...No, Not the Candy Company- "Abbott and Costello Go to Mars" Tonight!

Posted on February 9, 2019

With the return of “Star Trek” to our Super Sci Fi Saturday Night line-up- we thought spotlighting another mission to seek out new life and boldly go where  no man has gone before- mainly, a planet of fabulous babes who have banned men- would be appropriate,  as the final frontier gets a boot in the rear when “Abbott and Costello Go to Mars”!

With this 1953 A & C adventure tying in with that era’s building interest in space exploration – we find Lou demonstrating to some kids how to fly a model airplane- with the usual type of disastrous results that has him looking for a place to hide- which ends up being a truck bound for a secret government base where –what a coincidence- Bud is working, unloading shipments. Due to some extremely lax security, Lou ends up on the inside of the compound, where they are expecting an important rocket scientist- and Lou is –what a coincidence- mistaken for him. When the real scientist arrives, there’s a confusing confrontation between himself and Costello that gets everyone confused – but, eventually, the real scientist meets with a committee deciding the destination for the next rocket set to be launched. Their decision ends up meaning nothing- because, as Bus and Lou are loading the ship with supplies, they accidentally end up launching the rocket – and becoming reluctant astronauts!

The spaceship makes several random passes at New York City before it finally heads out into the stratosphere. Bud and Lou, incompetent as they are, still somehow get the rocket to land on what they think is Mars ( assuming that Mars looks a great deal like a Louisiana bayou). Clad in bulky 1950s spacesuits, they stumble into an area where a well-known ( except to them) traditional springtime celebration is in full swing. They encounter revelers in various bizarre costumes, and think they are meeting alien life forms unknown to man! ( Note: there are some politically incorrect costumes in the mix). While our half-wit heroes are continuing their exploration, a couple of prison escapees fleeing through the bayou happen upon their space ship- and the two  criminals help themselves to space suits and weaponry- and use them to pull a high-tech bank robbery!

Authorities spread the word to be on the lookout for a duo of robbers dressed in space suits- so, of course, Bud and Lou are mistaken for the crooks and must escape the police dragnet! But- when they return to their ship- the real robbers are there to greet them! Captured by the bad men, more ineptitude results in the rocket being launched one more time - more successfully, since it breaks free from earth’s gravity and really does head out into outer space! Bud and Lou endure more run-ins with the robbers  as well as dangerous conditions in space, until they finally land on a distant planet...but-wrong again- it isn’t Mars ( …yes- the title lied to us…)!

This is Venus, populated by a race of beautiful women ( in actuality, played by various Miss Universe contestants) to whom men are their mortal enemy. Their lovely queen , for reasons she will reveal, has banned males for many years, but, somehow, Bud and Lou- (especially Lou)- find a way into the female race’s good graces -while the criminals scheme to take control- and anything else of value that isn’t nailed down. Can Lou win over the spacey sirens- or will he and the other men just underline the reasons why the Venus women despise guys?  And, if not- will they even be able to find their way to home sweet Earth?

Since movie audiences tastes were changing, and encounters with  Universal monsters  having run its course, Abbott and Costello made this attempt to get with the times and  attempt to garner some laughs from science fiction, in their own misguided way! We'll introduced you to the stars – see what I did there?-in our cast, including a specific female warrior guard, who appears only briefly, but went on to become much more visible in movies! Be prepared for some meteoric mirth of the Sven kind as well, as we present various space shtick we’ve done.

“Abbott and Costello Go to Mars” tonight on MeTV at 8pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, or check for local time and channel in your local listings or at www.metv.com.  Again, people who live-Tweet on Twitter during the show- using the hashtag #svengoolie- have been keeping us trending high nationally, so feel free to join them! In Chicago, local viewers can get grabbed by the infamous "Giant Claw" at 11 am on WCIU, the U!

Many thanks go out to the huge crowd that came to see me at the Reel Arts collectible store in Berwyn last Saturday. Arriving to see the line outside the store going around the block was pretty overwhelming! More appearances will be coming next month!

Be orbiting your TV set tonight for interstellar beauty and the boneheads ( not YOU, Tombstone)!

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 during show

Tygercat 68 months ago
I see that the new Sven action figure has sold out...hope everyone who wanted one got it.
DrClayton 68 months ago
"Centuries of passion pent up in his savage heart!"

