Observe the Satanic Speed Limit When You’re Driven Crazy by “The Car” -Tonight!

Posted on July 1, 2023

Buckle up for a ride with a violent vehicle that leaves no one any defense against its fenders- when citizens of a small desert town are plagued by the deadly and devilish driverless destruction of- "The Car"!

In 1977, "roadkill" movies seemed to be in vogue, with "Christine" and "Maximum Overdrive" in theatres- and they were joined by this film (which opens with a quote from the late leader of "the Church of Satan"!? ) – which starts out serenely enough with two bicyclists cruising through a canyon-when a mysterious black car seems to decide that the road isn’t big enough for all of them! Soon after, a French horn-playing hitchhiker finds out he can’t compete with the strange car’s horn- in the worst way!


Police deputy Wade Parent, single father of two girls and boyfriend to a local school teacher, is called upon to investigate- with little help from a wife-abusing citizen who witnessed what happened to the horn player. The situation becomes more tense when another killing hits close to home for the local police force- and more events all seem connected- the victims were done in by a large black car with no license plate - and an unseen driver.

Deputy Wade becomes concerned and decides on cancelling any public events- but his girlfriend, school teacher Lauren, needs to hold outdoor practices with her school marching band. Reluctantly, Wade finally has a compromise- there will be a rehearsal, but with a police guard!

During rehearsal, an eerie wind blows up- and, once again, the mysterious car attacks! The students and faculty still can't see any driver (keep in mind- an earlier witness to one of the deadly events says there WAS no driver!) and, as the car speeds away into the desert, the police give chase- with more tragic results. Wade has his own run-in with the "angry auto"- and it seems that even bullets have no effect on it!

With the car still on the loose, Wade is worried about protecting not just the citizens, but also Lauren - and his two daughters! More lives are lost, with the Satanic automobile seeming to be choosing its victims. In desperation, Wade must create a dangerous plan to stop the motorized menace. This leads to a final showdown between man and a maniacal machine that appears to be driven by supernatural powers! (Plus- power steering, power brakes...)

This film has many nail-biting moments, and some have said it actually is a bit more logical than the Dennis Weaver film “Duel”- to some extent. We'll run down (oops- poor choice of words) the cast, including James Brolin, Ronny Cox, "The Godfather" alumnus John Marley, and even some future "Real Housewives"-plus, the car itself, created by the late George Barris! We’ll also get a lot of milage from the usual Sven fun- with a parody of a certain cartoon seen on “Tune In With Me”- a chat with one of the talented artists who has contributed to the upcoming Svengoolie comic book, as well a few moments with a terrific actor who had plagued Clark Kent on TV. We also bring back our version of a commercial we once took Liberty with-and more!

"The Car" roars into view on MeTV tonight at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, or -check local listings or at www.metv.com for time and channel in your area. We appreciate all the viewers who were live-Tweeting during the show on Twitter last week, keeping us right at the top of most posted-about topics national; and invite you all to do it again tonight! Our Chicago area audience can get a second look at the frightening “Fiend Without a Face” at 11 am on CW26.

Have you taken a look at the first new t-shirt in the latest 2023 series of the Sven artist collection? The terrific colorful artwork by Mark Spears is getting rave reviews- check it out and get yours today!

Big news about the early August Sven appearance at Flashback Weekend in Rosemont, IL will be coming soon- but first,the Svengoolie comic book – available at comic book shops starting July 12! Check under our “appearances” tab here for details on a special Friday the 14th signing event.

But tonight- keep your eyes on the road- uh, the movie- and fasten your seat belts for a scary ride with "the Car"!

