Prepare for Halloween with “Count Yorga- Vampire”-Tonight!

Posted on October 29, 2022

With Halloween just a couple days away, we thought we’d give you a warm-up for it- with some cold chills from the 1970s! It’s the network premiere of an American International fright film starring the man the studio hoped would replace Vincent Price in the hearts ( without stakes driven through them) of horror fans- Robert Quarry- in “Count Yorga- Vampire”!

The story begins with a coffin being delivered to America (didn’t another vampire flick start that way- except with the destination being England?)- and then shifts to a séance, attended by a group including some skeptics about the legitimacy of the paranormal. With the aid of Bulgarian mystic Count Yorga, one of the attendees, Donna, is hoping to contact her late mother, who passed away recently. At one point, it appears that her spirit has been contacted- but Donna freaks out, and the séance ends with Yorga using hypnosis to calm her- and also perhaps place some instructions in her subconscious.


Since it appears the evening is over, two members of the group- Paul and his gorgeous girlfriend Erica- volunteer to take the Count to the remote manor he has rented. After dropping him off, the couple’s van gets hopelessly stuck in the mud on the road (which had been perfectly dry previously)- and they decide to spend the night in the van. Not the best idea- because someone comes calling, leaving Paul unconscious and Erica attacked!

When morning comes, they finally return home, with no clue about who it was- in fact, Erica does not remember anything – including where she got those bite marks on her neck! She goes to one of the friends who was at the séance, who happens to be a doctor. Dr. Hayes finds that she has suffered a major loss of blood- but has no idea why.

Soon, Paul and another friend Michael notice that Erica has been behaving very strangely- and return to the apartment to find the poor woman having committed an unspeakable act! They call on Dr. Hayes to treat her.

The three men try to make sense of what is going on- with the idea of vampirism brought up, but barely accepted. Meanwhile, Erica has a late night visit from Count Yorga-resulting in her disappearance, and Paul’s heading for Yorga’s estate- with tragic consequences.

Still lacking explanations, and still suspecting that a vampire is involved, Dr. Hayes, Michael and Donna pay a visit to Yorga’s mansion- where his brutish servant Brudah is always lurking in the background. They attempt to keep Yorga up until sunrise to prove he is a vampire, but fail and are sent away- but not before Yorga manages to intensify his hypnotic control of Donna.

It becomes apparent that the only solution would be for Yorga to be killed- and the doctor and Michael set out to do just that- while Yorga uses his hypnotic control to draw Donna to his lair! Much more than just the Count await them-will they succeed or perish in the attempt?

Warning- this 1970 film has some very upsetting scenes of violence and adult content, which we have toned down somewhat- but it may still be too strong for some of our viewers so PLEASE- use discretion about who should watch. We’ll introduce you to the cast, give you some background on what this film was originally supposed to be, if not for the intervention of Robert Quarry, and deliver some other trivia about the movie. Plus, we’ll try to come up with a way to liven up some early scenes of the film, as well as bringing you a new song.

“Count Yorga- Vampire” starts at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central time on MeTV. Twitter users can join in the live-Tweeting during the film- just make sure to use the hashtag #svengoolie -which results in our trending high among the most popular topics most Saturday nights. Chicago area viewers can enjoy one more look at the classic “Bride of Frankenstein” this morning at 11 am on our local station CW26.

Also, if you missed the showing of the special “Svengoolie: Uncrypted”- you get a second chance when MeTV runs an encore performance tomorrow at noon eastern/pacific, 11 am central time. You can then stay tuned for the final “Svengoolie’s Halloween BOO-nanza” Sunday block of scary TV- featuring the beloved “Kolchak: the Night Stalker” series!

We had a fantastic time last weekend at Elgin’s “Nightmare on Chicago Street” event-back and bigger than ever- and, today, we make our return to the Volo Museum in Volo, IL! I will be signing from noon to 2 pm- and there is so much to see and do there, it’s a place at which you can spend the whole day!

Again let us repeat- there will be scenes of a nature disturbing to some tonight in “Count Yorga- Vampire”- but most will find this more modern vampire film a perfect warm-up (as your blood runs cold) for Halloween!

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 during show

Klaatu 28 months ago
I’m going to blog in my new blog: bed💤💤
daleuhlmann 28 months ago
No new blog yet? It CAN'T happen two weeks in a row, can it?

