People Would Be Less Frightened If They Wore Masks- for a Different Reason! It's "Munster Go Home"- Tonight!

Posted on May 9, 2020

Since Herman Munster never seemed to follow instructions very well, it’s no surprise that, tonight on MeTV, instead of following the admonishments to stay home for safety- he would actually travel with his freaky family as far away as  Great Britain to claim his rightful place among English aristocracy- resulting in an uprising among the citizenry and treachery from the British branch of his own relatives embodied by the outcry of-"Munster Go Home"!

This horror-comedy, with deep roots in television history, is close to equal stature with “ The Ghost and Mr. Chicken” as one of the most requested movies from our Sven library! It all kicks of when Herman comes home from work and walks smack into a family meeting that seems to foretell something serious The mood changes when Lily gives Herman the news that he has inherited his adopted family's estate in England- along with the official title of lordship! The newly-appointed "Lord Munster" and his family depart from their haunted home at 1313 Mockingbird Lane, and board an ocean liner bound for Great Britain. Traveling on the high seas causes some high seasickness in Herman, who ends up looking even greener than usual. Grandpa’s got a potion to change Herman’s condition-but it ends up changing HIM instead- and not for the better! While all this is taking place, Marilyn, the Munsters’ niece  cursed with being a pretty young woman with no resemblance to any horror creature, seems to be on the verge of a shipboard romance with a handsome English lad. He has a beautiful car he’s taking across the pond on the ship- but ends up making Marilyn get cross with him. So much for a melding of beauty and the Brit !

Meanwhile, the situation at the about-to-be-inherited Munster Hall in England is getting tense. The current residents- Herman’s evil British relatives - are dead set against Herman stepping in to take over the estate and the title of Lordship, infringing on their rights and station. They begin hatching nasty plots to stop their American cousin- permanently! When the Munsters finally make their arrival at Munster Hall, they are “greeted” by dastardly cousin Freddie, his sister Grace, and Aunt Effigie. On the very first night in the manor, the scheming British Munsters launch their scheme to frighten the American interlopers away- not realizing that scares are their cup of tea – or hemlock. It’s decided that extreme and deadly measures are necessary in order to retain their home and insure that the title of lord of the manor will end up with fiendish Freddie.

When Marilyn sets out on a bicycle to explore the local countryside- she quite literally runs into the patriarch of a neighboring estate. She is warmly welcomed to the gentleman’s home- until it is discovered who she is, since this upper-class family has a long standing feud with the Munster family! Not only that- but she finds her shipboard Romeo makes a sudden re-appearance- and is the son of this family! As sworn enemies of the Munster clan, they no longer welcome Marilyn-who is quite ready to leave once she spots their offensive offspring –and soon, the locals follow suit in making the Munsters feel like outcasts. It falls to Herman to redeem his family’s good name, and prove worthy of his new title, by winning the area's yearly road race - in spite of the opposing family in their feud, and the treacherous members of his own familial group !

This 1966 film was the first time fans would see the Munster family not only on the big screen, but also in color-as well as the first appearance of the famed “Drag-u-la” hot rod designed for the movie (and then brought into the TV show) by the late George Barris. We’ll run down the roster of the familiar TV cast-including our friend Butch Patrick as Eddie- and introduce the third actress to play Marilyn, Debbie Watson- along with familiar faces from TV shows like "Andy Griffith", "Hogan's Heroes", and "Chips" - plus more cast members including motion pictures stars and a horror icon! We’ll also give you one more look at our legendary search for the Munsters' cars among all the historic and Hollywood vehicles at the famed Volo Auto Museum- along with another visit with Kerwyn working from home!

"Munster Go Home" comes into your home tonight on MeTV at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central- and, for those unsure where and when to tune in where you live- just check your local listings or at . Don’t forget to live-Tweet during the show along with our fans on Twitter- using the hashtag #svengoolie  -where we continue to trend among the most popular topics online. Our Chicago area viewers can get an encore of the classic Karloff “Frankenstein” at 11 am on the U !

We appreciate the good wishes from all of you as we ride out this terrible pandemic- and are happy that YOU’RE happy to see the films we have worked to bring back to entertain you while our production has been halted. We’re grateful for your understanding the situation – please know we are working on ways to present new movies in the future.

Join us for the Munsters tonight, as they prove to be our country’s most unwelcome export to the British Isles !

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 during show

1MikeM 53 months ago
…..and dat was Munster Go Home...and dat's da name of dat tune.
JohnBlair 1MikeM 53 months ago
deadringer42 53 months ago
MASH's father Mulchey just did a part as a priest on Carol Burnet, when Carol was looking at a naughty book. funny.
MADave 53 months ago
Evening all late check in just finished watching SCOOB! about an hour ago it was fun movie and had plenty of Scooby Snacks on hand not sure if I'm going to be still up before new blog heading to my sister and brother in law's in the morning so I'll be away from tomorrow's movie good night if I don't see you?
BelleLugosi MADave 53 months ago
I was wondering if that was any good.
1MikeM 53 months ago
This information is from Munsters Wiki. This is about the Munsters' family pet "Spot" According to one story Spot was created by Fred Gwynne and Al Lewis from material on the set, but the usual story is he was created from the head of the Tyrannosaurus in ONE MILLION YEARS B.C.
Carl_N_Brown 53 months ago
You can tell THE DEADLY MANTIS is gonna be a good movie because the director used his real name (unlike with ATTACK OF THE 50 FOOT WOMAN).
Klaatu Carl_N_Brown 53 months ago
It’s been decades since I last saw Mantis, and I just can’t remember if the efx are better than those in 50ft Woman. I hope it’s better, but then you can’t get much worse than a transparent 50ft Woman😳
daleuhlmann 53 months ago
Another funny MUNSTERS episode featured Barton MacLane as a gangster who kidnapped Herman and held him for ransom.