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 during show

SFC 2 months ago
Watched a '23 movie called Late Nite with the Devil with David Dastmalchian as he does his pilot for his t.v. program. His opening monologue says: "his parents are watching the Late Show Night show in Berwyn, IL. I thought Swen and Kerwyn would find some humor in that?
daleuhlmann 8 months ago
Reincarnation is also known as "transmigration."
1MikeM 20 months ago
6 hours until the first comment!
abc123 20 months ago
Decided to try my hand at making a .gif file in place of a video. Will not win any "Outstanding Achievement" awards, but I don't think it is Razzie material either...
abc123 abc123 20 months ago
Just got my new Sven T shirt in the mail just now. Wear it tomorrow during the movie, wash it, and have it ready for Blog Cast 8!
Yvette abc123 20 months ago
Oh boy I get to meet another blogger. See you at BBVIII.
Klaatu 20 months ago
I don’t have a specific Ghoulies meal for tomorrow. My original plan was to make Spaghetti alla Nerano, which is Spaghetti with fried zucchini, Parmesan Reggiano, grated Provolone, garlic, olive oil and chili flakes. Grilled bone-in chicken breasts and of course Garlic Bread alla Klaatu. BUT that is now Sundays meal due to visitors changing plans, and tomorrow will be simple Bacon-Lettuce-Tomato sandwiches 🥪. I’ll use avocado on my sandwich.
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Klaatu Cartoondave 20 months ago
That sounds more movie-like than my sandwich.
Klaatu Katink 20 months ago
Ghoul whip 🤣🤣
Katink Klaatu 20 months ago
Ghoul Whip will make any dessert a themed dessert this week, Klaatu!
PatS Klaatu 20 months ago
Isn't there a scene (in the trailer) in which a girl or ghoulie (or hybrid) shoots out her tongue like a frog? I think the sound effect (in Batman style) would be "BLAT!" So there you are.
Cartoondave 20 months ago
Exciting news I ordered the new Svengoolie artist t-shirt but the only thing it recognized my sister's email account but not mine talk about weird huh?
Yvette Cartoondave 20 months ago
Cartoondave Yvette 20 months ago
Well at least my shirt is on its way right Yvette?
Klaatu 20 months ago
On our way to the New Blog, let’s stop off at this roadside attraction:
Cartoondave Klaatu 20 months ago
Been to Vegas long time ago major fun and met Elvis tribute artists
NoPersonalChicks 20 months ago
Joanna Lumley, Jenny Hanley and Madeline Smith. All three appeared in Hammer features and Bond movies. All three are in their 70s and still active in the business. I got a lot of laughs from Ms. Lumley's character in Ab Fab.
Yvette NoPersonalChicks 20 months ago
Love AbFab. Absolutely Fabulous darling. ❤️
CountCurt 20 months ago

I would like to know what the demonic speed limit.

Please refresh me. There was a time where the freeway speed limit was reduced from 70 mph to 55 mph. I believe that it was connected to an Arab oil embargo… faded memories of my youth.
TheKodakKid CountCurt 20 months ago
Off the top of my head, I’d guess that the Satanic Speed Limit would be 666.
Klaatu TheKodakKid 20 months ago
VanGooliac CountCurt 20 months ago
I’d go to Germany if I were a demon.
The autobahn has NO speed limit!
CountCurt TheKodakKid 20 months ago
That is a scary speed!
CountCurt VanGooliac 20 months ago
Been on it. I feel the need for speed!
Katink 20 months ago
Heading out to our local minor league ballpark⚾️ to see the Timber Rattlers🐍 take on the Sky Carp🦈. Should be home in plenty of time for the race🐎 to the new blog!
VanGooliac Katink 20 months ago
I can’t wait to see what Ghoul-ish avatar you come up with this week, Katink!
Katink VanGooliac 20 months ago
😁 I hope it doesn't disappoint, VanGooliac!
VanGooliac Katink 20 months ago
Not at all, Katink
1MikeM 20 months ago
When they showed SMOKEY AND THE BANDIT on regular tv it was edited-for-television, of course. They had the "substitute language" for all the swearing. For example, Jackie Gleason as Sheriff Buford T. Justice calling Bandit a "dirty lousy no-good crumb bum!" or whatever he called him.
CountCurt 1MikeM 20 months ago
If they showed Smokey and the Bandit on our Canadian CBC, it would not be sensored. My mother was always in shock. She was never a prud about subject matter but did not like crude language. She felt it was not necessary.

Today when you watch programs on Netflix etc, the language used makes the language in 70s and 80s ( the enlightened decades) seem so tame.

