Reptilian Revenge Slithers In From the “Cult of the Cobra”-Tonight!

Posted on July 16, 2016

The "scales " of justice - or what a mysterious cult sees as such- bring bad luck to veterans who have returned home after witnessing a secret reptilian ritual- when a slinky she-serpent seeks revenge for the "Cult of the Cobra"!

In this 1955 chiller,some servicemen about to be shipped home decide to do the tourist thing before leaving the mysterious East. Looking for something special, off the beaten path that most visitors never experience, they get some info from a local at the bazaar- and soon arrive , in disguise, at a secret location where a cult of snake worshipers are conducting a ritualistic ceremony. Not having the sense to remember flash photography is forbidden,one of the servicemen ignorantly snaps a photo, revealing the presence of the strangers! All heck breaks loose, as the boys try to make their escape- but, in the process, one of the high priests places a curse on them! Just as they seem to have escaped, one of the fleeing group is somehow injured, and a mystery woman is briefly seen  in the shadows. Later, at the hospital, our soon-to-be recipient of a purple heart seems well on the road to recovery - which should be followed by getting on the road to go home- BUT-a strange occurrence ends up reversing his condition-permanently!

His heartbroken comrades sadly return to the states and their civilian lives. Tom and Paul two of the boys, also resume their competition for the heart of the lovely Julia. She makes a choice-  accepting the proposal of Paul, and "Dear Johning" Tom. As he sulks, he hears a nerve-chilling scream! It's a beautiful new neighbor,claiming she found an intruder in her apartment who is now gone without a trace.  Tom , ready to rebound from his loss of Julia, is immediately attracted to the mysterious Lisa- who runs hot and cold(blooded), confusing him as to how she feels about him. The following days bring more sadness, as Tom's GI buddies seem to be  getting picked off, one by one. The remaining returnees begin to take seriously that curse placed upon them at the hidden temple- never realizing that there is someone in their midst with the power to become a deadly serpent- with a mission to not only destroy them- but  also someone they love!

We've brought this one back, because it's a big favorite that many viewers have asked to see again- in part, to  see many familiar stars from classic shows seen on MeTV, but also to get an eyeful of the sultry Faith Domergue, an actress who's shown up in several horror flicks, but is probably best known for her history with Howard Hughes. It'll also be very evident that the high priest who curses the unwanted visitors is another MeTV show supporting character-really! I'm not just talking through my shoe! (Ahem...) We also have the traditional Sven snake shtick in abundance (sorry- no "Boa Brace" in this one, since we just recently re-ran it!)

"Cult of the Cobra" rises up tonight on MeTV at 10 pm eastern/pacific, 9 central- please check for channel and time in your area - in your local listings or at . (Remember that MeTV invites you to live-Tweet during the program, using the hashtag #svengoolie-  lately, we've been trending near the top of the list every weekend on Twitter!) In Chicago, our local viewers can take a second look at "House of Dracula" on WCIU, the U, at 11 am.

Big news is coming soon regarding some August appearances- and  the arrival of some new Sven merchandise on the horizon ! Make sure you keep an eye on our site here for full details.

And, of course, keep an eye out for the "Cult of the Cobra" tonight-and a dangerous lady who thinks snakeskin is always in style!

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