Or can it?
deadringer42 daleuhlmann 28 months ago
but it did.
sad face emojie
Katink 28 months ago
I saw what I saw when I saw it!
Katink Katink 28 months ago
Or maybe I didn't?😐
deadringer42 28 months ago
Klaatu deadringer42 28 months ago
You look like the first blogger of the old blog. Congratulations!
deadringer42 Klaatu 28 months ago
i tried but feel anticlimactic
deadringer42 28 months ago
Had a really fun night with my lodge brothers tonight. Had first prime rib since Covid Started. Most enjoyable dinner. But looking forward to AC movie
Katink deadringer42 28 months ago
Sounds wonderful, dr42!
abc123 28 months ago
Power outage. I will still try for first post, but no photos or verse..
TheKodakKid abc123 28 months ago
Hopefully your power comes back on before midnight.
Klaatu abc123 28 months ago
May the Power be with you.
Katink abc123 28 months ago
Yikes, abc! Hang in there!
abc123 abc123 28 months ago
I was able to recreate my verse, so I will have something...
Drang abc123 28 months ago
Good luck.
Our lights have flickered a couple of time, but so far have maintained...
Cartoondave 28 months ago
If you're having an ugly sweater contest this holiday season the new Svengoolie sweater in the store (he has a store?) Is a real winner
Klaatu 28 months ago
If a new blog doesn’t show up, how and when do we know is the first blogger🤔🤔? Wouldn’t the first blogger from last Friday still be the first blogger?
Jack Klaatu 28 months ago
A Zen koan!
Engineer_Poelzig 28 months ago
Evening All!
Looking forward to the show tomorrow
CrazyK 28 months ago
Hey Mikeyyy, I didn’t see any odds for me showing up!!!
Katink CrazyK 28 months ago
Well, that changes everything, CrazyK!🤗
CrazyK Katink 28 months ago
Hi Katink! I just noticed he did actually cover me 5-1, “none listed”👍 hahaha!
My blog reading skills are rusty! 😂😂😂
Drang 28 months ago
Jeeze, not even 8 PM PDT and I'm falling asleep like someone on the Least Coast©.
Aceman2 28 months ago
Good night all. Good luck in the First Blogger contest if you are participating. I will see you at the movies.Not sure if this poster is Norwegian or Danish ; perhaps Jack will know
Katink Aceman2 28 months ago
Good night, Aceman!
Jack Aceman2 28 months ago
Danish and Norwegian are quite similar for historical reasons, one of which was a political union that lasted from 1380 to 1814, and Norwegians are still sensitive about this. Complicating matters, there are two versions of written Norwegian, Bokmål, which is closer to Danish, and Nynorsk, which is closer to older Norwegian dialects.

With that in mind, I would say the poster was made for a Danish market. I base this largely on the subtitle _Uhyggen breder sig_, “Horror spreads,” which was used in Denmark. The title used in Norway was _Abbott og Costello i redselskabinettet_ “Abbott and Costello in the Cabinet of Fear.” That the language is Danish is confirmed by the reflexive pronoun _sig_ in the construction _breder sig_ “spreads itself,” which is _seg_ in Bokmål and Nynorsk.
Carl_N_Brown 28 months ago
I was having more and more trouble the past two months getting signal.
Maybe tree growth or construction between me and the broadcast antenna.
Finally today, I, Cheapskate, sprung for a "indoor modern loop antenna".
I have been watching MeTV a few hours uninterupted without now without switching or moving antennae.
I am looking forward to Saturday with more anticipation and less dread.

My old rabbit ears served me and my late wife well for over twenty years. Sentimental me, I'll probably box them up just in case,
Mikeyyy 28 months ago
Ok im giving odds on tonight races…

2-1. The blog doesn’t change
8-5 drang is first
2-1 kodakkid is first
ABC will be in the top 3 with his usual awesome fan art..

Even money klaatu still can’t stay up til midnight.

3-1 butler shows up and shows us he’s still kicking

5-1 it’s none of these listed..

Drang Mikeyyy 28 months ago
Even money the Pineapple Express knocks me off the air.
Katink Mikeyyy 28 months ago
So all of that improves ny odds, right?
Cartoondave Mikeyyy 28 months ago
Who do you think will be first blogger for toons tomorrow I'm betting on dale or Catbat
Klaatu Mikeyyy 28 months ago
Ha! I’ll show you! I’m scotch taping my eyelids open to stay awake 🤣.
Catbat Drang 28 months ago
abc123 Mikeyyy 28 months ago
I will try my hardest to be top three!
BelleLugosi 28 months ago
Less than 24 hours!
Mikeyyy BelleLugosi 28 months ago
Hello belle!
BelleLugosi Mikeyyy 28 months ago
Heyyy, Mikeyyy! 😁
Klaatu BelleLugosi 28 months ago
Ha! That Kermit is how I feel today…my first Friday of retirement 👍. I haven’t drank all week, but it’s 5pm, so…
Catbat BelleLugosi 28 months ago
Howdy 🙋 BelleLugosi!
Deleted 28 months ago
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28 months ago
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Drjim 28 months ago
Happy Friday everyone.....we made it!
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