Pranks Lead to Peril in “I Saw What You Did”-Tonight!

Posted on July 6, 2013

We've got one of our most requested movies tonight- as a couple '60s teeny-boppers  have some phony phone call fun- only to set a murder on their trail- in the William Castle chiller- "I Saw What You Did"!

A couple teenaged girls, with parents away and charged with babysitting a goofy little sister, entertain themselves by making prank phone calls- and get into a cycle of making calls where they tell whoever answers the phone -"I saw what you did- and I know who you are!"

Unfortunately, one of those calls goes to a nasty fellow who has just murdered his wife!The oblivious teens actually call him back, and one of them decides she has to see what he looks like! Meanwhile, the killer's neighbor- played by none other than Joan Crawford- is suspicious about what he's up to- while carrying a torch for him- and thinks that the young lady is moving in on her territory! As things progress- the killer decides that his mystery caller should be  among his victims!

This 1965 flick, from usually gimmick-laden director William Castle, doesn't have his usual shtick of skeletons flying off the screen or "smell-o-vision", but  it does manage to be pretty suspenseful and can bring the chills. Younger viewers might not grasp some of the concepts in this movie, made way before caller ID, but they're sure to get into the  tense moments- if not the hokey '60s music background!

"I Saw What You Did" comes calling tonight at 10 pm eastern and pacific, 9 pm central, and check your local listings for when it runs in your area. In Chicago, you get a bonus look at "Invisible Ray" at 11 am on WCIU- if you missed it on Me-TV last week, you owe it to yourself to take a look at what Sven fans were talking about last weekend!

We wanted to mention the passing of an iconic Indiana horror host that a select number of viewers have brought up to us- the original Sammy Terry, played by Bob Carter. I've gotten many an e-mail from new fans who are watching us now, who started their love affair with horror movies while watching Sammy Terry. He very obviously left his mark on their hearts and minds, and we salute him.

More Sven appearances are coming soon- including Sven night at Lisa Marie's ( aka TNA Impact's Tara's) Squared Circle restaurant in the Lincoln Park area of Chicago- where they are naming a new stuffed burger after me (no, I don't think it's stuffed with rubber chicken)- and at the Cook Brothers store in Chicago for an early "back to school"event. Make sure you check for more details  under our appearances tab.

Remember to beat the heat by getting the chills with Joan Crawford tonight on Me-TV!

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 during show

akakarpov 22 months ago
Hello everybody, my first Post. Wanted to know if anybody knows of legendary Horror Host Sammy Terry, Started in the 60s, still going even after death. Son carries on.
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