Peter Cushing Has Bad Intentions- and Worse Creations- in "Evil of Frankenstein"- Tonight!

Posted on January 20, 2024

We know we have so many viewers who love Hammer horror, so we’ve brought back another classic from the British home of horror- with Peter Cushing again portraying Dr. Frankenstein- who returns to his original laboratory, to create reanimation and revenge in "Evil of Frankenstein"!

In this next chapter of the brilliant but obsessed doctor’s saga, he has employed a ne’er-do-well body snatcher to get him- uh- “raw materials” for his experiments. With the help of his young assistant, Hans, he attempts to bring a human heart back to life, but a local priest, wise to his experimentation, interrupts the experiment, forcing the doctor and Hans to abandon everything and flee.


With no money and no place to continue their somewhat immoral work, their only option is to head back to the doctor's estate in Karlstaad- with the intention of selling off the doctor's valuables to raise money for more equipment and fund their research. Along the way, they see a young mute woman being attacked by some low-life thugs. Hans tries to help her once she is safe, but she runs away, disappearing into the surroundings.

Entering Karlstaad is easy for the duo, since the villagers are in the midst of a festival, and no one detects just who has arrived in town. Arriving at Frankenstein’s mansion, the doctor is enraged to see that it has been looted and trashed! Dejected, Frankenstein tells Hans the full story of how he created a living being, only to have it cause mayhem, leading to exile from his home town, being sent to prison, with the being he created last seen trying to escape into the mountains- and being shot by the authorities before disappearing!

Disguising themselves by wearing masks like the other festival funsters , the doctor invites Hans into town for a meal- where he sees his old enemy the burgomaster wearing a ring -that belonged to Frankenstein himself! He creates a scene, and is again forced to flee- making an unscheduled detour through the tent of a hypnotist, who will prove to be a help -and even more of a hindrance later on.

Hans accompanies him up into the mountains to escape- where they again encounter the mute woman, and, even more incredible- Frankenstein’s original creation, frozen in some glacial ice! The doctor helps thaw him out, finding the being he created alive but unresponsive. In hopes of totally restoring his creation, the doctor enlists the aforementioned hypnotist to help restore the monster’s brain function- which leads to the mesmerist providing his own menacing evil!

This 1964 color feature is typical of Hammer horror, with brilliant color, gore, and –ahem-some cleavage- and it's always a treat to watch the great Peter Cushing in action. We'll fill you in on the cast, see what Dr. Frankenstein says to us about building a monster, get another visit from that darn imp, plus bring back an often-requested Sven bit based on this film. We’ll also take a look back at our conversation with a Marvel Avenger who’s mad about the show, plus- we are honored by doing a couple segments with a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame honoree- drummer for the GoGos- Gina Schock!

"Evil of Frankenstein" runs tonight on MeTV at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, or, to find time and channel in your area, please check local listings or at Remember that you can join the many Sven fans live-Tweeting during the show tonight on Twitter- using the hashtag #svengoolie . Chicago viewers get to make a second visit to “The Old Dark House” at 11 am this morning on WCIU, the U!

The Sven store is planning some new merchandise for upcoming special days- make sure you check there every so often to see what’s new for you!

Meanwhile, you have an appointment with the doctor tonight on MeTV- be a part of his HMO- Horrible Monster Obsession!


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 during show

Svenboy 13 months ago
Looking forward to this weeks movie. Another new one today. Went to dca today and did 8 rides. It’s lunar new year celebration so I wore a red polo shirt. Did meet and greets and got photos with mushu from Milan, raya from raya and the last dragon and meilin and Ming lee from turning red. Happy new year!😀
TheKodakKid Svenboy 13 months ago
Just be careful about beaming down in a red shirt.
Bill_K 13 months ago
Good Evening, Everyone:

Long rough week at work and just not up for this one.

