No, Santa, You WON'T See Her When She's Sleeping- "The Invisible Woman"-Tonight!

Posted on December 19, 2020

Since we are less than a week away from Christmas- we will, as we usually try to, keep things a little lighter- so, tonight on MeTV-we're bringing you a present that, once it's unwrapped- can't be seen! You guessed it- it's the "Invisible Woman"!

Our story does have some similarity to current situations and the Christmas season- poor Kitty Carroll, a department store model, finds herself unemployed- thanks to her malevolent and tyrannical Scrooge of a boss, Mr. Growley, who has been mistreating her and her co-workers. Desperate for a new way to earn a living, she answers an ad placed by crackpot inventor Professor Gibbs- whose work is funded by ne'er-do-well playboy Dick Russell, whose misdeeds are dwindling his millions rapidly.

As screwy as he seems, the Professor actually knows his stuff- well enough to have invented a machine that will render people invisible! At this point, all he needs is a human subject to test it out on- hence his want ad that has drawn Kitty to his lab.

Kitty feels she has nothing to lose ( except visibility, perhaps?!) and agrees to undergo the experiment. The end result is- the miss is still there, but ends up missing from view- so, the experiment works! Naturally, the first thing on Kitty's mind is getting back at her nasty former boss, as revenge for herself and her model sisterhood- but things get complicated when the nearly-destitute  playboy Russell finds the invisible lass intriguing; and by a deported mobster, Blackie, who learns about the Professor's machine, and realizes that he could use it to become invisible and return to America! He sends his half-witted henchmen to steal it-but when the thugs bring him the machine at his Mexican hideout, they can't get it to work. Then, Kitty shows up there- literally -as she suddenly becomes visible again for the moment- leading to a see-through showdown!

This 1940 film is a definitely more light-hearted than some of the other entries in the Universal "Invisible" series ( Hint: you may see a couple of those early in the new year on our show)! The cast in this one includes many familiar favorites, like charming Virginia Bruce as the woman herself, Kitty, and running the gamut from Margaret Hamilton and John Barrymore (of all people!)- to Charlie Ruggles and even 3rd Stooge Shemp Howard!  We’ll tell you about the actors, and- bring you the usual Sven shtick along with a seasonal visit from a tree salesman, and our original chat with Vincent Price's daughter Victoria- and, if you watch the program carefully, you may just see a quick cameo by one of our MeTV stars!

“Invisible Woman” can be seen ( ironic, isn’t it?) tonight at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 pm central, or check your local listings-or at for channel and time where you watch. You can live-Tweet with the show on Twitter with all the fans who do so every Saturday night- just use the hashtag  #svengoolie .Chicago area viewers get another look at Bela Lugosi in “Return of the Vampire” at 11 am on our main local station, CW26 .

Just a note of appreciation to everyone who has been shopping in our store          ( yes, I have one) – you can still order items as gifts, but, since delivery by Christmas is not possible at this point- you can be creative- create your own coupon to present to the future recipient of the item, redeemable once it arrives!

Warmest holiday wishes to all of you- we know it’s been a difficult year, and many of us will not be able to enjoy the season with those who mean the most to us. But- especially now, more than ever, we should make the effort to spread goodwill towards ALL our fellow men (and women-even the invisible ones!)- and keep hope and charity in our hearts. Better times WILL be coming- hopefully soon, so keep your spirits up. As for me, as I always say- all of you have given me the best gift- your love and support- for which I am honored and grateful.

Please tune in tonight-because, though she may not be Mrs. Claus-  we think the Invisible Woman will definitely brighten your holiday season tonight!

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 during show

VoxOptimatium 45 months ago
Hello, All. I'm a newbie to your wonderful blog, but a longtime Sveniac (or is it Svenatic?). It's a privilege to be here with you.
Catbat 46 months ago
Merry Christmas 🎄 All!
Sorry I ain't been around much .Not my best time of year.
Wanted y'all to know how much I love you all ❤️
Sven and all the Crew. I thank and love 💖 you all so much.
Thank you all for being the glue that holds me together.
Happy Holly Days
gabste Catbat 45 months ago
We love you too Catbat !
Bill_K 46 months ago
Good Evening, Everyone:

No, not putting in a review this week. Between my little jaunt to Hampden last night and a full day with family (via zoom) today, I just have not had the time to put anything together and am kind of tired.

