it, I forgot to mention that when I was waiting in line he walked to everyone shooked their hand and said "hello thank you for coming!"
NoPersonalChicks MADave 53 months ago
I have never heard anybody say one bad word about Mr. Winkler. Those who worked with him said it was a pleasure doing so. I remember seeing an interview about his children's books to inspire those with learning disabilities. I think he wrote a few. He's done a lot of voice work recently.
MADave 53 months ago
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MADave StephanieStepStone 53 months ago
The most wonderful human being I've ever met, Jay Leno was another I met
DrClayton MADave 53 months ago
"....the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life." [Just kidding. Winkler sounds like a great guy!]
MADave DrClayton 53 months ago
He was amazing wish I can see him again
FKrueger MADave 53 months ago
If you go to Milwaukee you can see a statue of The Fonz
JournalJeff2 FKrueger 53 months ago
Yes there is a bronze statue of da Fonz!
Happy Days and Laverne & Shirley were both set in Milwaukee.
MADave 53 months ago
Do you think the people in tomorrow night's movie could use face coverings so the GARGOYLES won't breathe on them see what I did there?
MADave 53 months ago
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daleuhlmann MADave 53 months ago
Good one, Dave!😆
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PatS 53 months ago
Well, yes... I could see a class of kids, with teacher and pianist. (In fact, I did -- my last class, March 16.) Trouble is, eight students' tuition would have to be sky-high to cover salaries, building expenses, office work, etc. I understand some companies are doing "virtual" classes -- each in his/her own space -- dancers are more inspired, getting corrections and knowing teacher is watching. Mostly recorded music from what I've seen on the webnet. Dedicated dancers, like sports participants, have to train every day, rules or no rules. Maybe in Phase 4 -- July?
53 months ago
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TheKodakKid 53 months ago
I found some masks that might be popular with the folks on this blog.

Please note, I’m not selling them. I’m not promoting the website on here, and, sadly, I don’t get a cut if anyone figures out where you can buy them.

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Jack TheKodakKid 53 months ago
I notice the color for the Spaceballs mask is schwartz!
deadringer42 TheKodakKid 53 months ago
Ok, everybody sing along: (y'all know the tune)

He did the mask, he did the monster mask
The monster mask, it was a graveyard chorus
He did the mask, it caught on in a virus
He did the mask, he did the monster mask
deadringer42 53 months ago
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deadringer42 53 months ago
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PatS 53 months ago
Maybe in June -- a June Bug?
BelleLugosi 53 months ago
Wishing you all a happy Sven Saturday. Going camping this weekend. This park gets a TV signal but no wifi, and I don't have a data plan. So if the weather doesn't ruin the signal I'll be watching, but I won't be here on the blog. Hope you all have a wonderful, wonderful weekend!
Klaatu BelleLugosi 53 months ago
Enjoy. Don’t get bogged down in the marshes...and look out for Gargoyles!
Klaatu BelleLugosi 53 months ago
I go bak to work a week from Monday so I’ll be REALLY enjoying my last two Svengoolie Saturdays!
BelleLugosi 53 months ago
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Lynn BelleLugosi 53 months ago
Enjoy, Belle!
Lynn 53 months ago
Happy Svengoolie Saturday Eve, everyone - enjoy!🌺
daleuhlmann 53 months ago
Good Svengoolie Saturday Eve, group! Last weekend, somebody should have sprayed for bugs. This weekend, we'll need to spray for gargoyles.
daleuhlmann 53 months ago
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daleuhlmann daDoctah 53 months ago
You betcha-- just don't ingest it! (LOL) 😆
FKrueger daDoctah 53 months ago
I think she drinks it
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