(guess the Critter didn't get it out of his system on Valentine's Day!)
CarrieLynnCastro 68 months ago
TexasDeb sorry about your friend 🥀❤🥀
Take care🦋
Catbat 68 months ago
And the Angela save the day 👍
daleuhlmann 68 months ago
The cover of a later comic book version of CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON.
Catbat daleuhlmann 68 months ago
Hairy chest thing gross
daleuhlmann Catbat 68 months ago
Big hairy deal, huh?
Catbat daleuhlmann 68 months ago
There are ways to fix that you know
DrClayton Catbat 68 months ago
Them's ants...
PatS daleuhlmann 68 months ago
Well, the comic folks didn't miss the halter top...
Jack 68 months ago
Hi All,

TexasDeb here. Sorry I have been off the blog for a little while. Life has gotten in the way.

I know we are suppose to keep this to Sven topics, so I hope this is OK. My dear friend Robin Griffiths passed away unexpectedly Wednesday morning. For those of you at BBCIII, she was the Sven fan in the wheelchair at the viewing party. Even though she did not write on the blog, she read it every week. Robin and Katy watched Sven every Saturday. When Robin was in the hospital, Katy would tape it, so they could watch together. Robin was a dear friend, and i miss her.

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Stenzhorn Jack 68 months ago
Very sorry for the loss of your friend, but hope that each week the movies brings back a good memory of her.
abc123 Jack 68 months ago
remember the good time. remember the bad. all times spent with friends are found in the good.
LarryTheTrainGuy Jack 68 months ago
Oh dear Deb I'm so sorry that you lost your friend so soon. Take my condolences and know that PatS and Myself feel for you and Jack we will be with you in spirit
DrClayton Jack 68 months ago
My sincere condolences.
Ravenwoman 68 months ago
Good night and sweet dreams! Did I miss something? Is it wrong to give someone well wishes when they're sick? Did I do something wrong again?

PatS Ravenwoman 68 months ago
No, honey, not a problem. Sincerity is always appreciated. Take care of yourself and we'll see you on the next blog.
Ravenwoman PatS 68 months ago
Thanks so much, Pat! You made me feel better. Sometimes I feel that Sven hates me. 😢😭
Trout 68 months ago
Saw SvenAdministrator's notice, and will BOLO. Don't know what's up, I just know...
CarrieLynnCastro 68 months ago
Hope your all having a
nice Friday 😊

Crazy weather sun🌞 then rain🌧🌫🌧 then dark clouds then sun again and more rain😨

No hail here Cabat well
not yet 🤖stay safe!

No way I'm going out!
I think I'm to short to get hit by Lighting ⛈ ha!
Staying indoors safe and sound 🌧☔😉☔🌧

Scottie hope your not out in this weather be safe 🌫🌧🚣‍♂️🌧🌫 if you are out!
More rain and more rain
for next week and the next 🌊🚣‍♀️🌊 oh gosh!
Catbat CarrieLynnCastro 68 months ago
My MeTV is having a fit
dh CarrieLynnCastro 68 months ago
Never mind. You can stay inside and make a pile of treats to chow on for tomorrow night. Yum yum yum!
Catbat CarrieLynnCastro 68 months ago
I'm going to San Jose Sunday morning to see the boys. Might swing by on our way back. Remy is going with. If it's ok
CarrieLynnCastro Catbat 68 months ago
Oh no ⛈📺⛈ do still have your antenna
darn crazy weather😉
CarrieLynnCastro dh 68 months ago
Thanks dh will do
CarrieLynnCastro Catbat 68 months ago
Sure Catbat that will be nice 😍
DrClayton Catbat 68 months ago
Getting fishnets fitted?
CarrieLynnCastro 68 months ago
Catbat I love the picture of the Ducks walking in the puddle so cute
Catbat CarrieLynnCastro 68 months ago
Hon what's up with your Avitar? You're half way there
CarrieLynnCastro Catbat 68 months ago
Oh wow I have disappeared 😨
Now what!
CarrieLynnCastro 68 months ago
Thanks Sven 👍
Something was up😨
SvenAdministrator 68 months ago
Beware of former blog posters hiding behind new identities.
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It's like villain Alistair Ransom (Gerald Hammer) in the Sherlock Holmes mystery THE SCARLET CLAW, a murderer and former actor who takes any number of identities of people who have lived in the Canadian village he's been hiding out in: gardner, postman, etc. As Holmes tells the local bigwig, Lord Penrose, "He might even have been your butler, Drake."
Chameleons (camaleónes)...
PatS SvenAdministrator 68 months ago
Hope this doesn't mean we have to *SUSPECT* all newbies. IMO new bloggers can be forgiven a first-timer's flub. But not nasty stuff. Sad to think that "bad guys (gals)" are out there; I'd rather not live my life that way.
Ravenwoman PatS 68 months ago
It's crazy thinking, nothing happened. That's how you lose fans.
Catbat 68 months ago
Good Svengoolie Saturday Eve Afternoon All! Well The Creature could survive nicely around here. Downpours today even got some hail. Pulled up at the gym and there was a pair of Mallard ducks walking around in the parking lot.
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Lynn Catbat 68 months ago
It really is "fine weather for ducks", and you took a photo that proves it!
DrClayton Catbat 68 months ago
Catbat Trout 68 months ago
You know it. Only a Catbat can pull it off 🦆
Catbat DrClayton 68 months ago
Matt 68 months ago
Ahhhhhh Happy Sci-fi Friday everyone !!!

