Prehistoric Perils Mix with Science Fiction in "Valley of the Dragons"- Tonight !

Posted on December 7, 2019

Tonight on MeTV- we bring back an other-worldly fable, based (loosely) on a Jules Verne novel- where two rivals preparing for a pistol duel  find themselves inexplicably whisked away to an unknown ( at first) world populated by cave people and prehistoric beasts! The enemies must co-exist and work together if they are to survive in the “Valley of the Dragons”!

The year is 1881, the place is the outskirts of Algiers, and the combatants are Hector , a Frenchman, and Irish-American Michael. The source of conflict is, predictably, a woman- and they are ready to fire at each other when a super-powerful wind hits, caused by a comet sweeping dangerously close to the earth- its gravitational pull carrying away the two men before a single shot is fired!

They revive to find themselves in a jungle, not the least bit like the terrain of Algiers. The two declare a truce, just long enough until they can return to the city- but there is no city in sight! What could have happened? Did a natural disaster wipe out civilization? Has the earth shifted in its axis? They soon receive a shocking answer-when they see a familiar sight above them in the night sky! But then- where exactly ARE they?

They hit on the theory that the comet has actually torn off a chunk of the earth, and deposited it in space ( actually , on the moon, but they never clearly state that in the movie). They find the area is overrun by the “dragons” of the title, which are actually dinosaurs ( of a distinct cinematic variety- not stop-motion models, but  lizards shot close up with a few fins attached in some cases) ! Taking their lead from other astral phenomenon, they presume the comet is in an orbit that makes occasional passes at the earth, and on a very early previous visit, had torn off part of the prehistoric world –which has been sustained here !

There are more dangers than just giant reptiles- they soon encounter some savage Neanderthals   ( never mind the idea that dinosaurs and cavemen were not, alas, like the Flintstones, and existing at the same time).  Hector and Michael escape them, and, letting their bygones be bygones, struggle together only to end up separated. Each discovers a different tribe of cave dwellers, with an injured Hector actually the one discovered by- stay with me now- an incredibly hot blonde cave woman! She brings him into the fold of her tribe, jealously guarding him from the other cave ladies. On the other hand, Michael goes to the aid of an older caveman from a different tribe, and becomes a part of that group- which just so happens to include a pretty brunette cave woman who takes a shine to him!

To add to the dangers of Neanderthals ,warring cave tribes, and dinosaurs, the whole she-bang is endangered by the eruption of a nearby volcano- driving giant lizards displaced by the natural disaster right to the cave dwellers. Will Hector and Michael find a way to keep themselves and their new tribes safe- and help this new world survive ?

The Jules Verne story that this 1961 epic is based on did NOT include dinosaurs or cave folks! Please note- we have actually done some editing to lessen the cruelty of the early film-makers who actually had lizards in real deadly battle with each other ( mostly in stock footage from the 1940s version of “One Million B.C.”). Cesare Danova and Sean McClory are the two earthmen who end up in space, and, the blonde cave cutie is none other than beautiful Joan Staley – Don Knotts’ girlfriend in “Ghost and Mr. Chicken”- who sadly passed away earlier this week. We’ll go over the cast list, explain where some of the stock footage came from ( including some famous stars included in the footage), and  provide the usual Sven fun. Plus, we bring back an encore of the visit from our friend, actor/wrestler/ MMA fighter/ comic book author and currently panelist on the Fox “WWE Backstage” show-  C. M. Punk- Phil Brooks!

"Valley of the Dragons" airs tonight on MeTV at 8pm eastern/pacific, 7 central, or, if you are not sure where and when to find the show in your area, please go to your local listings, or to .Those Sven fans on Twitter are live-Tweeting during the show and keeping us trending nationally every week. MeTV invites you to join them and do the same, using the hashtag #svengoolie . In the Chicago area, viewers get to enjoy one more look at “Attack of the 50 Foot Woman” this morning at 11 am on “The U”.

If you’re in the area, you can meet Sventa Claus today at what may well be his last appearance of the 2019 season-  at the Christmas Mystic Market- held at St. John’s UCC in Lyons, Il. I’ll be at this fundraiser for the Scared Space Animal Sanctuary and Rescue this afternoon from 2 to 4 pm. Look for more information under the “appearances” tab here on our site.

Join us tonight for prehistoric perils, curvy cavewomen, nasty Neanderthals, volcanic violence, and large lethal lizards on MeTV !

