Revenge Begins in the Make-Up Chair in "How to Make a Monster"- Tonight!

Posted on June 12, 2021

Tonight on MeTV- it’s the perfect instructional film for you devious do-it-yourselfers in our audience- as we head into the make-up chair of a master of creature creations who finds his talents come in handy when heartless studio heads decide to show him the door. It’s the beloved American International film that gave an encore to the studio’s Teenage Frankenstein and Teenage Werewolf- in the tutorial of terror “How To Make a Monster”!

This 1958 favorite begins with make-up artist Pete finishing applying the Teenage Werewolf make-up to a young actor          ( who, in this case , is NOT Michael Landon, who played the part in the original film)! Pete and his faithful assistant Rivero are proud of the job they’ve done- as is the director of a new film pitting the teen wolf man against the Teenage Frankenstein ( who IS played by the young actor from the original AI film, Gary Conway). Pete’s pride is then dealt a blow when the studio’s new bosses invade his make-up room- and rather bluntly inform him that his skills are no longer needed at the studio- since they feel that monster films are worn out, and audiences would rather have laughs, music, and pretty women instead!

Angered that his 25 years as head make-up artist at the studio mean nothing to this new regime, Pete comes up with a plan- he will use his monster creations, the very ones new management disdains, to get revenge! By mixing a special ingredient into the make-up that numbs the actor’s will and leaves him to follow every command Pete gives him- Pete creates monsters that will carry out the same mayhem they have previously on the screen- but for real this time- against the arrogant men who want to end his career!

The police are baffled by these horrific crimes- while assistant Rivero worries about his involvement in Pete’s scheme-and the young actors being used as Pete’s pawns start to get confused about periods of time in which they seem to have “blacked out” while in make-up. Will Pete be successful in carrying out his revenge by using his “children”- the monsters he has brought to life on the screen- to ruin the studio he helped make a success?

This is another one of those 1950s horror films that are fondly remembered by horror fans- featuring two famed  American International monsters ( from “I Was a Teenage Werewolf” and “I Was a Teenage Frankenstein”- two movies we would love to be able to show that are being withheld by the person who currently owns the rights to them). You’ll see some familiar faces, both regulars and guest stars, from MeTV shows- and we will reveal a common thread among them-and revisit the familiar make-up of the teen monsters. We’ll talk about some trivia relating to the film, and have plenty of Sven shtick, including a new song, and – I take pen in hand to make my own monster!

“How To Make a Monster” begins at 8 pm eastern/pacific, 7 central time tonight- and, during the show, you can live-Tweet along with other thousands of other viewers on Twitter- just use the hashtag #svengoolie . Our “Chicago area only” encore of “Cult of the Cobra” moves to a special time for just this week, in order to accommodate Chicago Sky basketball- we will be on right after the game at 2 pm on CW26.

Our Sven baseball caps are definitely a hot fashion item and a big hit with our fans! If you’re looking for a fun Father’s Day gift, check out our store for the hats, as well as the Sven studio set and At Home box- two items of which our inventory is rapidly dwindling!

We most likely will be limiting our public appearances for this year, but it is looking like we will finally be back on the road, at the Flashback Weekend horror convention at the end of July! The way we do things may be changed a bit to keep things safe- but it will be great to be able to see our friends and fans again! We are also seriously working on getting out of the Sven Cave and back into the studio later this summer.

But, tonight- it’s time to put on make-up- it’s time to fight the frights- it’s time to get things started, making monsters show their might! ( No, we haven’t replaced Kerwyn with Kermit…)