I will talk to you all tomorrow. Good Night!
Katink Bill_K 13 months ago
Good night, Bill! Tomorrow is another day, Dear Sven-friend!
Mikeyyy Bill_K 13 months ago
Take care Bill! hope your doing better tomorrow!
daleuhlmann Bill_K 13 months ago
Sorry to hear that, Bill. Hopefully next week will be a better one for you.
Lynn Bill_K 13 months ago
Take care, Bill!
Cartoondave 13 months ago
Hey Catbat and dale did the package arrive yet?
Klaatu Cartoondave 13 months ago
Hopefully a Porch Pirate didn’t get it first😡
daleuhlmann Cartoondave 13 months ago
No, not yet, Dave.
Drang 13 months ago
Well, here I am at work.
Again tomorrow night.
Watched the DVRd Evil of Frankenstein yesterday morning.
Honestly, with a lot of movies being able to blog along with my fellow SvenFen is at least half the fun. Set to record "Willard" tomorrow night, but I'm not sure when I'll watch it...
Klaatu Drang 13 months ago
When I worked on Sventurday, I looked occasionally at the blog to see what people were saying. Then when I watched my recording, it all made sense. Then I got smart and requested Saturday as my day off.
Drang Klaatu 13 months ago
When staffing is right on the edge of falling under minimums, and the (ex)manager is a bonehead, a supervisor needs to be a leader and step up to cover for folks when they need a day off
Klaatu 13 months ago
Here is the result of dinner. I feel like a test subject.
Klaatu Klaatu 13 months ago
I just finished dinner: It was delicious but in reality, it would have been just as good without the Pancetta. Pancetta is better suited for spaghetti carbonara.
abc123 Klaatu 13 months ago
I got some shrimp the other day to make Jambalaya. Don't think less of me because I use Zatarain's...
Klaatu abc123 13 months ago
Zatarain’s is fantastic! Do NOT feel bad about using it. I use it. It’s authentic in taste.
bforneed abc123 13 months ago
Love zaturains. Good stuff! You can use meat or shrimp.
abc123 bforneed 13 months ago
i have only used hot louisiana sausage before and heard shrimp is good, so going to try it.
Aceman2 13 months ago
Maybe Sven would do a double feature down the road. Just saying ... Ya know I love rats.
abc123 Aceman2 13 months ago
One of the comments after Willard was Identified as an upcoming movie, was "Is Ben far behind?" I will save a fun fact I learned about Ben for later, just in case Sven does get it too.
MrsG 13 months ago
I’ve heard that Detroit is a dandy land
And ya gotta Love sunny , golden SanFran
Kansas City’s known for BBQ lore
But then there’s crab in Baltimore
Or is that something about *evermore* ?
So there You have the final 4
Love my SvenFans more & more
💛 ♥️ ^_* ♥️ 💜
Aceman2 MrsG 13 months ago
Nice job MrsG!
abc123 MrsG 13 months ago
You have my permission (even though you do not need it) to do this to moves too.
MrsG abc123 13 months ago
📣Yo Svenettes 5-6-7-8
deadringer42 13 months ago
Anyone making this for tomorrow’s movie meal?
Katink deadringer42 13 months ago
Thought about it, dr42, but I have another plan . Going to make peanut butter cookie mice. And in honor of Aristotle, we are getting Greek carryout. (We were supposed to be out of town for a getaway, but cancelled due to the weather, so gyros is a consolation prize!)
RobBarnes Katink 13 months ago
Might I suggest Avgolemano (Chicken Lemon Rice Soup), Opa! Saganaki (Flaming cheese) and Baklava (Yum) for dessert.
Drang Katink 13 months ago
Gyros is American. Just like "Chop suey is an American dish made for Chinese pallets". (Attributed to Confucius.) (It must be true, it was on the menu of The Lotus Garden.)
abc123 deadringer42 13 months ago
I thought Cheese and crackers at first, but then found out Gummy Rats are still a thing (last one I saw was in the early 90s) so found a few.
Katink RobBarnes 13 months ago
Those sound delicious, RobB! Probably going to have gyros and salad. Flaming cheese might scare Coco.. . .
Katink Drang 13 months ago
Maybe that works, Drang. Aristotle is an American rat.
Klaatu 13 months ago
Shrimp Amatriciana tonight. Here are a few ingredients minus the shrimp (thawing now), pasta, tomato sauce and some white wine. That big slug of meat in the photo is 1/3 pound of Pancetta from the Italian deli👍
Aceman2 Klaatu 13 months ago
Mrs Aceman has made for me. I like like it spicy hot!
Klaatu Aceman2 13 months ago
I’ve got the red chili flakes in the ready👍. Mrs Klaatu doesn’t like it too spicy and I like it very spicy.
Aceman2 Klaatu 13 months ago
Just like us. White wine, tomato sauce, and chicken stock?
Katink Klaatu 13 months ago
Looks like a fabulous start, Klaatu!
RobBarnes Klaatu 13 months ago
Proving once again that bacon (in this case Italian Bacon) goes with everything!
Mikeyyy 13 months ago
Once again thank you. Larry the train guy for the trailer on this weekends movie. Not many quotes online but I found a few good ones to use now.