Can't wait for "Creature from the Black lagoon" CUE THE HEART ATTACK MUSIC !!!!!
dh Matt 68 months ago
Hi Matt
I am sooo ready for this movie! One of the best.
JournalJeff2 68 months ago
Breaking News: Here we go again. An active shooter has been apprehended in Aurora, Il. This shooting just happened at 3:00 PM local time. 2 people have been taken to the hospital. That is all the info. that I have. I would guess that our Chicago area bloggers will be getting more info from the local news.
dh JournalJeff2 68 months ago
Bad news, but can only hope for no fatalities.
TheKodakKid JournalJeff2 68 months ago
I know we have bloggers in the Chicago area, any in Aurora?
Ravenwoman 68 months ago
Thank you all so much! Oh, how I love💓🗽 all of you. I am okay, just woke up. I have been in bed with what appears to be the flu. Please don't worry about me, I'll bounce back!

I'm hoping to join you all tomorrow night for the Creature from the Black Lagoon! Now, I'm looking and feeling like him! 😆💓🗽🤧

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Lynn Ravenwoman 68 months ago
Sending good vibes, Ravenwoman! Get well soonest!
Ravenwoman dh 68 months ago
Thanks, sweetie! I'm okay, need some time and rest! I dig the song, nice! 😁👍🗽💓💋
dh Ravenwoman 68 months ago
Okay- be sure you have a lot of tissues because it sounds like you are going to have a "boogie" night (you see what I did there?)
scottieO Ravenwoman 68 months ago

Hope you feel better real soon!
CarrieLynnCastro 68 months ago
Hi Lynn🐙 glad your in a safe place and not getting pounded where you live as far as flooding 🌧⛈🌬
But I'm sure your 😨
getting lots of this
scary weather too!

They say there might be snow mixed in with the rain Sunday morning here in the Valley🌨🌧
I will watch for that one could be interesting!

It seems like the rain
☔will continue for a while more with a few days that will be dryer day's🌞 but not much.

Hopefully we get too spring soon with less and less rain🍃🦋🍃

Have a nice day 🤓

Lynn CarrieLynnCastro 68 months ago
Thank you Carrie! Everything is okay here. Please be good to yourself!
CarrieLynnCastro 68 months ago
Our movie for 📺
tomorrow is perfect
because of Valentine's
Day 🐸 the Creature was in love 🏊‍♀️ had to have her oh well at least he tried 💔🤢💔
That's love for you 😉

Have a great day out there 👻❣👻
dh CarrieLynnCastro 68 months ago
Poor Uncle Gilbert
At least he got to practice carrying her over the threshold!
Hi, Carrie! How are you doing?
Hi Dale doing well been a little busy getting things in order still working on it 🙄 that needed attention!
Hope your doing well
Dale 🐝
Hope spring will get here soon🌷
Take care 💝
CarrieLynnCastro dh 68 months ago
dh well that's better
then nothing at all💔
Thanks, Carrie!
CarrieLynnCastro 68 months ago
Happy Friday🌞
No sun out here but
maybe 🌧⛅🌧 soon!

Yesterday the weather maker blew its top very
windy conditions 🌬
not much rain.
So windy it snapped some branches on my favorite huge plant all
in bloomed in blue...oh well!
I need to trim it back and it will grow back 🐝
very strong winds were knocking down tree's
everywhere and lights out in some places in Fresno and Clovis.
Flooding in some places too 🌳🌧🌳
Rain still on it's way😨
hope it ends soon to dryer days 🌞

I just might be floating
down your way soon😉

Catbat hope your 😁 antenna stayed put🌬

Keep dry everyone 🤖
and safe 💙
MADave 68 months ago
Good afternoon goolies and gooliettes I’m listening to the newest Elvis cd that was released today entitled THE BEST OF THE ‘68 SPECIAL the first 15 tracks are from the 1968 tv special with four more
bonus tracks, the last one is IF I CAN DREAM by Elvis Presley featuring Post Malone, Shawn Mendes, Blake Shelton and Carrie Underwood. I’ll be watching the tv specialthis Sunday night
MADave MADave 68 months ago
Forgot to mention that it also comes with a dvd of the original 1968 tv special.
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