Hope your Christmases were good ones and will talk to you tomorrow!
MADave Bill_K 46 months ago
Goodnight Bill
Jack Bill_K 46 months ago
Happy Christmas, Bill, and stay healthy!
gabste Bill_K 45 months ago
Merry Christmas Bill K ! 😊🤗
MADave 46 months ago
I was rummaging through my closet and found a small Marvin the Martian plush I think a friend at work gave it to me he will be my companion for watching the cartoons on Metv next Saturday
gabste MADave 45 months ago
That's cool ! Take a pic of him 😃
Klaatu 46 months ago
60 minutes until I’m not first to post in the new Blog😋
dh Klaatu 46 months ago
Who's on First?
gabste Klaatu 45 months ago
Ssme here !
dh 46 months ago
MADave dh 46 months ago
I heard about this and made me think of my some of my relatives who live in Florida
gabste dh 45 months ago
Poor things 🦎
vettenoir 46 months ago
Just dropping in to wish everyone a Merry Christmas from the Great White North, home of Santa Claus. 🙂 I hope you all had a good one!
gabste vettenoir 45 months ago
Nice ! Sometimes I miss the snow. Merry Christmas vettenoir ☃️❄🎄
BelleLugosi vettenoir 45 months ago
We woke up to 5 inches Christmas morn, and maybe got another inch or 2 over the course of the day. They didn't even send the plow through until about 9 this a.m. I'd say that probably just a pitiful dusting to you all. Couldn't be a better year for this mess for us though since we can't really see anyone. Hope your holiday was holly/jolly.
vettenoir BelleLugosi 45 months ago
It was a quiet, but enjoyable Christmas here in our bubble of 4 - 2 people and 2 cats. We got about 3" of snow - just enough for a "white" Christmas. However travel about 100 miles north of here and they got serious snow, > 15". We are lucky (at least from my perspective) to be in an 'anti-snow belt' here.
dh 46 months ago
Speaking of dragons, we have been issued a FALLING IGUANAS WARNING... seriously, you can't make stuff like this up!
Jack 46 months ago
(Texas Deb here) Because of the pandemic, I am currently working from a co-workers kitchen table. When I came home yesterday, there was a stocking left at my door by my manager. I just had a chance to look at it now. It had hand sanitizer, chocolate, a note pad, and…a rubber flinging chicken! I guess I have mentioned Sven a lot more than I thought at our weekly group zoom meetings!
MADave Jack 46 months ago
Cool gifts Deb
dh Jack 46 months ago
That sounds like a fun & thoughtful gift for you :)
TheKodakKid Jack 46 months ago
Deb, I got this from my manager.

Part of the note she included in my Christmas card said she enjoys the stories about me and my friends (which often involves folks from this blog).
gabste Jack 45 months ago
🤣 fun gifts!
gabste 46 months ago
Hello Everybody ! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas ! I did ! Christmas is always difficult for me but my parents would want me to be happy ! I will be back to read the whole blog. I just wanted to say Merry Christmas to all and Sven 🤗
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gabste Islander 45 months ago
I had fun with hubby. The wind was crazy here but not as bad as the last hurricane ! Hope you had a good Christmas too !🤗
gabste vettenoir 45 months ago
Thank you vettenoir !
gabste Bill_K 45 months ago
Thank you so much Bill K ! I know it must have been extremely difficult for you this year. It is so true about friends. We had some phone calls that really cheered me up. My Brother called and other siblings texted. I appreciate them more than ever when I hear from them. So many wonderful people on this board. New friends and old friends are a family that is a delightful part of my life. They all give me great happiness that I cherish so. I hope you have solace in that we all appreciate you on this board, our "old" friend Love gabste
gabste 1MikeM 45 months ago
Mike Mmmmmmmm Helllooooooooooo 🤣🤣🤣 Did youuuu get alotttt of presentsssssss ? Or wererree ya naughty ? 😀😅
MADave 46 months ago
All this talk about dragons, I'm going to give you my personal favorite growing up and it is Pete's Dragon I saw the remake but it wasn't quite my cup of tea but no doubt it was a good movie, I used to have the storybook version on record (yes I am that old) I also had Star Wars and The Rescuers
Catbat MADave 46 months ago
Me too!And you aren't that old
gabste MADave 45 months ago
I love dragons !
dh 46 months ago
Merry Christmas one and all! 🎄🌲🎁🎄🌟
gabste dh 45 months ago
Merry Christmas !!!!
Cessna1960 46 months ago
My cousin just chimed in and said what about "Ghidora" and "Rodan" from the Godzilla franchise ?....I don't know if either of those two could be classified as was always billed as Ghidora the three headed Monster in movie listings. plus Ghidora didn't originate from here on Earth either...but they both seemed to favor a dragon-like creature..
Cessna1960 46 months ago
There have been many movies featuring dragons over the years...over time special effects and CGI got better and one of the earlier ones that really broke the improved visual effects era was 1981s "Dragonslayer" starring Peter had the familiar plot which required a village to sacrifice a virgin on a regular basis so as not to be reduced to cinder and me in a 1981 the fire breathing dragons were impressive...the movie was also nominated for two Oscars , including visual effects !!....more recently was "Reign of Fire" with Christian Bale and the dastardly "Smaug" in the "Hobbit" trilogy..
Klaatu Cessna1960 46 months ago
Dragonslayer was a great movie. I’m probably nuts, but I always thought that the king, who appeared after the dragon was slayed and took credit for the feat, was similar to what happens when we work for a large company. The daily workers “slay” the dragon, then the CEO takes the credit. But, that’s life🤔
Cessna1960 Klaatu 46 months ago
I agree Klaatu....someone's always taking credit for someone else's you the King and other rulers did that to save face or do it in fear of being deposed ??
Cessna1960 Klaatu 46 months ago
Often in those kingdoms back then the King would send his best knight or hire someone brave enough to fight or slay whatever monstrosity was threatening the populace....the reward was usually a lot og gold or the hand of the Kings daughter in marriage....
DrClayton Klaatu 46 months ago
Classic office humor - 7 Phases of a Project:

1. Wild enthusiasm

2. Disillusionment

3. Confusion

4. Panic

5. Search for the guilty

6. Punishment of the innocent

7. Awards & promotions for non-participants

Klaatu DrClayton 46 months ago
😆😆🤣🤣 So true.
gabste Cessna1960 45 months ago
All those movies were great. I really lile Reign of Fire and of course LOTR
Cessna1960 46 months ago
In the movie trailer Sven has it shows scenes of early Hollywood depictions of dragons that seemed to rely heavily on glueing on fake dorsal fins on young crocodiles and lizards which seemed to be used in many films in the 50s and 60s such as Journey to the center of the Earth and others...those fake "fins" didn't seem to hold up well and flopped around while the "dragon" was running amock.....also in the trailer is what looks to be a menacing possum and a "Morlock" look a like....needless to say I am looking forward to Svengoolie tomorrow night !!!
Klaatu Cessna1960 46 months ago
And eventually the ASPCA made it illegal to abuse reptiles with fin glued on. They ruined great giant lizard movies.🤣
Islander Klaatu 46 months ago
Yes, and thank god for Flex Tape
TheKodakKid Cessna1960 46 months ago
Sven will usually mention these things when he shows these films. That’s one of the great things about his show, you get all the extra info. Plus, he’ll usually make fun of them right along with them.
Cessna1960 TheKodakKid 46 months ago
Agreed Kodakkid !!!.....Sven does it so much better and has a much better "library" of facts than I ever will....Sven has gotten me into the habit of doing my own homework on these old treasures and learning things that bring back so many memories...
Klaatu 46 months ago
A properly wrapped gift from my son. He obviously knows who I consider tops:
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Klaatu Drang 46 months ago
With extra rum!
DrClayton Islander 46 months ago
Are we klinking with milk these days??
gabste Klaatu 45 months ago
Very sweet !
Islander 46 months ago
Oh joy. For Christmas , I got a big box of customized insurance from Liberty Mutual. You only pay for what you need.

I wanted a bike.
TheKodakKid Islander 46 months ago
Not as disappointing as some other gifts you received, I’m sure.

On the plus side, Harley will probably enjoy sinking his teeth into his.

I know you kind of had your heart set on a new Justin Bieber watch. I talked to Santa. He said that if you were a good boy next year, he might bring you one of these.
Islander TheKodakKid 46 months ago


We are enjoying the bear book and Harley his Scooby snacks. Thank you
Jack TheKodakKid 46 months ago
But do they repel bullets?
gabste Islander 45 months ago
At least you got a present !
CarrieCastro 46 months ago
CarrieCastro CarrieCastro 46 months ago
Well I tried sending
a picture of tiny I guess it did not work
Aceman2 CarrieCastro 46 months ago
If you blog on the site here is what to do. Save the picture on your computer. Go to the blog and log in. When you go to post there are 3 buttons with no labels to the left of the "POST" button; a smiley face, a youtube, and a picture button. Click the picture button, it will say "upload a file:" and below that is a "Browse" button that you need to click. Go find your picture file name on your computer and click on it then click "open". Finally hit the big red "POST" button.
CarrieCastro 46 months ago
Merry Christmas
to all and Sven🎅
From me and Tiny
big fan 📺🐩 Jess
my husband⛄
Have a nice day 🎠
Cessna1960 CarrieCastro 46 months ago
Merry Christmas to you as well Carrie!!
Bill_K CarrieCastro 46 months ago
Merry Christmas, Carrie!
gabste CarrieCastro 45 months ago
Merry Christmas Carrie !
Jack 46 months ago
Hey group!

Anybody remember riding in one of these when they were a kid?There was a fleet of three Santa's Rocket Ships, one Rocket Sleigh and a Space Sleigh, traveling to shopping centers and malls in the “southern and southwest parts” of the US in the 1950s, 1960s, and early 1970s, according an article in _Jalopnik_ []. Until 1974, they were built and operated by Lloyd Laster of Tyler, TX. This makes perfect sense considering all the Christmas tree farms and poinsettia nurseries in East Texas, and the big fruitcake bakery in Corsicana. The “warp nacelles” on the version picture about suggest it was built after the 1966 televison season had introduced _Star Trek_.

I thought my brother and I had ridden one when we lived in Terre Haute, IN, but that’s not exactly the southern part of the country. However, a page from the 5 December 1968 _Terre Haute Tribune_ proves my memory wasn’t faulty.
Cessna1960 Jack 46 months ago
Merry Christmas Jack !! "retro rocket ship/car"
Jack Cessna1960 46 months ago
While searching for just the right image, I found “Santa’s Rocket Ship” indexed under “retro-futurism.” It definitely gives me a case of Gernsback Continuum. Where’s my personal jetpack? It’s freaking 2020 already!
Klaatu Jack 46 months ago
That is cool! Right out of my childhood. Way better than the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile!
Jack Klaatu 46 months ago
Don’t knock the Weinermobile!
gabste Jack 45 months ago
No !
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