1MikeM daleuhlmann 53 months ago
I've seen that one. I think Charlie Callas was one of the henchmen.
daleuhlmann 1MikeM 53 months ago
I think you're right, Mike.
Catbat 53 months ago
Dale and I are Slinging tonight! 😂
Catbat Catbat 53 months ago
JournalJeff2 53 months ago
5PM here in Wisconsin, so Happy Svengoolie Eve!
Catbat 53 months ago
Hey gang,! Look what I got at the dollar store!
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Catbat JournalJeff2 53 months ago
Haha 😂He's out and prominently displayed by the TV 📺
Catbat NoPersonalChicks 53 months ago
That is my favorite episode of Seinfeld! 👏👏👏
Catbat Geo 53 months ago
I so would love to see it!
MADave Catbat 53 months ago
Try your local grocery store in the ice cream aisle good luck!
Catbat 53 months ago
Got rain on the way but very warm. Shorts and tank top weather. Wearing my Catbat tank cuz Sven doesn't have one at the Sven store! Years and years I been asking yet nothing. Not everyone lives in Chicago.
1MikeM 53 months ago
Another one of my favorite episodes of The Munsters was the one with "Zombo" (played by Louis Nye) Zombo was the host of a horror movie program. Hilarious scene at the end in the television studio!
daleuhlmann 1MikeM 53 months ago
That one was one of their best.
Lucyc 53 months ago
Hey, gang. Well, still no tv this weekend, but the good news, I hope, is that one should be on the way. I am going to try and access a way to watch the movie with y'all. It won't be quite the same as watching it with the added Svengoolie entertainment, but at least I can try and comment with y'all while I watch it with you.
I hope winter will finally be over for all of us. Our weather has been nice, too, but that's about to change and go back to ☔. At least it's supposed to be regular rain and not hail, tornados, etc.
Have a good one.
BelleLugosi Lucyc 53 months ago
So sorry about the continued TV drama. I hope it pans out that you get to join us Sat night!
Catbat Lucyc 53 months ago
Lucy Carriker you should have told me. I could have sent you my VHS copy, Sven style of course.
FARMGAL56 Lucyc 53 months ago
We are getting too much rain here. Hopefully MeTV will come in off my antenna!
Lucyc BelleLugosi 53 months ago
Thanks, Belle. Unless something comes up I plan on joining the convo tomorrow.
It's clouding up here now. Hope you have no problems with your signal transmission during the show. Sometimes really bad weather affects my signal and it gets all "pixelated."
Lucyc Catbat 53 months ago
Aw, thanks, Catbat. Unfortunately I no longer have a VCR, so I couldn't watch it, but it's sweet of you to offer. I'm going to give my method of watching the movie a test run later.
BelleLugosi Lucyc 53 months ago
Yeah, my antenna does that too sometimes especially when it's windy. I haven't the heart to check the weather and see what I'm in for. We have been lucky lately and severe weather has been breaking up when it hits our mtns. Fingers crossed for us both.
JournalJeff2 53 months ago
Happy Friday!
The giant bug is almost here.
Have a Great Day & Take Care!!
Lynn JournalJeff2 53 months ago
Happy Friday, Journal Jeff!
Catbat 53 months ago
Good Svengoolie Saturday Eve Morning All!
Bright and sunny here finally. Lovely jeans and T-shirt weather!
Have a great day 😊
Oscar Catbat 53 months ago
Hi Catbat, have a great Friday!
MADave Catbat 53 months ago
Good morning Catbat and Dale we have beautiful weather here too sunny and in the low 70s with rain later
Lynn Catbat 53 months ago
Hooray! Enjoy!
Catbat Oscar 53 months ago
Howdy Oscar 🙋Hope you are enjoying your day.
daleuhlmann MADave 53 months ago
Hey, there, Dave!
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SvenAdministrator 53 months ago
No stop motion in this week’s film. It is a puppet.
daleuhlmann 53 months ago
That's true. I was about ready to mention this. It was a big marionnette-rod puppet, although shots of a real mantis were used in some close-ups. Similarly, scenes of a real chimpanzee were used in close-up shots of Dr. Mirakle's (Bela Lugosi's) ape in MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE, although the animal was supposed to be an orangutan (at least that's what Charlie Germorra's costume resembled, and the ape in the Poe short story was an orangutan, too).
Klaatu 53 months ago
Yep, similar to The Giant Tarantula movie where they use closeup of the spider worn miniatures and lots of composites over backgrounds.
DrClayton 53 months ago
My New Career: "Giant Mantis Puppeteer"!!
daleuhlmann 53 months ago
Very true, Klaatu.
scottieO 53 months ago
Captain Lucas is going to take us aboard RITA to the black lagoon so we can capture The Deadly Manfish.
scottieO 53 months ago
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DrClayton scottieO 53 months ago
Lovely RITA!
DrClayton scottieO 53 months ago
Rotenone is a gateway drug: leads to dynamiting fish!
MADave 53 months ago
Good night gang phone battery is only 4 percent power see u tomorrow Friday yaaasaa!
MADave 53 months ago
Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that most of Barney's mannerisms were put in THE GHOST AND MISTER CHICKEN
BelleLugosi MADave 53 months ago
Can't disagree. But to me Luther just exhibits less of bravado and arrogance/self-importance. Also, I think he is less confident than Barney. Barney is just a tad too Dunning-Kruger.
MADave 53 months ago
Other notable episodes of the Munsters I loved were the ones with Uncle Charlie and yohan both played by Fred Gwynne and as a bonus I also loved the one with leo Derosher
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