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 during show

Daniel 40 months ago
Need to take her temperature..wink wink😁
KeithJ 40 months ago
John Paragon, 66 unknown causes April 3rd (but info just released) played Jambie the genie in PeeWee playhouse.
Catbat KeithJ 40 months ago
Pee Wee!
1MikeM KeithJ 40 months ago
"Mecca lecca hi, mecca heiny ho!"
MADave 40 months ago
Hey group before the blog changes over if like to day thanks for participating in my little Gomez vs Herman quiz there was no right or wrong answer just something fun kinda like the she old question Ginger or Mary Ann and now back to your regularly scheduled blogging.
Catbat MADave 40 months ago
😂 funny you
MADave Catbat 40 months ago
You should see me in person?
CrazyK 40 months ago
So all this talk about Gomez Addams, I just had to wiki it. Yeah, I’m not very busy right now 😂 So Gomez comes from “son of gome” which is pretty appropriate for this weekend. The definition of gome is as follows: now I get why he always does the fencing and all those other things! All really good stuff but still doesn’t change my vote for Herman! 😂
Catbat CrazyK 40 months ago
It's the Extra "D" that makes the difference 😂😂
MADave 40 months ago
A sad note of passing Frank Bonner (aka Herb Tarlek) of WKRP IN CINCINNATI passed away he was 79
1MikeM MADave 40 months ago
R.I.P. Frank Bonner
1MikeM MADave 40 months ago
Frank Bonner also appeared in the horror movie EQUINOX (1970)
daleuhlmann MADave 40 months ago
I remember Frank Bonner from WKRP--very funny actor. RIP, Mr. Bonner.
Catbat MADave 40 months ago
Well Herb you know your the best dressed! RIP Thanks for the years of fun
KeithJ Catbat 40 months ago
I'll wear plaid in his honor.
Thereman 40 months ago
"Music soothes the Savage Beast." It's actually a misquote from the poet William Congreve in "The Mourning Bride" from 1697. "Musick hath charms to soothe a savage breast, to soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.." was the original, referring to an angry heart, not, (sadly) Raquel Welch in leopard skin.
It's not news that we lost Ned Beatty (1937-2021), one of the great character actors of any time, this last Sunday, at the young age of 83. Never went to acting school, got an Academy Award nomination for almost 3 minutes of screen time in NETWORK (1976) and gave us everything from DELIVERANCE (1972) to RANGO (2011)- over 160 films and TV appearances in all. When asked how he got the emotion out of performances, he said he would think of a song tune, and hum it in his mind while acting. For bringing out rage/ extreme anger, he said he would always hum the old song "Ain't She Sweet," and admitted he didn't understand why THAT song brought about THAT reaction. Well Ned, I'm glad you didn't listen too closely to William Congreve!
As for best father? Gomez is my choice- not only a doting dad, totally suave, had intellect, and hey- it's not often enough we get any male character who openly shows passion and affection for his wife, shocking though it was to some back in the day.
Happy Sventurday Eve! Tomorrow I'll explore one of the later scores of a master in great little gem from UI. Take care/ give care!
CrazyK Thereman 40 months ago
🎶 “One good thing about music,
when it hits you feel no pain” 🎶
—Bob Marley
Catbat CrazyK 40 months ago
Kergooliewyn 40 months ago
Ok, Wednesday..... named after a child full of woe, enjoys beheading her dolls, Pugsley... enjoys blasting caps and stealing traffic signs.
Eddie on the other hand, is a sweet boy, (ok a wolf-boy) that enjoys school and bragging about his Dad. A kid doesn't brag on his Dad unless there is something to brag about. Herman all the way!
CrazyK Kergooliewyn 40 months ago
Hey there Kergooliewyn, good to see ya! It’s been a while. Good point about Eddie bragging about Herman!
The “wolf-boy” 😂
Kergooliewyn CrazyK 40 months ago
Don't get me wrong, I like Gomez he's one of my favorite characters, and I think he was a good dad. It just seemed to me that he was more interested in being eccentric than concerned parenting. This is a great debate for both sides.
CrazyK Kergooliewyn 40 months ago
Oh yeah, it is a great debate and fun and actually a tough comparison because both families are so different yet so similar! 🙂
Kergooliewyn CrazyK 40 months ago
I will wholeheartedly admit Gomez was an attentive romantic husband, but we're not talking about husbands. If we were I might have a debate with myself over that.
Catbat Kergooliewyn 40 months ago
My Dad can beat up your Dad
So kidding. Just didn't hear anyone going that route 😂😂😂
daleuhlmann 40 months ago
My vote still goes to Gomez for Top Dad, because he and Morticia had two children, not one, both of whom they absolutely doted over.
CrazyK daleuhlmann 40 months ago
I think you may have forgot about Marilyn. Herman was just like a Dad to her and did a good job dealing w/all her “boy troubles”
He really chased them away! 😂
KeithJ daleuhlmann 40 months ago
Think I need to agree with you about Gomez as the better dad. Not that Herman was bad, he was a very good dad, but Gomez had to deal with two with very different needs (am I allowed to point out that they were boy and girl? 😋); And Gomez was able to switch roles easily.
Kergooliewyn CrazyK 40 months ago
I don't think he meant to. He just had one of those unfortunate faces.
CrazyK Kergooliewyn 40 months ago
True! 😂😂😂
Catbat KeithJ 40 months ago
My vote for the same reasons
Kergooliewyn 40 months ago
Ok, ta ta everyone. Look forward to wisecrackin' it with y'all on Sven Saturday.
My 2 cents... I agree with MrsG. Gomez for most romantic hubby. Herman seemed like a more compassionate Papa.
Drang 40 months ago
In the Herman vs. Gomez debate, I note that Herman was a ham radio operator himself, but I don't recall ever seeing Gomez on the air. (Pugsley was, of course, in at least one episode.)
Advantage: Herman (and Lilly! )
Kergooliewyn 40 months ago
Congrats to our favorite undead host for 42 years!
KeithJ 40 months ago
Hey y'all, won't be a contestant on tonight's horserace, am working tonight and way too early tomorrow morning (so won't be watching toons either, so as Herman says "darn darn darn!"). So, Vegas odds have it on Scottieo, but I'm hoping for my tooner friend Gabste to win! 😁😁😁
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Kergooliewyn KeithJ 40 months ago
I'll have to rely on the luck, Cuz I ain't got the rest a those things. lol
CrazyK KeithJ 40 months ago
And NoDoz or equivalent! 🤣
Kyle KeithJ 40 months ago
Zero hour for me is 10pm local, so I should theoretically have a shot.
But out here in the hinterlands, on weak cell signal, I am several seconds behind the rest of the world.