MrsG Mikeyyy 13 months ago
You GO ZOOM ZOOM ~ heading for the Guinness World Book of Records !
🏎️ *_* 🏎️
DrFish28136 13 months ago
abc123 DrFish28136 13 months ago
RobBarnes abc123 13 months ago
Art Work by Don Martin of MAD Magazine fame?
Klaatu 13 months ago
As I got gas today, I looked up at the price sign and…
RobBarnes Klaatu 13 months ago
They are really pushing those electric cars aren't they?
CountCurt 13 months ago
I am glad to see that we are going to be treated with rats with tomorrow’s showing of Williard. To me rats are very frightening.
Sven has treated us to all kinds of vermin:
Killer Klowns( I had added to the vermin category).
Wherever there are humans, there are rats.
Klaatu CountCurt 13 months ago
Just like roaches 😝
CountCurt Klaatu 13 months ago
That’s a fact
Klaatu 13 months ago
The actor who plays as Willard reminds me a little of the actor who starred in The Greatest American Hero.
PARANORMA Klaatu 13 months ago
Ralph, the GAH, was played by William Katt, whom one would think could thus handle the infestation. Not only that, but he has the Svenate power of being the son of Barbara "Della Street" Hale...!
daleuhlmann 13 months ago
To this day, osme people try to compare Colin Clive's portrayal of Henry Frankenstein to Perer Cushing's Baron Victor Frankenstein. I agree with the authors of UNIVERSAL HORRORS that such a comparison is unfair, because these are two entirely different kinds of characters. As they explain, Henry is a visionary driven by his craving for knowledge, yet tortured emotionally and psychologically by guilt stemming from his experiment's tragic consequences. Baron Victor, however, is a cold, ruthless researcher, so obsessed with creating life that he feels any means are worth the ends. it's easy to see how much Hammer screenwriter Jimmy Sangster no doubt modeled the Baron after the infamous Nazi scientists like Dr. joseph Mengele.
CountCurt daleuhlmann 13 months ago
I really felt the Nazi modeling for Victor Frankenstein. The movie was only approx 20 years after WW11 and so it was still fresh in the minds of Brits.
I noticed in the movie that it lacked the use of german words. Usually you will hear a few words like Herr or Frau. This speaks to the anti-German sentiment in the UK at the time.
For the Faulty Towers fans, there is an episode about German tourists visiting the inn. Several jokes at the expense of Germans.
daleuhlmann CountCurt 13 months ago
I agree, Count, that these Nazi parallels would have been fresh in British audience's memories. Also, I don't doubt that anti-German sentiment would have found its way into British pop culture, too.
VanGooliac CountCurt 13 months ago
And for Monty Python fans there was the Minehead by-election sketch.
Jack VanGooliac 13 months ago
Then circling back with Shelley (Don’t mind if I do!) since it’s _Frankenstein_, the Poetry Reading sketch. Wait for the arrival of the Queen and her Dear Bertie...
Jack CountCurt 13 months ago
The were some partial translations like “Burgomaster” contrasting with weirdly inappropriate Anglicisms like “funfair.”
RobBarnes daleuhlmann 13 months ago
Not too dissimilar to the Japanese People (via TOHO Studios) and Godzilla representing them being nuked.
CountCurt Jack 13 months ago
Hi Jack
I found Burgomaster to be odd. I never heard it said like that before.
Aceman2 13 months ago
Here is a collection of posters and lobby cards for Sventurday's movie. I am disappointed with the artwork and color scheme; perhaps there was a reason. These did not generate much excitement at auction.
MrsG Aceman2 13 months ago
Thanks Aceman ~ You’re a great hype man ~ always get enthused for the movie when Your posters hit the board *_* 💚
daleuhlmann Aceman2 13 months ago
Thank you, Aceman!
CountCurt Aceman2 13 months ago
Yes Aceman they are very different than the posters that we’d have come to love.
I believe that the posters convey Willard’s isolation and loneliness.
Aceman2 CountCurt 13 months ago
Excellent point Count! I wondered if the promotion team felt that less is more trying to promote a film involving rats. The tag line about "not see alone" and the pic of the rat says all they wanted to say.
CountCurt Aceman2 13 months ago
I believe it to be the case. It creates a dark intrigue. I wonder if the movie trailer took the same approach.
Aceman2 13 months ago
daleuhlmann 13 months ago
In my movie review of THE EVIL OF FRANKENSTEIN, I explained how much the movie portrayed the Baron as an anti-establishment hero. That role had actually been established in the first two Hammer Frankenstein films, especially in THE REVENGE OF FRANKENSTEIN, in which "Dr. Stein" openly refuses to join the village's medical association and thus give up his independence to an official governing body. In EVIL, however, his opponents, the Burgomeister and the police chief, are corrupt, self-serving hacks, as well as, in the Baron's (and the audience's) eyes, thieves. Thus, the character's anti-hero role is much firmly established.

Even the Church becomes, to the Baron, another meddling representative of official authority. Early in the film, the village priest, without any legal authority, forces his way into his home and lab and disrupts his latest attempt at creating life.

I'll post one more observation about Cushing's portrayal of Baron Frankenstein later today.
MrsG 13 months ago
“Pancakes” going out to ALL SvenBloggers who Love Her ~

Happy Birthday Lucinda 🎶
NoPersonalChicks MrsG 13 months ago
MrsG NoPersonalChicks 13 months ago
Aww , Are You Alright ^_*
daleuhlmann 13 months ago
In my movie review of THE EVIL OF FRANKENSTEIN, I explained how much the movie portrayed the Baron as an anti-establishment hero. That role had actually been established in the first two Hammer Frankenstein films, especially in THE REVENGE OF FRANKENSTEIN, in which "Dr. Stein" openly refuses to join the village's medical association and thus give up his independence to an official governing body. In EVIL, however, his opponents, the Burgomeister and the police chief, are corrupt, self-serving hacks, as well as, in the Baron's (and the audience's) eyes, thieves. Thus, the character's anti-hero role is much firmly established. Even
the Church becomes, to the Baron, another meddling representative of official authority, as, early in the film, the village priest, without any legal authority, forces his way into his home and lab and disrupts his latest attempt at creating life.

I'll post one more observation about Cushing's portrayal of Baron Frankenstein later today.
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