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 during show

JournalJeff2 58 months ago
I must wish you all a Happy Friday the 13th while there still is some time left.
The1Butler JournalJeff2 58 months ago
thank you , i stayed in just to be safe
The1Butler 58 months ago
Happy Friday the 13Th !
hope everyone was incident free !
MADave 58 months ago
MADave 58 months ago
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MADave 58 months ago
Sometimes I think this movie is a little two faced
CarrieLynnCastro 58 months ago
Good evening 🐱
Friday is the 13th is that
good or bad 🤔
What is the story about Friday 13th 😨
Well anyway had a great
Day 🤖
See you later 👻
CarrieLynnCastro 58 months ago
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daleuhlmann 58 months ago
Hey, group, guess we all know what today is, don't we?
Catbat daleuhlmann 58 months ago
Very cute Dear 😊
daleuhlmann Catbat 58 months ago
Thanks, dear!
Deleted 58 months ago
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Jack 58 months ago
Val Bennett’s 1968 revision of “Take Five” (5/4) into a rocksteady 4/4...
58 months ago
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CarrieLynnCastro 58 months ago
Have not heard that
in a very long time
58 months ago
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58 months ago
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58 months ago
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CarrieLynnCastro 58 months ago
Happy Friday❄⛄❄
Feels like a good day
and feeling fine today.

Ooo 👻 were very close tomorrow is Sven 🎩
happy happy always
fun 🤖🍿📺

Well anything go's for today have things to do
Grandkids will get here
on the 23rd a little later then we expected but
staying 2weeks👦👧👩‍⚕️
We usually only see them once a year 💝
They are so funny so well behaved🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️💃
😉 well most of time
ha ha 🍭
They also love👦🎩👧
watching Sven 🍫🍿🍬
really do!

Have a great Day...
⛄💝⛄ everyone we
can do this have love and peace❄

See you later🐧
Catbat 58 months ago
Good Svengoolie Saturday Eve Morning All! Happy Friday the 13th! This is gonna be a good day.
Lynn Catbat 58 months ago
Yes it is! May all of our dragons turn out to be monitor lizards.
DrClayton 58 months ago
I can feel a bout of paraskevidekatriaphobia coming on...
TheKodakKid DrClayton 58 months ago
Can you name 13 Reasons Why?
DrClayton 58 months ago
PatS DrClayton 58 months ago
Or "Dan D" or whoever he was. Not killed, just departed. Pity he couldn't take a hint from his last short-term ban.
Catbat 58 months ago
Hey Jack look what I found.
Jack Catbat 58 months ago
Cool! Und da steht noch mehr...
[Those are the actual German lyrics… mostly.]
Jack 58 months ago
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Jack StephanieStepStone 58 months ago
The oldest attestation I could find for the melody is the 1500s. The English round “Sumer is icumen in” goes back to the 1200s, and the _Palästinalied_ by Walther von der Vogelweide is dated to the Fifth Crusade in the early 1200s. Some plainsong, e.g. Gregorian chant, goes back earlier than 800 CE.

Dylan’s version of "The Little Drummer Boy” comes from 2009’s _Christmas in the Heart_. I think it’s more in line with the tradition of Jewish musicians recording Christmas albums, e.g., Barbra Streisand, Bette Midler, Barry Manilow, and Kenny G.
Jack 58 months ago
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PatS Jack 58 months ago
Not to mention all the Christmas songs written by Jews... especially 'White Christmas' by Irving Berlin. Check any trivia book. As Spock would say, "Fascinating."
Carl_N_Brown 58 months ago
Tomorrow is Friday the 13th and weather app predicts rain.
I may put up my Christmas decorations and dig thru my DVDs for
Catbat Carl_N_Brown 58 months ago
My lucky day!
Lynn Catbat 58 months ago
That's always the expectation in my household - have a good one!
CarrieLynnCastro 58 months ago
Good evening 🌠
Hope things are better on the blog 🤖

Well the shopping was
a bust 😟 felt ill so I went home 🚗....darn!
Well I did buy two things 😉🛍🤗

Feeling better 🤓now
Chicken Soup fixed
me 🍜🍪☕up.

Lynn feel better 💕
I agree what you said
on the blog Lynn.
The blog is more fun
if we all get along ✌

Good night 🌒
Things are always
better tomorrow 🦋
See you later🍭
CarrieLynnCastro 58 months ago
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Lynn CarrieLynnCastro 58 months ago
I'm doing okay. Take good care of yourself, Carrie!
Bill_K CarrieLynnCastro 58 months ago
Greetings, Carrie,

Hope you are getting to feeling better!
daleuhlmann 58 months ago
The recently banned blogger had deliberately posted STD jokes about two fellow bloggers, in retaliation for an earlier satirical joke from one of them about Captain Kirk, a pop cultural character--not the same thing! That was why he was sent to the corn field.🌽
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Bill_K Islander 58 months ago
Well, then, to put it into terms that a "Trekkie" would understand....Kirk "put the bag" on Krako and the Svenministator "put the bag" on NGMW!
PatS Islander 58 months ago
Where do I get the proper deck of cards for a fast game of Fizbin?
Catbat Bill_K 58 months ago
daleuhlmann Bill_K 58 months ago
Well-said, Bill!
Catbat 58 months ago
Finger ☝️ it out Y'all 👍Haha 😂
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