Been top 3 a couple of times.
Katink MrsG 40 months ago
Thanks for the shout-out, MrsG! I have been top 5 before, but I'll keep trying!
Kergooliewyn 40 months ago
I am so looking forward to the movie and the blog tomorrow night. I have to take friends out for Birthday dinner. Hopefully I will get back in time. I love movies about the undead. That is the best kind of dead.
KeithJ Kergooliewyn 40 months ago

Undead undead undead.....
KeithJ Kergooliewyn 40 months ago

Undead...and loving it!
MADave KeithJ 40 months ago
Who doesn’t love the late great Leslie Nielsen?
Jack 40 months ago
Re: a series of comments yesterday…Shawn Dickinson’s "Werewolves on Wheels”...
CrazyK Jack 40 months ago
Cool artwork!!! Me thinks it needs to be in me garage! 😂
Man, werewolves are everywhere!
I posted a pic of Eddie Munster earlier and he was holding one and there was a head of one on their “workshop” tabletop! 🐺
MADave 40 months ago
I'm at the hospital visiting mom see ya later!
Drang MADave 40 months ago
daleuhlmann MADave 40 months ago
Good vibes to your mom, Dave!
Kergooliewyn MADave 40 months ago
Dave I'm sorry to here your Mom is in the hospital. I've missed a lot. I can only get here once in a while now. I hope she will be alright.
MrsG 40 months ago
Ya oughta see Big Hoss dressed up like a Bunny Rabbit 🐰 WOW !
MrsG MrsG 40 months ago
. . . . even his horse vamoosed !
CrazyK MrsG 40 months ago
Bonanza is not on here right now but I have seen that episode before, it’s hilarious!!!
There was actually a lot of comedic episodes of Bonanza, I never knew that before I started watching it on MeTV. 🤠
Kergooliewyn MrsG 40 months ago
Oh MrsG I have missed you.
MrsG Kergooliewyn 40 months ago
You must’ve just heard me thinking about you Missy K , next was gonna be hollering “where y’at Girl” !
Kergooliewyn MrsG 40 months ago
A couple of Saturday blogs back I was doing that with you. "MrsG are you here?" lol I missed you.
MrsG Kergooliewyn 40 months ago
Awww ~
Mad mutual Sven Blog love and respect ~
CrazyK 40 months ago
The other thread is getting too long so I post here. My vote is for Herman. I seem to remember Pugsley staying in his room a lot and closer to his “crazy uncle Fester” (most of us got that one crazy uncle) but Herman and Eddie seemed to get out of the house more and do things together. Unfortunately, I haven’t had a chance to watch much AF at 6 pm lately so I could be wrong about Pugsley but Herman still gets my vote. Side note to this, most of us had that one “cool aunt” too. 😎
MrsG CrazyK 40 months ago
Me too CrazyK ~
See Gomez would get most devoted Hubby for sure.
But IMHO Herman is the better Daddio !
CrazyK MrsG 40 months ago
Plus Herman had cooler cars ! 😂
Kergooliewyn CrazyK 40 months ago
Hey Crazy!
CrazyK Kergooliewyn 40 months ago
Hey there Kergooliewyn, nice to see ya! It’s been a while!
deadringer42 CrazyK 40 months ago
I have a crazy Aunt Kathy. Does that count. She was a huge influence on my life.
CrazyK deadringer42 40 months ago
Heck yeah that counts!
The cool aunts usually are pretty crazy too 😉
Cool to hear she was a big influence on ya, she obviously done good ! 👍
daleuhlmann 40 months ago
Robert H. Harris, who played Pete in HTMAM, played another character from the world of low-budget horror film making, in an episode of ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS, which aired on February 14, 1961, called "The Greatest Monster of Them ALL." Harris played a director of a quickie vampire flick starring a renowned, old-time horror film actor named Ernst Von Kroft (Richard Hale). The movie turns out to be a humiliation for the proud Von Kroft, who seeks revenge against both the director and the producer (Sam Jaffe) he feels were responsible for this fiasco. This episode was adapted by none other than Robert Bloch from a short story of the same name by Bryce Walton. It is well worth seeing!
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