Another subject. I thought Jackie Gleason was a very talented man.
1MikeM CountCurt 20 months ago
Yep, Jackie Gleason was indeed "The Great One" I enjoyed his work as Ralph Kramden on The Honeymooners including the lost episodes.
VanGooliac 1MikeM 20 months ago
One of these days, Alice…POW! Right in the kisser!
Just try getting away with that on a prime time network sitcom today!
VanGooliac 1MikeM 20 months ago
And without Ralph Kramden there would be no Fred Flintstone.
CountCurt 1MikeM 20 months ago
Put him with Art Carney. Pure magic!
CountCurt VanGooliac 20 months ago
100% true, Yabba Dabba Doo
PatS 1MikeM 20 months ago
True of Smokey maybe (I wasn't a watcher) but doubly true for M*A*S*H. Colonel Potter (Henry Morgan) managed to evoke Army abuse with such bellowed invectives as "Mule Fritters!" (Credit due to the writers, too, eh?)
1MikeM 20 months ago
I was hoping they would have showed the end credits of the movie with bloopers. Hal Needham.
CountCurt 1MikeM 20 months ago
Love bloopers!
DrFish28136 20 months ago
Drang DrFish28136 20 months ago
Klaatu DrFish28136 20 months ago
I wonder, before he became an ex-Kahn, if his cell block was wrapped in Corinthian Leather?
DrFish28136 20 months ago
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Engineer_Poelzig Drang 20 months ago
Thank You, I'll be here all night!
CountCurt 20 months ago

I was watching Perry Mason last night. There were two little old ladies in the episode. One looked so familiar to me. I then realized that she was one of the aliens in the Star Trek pilot called the Cage. I recognized her as her eyes 👀 were so distinct.
CountCurt 20 months ago
When I think of Perry Mason, I think of an old slogan “A day without orange juice is like a day without sun”. So a day without reference to Perry Mason is like a day without Sven.
MrsG 20 months ago
📣 Cowboys Alert 🤠
Carroll O’Connor guests in today’s BONANZA episode (1963)
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Jack CountCurt 20 months ago
Barbacoa de cabeza de res...
CountCurt MrsG 20 months ago
He’s good
CountCurt Jack 20 months ago
Now that is impressive!
Katink Jack 20 months ago
Oh dear!
daleuhlmann 20 months ago
As we prepare to file for a non-op and store "The Car" away for a while, it has occurred to me that the spate of demonic motor vehicle movies may have always reflected the ambivalence and fickleness of owners. We often regard our vehices as status symbols and bestow loving care (washes and waxes) and regular preventive maintenance on them. However, once they start breaking down and beginning to stop totally serving OUR needs, we often stop loving them and start calling them piles of junk that are now costing us money that we are either unwilling or unable to spend. Perhaps the genre of movies to which THE CAR belongs reflects the suspicion that vehicles sometimes seem deliberately out to victimize us and make our lives miserable.
Lynn daleuhlmann 20 months ago
I dunno, Dale. I once has a car that my friend dubbed "the green Christine". It probably deserved it, but that car kept me going at a difficult time. I think THE CAR is in an entirely different category.
Lynn daleuhlmann 20 months ago
daleuhlmann Lynn 20 months ago
Possibly so.
Aceman2 daleuhlmann 20 months ago
In the TZ episode A THING ABOUT MACHINES (1960), Bad-tempered Bartlett Finchley begins to sense that machines don't like him. That includes his car, electric razor, and others.

CountCurt daleuhlmann 20 months ago
Dale, when I read this, I see a parallel to the aging in our society and how they are treated.
daleuhlmann CountCurt 20 months ago
That's an excellent analogy, Count!
daleuhlmann Aceman2 20 months ago
Yes, a very memorable episode.
Yvette 20 months ago
Attention All You Perry Mason Geeks out there. I mean that in the most affectionate way. ❤️Don’t forget to watch tonight. It’s 11:30 PM ET for those of us on the East Coast, so adjust to your time schedule. This is the one and only case that Perry Mason lost. Even I want to see this one, and I don’t usually watch the show. So take a nap now, or take some No Doze, but don’t miss it, be there or be square LOL 😂!!
Lynn Yvette 20 months ago
Appreciate the heads up, Yvette. I've seen it, but it has been far too long ago.😎
CountCurt Yvette 20 months ago
Yvette, thank you for the heads. I always wanted to see that one, I wonder if at the end of the episode Perry goes to the bar and drowns his sorrows. I hope he didn’t lose to Mr. Burger. He would never hear the end of it.
DraculasStarterWife Yvette 20 months ago
Thank you Yvette. I adore Mr. Mason
Carl_N_Brown Yvette 20 months ago
Thank you. I heard about that episode and thought it was apocryphal.
Yvette Carl_N_Brown 20 months ago
Well alrighty then 😉. Of course I had to look that up!
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